Do Vaccine Ingredients Actually Cause Autism? Watch This!

Posted in: Patriots



Autism – Made in the USA Documentary




Here is some more information about vaccines and their history. 




1. Look at vaccine inserts and vaccine excipients lists: has a list of all vaccines and their ingredients. 


Research what those ingredients are, and the effect they have on the body, even in very small amounts. Realize that fetal DNA is present in vaccines, and research what effects fragmented DNA (especially of the opposite gender), have on a person. 


Learn all you can from scientists and other professionals – ones who have studied toxicology and immunology, as specifically: related to vaccines.


2. Learn about The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This Act made it so that vaccine manufacturers could no longer be sued for vaccine injuries. 



That’s right, vaccine companies are not even liable for their products which have inherent, admitted, proven risk. Realize that the CDC vaccine schedule exploded from a handful of vaccines in 1986, to 72 doses by age 5, present day, due to this released liability.


There is no incentive to make a safe vaccine.



3. Learn that the CDC childhood schedule has never ONCE been tested for safety. Not once. Also, no vaccine study has used a true placebo (which is the gold standard for testing). Vaccines are tested against aluminum-containing substances or other vaccines. 


There is no inert control substance, used in vaccine studies


4. Learn that the very same company which promotes the childhood vaccine schedule (CDC) holds the patent for several vaccines.


5. Learn that since 1988, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid over $4 BILLION & for vaccine injuries, and that the CDC, themselves, estimates that only between I and 6% of vaccine injuries are identified and reported.


6. Learn that the USA has the most-vaccinated, as well as the sickest – kids, in the developed WORLD.


7. Learn that William Thompson, a senior CDC scientist, came out as a federal whistleblower stating the CDC omitted and destroyed data showing an association between MMR vaccine and autism in African-American boys.



8. Understand Informed Consent and that when there is a risk, there must be a choice. There are potential risks and benefits associated with ANY medical intervention and vaccines are no exception.



If you haven’t figured out vaccines aren’t safe by now, then consider going and getting a double dose! 


If you believe they’re healthy for you, then dose up!





Thank You For Sharing This Post To Help Others WAKE UP To The TRUTH About ALL Vaccines!




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do vaccines cause autism link between vaccines and autism vaccine autism documentary Vaccine documentary what are ingredients in vaccines
  • Do you know I have read the new number of children diagnosed with autism now is 1 in 36! Also SIDS is related to vaccinations, the Dtap one in particular has an association. Fluoride is another toxic chemical touted as beneficial for our health! Just read what it says on toothpaste labels! Not safe for children 2 and under to swallow!

  • The toxic interaction between irritating chemicals in the modern world and the developing brain sees autism evolve. Was asked to take care of one kid who was only slightly affected but was strangely and incredibly skilled at problem solving. But was too much for the mother who’d asked the aunt to look after her. The aunt had now reached the end of her tether and said could I now help out with the child’s never ending obsession to see and react to the world around her. She never threw tantrums, so I agreed. As long as you did not contradict her ideas, people could almost get along with her. The main toxic effect on her thinking seemed to have been the fluoride tablets given daily since 2 years where the resulting abdominal pain/asthma/itchy skin would later stop many trips out. Chemicals in confectionary seemed to trigger attacks too. So it is not only the vaccine chemicals. These are already in so many of the other modern world products damaging the metabolism of children.

  • my youngest had his mmr in ’73. within months he had junior rheumatoid arthritis and later needed tutoring to get thru school. he is now legally blind.

  • More prenatal testing needs to be done as well as pre pregnancy testing.

    All ages need to be tested and covered by all medical insurance every 5 years or sooner as needed.

  • We should change the “National Injury Act” regarding vaccines. They have done so much damage with the Covid vac. They should be responsible for any damages they cause with the vaccines of any kind and any shot that is given to you because we do not know what is in the shots and really cannot make a good decision about whether to take it or not.

  • I am very interested in this subject particularly as two little children in my family are autistic.

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