Crimea Bridge Explosion, Putin Retaliates, Lights Out & More!

Posted in: Patriots


What has been happening with Russia and Ukraine lately? 


You may have heard of the explosion on the Crimea bridge that happened in the last couple days.



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This is a bridge that connects Russia to the Republic of Crimea (which Russia considers part of the Russian Federation) 


Putin says it was an act of terrorism by Ukraine… 


Crimea bridge: Putin accuses Ukraine of ‘terrorism’




And Ukraine has essentially admitted to the attack on the Crimea bridge…





Well, Putin and Russia are hitting back hard! 



Just in the last 24 hours…





Breaking: all of Ukrainian major cities are getting hit by Russian Armed Forces cruise missiles. This was caught on a BBC stream minutes ago




Power outages in Ukraine





Russian Navy warships launching a large wave of missiles at Ukraine




Also, German consulate in Kyiv hit by Russian strike.







Ukraine President Zelenskyy responds…





And although all of those areas were hit with several missiles, here are the report deaths and casualties from the attack…

If those numbers are accurate, that’s not a relatively lot of people, considering the size of the attack, so it doesn’t seem like Russia was going after mass casualties.


You can also see lots more updates on this Battlefield Insights Telegram channel.


It will be interesting to see what Ukraine does next. They’re being obliterated and now allegedly the “Biden administration” will be sending them “air defense systems”.


But wait a second… Didn’t Ukraine receive air defense systems from the US 2 weeks ago??


Guess it wasn’t enough! Now it’s time for the ADVANCED stuff! 🤦‍♂️

We will likely be seeing a lot of action all around the world in the next few weeks. 


Remember, the storm is upon us!


Hopefully you’re prepared for what may come. 


Thank You For Continuing To Learn More Truth, Share This Story & Help Others See What Is Happening Right Now! 







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Crimea Bridge Explosion
  • if you keep pokeing the bear ,what the fluffy ducks do you expect , and you have lost his submarine !? maybe put up an anti sub net on the potomack ?, a small ‘gift ‘ up the rear end would certainly help flush the swamp . Putins original peace deal looks pretty good ,and ULR would still have an army !, 2-300 000 young men dead for what !? oh-bum-ahs pride ?.

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