Defund the Schools! Teacher Misconduct Costs Homeowner $1000/yr for Several Years

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ A school district in Nenaka, Oklahoma is facing a $7.5 million settlement due to a teacher’s misconduct. This cost is likely to be passed onto homeowners in the district, potentially increasing their property taxes significantly. The district denies any liability but has agreed to the settlement as the best option to keep the school operating. This situation has sparked outrage among residents, with some calling for the defunding of schools due to a lack of accountability for such incidents.


School district. Where everybody’s getting these massive fines because of the actions of a school teacher. This is in Oklahoma, Nenaka, Oklahoma. The school district had a seven and a half million dollar settlement because of misconduct by a teacher. And that’s being passed on to the homeowners. Here’s a local news report about that. Paying the price for a former coach’s criminal behavior. I am pissed. That should not be our responsibility of what happened by no means. Why some may be forced to foot the bill for a multi-million dollar settlement. A seven point five million dollar settlement.

That’s right. Another one that could end up costing homeowners out in Nenaka. The money going to the victims of former long time basketball coach Ronald Atkins was in prison for grooming and sexually assaulting players. The district accused of turning them blind eye. I’m pissed. Those who live in Nenaka are devastated. A settlement was reached in the case of former Nenaka coach Ronald Atkins. The settlement, seven point five million dollars paid to victims. One point five in the next 90 days, six million over the next three years. For now, insurance covering one million.

The school will absorb a half million. The rest more than likely land on school district property owners. In Nenaka, just about everyone, including the mayor, said reality hasn’t sunk in yet. To compare, Kingfisher School, seeing the effects of a suit this year, property owners in that district hit with a twelve point five percent increase in property taxes to pay off the five million dollar lawsuit after a case involving former coach Jeff Myers. The district wasn’t insured, so with five thousand property owners in that district split equally, it meant over two hundred and fifty dollars a year per owner for three years on average.

In Nenaka, the county assessor tells News 4 there are just over two thousand property owners, so that seven point five million could mean an average of one thousand dollars per owner each year for three years. I am pissed. That should not be our responsibility of what happened by no means. What’s your reaction to that, I guess? I don’t understand why Nenaka has to pay for something that somebody else has done. For those still new to Nenaka, they wonder who would move in now. Kind of shocked us, because like I said, we were moving out here because it was quiet.

And could anyone hear already sound? Knowing what happened in Kingfisher, and now hearing the settlement last night here, I know that we’re not flush with millions of dollars of cash. The district does deny any liability, but the board released a statement saying this right here was the best option that would allow the district to still operate. Pretty amazing. And of course, in that particular case, a seven and a half million dollar settlement. That was about sexual abuse. The five million dollar settlement they referred to in the other community, Kingfisher School District.

That was because of a hazing lawsuit that happened with a football team. And so that was not sexual misconduct. But the other one, sexual misconduct, they did a settlement of seven and a half million, as you heard. If they averaged that out over the small community, you know, the insurance is going to only pay so much. They were underinsured. And so went over a million and they’ve got to pay, take the excess out of the property owners. As I said, we when we look at what is happening with the schools, it is destroying our society.

Public schools, like public health, are Marxist institutions. They don’t care. Public health doesn’t care about individual health. They will sacrifice the individual for the public health. And it is about concentrating power into the government. That’s the purpose of the schools. The purpose of the schools is to get people to accept that and to sexually groom the kids. I mean, when you look at these multi-million dollar settlements there, and you think about the kind of stuff that is being done in our schools, and the harm that is being done to people with the gender grooming, not just with sexual rape and things like that, which happens all the time in government schools.

But, you know, when you look at that and you look at the rest of the stuff, the people who have been gaslit, who take puberty blockers, who have surgery, whatever, as minors, can you imagine the liability that’s going to be coming back in years on that? Why are we going through with this? It is so out of control. And the school board and the principals and they have absolutely no accountability, just like any of these other government actors that are out there. They bear no responsibility for it. Nobody is going to say, let’s end the school.

And, you know, they need to have, here’s what I would do if I was an elected official there. I’d say we’re going to defund the schools. We’re not having to do other schools anymore. Bye. And then who are they going to sue after you dissolve the school board? And school board deserves to be dissolved for this type of stuff. The small people in that town to come together, they should denounce the school system, shut it down, and then say, okay, well, if you want to sue each and every one of us personally for this stuff, have at it.

We’ll see you in court. But we’re not going to just quietly go by and be assessed for this. Folks, we got to defund the schools. We must defund the schools. There’s no accountability for any of this with these people. And it with having the schools means that, first of all, we will never own our property. Secondly, look at the damage that they’re doing to our children, to our society. Let me tell you the day that night show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes.

In fact, if you can hear me, that means you’re listening to the day that night show right now. Yeah, good job. And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the show at the David night show dot com. That’s a website. [tr:trw].

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calls for defunding schools in Nenaka consequences of teacher misconduct homeowner tax increase due to school settlement impact of school district settlement on property taxes lack of accountability in schools Nenaka Oklahoma school district settlement outrage among Nenaka residents school district denies liability school operation costs in Nenaka teacher misconduct in Nenaka

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