DEI Lesbian Teacher Becomes Captain of $100 MILLION Ship

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ New Zealand appointed a woman named Yvonne Gray, who is an LGBT activist, as the captain of a $100 million navy ship as part of their diversity and inclusion efforts. However, this decision has sparked controversy, with critics arguing that these policies are dividing society and leading to unqualified individuals being placed in important roles. The incident has raised questions about the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion policies in various sectors, from corporations to schools and government agencies.


New Zealand put in charge of a 100 million dollar navy ship a lesbian because she is an LGBT activist and she was their DEI hire. She was a diversity hire and as they point out in the center this whole idea of DEI is born from the notion of class struggle and of Marxism’s obsession with dividing society into oppressors and the oppressed. It has evolved and now it’s all about identity diversity boxes and quotas because these are you know part of their struggle session. So how did this work out in New Zealand? Those old DEI slithered into every corner society like a stealthy virus from corporations to schools to government agencies even churches.

What was once a cry for fairness has now become an unrelenting dogma demanding allegiance to its self-contradictory principles. Enter the HMNZS Manawanui incident. A chilling example of where these DEI policies lead. The New Zealand Navy appointed Yvonne Gray a former teacher from Yorkshire scroll up and you can see her picture there scroll up oh there’s a sinking ship yeah there she is we’ll show the results of her promotion. By the way do you have our guests? Not yet. Okay so she’s a former teacher from Yorkshire so they made her captain of the vessel because you know hey if she’s a DEI lesbian activist she’s qualified to run a ship.

She’s a diversity hire celebrated for her not for her naval expertise but for I guess contemplating her naval. Ticking the right identity boxes openly lesbian and champion of diversity. Well we’ve had similar incidents in America involving commercial airlines right well under her command the Manawanui struck a reef caught fire caught fire and sank off the coast of Samoa. This is a 100 million dollar ship sunk and it is a metaphor for what is happening to our entire society. The true nature of DEI an evil Trojan horse that destroys institutions from within rights to center.

In their hunger to virtue signal their inclusivity the New Zealand navy placed dozens of lives in the hands of a captain whose qualifications for leadership were questionable. It wasn’t her personal sex life that caused the ship to sink but it was her personal sex life that got her her job. Similar in a way to lala except different right. So 75 lives were at risk fortunately nobody died yet the wreck of the Manawanui puts on display the mind-blowing incompetence of of this movement and what it quote engenders. The movement to prioritize diversity over operational skill echoes across every institution embracing this ideology is right now look at this the wreck of the Manawanui where is Gordon Lightfoot and we need him you know yeah the legend lives on from the Maui on down the wreck of the Manawanui 100 million dollars and that is the wreck of the Manawanui.

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controversy over diversity policies diversity and inclusion in New Zealand navy diversity in military leadership diversity policies in corporations effectiveness of diversity and inclusion government agencies diversity policies inclusion efforts in schools New Zealand navy ship captain appointment qualifications for important roles societal division due to diversity policies Yvonne Gray LGBT activist

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