Dems DESPERATE as Walls Are CLOSING IN on Biden!!! | Dr. Steve Turley

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➡ Dr. Steve Turley talks about how Tony Bobulinski testified before the House Oversight committee, accusing Democrats of deceit and lies. He was questioned about an email from Hunter Biden’s laptop that divided returns from a Chinese energy company, CEFC, among several people, including ‘the big guy’, who Bobulinski confirmed was Joe Biden. Despite evidence from emails, photos, and Bobulinski’s testimony, the media continues to deny any wrongdoing by Biden. The article also mentions the return of a Democrat darling who has made accusations without evidence.


Is it your testimony today that you personally witnessed President Joe Biden commit a crime? I believe the fact that he was sitting with me while I was putting together a. Did you witness the president commit a crime? Is it your testimony today? Yes. And what crime do you have? Have you witnessed? How much time do I have to go through it? It is simple. You name the crime.

Did you watch him steal something? Corruption statutes? Rico. And what is the crime, sir, specifically? Wait. You asked me to answer the question. I answered the question. Rico. You’re obviously not familiar with corrupt. Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, sir. Rico is not a crime. It is a category. What is a category of crimes that you’re then charged. You have charges? Long? Hundred. You have charges.

Sir, please. Exact statute under Rico. Well, it’s funny. In this committee room, everyone’s not here. There’s over eight. All right, sir. I reclaim my lawyers that went to law school. I reclaim my time. The walls are starting to close in on Biden, and as you can see from their best and brightest, the Democrats are starting to panic. We’re going to see the latest and why the Democrats and the legacy media are circling the wagons, and why things are about to get a whole lot worse.

And then were you naive about how the process worked? I like to use the word idealistic, but maybe I was naive for sure about how the consequences and how bad it would be after I testified. She’s back. You won’t believe who the Democrats are wheeling out once again, and we’re going to see exactly why. It’s their latest pathetic act of total and complete desperation. Hey, gang. It’s me, Dr.

Steve, your patriot professor, here to help you to think better so you can feel better in these crazy and turbulent times. So make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button, and let’s dive right in. Star witness Tony Babelinsky testified before the House Oversight committee yesterday, and he most certainly did not disappoint. He called out the Democrats for their lies and their deceit right to their pathetic faces.

I apologize for the disruption from the. Am I supposed to say it’s my time, Mr. Raskin? Yeah. Please. Mr. Bobiliwitsky, please come to order. Mr. Bobiliski? Mr. Bobiliwitski, please proceed. Please proceed. I apologize for the disruption from the minority. Okay, well, Mr. Chairman, save his time. But he called members of this committee liars. And I just want to know whether the order and decorum requirements of House rule eleven apply to witnesses appearing before the committee.

Does it apply or does it not? Should I address. There’s decorum from the members we’ve asked for that. There’s no language that I’m aware of pertaining to a witness. Thank you. Yeah. Order and decorum. Order and two words that could never be used to describe a democrat. That was the vile. The vile. Jamie Raskin, appealing to order and decorum. Keep in mind, that’s the same Raskin who’s conspiring on desperately trying to kick Trump off the ballot in all 50 states.

Order and decorum. What a vile scumbag. It was beautiful to see Bob Alinsky call him a liar right to his face. Remember the person testifying there, Tony Babelinsky, was implicated in that email, that infamous email on Hunter Biden’s laptop that divided up the returns from a chinese energy company called CEFC. Remember the email designated 20% for h, that’s Hunter, 20% for RW, that’s a fellow by the name of Rob Walker, who’s another business partner of Hunter’s, 20% for JG, that’s James Gilliar, who’s another one of Hunter’s business partners.

20% for TB, that’s Tony Babelinsky, who you just saw testifying. 10% for Jim, that’s sleepy Joe’s brother, Jim Biden. And then of course, 10% held by h, that’s Hunter for the big guy. And Bob Alinsky was asked about that big guy point blank. Mr. Bob Alinsky, who’s the big guy? Are you sure about that? Because when Jordan. Joe Biden. You’re sure? I’m 1000% sure. Because when Hunter Biden did his deposition under oath, he said, I don’t know who it is, even though he was copied on an email that said, h will hold 10% for the big guy.

You sure it’s. The big guy is Joe Biden, 1000%. And there’s other text messages that back that up that the brave whistleblowers Shapley and Ziggler have produced. Not from my phones, not from my BlackBerry that I took screenshots from. They took them from subpoenas directly from Apple’s iCloud. That back up the fact that Hunter knew the big guy was Joe Biden. Big guy is the brand. The big guy is the lift.

The big guy is the one who showed up at golf outings, who took phone calls and meetings and lunches and dinners with Hunter Biden and his business associates. Is that right? Correct. Now, what Bob Alinsky just said there has been corroborated by an independent investigation by the British Daily Mail. The term big guy returns a total of 41 hits when searching throughout Hunter Biden’s laptop. Emails and those hits clearly show that the code name was being used for Sleepy Joe.

He clearly got money from a chinese energy company called CefC. And Bob Alinsky’s eyewitness testimony converges with photos we have of Biden meeting with Hunter’s overseas business partners, who he denied ever meeting. And so we actually have three lines of corroborating evidence here. Emails, photos and eyewitness testimony. And yet the legacy media continues to this day to deny there’s any substantial evidence that Biden did anything wrong. But astonishingly, this same legacy media is once again fawning over the accusations of a Democrat darling who’s never produced a shred of evidence for any of her claims.

And they’re so desperate to try to revive Biden’s fledgling campaign, they’ve actually brought her back. You are not going to believe this. Hey, gang, you know I’m passionate about our health and I wanted to share with you this new supplement I’ve been taking. Gang, it’s so awesome. It’s called NMN, from our sponsor, Black Forest. Gang, I’m serious when I say I don’t know how I manage without it.

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But even today, some people remain skeptical of your story. And you write that during the hearing, Senator Lindsey Graham wouldn’t even make eye contact with you. Were you prepared for that kind of response? I was prepared ahead of time that none of the Republicans were going to speak with me and they were going to use an outside interviewer. And so I was actually surprised at how kind some of the other republican senators were who broke that protocol and said, hello.

Who was that? Can you name a good one? Senator Flake and Senator Sass both came Congress anymore. Right. But still with credit. Good for them. Both good men. Yeah. Yeah. That’s about as cringeworthy as it gets. Embarrassing doesn’t even begin to describe it. The Democrats are so desperate, I mean, they’re actually wheeling out once again, Christine Blasey Ford. As you know, Ford tried to derail the Bret Kavanaugh confirmation hearings by accusing him of sexual assault.

She literally became the darling of the legacy media. I mean, even Chris Wallace of Fox News was fawning over her. I mean, it was beyond embarrassing precisely because the fundamental flaw of Ford’s accusations, a fatal flaw that appears to continue to elude her most rabid supporters, is that she has yet, even to this day, she has yet to produce any shred of evidence whatsoever that she and Kavanaugh ever even met.

Kavanaugh denied ever knowing her, ever meeting her, ever having any contact whatsoever with her, and she’s never produced even the slightest semblance of evidence to the contrary. That’s pretty devastating your case. If you can’t even establish that do you ever met that you were even remotely in physical proximity to one another, then everything else you accuse him of is automatically null and void. And that’s the fundamental flaw.

The Ford’s accusations. Compare that to the radical double standard here when it comes to Joe Biden’s accuser, Tara Reed, who was most certainly in his proximity on a number of occasions as his congressional aide, working in his office from 1992 to 1993. And then she went on to work on behalf of sexual abuse victims. I wonder why she did that. Well, we all know why, but because truth itself has been so radically partisanized by the legacy media, Tara Reid is not included in the mantra believe all women.

So why on earth are they wheeling out Christine Ford again? Well, you don’t have to be a genius here. Bottom line, Biden is losing his base. The New York Times poll that came out at the beginning of the month not only showed that Trump was beating Biden soundly by four points among likely voters. But if you read the cross tabs, Biden is hemorrhaging support among women. Back in 2020, according to exit polls, Biden won women by a margin of eleven points, 55 to 44.

Now, according to this latest poll, that margin has shrunk to just a single point, 47 to 46. That’s a five alarm fire for the Biden camp. They know they can’t win this election with margins that thin with a traditional Democrat voting constituency. So it seems to me they’re just trying to do what they can to rally the female vote in their favor. And they decided to bring out Christine Blasey Ford, of all people, to try to do that, to try to rally women back to Biden’s side.

Good luck with that. Thus far, it’s been an embarrassing failure, which means that the Democrats are only going to get all the more desperate. Don’t worry, they still got AOC. Hey gang, I just wanted to give you a huge note of thanks to each and every one of you, the thousands of you that have recently clicked on the link below and joined our insiders club. As many of you know, we took a big hit from big tech.

Our channel was completely and totally demonetized. But you, literally thousands of you stepped in and you rescued me and this channel. By bypassing big tech and joining our insiders Club, you made it loud and clear to the Silicon Valley oligarchs that we’re a movement, an army of like minded patriots who refuse to be silenced by the International woke Police. And so once again, I just want to take this moment to thank each and every one of you who have joined our insiders club for coming to our rescue.

And for those of you who want to join in on the effort and take action, gang, just click on the link below and join our email list. That way, we will never, ever lose touch with each other, no matter what big tech does. So just click on that link below, join our email list, and become a part of an army of literally hundreds of thousands of patriots dedicated to taking our nation back, most importantly, together.


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Chinese energy company CEFC returns Democrat darling accusations without evidence Democrats deceit lies accusations Hunter Biden laptop email controversy Joe Biden the big guy reference Media denial of Biden wrongdoing Tony Bobulinski testimony House Oversight committee

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