Diversity Equity and Inclusion Is a Scam… Discriminates Against Qualified Candidates Over Color | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

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➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels discusses various topics, but the main focus is on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. The host questions whether these factors truly matter in the global game and argues that the best person for a job should be chosen based on their skills, not their race or gender. He also criticizes companies that pledged money to Black Lives Matter but didn’t follow through, suggesting they were more interested in appearing politically correct than in making a real difference. He concludes by saying that character, not color, should be the deciding factor in hiring decisions.
➡ The speaker is upset about the current state of society, feeling that important issues are being ignored due to distractions like politics and protests. He’s also frustrated with sports organizations and has decided not to renew his courtside seats. He believes that businesses should focus on creating jobs and improving the economy, rather than getting involved in political issues. He also emphasizes the importance of looking at global opportunities for business, rather than limiting oneself to local or national markets.
➡ The US Department of Commerce has a special team whose main job is to help you find business opportunities worldwide. We often forget that we’re part of a global market and focus too much on our current situation instead of exploring where we could do business. This includes discussions about economic opportunities in places like Sosua and Thailand, not just who and what’s there.


The way that this show is structured, ladies and gentlemen, for those of you that are new, the way that this show is structured is that we traverse different topics. Obviously, regardless of what we’re talking about, whether it’s the migrant crisis, whether it’s politics, presidency, businesses, evictions, real estate, airbnbs, whatever we talk about, somehow, some way, it all comes back down to the money. But it’s a theme that’s happening today, and that theme seems to be inclusion.

Now, I know for my folk that’s over there and they, in the blackity black segment of YouTube, they not going to like this part. And I can’t say whether you won’t like it or not, but I know that you already got your mind made up because we’re asking ourselves, does diversity, equity and inclusion really even matter when it comes to this global game that we playing? Does diversity, equity and inclusion really even matter when it comes to this global game that we playing right now? Okay, so we have to ask ourselves.

Now, I’ve seen a video dropped on earn your leisure this morning, right? And the whole theme of the video was based off of why diversity, equity and inclusion matters, why diversity, equity and inclusion matters. Now, I can’t give an opinion yet because I haven’t seen the video, but I have to preface this conversation by saying that I believe that the person that earns and deserves a job is the person that’s best for the job.

The person that earns and deserves a job is the person that’s best for the job. I’m not a fan of affirmative action. I’m not a fan of diversity, equity and inclusion divisions inside of your job. That’s why we got some of these people that’s not even qualified to do the job in the first place. And for somebody else to get pushed out as a result of somebody else deserving it just for something that they can’t control, including whether you’re a woman or you’re a black man or something like that.

That’s wild to me. I had a woman that came over my house this weekend and she’s a nice woman and I liked her and she was mexican. And, you know, some people that come over because we are diversity, equity and inclusion when it comes to our social circles, meaning that we rock with everybody. And it doesn’t matter what the color of your skin is. The only thing that matters is whether or not you rock with us or you can substantiate your argument.

And she know, sometimes you can mix up some people and you may think that some people white or whatever. And she said, no, anton, I’m mexican. I said, okay, I hear you, baby. She said, I am a person of color. Shout out to standing on your colored square. Let me play this video. And then we’re going to break it down and we’re going to have this conversation. All right.

I wanted to ask a question about diversity, equity and inclusion. And then a lot of that is being reversed or a lot of corporations are backing away from that, pulling money from black initiatives. What’s your thoughts on the current landscapes of that? I think it’s a great question and one of the ways that I’m approaching this and that we are at the chamber, because you’re mean. I think, sadly enough, in America, DNI has become a political football.

It’s not just a moral imperative that we continue to invest and understand why diversity, equity and inclusion matters, but there is truly a business know. You look at McKinsey and their research that companies that are more diverse at the executive team are more profitable. I mean, I’m not making that up. That’s data. You look at the workforce challenges and the make of the workforce in 2050 and beyond, it’s going to be majority minority.

So the way I think about that, if we have skills gaps now among these populations, we need to invest in closing those skills gaps today. Let me ask you all a question. Is the companies more profitable? Let’s take this into context. Let’s put it in context. Profitability is not entirely based off of the diversity of your workforce. I hate to say it. Profitability is based off of a lot of things.

For example, what industry are you in? What are your margins? Why are you profitable? Are the people that’s in your organization doing a specific job or are they there just because they are black? And what jobs are they taking up? And how well suited are they and how well prepared are they to do whatever job that they’re doing? Right? Because again, you’re talking to person. And I rock with everybody.

I don’t stand on that blackity black junk for none of that. I don’t care none of that. I don’t believe in that hate preaching. I’m an equal accountability smoke giver. And I’m a person that stand on business when it comes to making sure you run that bag up. If you run in the bag up, then you fummy. If you’re not running the bag up, then you can go ahead and disappear.

Because I don’t really care what your color is. Because I don’t believe in speaking broke. I don’t believe in sign language, and I don’t believe in speaking broke. Okay? But he’s basically making the case and saying, companies with a more diverse workforce, not a company that offers more value, not a company that’s the best at what they do, but a company that has a more diverse workforce is going to be a more profitable company.

How can we substantiate that? How can we substantiate that? The reason that a company would be profitable is based off of the idea that they are more diverse, or they have more women, or they have more colored people, or they have more black people or asian people or white people or double minorities and all of this stuff. How do we get to the point to where we start segmenting ourselves into a box in the first place? Never understood it.

Never understood it. It makes no difference to me what you are. What matters to me is the character that you have. Are you a good person so that they can compete in the future? You look at the data around supply diversity. I mean, the data is clear that minority suppliers are more innovative. They actually create a cost savings for companies. And so the way we lead this is around the business and economic case.

I’m trying to stay out of the political and the politics. I get that. But we’re trying to advance and continue to advance the business case. In fact, you may or may not have be aware, but that’s part of this meeting on this week with the Congressive Black Caucus, that they sent a letter to all the s and p 500 companies wanting to know, where are you in reaffirming your commitment to DNI? They’re asking questions like, George Floyd murder.

What’s 300 hundred $4 billion companies pledged or announced because it was all a sham in the first place. And see, this is why I like to listen to the entire conversation, because it then informs me that you’re not really staying away from the political part of it. You’re just saying that as a talking point because you can’t then say, well, what happened to all of the money that y’all pledged as a result of George Floyd? You’re talking about the money that was pledged as a result of Black Lives Matters, who turned out to be a fraud organization, who turned out to be a marxist organization, and we all knew that, who never went into the neighborhoods of Chicago or all of the places that they got money from, but instead they bought mansions and they were sipping on my ties.

You’re talking about the companies that they was employing, white men, that they never actually spent any money except for what they own relatives in order to get them security companies and distribute your monies. Listen, the reason why all of these companies made this pledge in the first place is because they got pressure from people that was advocating for Black Lives Matters, which turned out to be a fraud organization.

If a company actually seen the benefit of continuing to spend money with organizations or based off of a pledge, if they seen a return on their investment, which do you not think that they’re going to make sure that they get that bag? If they have an opportunity to sell more products as a result of continuing to give you more positions or following through on a donation and a pledge that wasn’t just a symbolic gesture, you don’t think that they would go and get that bag.

You don’t think that they’re going to go and make that investment and go and get that money. You can’t say, I’m not going to stand on this political gesture when the entire thing by which they then started to donate in the first place was based off of a political gesture. It was based off of something that was advertised politically, which also, in my opinion, also helped lead the president into getting voted into office.

Also. It was a perfect storm. Distractions. Everybody is bored. Half of the people don’t even like the person that they live in next to because of the pandemic. And then you can combine that with the idea that people can go and protest and they feel in some type of way about police officers. And it was the perfect cocktail in order to keep people distracted from the real issues that was happening in our society and the stuff that was really meaningful for us to have a discussion about.

So you can’t walk away from it and say, well, no, I’m trying to stay away from the political aspect of it. I don’t think that these people should continue to give any money whatsoever to organizations that divide us instead of bringing us together. We even had. Our sports organizations had that junk on a court, man. I canceled my. They got me back. They did get me to renew my court size seats, but I’m not going to do it this year.

I just got a letter saying, anton, we’re going to set this up to where you can renew. I ain’t even respond. I don’t even want to know who my new representative is. I ain’t lying to you, Anton. Stay tuned for pistons membership information, your premium experience. You’re going to automatically renew. Look at this foolishness. Check this out. Check this out. I got to show y’all this because y’all not gonna believe it.

If I just say it, y’all not gonna believe it. Anton, as a valued member, we want to thank you for your continued support this season. You mean the worst record in the league right now? Next week you’ll receive an email with your membership renewal details for the upcoming 2024 2025 season. This email will include incentives and benefits tailored specifically to you. And please note, and don’t think that I do not have this marked on my calendar because you are not about to auto renew me.

Please note that your membership is set to auto renew and if you wish to opt out, you’ll have a 30 day window after receiving an email to do so. Otherwise, your plan will renew automatically and your card will be charged on Friday, March 29. You mean to tell me that you’re going to take between 50,000 and $100,000 out of my account if I don’t automatically renew based off of what you see in an email? You could forget it.

You could forget it. We’re excited. Look, this is a sales tactic. You positively confirm what you want the person to make a decision on before they actually decide it. We’re excited to have you back for another season of Detroit basketball. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out now. I made sure that I cut off my representative because I don’t want to give them any bad press.

They just doing a job. It’s not their fault. My point is this. My point is this. I was disappointed. They still finesse me, but I’m not going to let them get me again. You’re not going to diversity equity and inclusion me into another membership deep? No, I don’t care if it’s for my business. No, absolutely not. I ain’t been to a business game since fall of last year.

I’ve been giving them the clients and birthday gifts. Hey, you all want to go to CDC, my little homie? All of that, man. And they’re asking tough questions around accountability in this space. And so it is about how we can all work together to not only reaffirm but make sure that this work continues, not for the sake of just being the right thing to do, but it’s good for our economy, it’s good for the workers in the workforce of the future.

And when these companies can connect it to supply chains and connected to access to capital, they also create jobs in the communities in which they exist. So it’s all a win win to me and that’s how we’re leading. And that’s my message that I preach across the country that there’s a business and economic case and we can’t afford to lose ground in that regard now. You can forget it, buddy.

My last question to you, Rick, is this. We spoke about China, obviously the importance of Africa. Are there other emerging markets that we should be keeping our eyes on for the next five to ten years? Well, listen, I just think the world is wide open in areas that perhaps oftentimes we don’t think about. But I spent a lot of time in India. I talked about it earlier. I think even in economies that are having to be rebuilt, whether it’s know, sadly enough, all of what is happening in and around the Middle East, I just think the world is an oyster when it comes to opportunities to do business.

It’s just that we’ve not been exposed as much as we should be. And that onus sometimes is on us as much as is on organizations like the US chamber, which we’re trying to do. More of this is to help us understand and expose our companies and our people to the world. Let me be objective and say that he’s right about that. You see how I can also say that somebody could be right about something even though I don’t necessarily agree with their premise or the reason that they saying what they saying in the first place.

I tell guys this all the time, even when it comes to the passport bros. I say, listen, if you all just going over there, and I know that it’s not everybody that’s doing it, but it is a large demographic of people that’s doing it. I say, listen, if you all just going over and getting your passport or traveling to different countries only because you want to get some box and you’re not looking at it from an economic opportunity perspective, you’re not looking at it from a cultural perspective.

You’re not trying to figure out how you can get some money and do business. If the only thing that you’re going over there for is some box, then you short sighted. And I believe that you don’t understand that we are now in a global marketplace even when it comes to content creation and what we’re doing right now, a lot of people that watch my show and I was looking at the numbers over the weekend, I have a growing demographic of people that is watching the millionaire morning show outside of the United States of America.

Can we get a round of applause? Make sure y’all tap into the Patreon link is in the description as well as pin to the top of the chat. So now what we’re doing is we’re evaluating growth opportunities even from a content creation perspective and saying, wait a minute, are we only marketing ourselves or are we misrepresenting that we only speak to a specific demographic or a specific culture? Should we be having conversations based off of international policies and politics and business and money and how we can continue to run the bag up? Are we limiting ourselves because it’s a global marketplace? It’s not just a marketplace for your neighborhood or your city or your hood or whatever.

Even when I see people name their platforms and it be one particular city or one hood, it’s like, don’t you know that people outside of your hood don’t know your blocks, they don’t know your side streets. They don’t really care about where you grew up at. If the conversation that you’re trying to have is expansive and it reaches a bigger audience than just what’s in your neighborhood, then you probably want to label yourself a little bit differently.

Right? And so I agree with him. We are in a global marketplace. And I think that a lot of times we limit ourselves based off of our circumstances or our environment or what we see is our cultural norm. I mean, for God’s sakes, Beyonce just released a rock song and a country song at the same time. Even they understand, even the Carters understand that. Wait a minute, we losing a lot of money by limiting ourselves to just one demographic or one segment of people.

But I do think, yes, I think the continent of Africa, I do think India, China, in spite of the geopolitical and other challenges that exist, mean we have a relationship with China that is checkered and on any given day challenge. But it’s interdependent one country. I would tell you that I just had a meeting with ambassador and I was struck by that’s so close to us that we don’t think about is Canada, Mexico.

I think all of these places are just ripe for doing business if we understand. And we got to think out the box as well and engage and understand and go on these trade missions. And as we were saying earlier, get exposed. And I think you got to see it to believe it. So go, take your time to go out to these countries. The beauty of technology today, you can experience this stuff online.

If you do homework and do the research and understanding what it trade, what investments, what are the emerging economies, and then building the ties which we can help you with through the US Chamber of Commerce. So can the US Department of Commerce has what’s called a foreign commercial Service office division and their number one job, your own federal government agency, the US Department of Commerce is to help you get connected to markets around the world.

And I think that we really have been short sighted in that. I honestly do. I believe that we’ve been short sighted in understanding that we are in a global marketplace. And a lot of times, even the conversations that we have is all based off of where we’re currently at instead of where it is that we can do business. And even in the passport bros, I would like to see them talk more about the money and the economic opportunities in addition to who’s and what’s over in Sosua and the lady boys over there in Thailand.

All right?.

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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business and political involvement business focus on job creation character over color in hiring companies supporting Black Lives Matter economy improvement equity and inclusion in business global business opportunities global game and diversity hiring based on skills importance of diversity in workplace politically correct companies politics and protests race and gender in hiring societal issues and distractions sports organizations criticism

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