Disparate Liberty Communities Are FINALLY Starting to Unite Post Trump Assassination Attempt | Rafi Farber

Posted in: News, Patriots, Rafi Farber




➡ Rafi Farber from The Endgame Investor discusses how the inflation of the money supply is causing societal problems and leading to the collapse of civilization. He believes that the monetary system is the root cause of corruption in various sectors, including education, academia, and medicine. Rafa encourages communities to understand that the issue lies with the monetary system and to take action by investing in gold and silver to destabilize the current system. He highlights the need for leaders from different sectors to unite and rebuild society with a focus on solving the money problem.
➡ The author discusses the infiltration of freedom movements by inflation and suggests ways to support his channel without falling victim to inflationary impulses. He emphasizes the importance of economic freedom and criticizes the control of money by administrative nation-states. The author also suggests that Trump, if he wins, should target the unelected agencies funded by inflation and hire RFK to help fight the Deep State. Lastly, he encourages his readers to support his channel by buying gold and silver, opening an account with monetary metals, or purchasing a safe for storage, and offers a biblical perspective on the endgame.



Try these off. Look, you crazy mother! Put these on! Hey! Stay away from me! Either put on these glasses or start eating that trash can. Put the glasses on! Put them on! Hey guys, Rafa here, from The Endgame Investor. And today, I want to talk about the coalescence of the various communities to finally start to understand that it is the monetary system and inflation of the money supply, really the currency supply over the money supply, that is causing all of the problems that are leading to the collapse of civilization. This has been my mission at The Endgame Investor since I started it in 2020 to merge the communities that understand that there is corruption that is destroying every part of society and to focus all of the various liberty camps or freedom camps in whatever sector they may be in to understand that it is the monetary system that is causing all of the rot.

I also want to get into a little bit about the Trump assassination attempt, how it fits into this and how we may soon be able to unite all of the various liberty camps to finally stamp out the inflation that is destroying the Republic, all of Western civilization and threatens to throw humanity back into a dark age. So, back in 2008, the financial economic community, whatever you want to call them, woke up and through Ron Paul’s leadership, started screaming about the Fed and inflation and the monetary system and the problems that it was causing.

Very few people outside of finance or economics understood what they were saying. They woke up a few people. There was the Tea Party, which eventually failed, but then the libertarian movement started to grow. Austrian economics came out of the darkness. It became not exactly mainstream but understood by a sizable following of people and we started to spread out and spread the message from 2008 to about 2020. In 2020, for various reasons that I’m sure you understand and various issues that I’m not going to bring up here because I don’t want you to see a certain sticker below this video about the who.

But what? It became very obvious that the problems of 2008 and inflation and bailouts and everything else started to infect other areas of society, princely, princely. Most obviously, medicine, academia, education, and it became obvious to other camps that there was a serious systemic problem that had to be solved. But the thing is, not many people outside of economics or finance, outside of Austrian economic circles or libertarian circles or general, just liberty sound money community, however they wanted to find themselves, understood that it was the money that was the problem. When the Federal Reserve prints money to buy bonds, that money goes to the government.

The government, in the case of education, gives it to the public school system, either through the states or directly wherever it works, and the public school system is filled with government-approved bureaucrats who make their living by jumbling educational theory and coming up with crazy ideas and teaching kids that boys aren’t boys and girls aren’t girls and there’s no such thing as sex and gender, et cetera, et cetera, and all the left-wing nonsense that goes on today. In academia, it’s the same thing. You have student loans or public universities, and they staff their staff with the same sort of government-approved, brain-dead, radical nonsense, and as the government hands out money that is given to it by the Federal Reserve, which buys its bonds through the inflationary process, academia gets poisoned and nothing makes any more sense.

And medicine, the Federal Reserve, prints money, hands it to the government, in exchange for bonds that they put on their balance sheet, and bureaucratic institutions grow, the National Institutes of Hell, or whatever it’s called, run by doctors with white hair that never treat any patients. These institutions give money to pharmaceutical companies to develop certain things that are then distributed among the population because of certain alarming things that may or may not have happened in China. And eventually, all the money that is created, the currency that is created by the Fed given to the government is spread around pharmaceutical companies, foreign agencies, even enemy agencies, and all the crap goes into our bodies.

Or it’s the same with nutrition. As prices go up because of the inflationary process, you need cheaper and cheaper ways to produce food, so you end up with ultra-cheap, ultra-processed foods that end up killing people slowly or quickly, depending on what kind of diseases you get, and then eventually you end up with fake meat, fake water, fake juice, fake vegetables, who the hell knows what, all because of inflation, which centralizes industry and fills us all with crap. It all comes from the same damn thing. And so what we need are all of these communities, are the liberty elements of all these communities, education, nutrition, academia, medicine, and led by the financial community of Austrian school, economists, and other talking heads, like myself, and other people that are much bigger than me, to finally point all these people in the right direction to tell them that it is the money that is the problem and we have to solve the money problem and we can solve all the other problems that flow from it.

And so on July 10th, there was a huge indication that the communities are starting to gel. And once we have a critical mass of people from different communities that understand that it is the money that is the problem, then they can go and buy gold and silver, dump the dollar, which is the base of the entire fiat monetary system, which itself is based on gold and silver. Once you buy enough gold and silver and take away the base of that pyramid, the entire pyramid falls. You chip away at the base, which is in the introduction to all of my videos, so you can understand it graphically.

So anyway, on July 10th, Robert Malone published a sub stack. And if you are not familiar with who he is, he’s one of the leaders of the medical freedom movement, and I won’t use any keywords here. He understands that it is the money that is the problem. And once other leaders of other liberty camps of other communities understand this, then we can have all the communities unite together and end this system for good. And we need all these communities to unite because once the end game does hit, we need all these experts, true experts, from all of these different sectors to come together and rebuild society from the ground up.

Every sector is going to need leader and every leader is going to have to understand that it’s the money that’s the problem, go after the money, and you solve it all. Not without a lot of pain, but you do solve the issue. For four years now, I’ve been trying to get people from other communities to put on the glasses and to understand that it’s the money that’s the problem. Put on the glasses. Put them on. Or to influence people that can go into other communities and spread this message so that everybody puts on the glasses.

It’s a long fight to try to get our allies to understand what we’re talking about. Look! Look at them! They’re everywhere! I don’t know. Maybe they can see. So that they can all focus in on the money, buy gold and silver, topple the pyramid, and de-bride, disinfect every sector, and then rebuild from the ground up. But to get them to put on the glasses is the challenge, and sometimes it requires a lot of gentle persuasion. Either put on these glasses or start eating that trash can. This is Robert Malone’s sub-stack, Anatomy of Money and the State.

Murray Rothbard, thoughts on Rothbard’s classic What Has Government Done to Our Money? Now, immediately you see that Robert Malone, who is one of the leaders of the medical freedom movement, has encountered Murray Rothbard possibly for the very first time. You should all read Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money? This paragraph over here is a quote from the Mises Institute’s summary of the pamphlet, and then here Malone is responding. Since Rothbard’s death, I think it was in 1995, scholars have worked to assess his legacy, and many of them agree that this little book is one of his most important.

Though it has sometimes been inauspiciously packaged and is surprisingly short, its argument took huge strides towards explaining that it is impossible to understand public affairs in our time without understanding money and its destruction. In other words, you can’t understand all the rot and corruption that is happening in every sector if you don’t understand the monetary system. And so Malone says precisely, and these days I am all about trying to understand public affairs in our time. I said my piece about the corruption of the FDA, CDC, NIH, all funded by inflation, by the way, and the twisted ethics of all of this that seems to me like years ago.

I read the latest buzz on X from my former colleagues, and often now my detractors. It all seems so stale, so outdated. They seem to be recycling issues which I have covered so long ago to my jaded eyes. The medical freedom movement seems to have become a playground for grifters and self-promoters. That is true as well. All of the various freedom movements will inevitably become infiltrated by the inflation itself because wherever there is a cheap money-making opportunity, inflation will find it and try to exploit it. I try, I think successfully, to resist that and not let myself get run over by inflationary impulses.

And, of course, there are straightforward, honest ways of supporting this channel. You can buy gold and silver at Miles Franklin, link in the description below, and you can take that gold and silver that you bought from Miles Franklin and send it to monetary metals, link in the description below, to earn interest on it in a gold or silver lease. And if you want to hold the gold and silver yourself, you certainly can do that as well. Or if you want to hold it somewhere safe underground, you can get a dirty man safe and use the code EndGame10 at checkout.

Those are three main ways you can support this channel while trusting that I am not falling victim to inflationary impulses or grifting. And finally, he concludes. And now I understand Dr. Javier Mille’s motto at a deeper level, freedom, dammit. He is not just talking about personal freedom, freedom of speech, or freedom of thought. He is talking about economic freedom, which can only come by separating predatory, thieving, administrative nation-states from their ability to control money. Just read the damn book. Put the glasses on! Put them on! Now hold on.

You ain’t the first son of a bitch to wake up out of their dream. So, Malone gets it. He understands now, explicitly, that the money is the problem, causing all the corruption in all the different sectors, including his own, which is medicine. Now what does the Trump assassination attempt have to do with any of this? Well, hopefully it will unite the country long enough that Trump, now that the Deep State has attempted to murder him. Maybe, if he wins, he can go after the unelected alphabet soup agencies, which are all funded by inflation and try to dismantle them.

But he doesn’t understand enough to go after the inflation itself. That is where we will have to kick in by buying gold and silver and toppling the pyramid, as hopefully Trump will go after the Deep State now. And the best way he can do that is by hiring RFK to go after the Deep State, the same people that murdered his father and his uncle in 1963 and 1968. We all know that RFK is chomping at the bit to get even or to exact justice for the murder of his family.

And he has the ability to do this, unlike, I don’t think, Donald Trump, even though he may be well-meaning in this regard. So I call on Trump, now that it is very clear that the Deep State is after him and after his life, to hire RFK as his Deep State Sanitation Commissioner. The most wack, tripped out Sanitation Commissioner ever! While we go after the money itself, he can go after the Deep State with RFK’s help. And with that trifecta, we can get rid of the poison and corruption of inflation and all of the rot that it has caused since 1933.

Hopefully, with that angle, I got an angle. The endgame can be a controlled demolition on our terms and not theirs. This is Rafi of The Endgame Investor. If you want to read what I wrote about this on Substack, I’m a much better writer than I am a speaker. Then click on the link in the description below to get to my Substack. It is free for all to read. And please consider supporting me by becoming a paid subscriber or using one of the three methods that I described previously to support this channel, which is buying gold and silver with Miles Franklin, opening an account with monetary metals to earn interest on your gold and silver, or buying a dirty man safe to store it somewhere hidden underground with the code Endgame10 at checkout.

All the links in the description below. And you can become my patron on Patreon for as little as $3 a month to get a biblical religious angle. I got an angle. On the endgame, anyone who becomes a patron will get access to three years of biblical monetary and economic lessons. The last one we went through is the biblical imperative to replace the entire slate of leadership and not just a few key leaders when the system gets corrupted beyond repair. This is Rafi of The Endgame Investor, wishing you a glorious endgame.

And let’s finish knocking over this damn pyramid. I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubblegum. [tr:trw].

See more of Rafi Farber on their Public Channel and the MPN Rafi Farber channel.


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collapse of civilization monetary system control of money by nation-states corruption in education academia medicine destabilizing current monetary system freedom movements infiltration by inflation importance of economic freedom investing in gold and silver Rafa Endgame Investor inflation impact societal problems due to money supply inflation supporting channel against inflationary impulses Trump targeting uniting sector leaders for monetary problem

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