DO NOT Be Surprised When THIS HAPPENS… EXPECT IT! How To CAPITALIZE On ALL OF IT | Gregory Mannarino

Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots



➡ Gregory Mannarino discusses the consolidation of power in corporations, particularly CrowdStrike, and its potential negative impact. He criticizes the immunity given to political leaders and CEOs, arguing it undermines people’s rights and freedoms. Mannarino also talks about the tech sector’s potential for growth, despite criticism, and the influence of powerful figures like Jamie Dimon, CEO of the largest bank on earth. He ends by expressing concern over the weakening dollar and its implications for the economy.
➡ The speaker believes that the current financial system is moving towards digital currency, with tech investments and Bitcoin being promising areas. He warns that the devaluation of currency and increasing debt are deliberate actions by central banks worldwide, leading to a new financial system. He encourages listeners to take advantage of this situation by investing wisely, particularly in tech and Bitcoin. He also mentions that despite the market being overvalued, it’s not expected to come down soon, but rather, the distortions will worsen.


Okay everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregor Manarino, Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024, pre-market report. It’s gonna be lovely. I guarantee you that. We’re gonna have some fun here. Let’s start off with this. How about this headline from MarketWatch right in our face? Look at this for a moment. Take it in for a second. What’s something here dark right underneath it all. Do you see it? Do you see it yet? If not, I’m gonna tell you. So let’s cover this. House leaders are loving, caring representatives. Of course, they they want to show us all how much they care because they love us so much.

And they’re gonna drag or they want to drag the the CEO of CrowdStrike in to testify before Congress over the global outage. Okay, let me ask you this. How is it that one company can have this much power? One, see you and I understand where this is going. A consolidation of power right up to the top of that pyramid that you see on the back of your dollar bill. Okay, this is part of the the scheme here to consolidate power. So the first question our loving, caring representatives should be asking themselves is how is it that one company here can have this much power? Why? Because well they’re allowing it to happen quite obviously.

What they should do quite obviously because it’s right in our face is take this company apart. We don’t want power to be consolidated so much in any business or in any one individual. You know let’s talk about that. I know there’s a lot of you that went orgasmic and we’re so happy about the immunity that our lovely President Trump soon to be again got from from Congress. But you do you do realize that this is gonna play out for us. I mean there’s not always gonna be a Republican or Democrat sitting behind the resolution.

There’s not current beautiful man of a president in my opinion is guilty of war crimes which he can never be tried on because he’s got blanket immunity. You understand look when you give up what clearly that was was a theft of our liberties and our freedoms not just from one guy here of course many of you think of it that way because that’s just the way it is. Think outside the box and you’ll understand what’s actually going on here. We don’t want immunity from from a president, a political leader, a freaking CEO of a corporation or anything else.

We want to be able to exercise our rights as a people who are supposed to govern themselves to rein in that kind of power. But no you cheer for all that immunity. I’m sure you did a lot of you didn’t you? It’s amazing how they can do this. Just steal away your rights and your freedoms and you just throw your hands up and surrender and then you applaud about it. You can’t make this stuff up. The dumbing down of the people has been complete. Anyway look with regard to this it’s pretty obvious this is just insane.

No company. No company should have a corporation should have this kind of power but they do and it’s gonna get a lot worse moving forward. Now speaking about that I took a lot of heat yesterday ironically for my I came out yesterday and I said and I’ve been telling you this for a very long time why yesterday? I don’t know. I came out yesterday and I said there’s opportunity in tech. Does that sound familiar to you? I’ve been telling all of you I don’t know for over a year that Greg Manarino has been building a larger and I already have a pretty large position here.

A large position in tech. JEPQ specifically pays a nice fat monthly dividend. Gives you exposure here to tech across the board. So way before you know Silicon Valley and Musk and now Zuckerberg are cuddling up with our soon-to-be new president way before that. Okay I said there was opportunity here so I don’t know where all this flack is coming from here. People let me explain this to you maybe another way. How many of you have ever heard Greg Manarino say that this market isn’t the most twisted most distorted freak show in the history of the world? That’s what it is.

It’s look it has no connection to reality. You’ve all heard me say that. Okay so there are people saying oh Greg Manarino is leading you to the slaughter don’t listen to Greg Manarino. Don’t buy tech. Look the Nasdaq here and the rest of this market has hit record high record high record high record high. You and I’ve been calling this for as far back as you want to go. Alright and I’m here to tell you something. We ain’t done. We ain’t done by a long shot. Let’s talk more about tech again.

Why Greg Manarino is such a tech bull. First of all again, Silicon Valley, Musk, Zuckerberg. They for some reason they don’t want to snuggle right here with us soon to be next illustrious beautiful president. You understand? If we understand that, if we understand that we are going to see and look we’re being told already by Damian Thorne Vance and by Trump himself. Let’s call him the Big T. Okay the Big T and Damian Thorne Vance. Okay we’re already being told what’s gonna happen moving forward. Suppressed rates. We heard the same thing out of our illustrious president that we still have now who may soon be replaced by by Kamalaz.

He’s already stepped down. I would not be surprised at all. Let’s just throw this out here real quick. To see tomorrow, next week or so, him step down from the presidency. Put Kamala in there for a little bit. As a ploy to maybe it’s not gonna happen anyway. In my view there’s no there’s almost almost no way that that Kamala here is going to be the next president because Wall Street has made up their mind. That’s my take on it. The Federal Reserve has made up its mind as well. The most powerful man probably on the planet and I’m referring to Jamie Diamond here.

This guy here has government connections not just here in the United States but around the world. You have to understand the power of this man being that he is the CEO of the largest bank on earth by assets and he’s the go-to guy. He’s backing Trump. He said straight out he’s a patriot and he’s gonna help Trump. Okay there you go. Anyway look so just just just don’t be surprised if you I know you’re not gonna be surprised if you see and I’m not saying this is happening but it wouldn’t shock me shouldn’t shock you either to see that kind of a ploy here.

Biden’s ill. He’s got COVID real bad. Appendicitis testiculitis. Whatever it might be you know encephalitis. Some kind of anitis here. You know just so he can have an excuse to kind of you know put her in there for a little bit. You ain’t gonna make a difference in my view because the most powerful people in the world right now the richest people in the world those with the power to rig an election are backing Trump right now. Anyway look so that that’s the whole thing but anyway if we understand and then we’re being told repeatedly about a lower rate.

You want a lower rate. You’re gonna get it and how does that happen? Here I can Biden said it. Trump said it. Same thing okay. They both just said the same thing. You want that lower rate. Rates are too high. You want to buy that house? We’re gonna make it real easy for you but what they’re not telling you here is again the mechanism behind that means the dollar has to be weaker and unfortunately and of course but look at least let’s let’s give credit where credit’s due. Damien Thorne Vance and the Big T Trump they’re telling us where we’re gonna go.

Their talent is straight out that the dollar is getting weaker. I don’t know how that’s gonna help you. It’s gonna help the corporate agenda which is absolutely foam is pouring out of their mouth. I mean you know that’s why you got the Zuckerberg’s. That’s why you got the Musk’s. You got Silicon Valley here. You got Jamie Dimon. You know you got these people in bed here with a new to-be president. I don’t really see how that’s gonna help you very much. You’re gonna help us lions okay because we’re gonna shred this apart.

We’re gonna rip the face off of this. It’s too easy again. That’s that’s a worry a little bit. I told you but again if we know if we know first of all in case you don’t know lower rates are extremely very bullish for the tech sector. Henceforth Zuckerberg, Musk. You see what I’m talking about? These guys are gonna become so much more rich moving forward under our our Big T and the Damien Thorne team. Oh they’re gonna love it. They’re loving it. And I’m loving it too. I’m not gonna lie because we have to at least try to capitalize on the situation here.

We can’t stop this. If you think there’s a chance in hell, X, Damien Thorne, this is gonna stop. That currency valuation. I’ve been telling you this for I don’t know for long now. So and the feds is more than willing to get in here and buy more debt to suppress rates. Boom people there you go. And then of course we got the other mechanism here in play. We got the issue with regard to cryptocurrency and the Bitcoin present. You think that’s just being floated out just by chance. You think that’s true? No.

It’s the move towards a digital currency. If you can’t see what I’m telling you then you’re gone. You’re lost. You’re finished and you’re completely done. Can’t stop it. You understand? So that’s that’s where we’re going here. But I understand, believe me better than anybody, that these distortions that this market is a freak show. It’s out of touch with reality. There’s no bearing on anything right now. But that does not mean that if that this market’s not going much higher. Especially tech. Tech. Tech. That’s why I’ve been telling you for I don’t know a year.

I’ve been building a position here. A larger position giving myself exposure to tech. The writing has been on the wall for a very very across the sky for a very very long time. But now we’re seeing it’s being solidified. The pieces are being put together here. It’s a game people. And you and me, nobody plays it better than we do. I’m telling you we got this down big time. So and again as I said it’s just too easy. And look nobody again understands this better than you and me. That this is going to lead up to a grand finale.

The the mechanism here of destroying the currency collectively. Okay this isn’t just the dollar. This isn’t just Damien Thorne and the big T here getting in here to help destroy the dollar. Along with the Federal Reserve who wants to destroy the dollar. They’ve been sucking the purchasing power out of the dollar since their inception here. Don’t believe it. Look it up for yourself. Central banks around the world doing the same thing in their race to the bottom. Because again this has all been thought out. Meticulously leading us to this new system that we all know is common.

We all know it’s common. You know it’s common. You think it’s gonna stop? You think Trump, Big T here, and Damien Thorne are gonna stop it? No way. No way they’ve been put there for a reason. You got it? Yeah yeah. But that means again it’s too easy for you and me to understand what we got to do. If we know a weaker dollar is a guarantee. If we know that suppressed rates are a guarantee. Remember the checklist I just put up for you. Those nine things. Those nine things are gonna play out to be exactly spot-on and true.

Most of you already written to me about it. Regular list is spot-on. Because you’re smart. Because you understand where we’re going here. And that gives us opportunity in every way we can dream about and think about and fantasize about. So tech to me is a no-brainer. Why you need to build up a tech position here. Again you know how I’m doing this. I’ve been telling you this forever now. You all know I’m an open book. I am an open book. Every one of you know what I’m doing, how I’m doing it, and my thinking, my logic behind it all.

At the same time if we realize we’re gonna see, do you think, and I want to hear from you on this, that because the illustrious Big T and Damien Thorne are gonna be occupying the White House and everything else here. Do you think that global debt is just gonna stop in its tracks? That all of a sudden debt here in the United States is just gonna stop? It’s gonna freeze? No. It’s gonna surge you much higher, much faster. The Big T? The king of debt. Loves debt. You know that. Debt? We all seem to love debt.

I guess. I mean you know, except those of us here who understand how destructive it is and how they suck us into this whole thing here. Swipe, swipe, swipe. Get those perks, perks, perks. Oh it’s beautiful. Feed right into their system. Can’t make this stuff up people. Anyway look, we’re gonna take advantage of this as we’ve been doing. We’re not gonna stop. I hope I’ve at least made sense to those of you who are still locked into the delusion. And it’s a delusion that all of a sudden debts and deficits are gonna stop ballooning here.

Currency devaluation is gonna miraculously stop even though Damien thrown in the Big T telling us that’s where it’s going. Even though we’re hearing the same thing out of Biden. Were Biden and it seemed to be, you know, Kamala Harris creature over there. Same thing. Oh we’re gonna lower those rates for you. We’re gonna make it easier for you to pile on even more debt because we want you in that debt based system because that’s the way it is. You understand? It’s all hidden in plain sight. Just like this. Just like this.

How is it that one company can have this kind of power? It’s amazing, isn’t it? Oh with regard to that, the whole issue with the banks has gotten a lot worse in case you don’t know. Oh absolutely. No deposits. No loans. No deals. The big banks here of course. Oh they’re gonna they’re gonna come out shining on top of this. But wait till you see the cascade of events that’s gonna happen. Not too far off with the smaller institutions. They’re gonna go down and power is gonna go right up. Right up again as it always does.

Remember there’s no such thing as trickle-down. Anyone just trying to sell you that. And of course it’s Damian Thorne, Trump, and of course was Biden. They know it don’t work either. They know it don’t work. But they’re gonna tell you it does. Makes me laugh. Should make you laugh too. Alright people look this guy here loves you from the heart. I mean that with all I got. And thank you again for all those birthday wishes yesterday. You guys and girls are absolutely amazing. I hope I’m making it through to you.

I really really do. I hope you understand why Greg Manarino was saying. Although he believes that this thing is this freak show on an epic scale. And that there’s no connection to reality. There’s no such this market is so overvalued right now. But that doesn’t mean it’s coming down anytime soon at all. In fact it’s gonna get much much worse. The distortions. Have you heard me say that before? Yeah you have. But that means we need to take advantage of it right now. And again we know when to get out of here.

We have this. This is from this morning. The MMRI. Look at this trajectory. What have I been telling you? And this is gonna continue people. This is the Fed buying the debt. This is the Fed weakening the dollar. You’re seeing it. You don’t want to believe your own eyes. The calculation of the MMRI is the 10-year yield and the US dollar. And then it comes up with the golden. It’s surmised here or put together with the golden ratio. Look it up okay. And it comes up with this. It’s a beautiful thing all right.

And you really do want to look up what the golden ratio is. And maybe you can see. I tell you this has been divinely inspired by using the golden ratio. Look up the golden ratio. And this is what we use. This is the picture we get. It’s too much. It really is. The golden ratio. You’re gonna find it everywhere in nature. Every everything. It’s an incredible thing here. Anyway this means as this goes on we buy it all. In fact we get a load up on tech as I’ve been telling you.

We’re gonna load up on Bitcoin. The Bitcoin president. Remember that. Big T over there. We’re gonna be loading up on commodities. Gold. Silver. Platinum. Palladium. Crude. Does this make sense to you? Always Greg Manimino just disconnected from reality. Let me know all right. Love you all people. If you got anything out of this video please share it. Thumbs up is always appreciated. I will see all of you later. 4-5 p.m. Eastern for my live stream. Until we meet again. Take care of yourselves and take care of each other. [tr:trw].

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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Criticism of CrowdStrike's power Devaluation of currency by central banks Gregor Manarino on corporate power consolidation Growth potential in the tech sector Immunity of political leaders and CEOs Influence of Jamie Dimon Tech investments and Bitcoin promise Transition to digital currency Undermining people's rights and freedoms Weakening dollar and economic implications

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