
➡ The Mark Dice text discusses various accusations and disinformation campaigns against Donald Trump, including claims that he admires Adolf Hitler and had inappropriate interactions with a model brought by Jeffrey Epstein. It also mentions a conspiracy theory about Joe Biden not being on the ballot and the Russia hoax. The text criticizes Kamala Harris and her husband, and mentions Eminem’s support for Harris. It ends by stating that Trump supporters are afraid to express their opinions due to potential backlash.
➡ Geraldo Rivera, a media personality, regrets not criticizing Donald Trump earlier and is seeking a job at MSNBC. Meanwhile, popular podcast host Joe Rogan, who previously avoided having Trump on his show, has now decided to interview him. This change in Rogan’s stance is seen as him trying to balance his image among his Hollywood peers. Mark Dice, the author, encourages his viewers to share his videos to overcome YouTube’s visibility restrictions.



The Democrats did the meme because the Democrats are memes. The Everyone I Don’t Like is Hitler meme. And the big October surprise which is just a recycled story that they’ve been spewing for the last eight years. Although last night they did drop another piece of disinformation attempting to tide Donald Trump to the perhaps second most despised person in history next to Adolf Hitler, which I’ll get into in a moment. This meme, inspired from a scene from Mad Men, clearly illustrates what their plan is. He’s wearing a Harris Wall’s fake hunters cap with the plan to call Donald Trump Adolf Hitler.

This as part of Operation Mockingbird with John Kelly and General Mark Milley all saying that Donald Trump loves Hitler, repeatedly, constantly praised him. Total fake news. Like I said, this was a recycled story from, well, the last eight years, but also from two years ago where they tried to float this piece of disinfo saying that Donald Trump wanted the Pentagon generals to be like the Nazis. So of course, CamelFace repeated the lies in a fake press conference which she didn’t take any questions from, just coming out to read her statement from the teleprompter.

It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the deaths of six million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans. They’re saying this about a man who loves Jews, a man who actual neo-Nazis, and there are a few in America actually hates because he is so close with them and supports Israel so much. If Donald Trump actually did admire Hitler then the actual Nazis would actually admire him, but they despise him because they’re very upset that he is too pro-Zionist. And it was one year ago this week that these same disinformation agents floated this hilarious fake news claiming that Republicans have floated a conspiracy theory that Joe Biden won’t be on the ballot.

Well, it looks like the conspiracy theorists were right again. Do we even need to take a trip down memory lane of all of the clearly fake news that they have tried to smear Donald Trump with when many years later even Snopes finally admits that the hoax about Donald Trump claiming that there were very fine people on both sides of the Charlottesville event was fake news. They continuously repeat the claim that Donald Trump is quote threatening a bloodbath in the streets of America if he loses when he clearly was using a common economic analogy about a bloodbath in the auto industry if CamelFace wins, if he is not able to put the tariffs on imports like he hopes.

And then there was the classic Russia hoax which culminated in a dud of a report and a humiliating testimony by Robert Mueller, a befuddled old man who didn’t even know the worst thing about the investigation. And the same people who are claiming that Donald Trump loves Adolf Hitler are the same people that claimed lied that the Hunter Biden laptop and the emails that it contained were Russian disinformation when they knew very well at the time that it was completely legitimate. And last night they dropped what they’re helping to be a double whammy of disinformation since most people are just rolling their eyes at the fake news about Donald Trump admiring Hitler and his generals having a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand next to his bed.

The London Guardian broke this dead sinful last night that had been shopped around for some time that is so ridiculous and obviously false that not even CNN or MSNBC or BuzzFeed would touch it and that Donald Trump met with Jeffrey Epstein who brought him a model and then they played a twisted game with her. Just 24 hours earlier journalist Mark Halpern who used to be a contributor for MSNBC revealed that there had been a very salacious fake news story being shopped around that he said he didn’t believe but if true would sink Donald Trump’s campaign.

These last two weeks are going to be filled with things like this and I can tell you without going into detail that I’ve been pitched a story about Donald Trump now for about a week that if true would end his campaign and there’s all sorts of things like that flying around I’m not the only one who’s been pitched it. Again he added that he doesn’t believe that it’s true because it’s not true it’s absolutely ridiculous. Here is the liar unable to make eye contact which is a big tell that someone is lying.

Stacey Williams a former model 30 years ago said that Jeffrey Epstein brought her to Donald Trump’s house so that they could abuse her. When Jeffrey looked at me and said you know let’s go stop by and see Trump and so we went to Trump Tower and went up the elevator and moments later Trump was greeting us and her nonverbal language is screaming liar and he pulled me into him and started groping me he put his hands all over my he never did anything you probably never even met him you liar so now that the London Guardian has sunk so low and published this ridiculous obvious fake news it’ll be interesting to see if the cloud news network and MSDNC actually repeat these ridiculous claims or they may actually ignore them because they may be concerned that they are so ridiculous that it’s just going to cause people to support Donald Trump even more and to have even less credibility themselves.

Of course cloud news and MSNBC won’t even allow any negative criticism or allegations about Kamala Harris or her oddball husband Doug Emhoff to be uttered. I gotta tell you this this campaign is so everything that’s said about Donald Trump and his treatment of women in the gender gap in this campaign this rapper who I fully admit sold a lot of records if you’ve read some of the things he has said about the promotion of domestic violence he’s talking about Eminem introducing Kamala in Detroit to the other day I don’t know what he’s saying he said he said Bakari I listen to your oh but but but Donald Trump but Donald Trump not even allowing him to finish his sentence tire filibuster.

If you could just give me 13 seconds I give you 12 because and so grab them by the and so and so when you when you think about the things he has said in order to sell those records and you also consider some of the questions that are swirling around Harris’s own husband in this regard I find okay you don’t even get 12 seconds I find I’m not gonna let you go into the far end of the end I can’t represent you in the defamation page and I are gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna stop here for a second we’re gonna stop you right there for Derek to say anything negative about Kamala Harris or the second gentleman and surprisingly there are some reporters in the mainstream media who are asking Kamala Harris actual questions like this woman from NBC News can you say that you were honest with the American people about what you saw in those moments with President Biden as you were with him again and again repeatedly in that time when his obvious mental decline became a serious concern of course.

Joe Biden is an extremely accomplished um experienced and um and and capable in every way that anyone would want if they’re president never saw anything like what happened at the debate night behind closed doors with him it was a bad debate people have bad debates if it was just a bad debate then why was there a coup in the Democrat party that literally forced him out of the race so he that he is absolutely but that’s the reason why you’re here and he’s not running for the top of the ticket well you’d have to ask him if that’s the only reason why what do you think I am running for president United States Joe Biden is not and my presidency will be about bringing a new generation of leadership to America back to the talking points dodging the question would you like to share any more of your brilliance with us camel face because I was just with one of the the the leaders and I think opinion leaders in the Republican Party.

Liz Cheney but is there anything more pathetic than seeing a hardcore rapper like Eminem do this going into this election the spotlight is on us more than ever and I think it’s important to use your voice so I’m encouraging everybody to get out and vote please I also think that people shouldn’t be afraid to express their opinions and I don’t think anyone wants an America where people are worried about retribution or what people will do if you make your opinion known now of course he’s projecting because it’s Donald Trump supporters who are largely afraid to make their opinion known because of the severe retribution that comes towards us but in his twisted mind and in his talking points he is framing the situation as if you shouldn’t be afraid to say that you’re supporting Kamala Harris it’s okay it’s safe just do it I think vice president Harris supports a future for this country where these freedoms and many others will be protected and upheld that’s why you have an 80 IQ and you sound like a retard meanwhile Geraldo Rivera is applying for a job on MSNBC

Saying that he is sorry that he didn’t denounce Trump sooner and I am so disappointed in in my kind of blindness because when push came to shove he was revealed by his own action to exactly the person that his critics were saying that he was you you feel bad you feel you feel good friendships and all the rest but you’re sharing you feel contrite to some degree about that versus now I contrition that I don’t know if that’s the right word embarrassed is another word I feel very I that’s what he just said moron I I feel you know he needs a job to pay the alimony to his for ex-wives that’s not a joke by the way he really does have four ex-wives but on a positive note it looks like Joe Rogan has finally come around or really tested the water and felt that it was safe to sit down and talk to Donald Trump scheduled to be on his podcast tomorrow at least they’re recording it tomorrow I don’t know if they’re gonna actually post it tomorrow if they’re gonna schedule it to be posted next week but finally after all of his other peers from Theo Vonn and Tucker Carlson and the now boys all had Donald Trump on their podcast Logan Paul now Joe Rogan finally feels it’s okay to platform him this after stating on Lex Friedman’s podcast that he had numerous opportunities to have him on he didn’t want to help him in any way so that will be interesting especially to see how Joe Rogan tries to appease his Hollywood friends by standing up to Donald Trump I’m Mark Dice thanks for watching subscribe to my channel if you’re new here check back on a regular basis and if you’re a regular viewer please share links to these videos on your social media accounts because we’re gonna have to manually bypass YouTube’s visibility restrictions and shadow banning so thanks for all your support stay tuned and I will see you soon


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