CyberPolygon Strike? CrowdStrikes Global Disruption




➡ Goat Tree, a cybersecurity expert, discusses the recent issues with Crowdstrike, a cybersecurity company. Crowdstrike, previously involved in the Russiagate controversy, is now at the center of a worldwide outage affecting various sectors, including transportation and banking. The outage, caused by a single line of code, is affecting Windows-operated systems, causing businesses and airports to shut down. Crowdstrike is also advertising its services for election systems, raising concerns about the integrity of future elections.
➡ The text discusses the vulnerability of IT systems to hacking, using examples like the railroad and airline industries. It explains how hackers can exploit weak security measures, like default passwords or unprotected equipment, to insert harmful code. This code can disrupt operations, as seen in the Colonial Pipeline incident. The text also mentions the recurrence of such exploits, despite advancements in technology, and the spread of conspiracy theories related to these incidents.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the cybersecurity company, CrowdStrike, and its connections to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and global elections. It suggests that CrowdStrike’s involvement in providing security for elections could potentially be manipulated for malicious purposes. The text also highlights the vulnerability of our increasingly complex and digital infrastructure, suggesting that individuals should prepare for potential disruptions.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of preparing for potential disruptions to our water systems, which are increasingly vulnerable due to hacking. They also express concern about biased and false news on social media, which they believe is a threat to democracy. The speaker encourages support for the David Knight show, which offers a fresh perspective on current events and is funded by listeners, not corporate interests.


Well, joining us now is goat tree, and he’s been on several times talking about computers, cybersecurity issues and other things like that. So when I saw what was happening with Crowdstrike, I wanted to get him on to get his take on this. As a matter of fact, he was sending me some stuff as the program was going on Friday, and I didn’t see it until after the program. So I wanted to do this special report and put this out. Now, the name may sound familiar to you. It took me a moment to kind of play it.

It’s like, oh yeah, those are the guys that were involved with Hillary Clinton and the Russiagate stuff. And they were the ones who flagged it for her and they were the ones who first put this out. And then of course, as CNN puts it, they said Crowdstrike was the first to publicly sound the alarm about Russia’s interference in 2016 election. Well, that’s suspicious. And then Crowdstrike’s assessment was later confirmed by us intelligence agencies left and right, and that’s all been confirmed now. CNN just flushed about four or five years of history down the memory hole because we’ve known for several years it’s been thoroughly debunked.

They kept everybody going for a couple of years, but all this stuff about 17 security agencies and everything, that was all Hillary Clinton, and we’ve gone through all that. But it’s all still news to CNN, who pretends that this didn’t happen. So now Crowdstrike is at the center of worldwide outage in all kinds of things, from transportation to banking. We’ve got stores that are closed that can’t do business. It is massive because of something that is in their code. It does not affect Macs, it doesn’t affect Linux, but it affects windows, but it has affected businesses and airports around the world.

We’ve got entire airlines that have shut down. Some of them are using whiteboards to put stuff out. So I guess unless you want to fly Amish Air, you may be out of luck with with traveling anywhere. So I want to get goat tree on and get his take on this. Thank you for joining us. Goat tree. Happy Saturday, David. This is going to be fun. Yeah, it is. Go ahead. What do you think is going on with this? You’re looking at this, and one of the things that you pointed out is so interesting that it’s just one little line of code, 15 characters, that’s caused all this grief.

Yeah, you know, crowdstrike basically, I’ll just read how they describe themselves. Crowdstrike services provides the best practice framework needed to access and enhance cybersecurity maturity levels for election systems. Oh, yeah, election systems, boys and girls, to protect the integrity of the voting process and sanctity of the democratic institutions under which we thrive. Yeah. Oh, they’re already advertising. They’re going to be handling the elections. Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, there it is right there. Cybersecurity for election systems. Then that. Great. You know, we got newscard from Microsoft that’s going to make sure the news is good. They got election guard to make sure that elections are going to be good.

And we also got Crowdstrike who’s going to make sure that the elections are safe from any tampering. Yeah. And you know, I’ve called this, well, I guess since it’s a cybersecurity company doing, doing it, we can’t call it a hack. Let’s call it an exploit. Yeah. I’ve named it the revenge of the closed source strike. Again, what that means is this is geek speak for vendor backdoors, vendor ports, open ports, whatever. Geek speak you want to apply to this old DOS windows operating system. Yeah. And that’s the key thing, that windows hasn’t really fundamentally changed forever.

Right? Decades of stuff that’s built on top of this garbage that’s at the front. It’s got a really old foundation, doesn’t it? It is antiquated. It has not changed. They just put new skins on it. And these little, I mean, this has been around since 19. Well, when did Bill Gates steal, 1982? Yeah, that’s right. And it’s never been modified for current operations. I mean, everybody, okay, all these guys that built their careers on windows and this, they’re gonna say, you don’t know what you’re talking about, but basic codes and basic commands are still dolls and it’s not changed.

Yeah. And well, for instance, it only has 15 characters in this code string. Can you think of 15 characters to crash millions of windows operated laptops, desktops and servers? Can we talk a little bit about what is actually. And let’s talk a little bit about what is actually happening. I mean, what, they’re getting the blue screen of death. It’s not booting up, is that correct? For the people have it. Right. And what it is done is it’s locked. Let me go back for just a second. I’m working on my notes because this is, this has been like kicking over Pandora’s box and Medusa pops out because this is a, this is not what it looks like.

Basically it is causing these machines to continually try to reboot up. But there’s a, it’s not allowing them to, it’s just, it’s giving you conflicts. And you have to go into the back, back way in, which is through the safe. I don’t use windows that much. I mean I quit using Windows years ago. But you have to go into safe mode. Then you have to scroll through, find file, find this 115 character code and manually remove it. And you know you have billion sub lines of code all through these servers and things like that. So you’re looking for a 15 character code to remove.

You know, right now if you think about it, it’s so surreal because there’s been, there’s trillions of lines of code out there making things operate and billions of dollars spent on digital security. And a simple little 15 character code bricks millions of Windows devices on the critical infrastructure. Wow. So if you reboot this thing and you get into safe mode, then you’ve got to go into some kind of a text editor to try to find that one line of those 15 characters and remove it. Is that what the real hitch is? I lost your audio there.

Did you drop your phone? No. Okay we’re back. We’re back. Yeah. Okay. Now what you’ve got to do is, and this goes back to dos. I mean these guys that want to argue with me, they can argue till their tonsils roll out on the floor. You’ve got to go back to the file which is written on DOS backbone, open that file and then go through and locate that 15 line code and remove it manually. And that’s the time consuming thing. And that’s going to be different for every computer, presumably because the things that have been put in there where that is located in the file.

In theory, yes. So it’s not just simply go in and open up. Hopefully the it people were smart enough not to change a name on the file, but some of them do. Yeah. Well let me read this to you. This is from futurism says Microsoft recommends rebooting your computer 15 times as blue screen of death strikes worldwide. The subtitle is have you tried turning it on and off again? Which is the first thing tech support, I always ask you. And then on and on and off again and again, again. And they said as the world is reeling, this is their instructions to try 15 times.

I mean if you want to try the goat tree method, hit it with a hammer a couple of times. That don’t work. Bouncing off the floor a couple of times. Yeah. But there’s some people. Oh my God, I bet there’s some people doing that right now because they’re so upset about what is happening with this. And so we’ve got all these computers that have gone down and they’re saying it might take weeks. And I guess it’s because it’s difficult to find that particular piece of code to, to fix it. Right. And the massive document put it into concept, you know, average business, let’s just say, I don’t know, a million dollar a year business.

They probably have 25, maybe 30. Some of them, you know, in automation and things like that, may have 50 laptops or desktops or whatever to operate their business, their people and their business. And they only have one it guy. May take this, add one IP guy to an hour per laptop, desktop, server, whatever, to clear it. So you’re right there, you have got 50 to 60 manual hours just bringing the computers back online. So if you get these multinationals, their. It is usually no more than, let’s see, the way they like to work is seven. Let’s just say they’ve got a thousand computers down.

They’ve got seven it people, they’ve got a problem, you know, they’re talking weeks or months. Yeah, yeah, I see what the problem is. Yeah, yeah. You multiply it out. Right. It’s not the code, it is the correction that is going to be causing the delays. That’s right. And of course, these computers are not necessarily going to be all in one physical location. They’re going to be distributed to a lot of different places for all these it guys to try to. It’s crazy. Now you’ve been talking about on a Friday, there’s. Yeah, this occurred on a Friday.

Wait till people get. Get in the office. Those that weren’t in the office on Friday, wait till they get in on Monday and get their surprise. Yeah. Wow. Well, you’ve been talking about this kind of stuff for quite some time. The kind of exploits, you were talking about it with railroads and things like that, right? Yeah. This is to explain this in a simple way. You know, when we were talking about this Palestine, Ohio railroad crash. Yeah. I sent you that video of the railroad dude opening the remote shack that had the automated safety equipment in it.

It was all there, radio, computer, keyboard, everything. Just sitting there waiting to rock and roll. This stuff will send in information either event driven or on a schedule. Well, me, Mister Black hat, the only thing between me and it is a padlock. So if I would knock that padlock and get in there and insert, I don’t know, let’s just say a 50 character line of code that would take down that railroad. I could insert it, embed it into the hourly or event transmission. When that happens, it’s going to deploy on their email server, whichever server it goes to, whatever it’s routed to, when they open it up, it starts breaking things.

And as you pointed out before, a lot of these things ship with a default passcode that is there in the manual. And a lot of times they don’t change the default password. And if they do change the default password frequently, what they’ll do is write it there next to the password for the next guy who’s coming in because it’s a hassle for them. That’s just human nature. That’s what’s happening with these systems. Well, this is the same principle that happened with this crowd strike. Crowdstrike does it as a update. Well, basically these remote nodes are sending updates.

It may be information and you can insert code malware into it and do the same thing. I mean, the header comes across 01:00 update, everything’s fine, Dandy. And at the bottom you insert your code and the system will read the code too. And it can execute that code because machines are dumb. Computers dumb, they’re driven on commands. So if it sees this update, this operational update sees code on it, it could actually execute that code. Then you have the domino effect or the waterfall effect happening. Yeah. And we had talk a little bit about the colonial pipeline as well.

You know, when we had that situation happening, pen tests. Well this, this was one, it was either 2015 or 2016. We did some pen testing on a pipeline and these used these very small devices that basically took pressure flow and all these rates that was needed to make the pipeline function efficiently. And they would send in these 1 hour updates. Well, they kept these in these plastic, they weren’t even locked. They were in these like plastic things where your water sprinkler is. We popped that open, we took the disc out, put ours in it, and we waited about an hour and they started getting alarms at the master system.

And hours was not meant to heard anything, it was just simply a spoof letting them know that we were in the system. And I think we had, I think we were playing disco music and had a flashing screen. And that’s what they hire you for. They hire you as a white hat hacker to find the vulnerabilities and report them to them. And to play some disco music occasionally. Yeah. You know, playing some Casey in the Sunshine Band or Yoko Ono screaming at night. Yeah, no, no, we only saved that for squatters really is basically we let them know we were in the system and if we were up to no good, we could do anything we chose to.

So we made them listen to some really weird disco music as their punishment. Yeah, that’s interesting. You know, when you look at this, and again, we keep seeing this over and over again. We’ve had a couple of. Now, colonial pipeline, they had a hack that from what it was reported, it attacked their counting system and not the pipeline, is that correct? Yes. And that seemed to these ancillary systems. I mean, we saw that with the airlines. They got shut down for like a 24 hours period because somebody hacked into the NOTAM system, which is a warning system that tells the planes if there’s some incident in or around an airport on a Runway or something like that.

So it’s just kind of a news alert broadcast. But if they didn’t have that ability to warn planes and that was taken down, the FAA just shut down all of the planes for about a 24 hours period. Yes. Well, you got right now just off this exploit, thousands of flights either very delayed or canceled. I mean, you’ve got people that are basically stranded at the moment. Well, we’re talking about this on Saturday. Yesterday afternoon I looked in and they said that all of united and all of American Airlines were shut down. So I don’t know how extensive that is in the United States, but all their planes, all their planes are shut down.

And like I said, 15 character codes. What’s done it. And I would hate to be part of their it department. These guys aren’t going to get home for months. But, you know, you’re going back to how to get into these systems. It doesn’t matter where you find the vulnerability you can exploit. It’s like with colonial pipelines. Well, they found it in the payroll or whatever department they got into. When you’re proving a network, you look for the vulnerability. You don’t care where it is because once you get in you can burrow to wherever you want to go.

So I mean, I could in theory find a unguarded, I don’t know, site for their janitorial staff and, you know, you could have the janitorial department of doom sitting there terrorizing the company. That’s a real hits the fan scenario, isn’t it? Yeah, literally. Well, you know, we leave this thing. So this thing is caught in this loop trying to boot up, I guess, is what is happening when this thing goes through and they got to manually remove this and, you know, it’s time consuming for each one of these things, just multiply it out by all the computers that this has been put on.

They can’t do it, evidently remotely because computer can’t boot up. So it’s got to be, uh, fixed at each and every one of these. Um, you know, we talked about this before, the, the blaster worm and things like that. We, we got a history of this one. One person is going back to y two k. They said this is what we feared about y two k. But it’s really happened. And of course, there’s. Shortly after that, there was a blaster worm as well, right? Yeah, the blaster worm goes back to, I think it was 2003. It was an old.

Well, once again, you know, it goes back to Dallas, I’d say, oh, this is all the windows, blah, blah, blah. Basically this, I forget which, forget which platform. Windows platform. It happened, but it bricked them up same way in 2003. And I think it was XP when this XP, that’s what it was. And you know, everybody says, oh, it’s all correct, it’s fixed. This is. Well, here it is 21 years later, it’s back, same exploit. And it people, a lot of them weren’t even born or were watching teletubbies in 23. And they’re, they’re getting a dose of something that’s been around for 20 some odd years.

Oh, yeah. And everybody, I mean, this goes back to the backbone of windows. This is all dos related. People can argue with me and they can carry on and, you know, it’s like, that’s fine, but if, you know, really truly know the architecture of Windis. It’s 40 something year old architecture. It’s just been reskinned and asked some various things added. But the crux of it, the backbone of it’s same as it was 19, 84, 85. Yeah, yeah, that’s true. Well, let’s talk a little bit about the sick, the conspiracy theories that are out there. We’ve got this is put out a mainstream media to cover up for this stuff.

And it was pushed out by Drudgeryport online. Conspiracy theories abound after the major global it crash. And it appeared this is a company that I’d never seen their name before talking about this. And Ciabra, c y a b r a. Have you heard of them? Siabra. It is a disinformation security company. So these are people, you know, we got people that want to make sure that we don’t have any disinformation out there, but this is disinformation security company. And they’re focused on shutting down these conspiracy theories before they travel around the world. Right. Well, good luck with that.

Come on. Come to me, disinformation company. I’ll take you out of school. Yeah. I’ve never heard of them, but I don’t pay attention to them because they basically aren’t, aren’t in on my radar if they want to make a run at me. Welcome to. I’ll show them some different disinformation, but I’ve sent you some direct connections I want you to follow up on because Crowdstrike is in a partnership with the WEF. And you know that the World Economic Forum is warning of mass cyber strikes. Yeah, yeah. And that was a couple of years ago. They were talking about cyberpolygon, I think, wasn’t it? I think it was 2022, if I’m not mistaken.

But they’re warning everybody else. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Still talking about it. And so that was really the purpose of this news article, was to inoculate the World Economic Forum to give them immunity from these conspiracy. Because people don’t like the World Economic Forum. It’s been the brunt of these conspiracy theories. Well, it’s because they’ve been talking about how this is what’s going to happen, and then it happens with a company that is connected deeply with them. It’s the one that pulls. Yes. And crowd. Well, it gets better, though. We have. And Crowdstrike. It’s easy to find.

Just go to their website. They’ll tell you that they’re partners with the WEF and they are globally involved in elections with. Now, this is the good part. Working partnership with the WEF, linked to Global Cyber alliance. Now, the misinformation guys you gave me, I’m not even going to pay attention to them. The Global Cyber alliance is what you need to research. Everybody’s going to be listening to this. Have a look at Global Cyber alliance. You’ve never heard of them, but they are part of the WEF, and that’s really interesting. Yeah. And this is. Sorry, go ahead.

No, no, go ahead. I just want everybody to focus on this global cyber alliance, focus on the global Cyber alliance and focus on the connections to elections, because that’s really what this is about. I think we got to go back to paper. I mean, it’s just, you know, there’s no perfect system, but when you go back to something that is physical like that, that keeps the, it keeps away the global thieves that can break in everywhere and multiply, multiply this in the same way that what we’re talking about in terms of doing the repair on this, it is difficult to get that done because you got a limited number of people that can go out there and fix these different machines.

And that’s the very reason why you want to have paper elections. You’re going to have some crooked areas like Chicago, where they’re going to stuff the ballots regardless of what you do or what form they’re in. But what you do when you have a physical ballot like that, what you do is you make an obstacle for them that they can’t be everywhere all at once and change all these things. But they can do that if it’s computerized. Well, now, here’s where it gets interesting. CrowdStrike’s part of providing security for the United States elections on November 5.

What if these elections aren’t going the way they see fit and they have another update may brick the election machines. Well, that’s impossible. Well, look what they’ve just done. Yeah. Oh, no, I remember, I’ve talked many times about what happened in Brazil with Smartmatic, you know, that was start one of the first electronic voting machine companies at the time. It was started in Venezuela with some friends of Hugo Chavez to keep him in office. But they’ve had accusations of disruption and fraud and several states in Mexico and the Philippines, in Brazil and in Brazil, you had exactly that scenario.

You had this leftist who was really lagging behind the polls. From all indications, she was booed off out of the stadium the day before the election, football stadium, and she was losing significantly. And then all the machines go down and then they’re down for a while. And then when they come back up, she’s switched positions with the other guy. And so, yeah, it is very for them to do that type of thing with electronic machines. Well, let’s take for instance yesterday. Well, today, Saturday, it would be Friday. Arizona was having their early balloting for, I don’t know if what it was, it may have been primaries, early election, early voting.

I don’t know. They had that same event happened. Hmm. Yeah, right in the middle of the elections. All from this exploit. Wow. Yeah, this exploit, it’s kind of like, you know, who watches the watchers, right? That’s what the problem is. The problem with government is that we’re not angels, as Madison said, but so we need to have government. But when we have government, who watches the government? Because there’s made up of men who are not angels. And same thing happens when you talk about police or when you talk about cybersecurity. Who watches the watchers how do we keep this thing under control? How do we know that crowdstrike that has been involved in nefarious things just eight years ago at the center of these false claims about the election at the time? How do we know what they’re doing? Are they an honest broker? They’ve insinuated themselves pretty much everywhere.

I didn’t realize they had such a massive footprint globally. Well, the weird part about all this is, okay, they disrupted Arizona elections yesterday. This exploit comes only five days after the attempted assassination of President Trump. Yeah, that’s right. I mean, there’s just too many coincidences to ignore here, wouldn’t you think? And who watches the watchers there? Who watches the Secret Service to make sure that they’re actually doing their job, that they’re not setting things up? You know, it’s just another example. It’s very much like that, except this is the computer version of it. Yeah. And if they want to send the cyber disinformation dudes after me, bring it.

Yeah. Yeah, after both of us. It’s. That’s why, you know, we have to call it the way we see it. It is extremely suspicious. Their connections to the World Economic Forum and their connections to the elections are very suspicious at the very least. You know, again, when you, when you’re looking at this situation, the shooting there in Pennsylvania with Trump, you look at it in terms of incompetence, and it’s always these two things. Is that incompetence or is it maliciousness? And when competence, or it could be both. Yeah, exactly. Because people can use that, that incompetence in a malicious way.

Some people can use that. And so it’s always difficult. What’s that? Yeah, weaponized incompetence, otherwise known as Dei, didn’t earn it. Yeah, that’s right. Well, it certainly is interesting. And we’ll be following this. Anything else that we haven’t covered that you want to, want to mention before we call it quits here? No, I mean, that’s pretty much it. This is all documented. And if your listeners want to take it upon themselves to go start doing some digging and researching, you know, they’re going to be surprised with what they find. Yeah, that’s right. And another thing, if we get this word out, the thing about it is, even if this is actually what we think, shining light on this stuff always makes them alter their game plan.

If everybody knows what. Well, if everybody knows what’s. What’s up, they suddenly aren’t able to operate in the dark and they may pivot off of whatever they have planned. That’s right. If it’s malice, you want to shine the light on it. If it’s incompetence, you want to shine the light on it. So, you know, we look at this, it’s like, is this incompetence or is it malice? Either way, we need to shine the light on it. And already, you know, we got, the CEO of Crowdstrike is out there getting visibly angry with it because he’s had, I don’t know how much the stock is down now and off hours trading and everything, but yesterday it lost a little over 10%.

Yesterday. It probably keep going down. If people still got their computers down, and we’ll have a lot of computers down at the beginning of the week, it’s going to continue to go into free fall. And I hope he’s got a golden parachute because he may be defenestrated pretty soon. Thrown out the window. I hate to break, I hate to, hate to admit I live like we in Rome. I shorted them yesterday, so I hope he’s crying crocodile, too. There you go. That’s a way to profit off of this stuff. Well, you know, they have short changed us, that’s for sure.

And that’d be a fair response to short. Their stocks created a lot of misery for a lot of people, and it was the cyber security thing that actually did it. So it’s, we’re seeing this over and over again, the structures that are there to protect us. And again, as you and I talk about the incredible fragility of our infrastructure and how the more complex it gets, the more fragile it becomes and the more vulnerable it becomes to somebody who is malicious. But with that complexity, and then with Dei, the whole thing, everybody needs to start shorting the infrastructure.

And by that, I mean going out and prepping for yourself and making sure that you’re going to be okay. If this house of cards falls down because of 15 characters, that’s really what we’re looking at right here. Well, that gentleman you had on yesterday with his civil defense books. Yeah, I don’t know him. I’ve never read them other. I think they would be a pretty good investment. Yes. I’m thinking about, I mean, I’ve got my basis covers somewhat well, but I’m going to make an investment in getting some, some of his books. Yeah, yeah. Civil

that’s Jack Lawson. He’s had a wealth of experience as a mercenary soldier in the military, and then he knows people are special forces, and so he had them talk about their areas of responsibility. So, yeah, you can look at that. And he’s got a free chapter there about water because that’s the principal thing. He can’t go long without water. And we’ve got all of our water systems. Systems are now being hacked left and right all over the place as well. They can mess up the delivery, they can mess up the water itself in these systems. So as everything goes online, as everything becomes more and more complicated, it gets more and more vulnerable.

And I guess that’s the key takeaway and for people to prepare for themselves. Well, thank you so much for joining us. Sorry, go ahead. Okay. And you tell Jack he owes me a cup of coffee for promoting this book. Okay, I’ll do that. Yeah. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for doing a Saturday with me. It’s important to get this stuff out, and people need to start paying attention to this. This is going to be a really wild ride, I think, between now and the election, and I don’t think things are going to slow down after the election.

I think that’s it’s going to continue to escalate. As we come to a close on this fourth turning, we got another four years of it. And I think we’re going to have a lot of crazy things that are going to be happening. And it isn’t really from our perspective. You know, we can look at it, is it malicious or is it incompetence? But either way, you got to prepare for when this stuff goes down. So thank you for joining us, goat tree, and explain this stuff. Appreciate it. My pleasure, David. Hearing of biased and false false news has become all too common on social media.

Unfortunately, some members of the platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda control. Exactly. And this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. Break free from the usual script with a David Knight show, a fresh perspective, bringing you genuine insights on current events. But if the show is going to stay on the air, we’ll need your continued support.

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