Dems FREAK OUT as Swing States PANIC Sets In!!! Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots




➡Dr. Steve Turley discusses how the Democratic Party is worried because President Biden’s popularity is falling, and it looks like Trump might win the election again. Biden is having a hard time with his campaign in South Carolina since it’s getting late. Polls show Trump is leading in most key states, and it’s a close race in Wisconsin. Even though some people try to quiet them down, Trump’s supporters are still loud and want him to be president again.


Before we get to the caucuses here. And what it looks like feels like the RCP average between in a general election matchup with the former president and President Biden now stands at 45. 8 to 44. 7. It does increasingly feel like the left is starting to legitimately freak out about the possibility of President Trump again. Yeah, I think they’ve been kind of freaking out for a while, really.

Biden is, he’s trying to get started in South Carolina for his reelection bid there, which was what saved him and revived his campaign four years ago. So they’ve done everything they can to make it difficult for a challenger, and now even more so because it’s so late in the game. So I think Democrats are rightfully worried, but they had a chance, some of them did, to do something about it and didn’t.

But we haven’t seen approval ratings like this, this low for a president heading into a reelection effort really ever. Well, it’s pretty bad. I mean, it’s pretty dire. And of course, it varies depending on which republican prospective candidate you put him up against in the polling. But it looks pretty bad with everybody, including Trump, the man he beat and the man I think the Democrats are counting on to be nominated by the Republicans so they could re elect Biden.

That looks in doubt. Now. More and more Democrats and anti Trumpers are sounding the alarm. They are seeing a campaign implosion that makes the Hindenburg disaster look tame by comparison. And it just got worse. The battleground state numbers keep coming in, and wait until you see the swing state panic that’s taking over the Democrats. You’re going to absolutely love it. Hey, gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve, your patriot professor, here to help you think better so you can feel better in these crazy and turbulent times.

So if you haven’t done so, you know what to do. Make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button. Also, as many of you know, we have unfortunately been completely and demonetized by the big tech overlords. But despite their efforts at censoring us, we’ve just got one thing to say. I’ll be back. That’s right, gang. He is back. And we’re back. It’s time to show our support and celebrate the great return by clicking on that link below and getting your very own Trumpinator 2024.

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So whatever you do, don’t wait. Click on that link below right now and show your support for Trump. 2024 today, the Harris X poll just dropped and it continues to spell absolute doom for the Democrats. Trump is up by four over Biden nationally and is past the 50% mark. Again, what bears repeating here is that Trump was never in the lead in any single poll in 2020. And now, as you can see in that real clear aggregate polling at the beginning, he’s consistently ahead of Biden.

In fact, he’s ahead more or less by an average of three points. The latest Harvard Harris poll has him up by eight. So clearly, Democrats are starting to freak out when they’re looking at just these national polls. But again, national polls can be deceptive. We all know how the vast majority of the populations in California, New York, and Texas and Florida are going to vote. Their population size can inordinately skew the national average, which again, even that should frighten Democrats, given that their candidate, given the size of their coastal urban populations, their candidate tends to get favored in those national polls.

Now, Trump is consistently winning those national polls, so that’s bad enough. But now we got more and more data coming in from the battleground states, the so called swing states. And this is where the panic is really starting to set in. For the Democrats, this is where the election is either won or lost in these handful of states. And for Biden, things simply could not be more grim.

In Arizona, Trump is up by an average of five. In Georgia, he’s up by an average of 6. 6%. In Michigan, he’s up by an average of five. In Nevada, he’s up by an average of around five or six. In North Carolina, he’s up by an average of nine. That’s even higher than we’re seeing in Texas right now. In Pennsylvania, Trump’s up by a percentage point. And Wisconsin, they’re tied.

Now, again, these are the aggregate polling averages. This is the average of all the polls taken on the battleground states over the last several months. Trump is currently leading in six of the seven swing states, and he’s tied in a state, Wisconsin, that 2020 polling had Biden up by 17. He ended up winning Wisconsin by just 20,000 votes, votes that were largely tossed out two years after the fact by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Now, in light of Trump’s absolute stomping in Iowa, which, remember, was a state that was reliably Democrat, it was as Democrat as you can get. Now it was old school Democrat, blue collar farmer Democrat. But I mean, Iowa went from Mike Dukakis in 1988. Now, Iowa is solid Trump country. And more and more Democrats are recognizing that this significant lead that Trump has again, in six of the seven swing states stomping in Iowa and the like, this is a trend.

This is indicative of a massive shift in momentum for Trump that the Biden campaign simply won’t be able to crawl out from under. Remember, we’ve already got reports that the Biden campaign has ceded the key swing state of Georgia. The New York Times is reporting that the Biden campaign has basically given up on this crucial state, a state that Biden supposedly won by 10,000 votes back in 2020.

The Times is reporting that all signs suggest that the Biden campaign has already conceded that Trump is going to win Georgia in a blowout. And now the concerns are starting to work their way down ticket. Take a look at this. If this isn’t panic gang, I don’t know what is. 14 congressional Democrats voted with the Republicans in backing a resolution that absolutely slammed the Biden administration’s willful incompetence at the southern border.

Now, remember, the insanity at the southern border is causing a very real, you might even call it, civil war within the democratic party. The latest Monmouth poll that just came out has Biden’s approval tanking in the low 20s in his handling of immigration, the southern border. And that’s because half of the Democrats poll disapproved of Biden’s handling the southern border. Half of his own party disapproves of Biden’s handling of the southern border.

And on top of that, you now have big city mayors like Eric Adams in New York, Brandon Johnson in Chicago coming out and telling Biden that he must secure the border and stop the flow of illegal migration or their cities are going to implode. And you have urban voters who are livid over the fact that public services are being suspended in order to pay for the deluge of illegal migrants in their cities.

So we’re seeing nothing less than a very real civil war break out from within the democratic party because of this ongoing border insanity that Biden is obviously just sleeping through. He’s oblivious while his aides are devious. Right? They want border insanity. They want a massive demographic change in our nation and dementia Joe is the perfect presidential prop to give it to them, but it all looks like it’s for naught.

The scheme to change the country is only forcing more and more of the country to rebel and revolt against them. The Democrats are indeed starting to panic as a major Biden disaster appears more and more likely on the horizon. But first, gang, as many of you know, we have unfortunately been completely and totally demonetized, which is putting our daily communication with one another at risk like never before.

Now, we are actively working on getting this resolved, but as things stand, this channel has, without any warning, been totally and completely demonetized. And as Elon Musk said so powerfully last week, the whole point of these demonetization efforts is to deliberately try to make us patriots feel like we’re all alone. They want to sever our relationship with each other and force on us a kind of digital solitary confinement so as to demoralize us and discourage us like never before.

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See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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Biden's dropping approval ratings Biden's re-election bid in South Carolina Democrats worry about Trump Late campaign difficulties Trump ahead in battleground states Trump leads over Biden in polls Trump re-election concerns Trump supporters resist censorship Trump's potential return to Presidency Wisconsin election tie

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