
➡ The article discusses the Democrats’ strategy of portraying Donald Trump as a supporter of Hitler, which the author believes is a false narrative. The author criticizes the Democrats for using scare tactics to influence voters and accuses Joe Biden and Kamala Harris of using the Department of Justice against their political rivals. The author also mentions that some undecided voters are being pushed towards Trump due to the Democrats’ tactics. The article ends with criticism of the media for not asking Kamala Harris tough questions during a town hall event.
➡ The article discusses the potential for Donald Trump to win the popular vote in the upcoming election, despite tight competition and varying poll results. It also mentions a controversial decision by the Washington Post to not endorse any presidential candidate for the first time in many years, causing upset among its editorial board and other media outlets. The author encourages readers to share his content to bypass potential visibility restrictions on his channel.


The Democrats dropped their big October surprise. They’re ridiculous and beyond absurd fake news early this election year because so many states have early voting and mail-in ballots are the norm and tens of millions of Americans have already voted so ordinarily they would have waited until just a few days before the election to saturate the news cycle with their breaking news which is just the same old recycled story from the last eight years of them claiming that Donald Trump loves Hitler and well many of them in the media know that this is just a complete lie and that they’re catering to some of the dumbest people in the country hoping to scare them into voting for Kamala or scare them away from voting for Donald Trump.

Some in the media, others actually are that dumb and drank the Democrats own Kool-Aid like Mika Brzezinski who believes it. As important as Trump’s fascism is and is the lead story every day his cozying up to dictators his obsession with Hitler that has now come out what he has said about our veterans and what he wants to do with the military against his political adversary all fake fake fake fake areas it’s all huge news this is the future that we’re looking at in the next Trump term if there is one but this is what voters know right now.

We’ve heard this same story for the last eight years and we don’t believe it we don’t care sadly even Bill Maher who is a broken clock he’s right every once in a while but he appears to have stage four Trump derangement syndrome as well either that or he is a fantastic actor but I doubt it. Trump did not go after his political enemies with the Department of Justice that was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Well we had four we had Hitler in the 30s and things were okay and then we had Hitler in the 40s and they got way worse just because we had Hitler in the first four years and it’s going to come out in full force.

He tried to do things like that he tried to do dictatorial fascist things and he was stopped. Joe Biden has flouted the law when it comes to these the student loan uh giveaway programs he’s allowed the law the law Supreme Court opinions that told him he didn’t have the right to do it and he openly said I will get around the Supreme Court. He allowed our country to be invaded etc etc and then he and Kamala Harris unleashed this Department of Justice against their political enemy Donald Trump their number one chief rival for the presidency.

After they encouraged and allowed millions upon millions of criminal invaders including many convicted murderers from third world countries to invade us. This is literally all we’re gonna hear for the next week and a half and then well if he wins for the next four years after that. As President Trump praised Hitler take a moment to think about what that means. That means the Democrats are so desperate and pathetic they don’t have any policies any policy proposals any reasons whatsoever why anybody should vote for them and so instead they are going with the most insane ridiculous smear campaign in American history.

Oh no you think you just fell out of a coconut tree and while normal Americans are beyond disgusted with the Democrat party’s lies and the operation mockingbird assets sinking so low into dangerous disinformation with these smears others however are upset at the mainstream media Democrats that they’re not warning the American people enough about how much Donald Trump loves Hitler. Apparently Trump’s going on is gonna tape the thing with with Joe Rogan do you think she should should do that? Well she was offered to do that and she chickened out. I think that she should keep calling Donald Trump a fascist and I think that Americans need to keep looking at the rhetoric of Donald Trump because I don’t know why we’re even thinking about electing somebody who’s talking about putting people in camps.

I don’t know why we’re talking or why we want to elect somebody who’s talking about mass deportation. I don’t know why we’re having this conversation in which about somebody who wants to terminate the Constitution to overthrow the results of an election. By the way that’s a fake news talking point from a few years ago when Donald Trump warned that the Democrats were terminating the Constitution so of course they accuse him of doing the exact same thing that they are doing. We’re supposed to be a patriotic country whenever somebody like Colin Kaepernick. We are a deport the millions of criminal invaders who aren’t supposed to be here.

First of all Colin Kaepernick was protesting on the job. Okay when you’re on the job anywhere there are rules that the business establishment has because they don’t want to upset potential customers. So Colin Kaepernick was upsetting the customers and so he got fired. Even me bringing it up now you you brought it back to Kamala and Joe Rogan. Anderson yeah who gives a damn. I think you give damn who’s elected president and that president is a fascist that’s talking about putting he’s a fascist says Charlemagne. This clown goes by Charlemagne the god and somehow became a prominent talk show host on a popular black urban hip-hop morning show.

But the Democrats desperate October surprise isn’t going according to plan. Here are some undecided voters in Pennsylvania. I just I can’t I think part of the reason why I’m being pushed towards Trump so strongly is that I find that the Democrats in the left just keep going straight to Hitler all of the time with everything. So it’s just it’s so it’s so exhausting. I think it just detracts from it pushes me away from their position and it you know it’s so hyperbolic that it makes it impossible to have good discussions and I think it ruins the discourse.

And they are obviously desperate despicable liars. They are evil. Donald Trump is the fascist they say as Keith Olbermann tweets from his Manhattan high-rise apartment with his dozen cats quote we need to arrest and detain Elon Musk immediately. He is operating on behalf of Russia cancel all contracts sees his facilities lock him away in a military facility now president of the United States not tomorrow. Remember what Hillary Clinton called us all deplorables and how well that went over well she hasn’t learned from her mistakes because now she’s calling us all Nazis because Donald Trump is going to be holding a rally in Madison Square Garden in New York City soon where back in 1939 a group of German-American Nazis held a pro-nazi rally there and so now Donald Trump she says is re-enacting that same rally okay.

And you know one other thing that you’ll see next week Caitlin is Trump actually re-enacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939. I write about this in my book. President Franklin Roosevelt was appalled that neo-nazi’s fascists in America were lining up to essentially pledge their support for the kind of government that they were seeing in Germany. She is committing sarcastic terrorism she is hoping that someone will do something very terrible to the attendees at that event and if god forbid anything happens this creature is to blame. But surprisingly one liberal lunatic who has come down with stage four Trump’s arrangement syndrome is pushing back against the Democrat October surprise strategy of trying to compare Donald Trump as the reincarnation of the boogeyman.

Michael Rappaport who is some D-list actor who has been in a couple movies little bit parts and movies maybe some tv shows best known for just ranting into his phone and posting the videos on Twitter but here he is surprisingly very upset with their tactics. Stop with the Hitler s**t. Do not refer to Hitler and the Holocaust. Stop it. That Nazi rally that took place in Madison Square Garden in 1939 was just that an actual true blue Nazi rally. So are you saying that anyone and everyone who shows up at Madison Square Garden for this upcoming Trump rally is a Nazi? That’s a Nazi rally? Get the f**k out of here.

Many of the libtards were very upset that Anderson Cooper asked Kamala Harris some legitimate questions during CNN’s Town Hall event earlier this week. Check my previous video in case you missed it where he not only asked her some real questions but then when she dodged every question and spewed nonsense verbal diarrhea word salads he would occasionally follow up with a second question and even a third trying to get a concise or at least some kind of an answer out of her. You know what I got so many I don’t look at comments about myself but I I was looking up some comments about my grief podcast and I came across this whole inundation from people who are Harris supporters saying to me online today like how dare you what a betrayal that you would ask her these questions and I’m like you misunderstand what my job is I’m not on MSNBC or no disrespect they what they do is they’re very talented very talented liars like you but it’s I don’t watch it I’m not interested in watching what these overpaid blow dried anchors think and I include myself in that overpaid blow dried although I don’t blow dry he is overpaid by the way he is making a million dollars a month fifty thousand dollars per night and when you sign a deal with the devil like that you eventually always end up regretting it which is pretty obvious in this case when he accidentally forgot that he had signed on the dotted line and accidentally acted like a journalist for a change but I don’t want that I’m not interested in the anchors opinion I’m interested in facts and letting the viewers make up their own mind so anyway I’m sorry this devolved into something I like anyway I’m sorry that I once actually had a soul but it’s gone now and while I don’t want people to get their hopes up too high and get too complacent and just assuming that Trump’s got this in the bag there is a possibility if you actually do vote and vote like your ballot casts the deciding vote there is a possibility that Donald Trump could sweep all of the swing states and even win the popular vote Trump may finally get his great white whale Harris versus Trump national margin you mentioned that New York Times poll a tie that’s actually right in the middle of the spectrum when we’re talking about recent polling data you don’t have to look very far to find Donald Trump ahead nationally he was up by two points in the CNBC poll up by three in the Wall Street Journal poll very close races within the margin of error but then the same thing on the other side right you have Harris up by three points according to Ipsos the say 24 you Gov poll it’s a bunch of academics also has Harris up by three but the bottom line is with the popular vote which we really haven’t focused upon a very very tight race John fact is Donald Trump is very much in a position he could win the popular vote which of course is something he would absolutely love to do and would be something very different than we have seen compared to last time and the polling compared to last time yes and it would be a giant middle finger to the lying media and to the Marxist Democrats that we defeated Operation Mockingbird and we repudiate your communist crap and the Washington Post just announced that they will not endorse Kamala Harris or Donald Trump of course they’re not making a presidential endorsement at all this election for the first time in many many many years which has the editorial board furious it has others in the liberal media absolutely furious the editorial board actually put together their endorsement of course of camel face but then Jeff Bezos the owner of the Washington Post of honor of put his foot down and said they’re not publishing it they’re not making an endorsement at all I’m Mark Dice thanks for watching subscribe to my channel if you’re new here and if you’re a regular viewer please share links to these videos on your social media accounts give the channel a shout out and encourage people to come and subscribe because we’re gonna have to bypass YouTube’s visibility filters and shadow banning manually so thanks again for all your support stay tuned and I will see you soon you

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