Court Speeds Review of Elections Lawsuit NEW Secret Service DEI Docs Kamala Coup?

Posted in: Judicial Watch, News, Patriots



➡ Tom Fitton, the President of Judicial Watch, discussed various issues in his weekly social media update. He questioned the process of Kamala Harris becoming the Democratic Party nominee, suggesting that it was unprecedented and that millions of votes had disappeared. Fitton also criticized the Democratic Party convention, calling it a “coup convention” and expressed concerns about potential violations of voting rights. He also mentioned that Judicial Watch has been censored on social media platforms like TikTok and Facebook for highlighting these issues.
➡ The speaker is expressing concern about censorship and the suppression of information, particularly regarding noncitizens voting in elections. They also discuss their personal experiences with being banned from social media platforms like TikTok. The speaker is worried about the potential for further censorship, especially in the context of upcoming elections. They also discuss their involvement in legal cases challenging the counting of ballots that arrive after Election Day in Mississippi and Illinois, arguing that this practice invites fraud and undermines confidence in elections.
➡ The article discusses ongoing legal battles over voting laws in Mississippi, Illinois, and Arizona. The main issue is the counting of ballots received after Election Day, which some argue dilutes the weight of valid votes and undermines the election process. The Supreme Court’s recent decisions have been criticized for not adequately addressing these concerns. The article also mentions efforts to clean up voter rolls, with Judicial Watch claiming to have removed 4 million “dirty names” and planning further lawsuits.
➡ The Secret Service has been criticized for its lack of professionalism and competency, with concerns raised about the safety of President Trump. There have been instances of security breakdowns, including an agent leaving her post without informing anyone. Judicial Watch is demanding answers from the Secret Service and the FBI about these issues. There are also concerns about the Secret Service’s focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), with critics arguing that it is prioritizing these aspects over its protective and law enforcement duties.
➡ The article discusses a situation involving two employees, Rita and Jana, where Rita expresses her disagreement with mandatory racial awareness training and posts controversial comments on social media. Jana, feeling uncomfortable with Rita’s comments, is unsure whether to report them as potential signs of racial discrimination. The article also criticizes the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service for their handling of such issues, suggesting that their focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs is causing division and strife. Lastly, the author promotes a book published by Judicial Watch, an organization that uncovers government misconduct.


Hey, everyone, judicial watch President Tom Fitton here with our weekly update on social media. A lot going on this week. The what I call the coup convention took place this week for the Democratic Party. I’ll talk a little bit about this social media censorship, again, directed at Judicial Watch and me this time by TikTok. I’ll provide an update for you there. Important court action in a key election law case. Plus, we have new documents about what a mess the secret service is as it relates to Dei. So a lot to talk about. First up, I want to talk about the convention and the Democratic Party convention.

And we’re not allowed to ask basic questions about how Kamala Harris became the nominee. There’s nothing normal about it. The situation has no precedent, I would say, in american history. And I made a brief comment for social media on it the other day. I know we’re not allowed to ask this question, but what about the coup? How did Harris become the nominee? 15 million votes have disappeared. Nothing like it has happened in american history. And I’m not going to stop asking questions about it, nor will judicial watch. And I kind of half jokingly tweeted yesterday because I dont think it was a joke since I actually didnt watch the democratic convention.

I was boycotting it. I boycott the convention because to me, it was designed to ratify an illicit attack on democracy, as the left likes to say, an unprecedented attack on the voting rights of millions of Americans. 15 million votes. I got a question for you. If you go through an election and you vote, as 15 million or so did during the democratic party primaries, for or against Joe Biden, and because Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris and Obama and Nancy Pelosi decide that Biden shouldn’t be the nominee, even after this primary process and your votes are torn up, how are your voting rights protected in those circumstances? Do you have any voting rights to speak of? If that’s the process, doesn’t that raise legal civil rights concerns? Constitutional concerns, and the idea that we would just march along with no accountability, no investigation, no serious questioning of it, and have this process ratified and condoned through what I call this coup convention, I’m not buying into it.

And as I said in the clip, I’m going to keep on asking these questions and to the degree we’re able, judicial watch is going to keep on asking these questions. There’s been nothing like this in american history where we went through an entire primary and they just decided it doesn’t matter the expense states went through to have these primary content, a contest, the exercise of your core civil right to vote. That ought to mean something. And, yes, I understand political parties have First Amendment, freedom of association. That’s another part of the First Amendment. The left doesn’t want you to remember or notice freedom of association, right to select their party nominee.

But here you have this intersection between that process and the right to vote. And the right to vote needs to be vindicated, it seems to me. And there should be concerns about it. I don’t know if you saw Robert F. Kennedy junior s talk today. And obviously, there are political ramifications because he’s endorsed Trump and all that. And that’s not what I’m talking about. What I thought was interesting about his speech was he laid out quite succinctly and powerfully what he calls the elements of the, what he called the palace coup against Biden. And theres been nothing like it in american history.

And ill tell you whats to stop the Democratic Party from knocking Kamala off the ticket if things go south for her or Tim Waltz up until election day. Now, there may be state laws that make it nearly impossible after a certain period of time. But it seems to me that if voting rights matter, then there’s a significant scandal with what went on with Joe Biden, a significant scandal. And they can have as much fulsome coverage by the left media. But I want to know about how wonderful it is Kamala Harris is doing so well as a result of this PR push.

But I want to know what she knew and when she knew it about this effort to remove Biden from the campaign. And was the whole primary a sham? If so, that raises other serious legal issues. And were supposed to forget about Bidens 25th Amendment problem. And what is that problem? Hes cognitively unfit. Thats why they removed him from the campaign. And I want to know what she knew and when about this. And I think Republicans, if they were doing their job, frankly, honest people of both parties, theyd be having hearings, bringing in Obama, asking Nancy to testify, bring in Kamala Harris, have her testify.

But thats not going to happen. Why? Because Republicans are on vacation. House Republicans, they are on vacation. They went out, I think, was it the middle of July, maybe the third week in July? Anyway, it’s six weeks of an August recess. So August has four weeks. Right. And because it’s the government, they managed to change an August recess into a recess that includes a week in September or a week plus and a full week in July. So six weeks they’re out. And so the Republican Congress, the Republican House of Representatives is completely awol on these core issues.

You may have seen this report issued by some of the committees investigating Biden for impeachment, and I’m not going to belabor it here. Maybe I should have gone over some of the details because it is worthwhile, but I’ve done it before. There’s nothing new in the sense that it’s material that they’ve been putting out before. But they’ve again summed up, summed it up, but they don’t even call for his impeachment anymore. They’re done. They’re not going to impeach him. Theyre not going to impeach him for his corruption with Burisma. Theyre not going to impeach him for his corruption with Hunter.

Theyre not going to impeach him for his corruption targeting Trump. Theyre not going to impeach him for his corruption related to the border. Theyre not going to impeach him for his corruption related to censorship, for his abuse of power, spending money hes not authorized to spend in the universe of tens and hundreds of billions of dollars. Zero. Impeachment. They don’t even want to vote and dare I say it, lose a vote. So judicial watch will do what it can. We’ve got some foias out on these issues, pick up the ball or keep on carrying it because we’ve never really let go of it because we never trusted Congress to do much of this anyway.

We’ve been doing this for too long to know that Congress is an unreliable ally in these areas. But we push them to do their job, obviously, and always will, and help them when we can. It doesn’t matter who’s running the party, which party is running it. So that’s where things stand. We have really an attack on democracy, an attack on voting rights, an attack on the rule of law. Our election system never seen before in american history. And there’s no joy in that, to use the, the campaign phrase. Now, I talk about elections, and I talk about the attack on election integrity generally.

We have our elections being compromised by throwing out 15 million votes. We have our elections being compromised by trying to jail President Trump. We have non citizens potentially voting in our elections. And what happens? I get censored. Judicial watch gets censored for highlighting these issues. And not only that, we get censored for highlighting issues about the Fauci agency and the whole Covid cover up. There’s been this big controversy. I told you about how Facebook has censored our documentary evidence about noncitizens voting in the 2024 presidential primary in DC. How do we know that happened? Because we got a list from the DC government that said 113 noncitizens voted in non presidential.

Excuse me, in the 2024 presidential primary. Now, that would be illegal if they voted in the federal election. And the DC spokesman says, well, that list doesn’t say what it. We don’t mean to say what the list says. It says, well, where are the documents? They don’t have any. So we get censored for that, for reporting accurately what the government told us, and Facebook has censored us for that. And now TikTok is similarly censoring that type of content. There have been at least four videos. Maybe it’s at four now, guys. Four videos where I talked about really straightforward stuff about election integrity, about judicial watch lawsuits over congressional information, about FOIA evasion by Faucis agency and people around him.

They censored it. So chinese communist controlled TikTok is interfering, it looks like to me, in our elections, by censoring information unhelpful to the cause of the left. They don’t want to talk about Fauci agency corruption and an ongoing cover up of that. They don’t want to talk about noncitizens voting. That’s exactly the thing that the Biden Harris operation doesn’t want to talk about. And we’re getting censored. Let’s bring up that Twitter again. Twitter didn’t censor us. What did I say on Twitter? Yeah, they. Oh, yes. This is what I wanted to. This is what I was forgetting.

They censored my complaint about censorship. Can we play one of those videos? Pick one. I don’t know if we can play them off the cuff like that. Here we are, 113 non citizens voted in the non presidential primary, and the evidence to the contrary is a spokesman for the government. It’s absurd. The documents speak for themselves. And so now they’re suppressing information about noncitizens voting in our elections. So we’re fighting back as best we’re able. We’re not going to leave Facebook because that’s where people are. I mean, they want us to leave. I mean, I’m convinced they’d be happy.

Which one was the censorship? Yeah, that was the censorship one. I didn’t hear it on my end. So, I mean, we can complain to TikTok, but you can imagine what sort of attention we’re going to get now. I don’t like being on tick tock. I mean, I’ve been personally banned by TikTok. They took me off of tick tock was it two years ago now? Just summarily took me off. They didnt tell me what rules I had violated and im pretty careful. Unfortunately, I have to police my speech in order to convey judicial watchs work on social media.

But you know, the commies running TikTok didnt care about that and they just took me off. So judicial watch is still on. So we have no idea why they took the material down. We dont know. I mean we can presume but this is a challenge were facing. Were coming up on an election and social media, again is censoring those. On one side of the ideological policy dividend, it’s conservatives and we are a government watchdog group and a critic of the government and we are being censored over our criticism of the government. And we’ve seen before that these private entities, they’re tools of the government.

Don’t think it hasn’t changed. It’s gotten worse under Biden. Bidens been caught red handed getting these companies to censor Americans, especially on Covid issues. And now the left is obsessed with censoring on election issues as well because its election time. But we’re going to keep on keeping on, right? I’m going to keep on telling the truth. I don’t know really how to, it’s kind of hard to even, you know, try to stay within the lines that some of these companies lay out for us. And of course, when we’re punished, we’re censored. It means you’re censored because you don’t have access to the information.

And so this is what I would encourage you to do, you know, sign up for us, for our website updates, our emails, our text messages. Really sign up. Also send us your mailing address. It’s going to be harder for them to censor us mailing material to you. I mean, with the government today, I don’t know what will happen in the medium term. I mean, they could turn off our emails, I don’t know, turn off our text messaging, throw us off platforms. Who knows? Who knows what’s coming? I mean, look what they’re doing to Elon Musk. They’re threatening to jail him because he has too much free speech on this platform.

The Biden administration’s cutouts in the European Union and in Brazil and places like that, they’re all targeting X and Musk for promoting free speech. And I don’t know where the politics are going to be of this are going to be next year. But the left is committed to destroying free speech. And it’s a transnational effort. They’ve had some limit. They’ve had success here in the United States. They’ve had some significant pushback, but they don’t give up. They don’t give up at all. We’ve got litigation over it that’s ongoing, exposing the censorship, challenging some of the prior censorship, and we don’t give up either.

Speaking of elections, we have some significant developments in our case over the counting of ballots that arrive after election day in Mississippi and similar developments or similarly important developments up in Illinois. A quick summary video, and this gets to the heart of it. Let’s play that big case for judicial watch next month before the Fifth Circuit Court of appeals. We’re trying to stop the counting of ballots that arrive after election day in Mississippi. They count ballots that arrive for up to five days after election Day. Brayson violation of federal law, which sets an election day, not an election week, not an election month, invites voter fraud and undermines voter confidence.

So that case is set for next month. Expedited review. Hopefully, we get that law shut down and freer and fairer elections. In the meantime, we’re up in Illinois, believe it or not, in Illinois, they count ballots that arrive for up to 14 days after election day, 14 days. Now that case we may have to take up to the Supreme Court, but all of this shows that judicial watch is your ally for freer and fairer elections. We’re fighting in courts in Illinois and in Mississippi, courts across the nation to ensure that elections are fair, clean and honest.

And this is what that Mississippi case is about. I had a little summary from a few months back when we first sued in Mississippi. Hey, everyone, judicial watch President Tom Fitton. Here are some big news. We have a civil rights lawsuit for Mississippi voters who object to that state’s counting ballots for up to five days that arrive. Absentee ballots after an election. Federal law allows for an election day, not an election week. We also have a lawsuit in Illinois where they count ballots that arrive for up to 14 days after an election, even without a valid postmark.

I tell you, counting ballots after election day is a great way to invite fraud. It undermines confidence in, in the elections. Plus, it’s downright illegal, I tell you. Maybe I should just play these videos because it really does summarize what the situation is. Well, and I guess I’ll go into a little more detail for you now, but again, it’s judicial watch with the heavy lifting on this core election issue. It’s not just in Mississippi and Illinois. Do they count ballots that arrive after election day. There are 18 states, the District of Columbia, some of the island territories also do it in DC.

Here, for instance, they count ballots that arrive for seven days after election day. Other states are ten days. I think California is seven days. And as I say, federal election law is really quite specific. But importantly, the reason the law is there and needs to be enforced is because it undermines confidence in the elections. You know, how many votes you need to win in theory, and what an inducement for fraud. So it greatly increases the likelihood of fraud, the appearance, potentially, of fraud, because the mere counting after an election day is sketchy. It’s sketchy. There’s nothing normal about it.

And they tried to tell us it was normal in 2020, and it never had been done before like that in 2020, where you had election day counts of a candidate winning on, for instance, election day. I mean, if they. The ballots that were counted on election day had Trump winning, and those results were changed as a result of unprecedented counting that took place after election day. And to a degree, that counting included ballots that arrived after election day, it was egregiously illegal. At least that’s my view. So we had this case in Mississippi, and the lower court judge, just not that long ago, he basically just blew it.

With all due respect, he said there was no merit here for our clients concerns. I mean, the way the judge wrote his decision, it looks like states could do whatever they want. Why five days? Why not ten days? Why not 30 days? Why not up until January 5? Or in the case of Congress, January 1 or third? I dont know when the official results get certified for purposes of seating in Congress. Congress, actually, now that I think about it, Congress, it could be forever in a day. I exaggerate. But, you know, disputes about congressional elections go on for sometimes a year or two after election day, because Congress adjudicates in the end who wins or loses.

So who knows? Maybe they can just keep on allowing ballots to come in forever until the next election. Right? It may sound absurd, but if there is no election day deadline, then what is the deadline other than the one set by federal law? It’s a civil rights lawsuit, by the way, we filed because it’s an attack on the voting rights of citizens lawfully voting under federal law. And this is what our lawsuit argued. The first Tuesday after the first Monday in the November of every even numbered year is election day for federal elections. Congress recently affirmed a single national election day when it enacted the Electoral Count Reform act.

Under the recent congressional amendments, no extension of Election day shall be allowed unless there are force majeure events that are extraordinary and catastrophic that justify extension. Despite Congress’s unambiguous and longstanding statement regarding a single and uniform National Election day, Mississippi extended Election day by allowing five additional business days after election day for receipt of absentee ballots. No force majeure events that are extraordinary and catastrophic currently exist in Mississippi to justify extending the ballot receipt deadline for the November 5, 2024 election. Federal election for presidential and vice presidential electors, counting untimely, illegal and invalid votes such as those received in violation of federal law, substantially increases the pool of total votes cast and dilutes the weights of votes cast by plaintiff’s members and others in support of plaintiff’s federal nominees.

So invalid votes counted undermine the validity or the weight of valid votes. That’s what’s the civil rights issue at issue here. And thankfully, the Fifth Circuit granted the request of judicial watch attorneys, and I think the Republican National Committee is also suing. There were two separate lawsuits, so they were before the same court consolidated. And they’ll be hearing this. When is the, they set the date for the hearing? September 24. So hopefully the, hopefully the Fifth Circuit grapples with this in Illinois. It’s really scandalous what’s happened. And I’ll talk about Illinois in greater detail in a future update.

We just got a ruling the other day. It was two to one split at the appellate level. So three judge panel. So those of you, I’m not a lawyer, but I’ll explain the court process to you as it relates to this as best as I’m able. We filed a lawsuit in the district court, federal district court, which is, generally speaking, one judge. Here’s the case. They make the decision, and if you don’t like that decision, you can appeal it to the appellate court, court, which is where this is, and the lower court ruled that our clients didn’t have standing that challenged these rules.

In Illinois, they count ballots that arrive for 14 days after election day, 14 days after election day. One of our clients is Congressman bost out in Illinois, a federal candidate, and both the lower court and two judges on the appellate panel said he doesn’t have standing to challenge what he alleges to be illegal counting of votes. It’s absurd. It’s scandalous to really say that. And it’s, you know, and the problem with these election cases is that the judges are afraid of them. I really think they’re afraid of them. We saw that in 2020, judges were afraid of the election cases and they thought of ways to avoid ruling on them on the merits or in a substantive way that would have brought criticism of them because you rule one way, you’re going to get criticism from those who are on the losing side.

I mean, I say this somewhat, I say this somewhat jokingly, a bugs, money, character. 2020, they were telling people, oh, it’s too soon to challenge these election rules. If they were filed before election day and then after election day, they said it’s too late. So it was catch 22. And so the courts were fearful and I think, you know, fell down on the job. From the lower courts to the Supreme Court in handling the 2020 election disputes. I mean, the left likes to say there were 60. They come up with these silly numbers that are irrelevant to the substance of the election disputes, pretending that every case was thrown out on the merits and no one found any fraud.

The problem was the key cases related to allegations of election improprieties certainly brought by the Trump campaign. I’m not aware any of them were ever adjudicated on the merits. So the courts failed, and I hope they don’t fail again. I really don’t. I mean, the Supreme Court failed again in some and no small measure this week. There’s a law in Arizona. They’ve been trying to protect the voting rights of citizens from being negated by illegal voting by non citizens in federal elections. And the Supreme Court has ruled adversely against Arizona’s prior efforts in that regard. But they had a new law, and I, the Supreme Court upheld or failed to uphold and essentially enabled the likely voting of non citizens in federal elections.

This is my tweet on it. Weak supreme courts, Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett essentially made it all but certain foreign nationals will unlawfully vote and impact the results of the presidential election in Arizona, though at least Kavanaugh and Roberts joined with three other conservative justices to allow Arizona citizens to stop illegals from voting in their states elections. Barrett sided with the liberal justices basically on all the issues. And so whats at issue is that there are seemingly noncitizens on the voting rolls in Arizona. It’s not for certain, but the fact that they provided no evidence that they were eligible to vote in state elections, which, as I note, there still has a citizenship verification requirement, unlike what’s happening at the federal level.

Tens of thousands potentially. Now, are they all going to vote? I don’t know, but there’s no way to check right now or stop them from voting if they’re registered to vote other than the honor system, that maybe they’ll say, well, you know, maybe we’ll be arrested if we vote illegally, even though we’re registered currently and the Supreme Court didn’t want to deal with it. Five, four, excuse me, six, three. They didnt want to grapple with the reality that there are tens of millions of foreign nationals in the United States here legally and illegally. Theyre not allowed to vote in federal elections.

But because theres no citizenship verification requirement in the states, because of judicial interpretation of federal law as it relates to election registration, it’s impossible to police it. So when you, I don’t remember if you, many of you probably have been registered to vote for a long time, but when you are, when you register to vote, you’re supposed to certify you’re a citizen. That’s all. No one asks you to show your birth certificate or your passport or whatever, or your real id, which in many states under the real id law is essentially confirmation of citizenship. At least it ought to be.

So we have a crisis. And that’s why people are concerned about the presence of non citizens here in the United States and the failure to have a way to put some teeth into the law to prevent them from voting illegally in elections other than just relying on their sense of honor and not to do it. And Arizona tried to do that. And the Supreme Court failed to intervene to protect their right to do that. And the left has been intimidating the court. Dont forget, it was just announced this week, for instance, that the guy who tried to murder Kavanaugh planned to assassinate him, murder him and his family.

Hes finally showing up in court because the Biden administration has been trying to negotiate a plea deal with him for months, months. Its been two years since the attack on or near death situation for Kavanaugh. And that, remember, that was all part of the intimidation campaign by the left. He was motivated by that over the court’s rulings on abortion and things like that. And President Trump, I did a video essentially agreeing with President Trump’s highlighting of this issue. Let’s play that video. The radical left harasses our judges and harasses our justices. They scream at them. They call them names.

They say they’re incompetent, they’re horrible. They’re this, they’re that they should be impeached. They’re constantly saying they should be impeached, impeached, but they’re screaming. And you know what? It has an effect on some people. But so far, they’ve been very strong. It’s really horrible. I believe it’s illegal, what they do. And it’s a, it’s a and I’m trying to give you things that you’ve never heard before. And this is true. I believe they are playing the ref. They’re constantly criticizing our great, some of our greatest justices and a lot of great, yeah, playing the ref trumps.

Right. And I fear we sometimes get these awful decisions as a result. On the other hand, the court is very conservative on some issues, but on election issues, it’s been weak, in my view. And so judicial watch has these cases in Illinois and in Mississippi over the counting of ballots that arrive after election day. We also have cases in California and in Illinois separately to clean up the voter rolls there. And just to remind you, I don’t know, do we have the video where I talked about 4 million voters being cleaned up? Hey, everyone, you may not know this, but over the last year or two, judicial watch litigation has led to the cleanup of 4 million dirty names from the voter rolls.

But there’s still a lot of heavy lifting to be done. We have lawsuits ongoing in Illinois and California to clean up potentially millions more names. And we could be suing Oregon soon because they’re not cleaning up the rolls this law requires. So a lot more coming, and I’ll keep you updated. So a lot more coming. I mean, I think we’re going to be suing Oregon as soon as next week. Of course, I’m always hesitant to say that because you never, you know, we never have a lawsuit unless it’s actually filed. So who knows? But more is coming.

So if you like this type of work, I encourage you to support it, because there’s really no one else with the breadth and depth of knowledge and capacity to take on these key issues related to election integrity than your judicial watch. So we still have the emergency of the failing Secret Service putting President Trump at risk, I think, in a continued fashion. It’s been highlighted time and time again how incompetent political theyve been. And the proof is the pudding of the president nearly being killed in Butler. And now were having stories about, really additional stories. And Judicial Watch has been highlighting some of these in the past as well, of really the collapse of any sense of competency or organizational professionalism in the secret Service.

And some of this Americans and other critics of the agency have rightly tied to Dei. And, I mean, there’s something amiss in the Secret Service that some of the situations we’re talking about here are seemingly happening on a regular basis. And I remind you of what we discussed last week here. Incredible. Nearly a month to the day after they nearly got him killed. There’s been another secret Service security breakdown surrounding President Trump. Susan Crabtree of real clear investigations reported a female agent left her post at a Trump event just before he got there. Didn’t tell anyone to go breastfeed her child, and she brought her family back behind the security perimeter with her without pushing them through and having the Secret Service and other security vet them.

Incredible breakdown in security again by the Biden Harris secret Service. They’re going to get Trump killed unless this issue is treated like the emergency it is now. In the meantime, Judicial Watch is seeking and demanding answers from the Secret Service and the FBI. Of course, we’re getting the stonewalls on records about the assassination attempt, but judicial watch is prepared to go to court to get the full truth about this crisis. Yeah, and I expect there will be news about that pretty soon. But in the meantime, we already have been in court trying to get records about the crisis.

And you may recall we talked about how there was a Secret Service agent who, according to reports, went crazy, who was on Kamala Harris’s detail and had to be wrestled to the ground and handcuffed after she got into an altercation with one of her colleagues. I think it was at Andrews Air Force Base. Susan Grabtree, I think, exposed it first. The agents involved in restraining the woman were especially concerned because she still had her gun in her ulster. They arrested her to the ground, took the gun from her, cuffed her, and then removed her from the terminal.

The report states secret service agents and officers are privately questioning the hiring process and whether the agency had adequately screened the woman’s background. And so we asked for records about that incident and we got their DEI materials in response. And they are astonishing. I mean, you think Dei is bad? I mean, it is the guiding organizing principle of the secret service. According to these documents from the headline, secret service records reveal, DEi is prioritized for all agency employees in every action, every day. Do I need to say anything else? The records include an undated document titled Secret Service inclusion and engagement.

Council charter changing the game of diversity and inclusion. The collective duty collective, I love it, is to help the secret service build, foster and create and inspire a workforce where diversity and inclusion is not just talked about, but demonstrated by all employees through every action, every day. And they emphasize that in the original, the council will not rely solely on the legal requirements underscoring the principles of EEO, which essentially are nondiscrimination. Right. You can’t discriminate. No one’s in favor of discrimination. But here we’re talking about discrimination in favor of certain groups under the guise of being against discrimination.

Orwellian, isn’t it? The council will seek innovative solutions outside the agency’s mandated requirements to create a culture where differences are valued and appreciated and employee engagement is encouraged to be an employer of choice and gold standard for leveraging inclusive diversity by modeling the qualities of mutual respect, admiration and appreciation for cultural differences and varying perspectives. What cultural differences are they talking about? What they’re trying to do is highlight and promote racial and cultural and ethnic division in the agency. That’s what the left is trying to do here. This is what it’s about. They talk about a quota for individuals with physical and mental disabilities.

A quota? 12% hiring. This is a protective agency. It’s a law enforcement agency. There’s no discussion, as best I can tell here, that the actual job people should be picked on merit and whether they can do the job here they’re clearly placing the requirements of the job secondary to the characteristics of the personnel who are being hired. Now, if the job doesn’t require someone to be fully abled, sure. But that’s when they’re talking about the entire workforce. That means something has to give disability set asides. They don’t have unlimited budgets. They don’t have unlimited numbers of employees they can hire.

The policy to secret service is to provide equal employment opportunity throughout the service for all employees, etcetera, who are otherwise eligible and qualified. So there’s that normalcy there without regard for such non merit factors as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, physical or mental parental status, protected genetic information, sexual orientation, age, or reprisal for objecting to discrimination or prior or current participation in the EEO complaint process. So it’s a much broader standard than the standard anti discrimination requirements. And the policy applies to virtually the entire agency. Appointments, details, career development, training, reassignments, promotions and assignments of work, and to other actions or situations affecting employment status.

And then they talk about special emphasis programs that further are designed to distract the agency from performing its duties as the american taxpayer and their protectees expect them and focus on race and other issues. They’re designed to assist the organization in meeting its affirmative action responsibilities. Special emphasis programs are affirmative action programs established to increase the representation, retention and advancement of their constituent groups in underrepresented occupations and grades. Special emphasis programs are also charged with promoting cultural awareness. What does that mean? What culture? Isn’t there an american culture? Can’t we focus on that? Identifying policies, procedures and practices affecting their groups and advising management on actions which may increase in participation of minorities, women and persons with disabilities in all secret service programs and activities.

And they’ve got special emphasis programs for federal women, hispanic employment, african american, Asian Pacific Islander, Persons with Disabilities, disabled veterans, an american indian alaskan native, and it goes on and on. The diversity management program has been established in the Secret Service as a means of achieving an organization culture that values diversity and utilizes employees to their fullest potential. So what they mean is that we are more concerned about someone’s racial, ethnic and other characteristics than anything else. That’s what it means. Think of the culture, the employment culture, where that’s a priority. The resentment among every employee over that type of system must be terrible and awful.

Minorities, whoever, both the beneficiaries and seemingly those who don’t benefit from these types of programs, their resentment just, it just causes all sorts of dissension and it’s a distraction. Government agencies, they should have non discrimination policies and that should be the end of it. Quotas, 12% of the population workforce has to be disabled. Why? How has that helped them accomplish the mission? Discriminating against someone because they’re disabled in an unlawful way. That doesn’t mean you hire someone simply because they are disabled. It’s outrageous, it’s unlawful, or at least it ought to be unlawful if the law is fairly and properly interpreted and applied.

These documents show that the secret Service for years has seemed to place woke politics over their protective and law enforcement mission in, as their DEi policy states, every action, every day. And I want to show you the documents here. So this is Dei World for Secret Service, one agency, and this isnt the full raft of documents were supposed to be getting. But I want to draw attention to this training module of some type that was produced to us in the documents. And I want to show you just the sort of fear and resentment and divisiveness and targeting of dissent based on race and politics and ideology that this DEI initiatives, these DeI initiatives foster here, they’ve got, you know, these are they, this is the training programs, right? And they go through examples and this is the anti harassment example.

Essentially it sketches out a scenario where two people, Janet and, excuse me, Janna and Trentin, our DHS employees, Department of Homeland Security, which runs the secret service or is the overseeing organization of it, of the same component. So they work together. They’ve been working together for ten years and Jan has stopped by to talk with Trent at his desk about a project they are working on. Rita, another co worker who has been in the component for about a year, was also at his desk. Trent you all got that email, right? We have to complete the racial awareness training by Friday.

I better write that down so I don’t forget Jana. Yeah, I think it says it will take about 2 hours. I started it this morning. Rita. Rita commits to sin here. Yeah, I saw that email. It seems unnecessary to me. I guess it’s mandatory, so I have to do it. Uh oh. Janna feels uncomfortable with Rita’s statement. It sounded like she was brushing off the racial awareness training. She doesnt know Rita well. In fact, she hasnt even talked to her before. She doesnt feel comfortable saying something to her about her comment, decides to go back to her desk.

Lets go to the next page then Rita says. Rita lowering her voice. We shouldnt be required to take that training. Its just because of canceled culture and the need to be so sensitive and politically correct these days. I mean, I don’t even see color. I see people. Another sin. This is what the government says. This is wrong to say. And this person, in the end, should be punished for it. Spoiler alert. Narrator later, Jana is scrolling through social media and sees a post from Rita. So Rita is exercising her first Amendment rights. Bad news with a fact about crime in the city.

Says, what about black and black crime? No one seems to care about that. Instead, they make us take racial awareness training. Let’s focus on the problems with solutions. That’s a thought. Crime. Indeed. Janet to herself, this is a government script. They’re telling their employees how to think about people who think like poor Rita. Does she really feel that way? She has made other comments that I thought were just insensitive, so now I’m not so sure. Uh oh. So they want her to escalate it. Jana isn’t sure she should do anything about her comments. And then they give questions.

Which three of the following are the signs of racial discrimination? So Rita is being accused of racial discrimination. And they say for the following three insensitive comments, Rita’s complaints about taking the training of racial awareness, and her social media post. The government wants to investigate this federal employee for that. Rita’s posts on social media were derogatory and included stereotypes that link race and crime. Reader’s comments complaining about racial awareness training and her other insensitive comments are possible signs of discrimination. No, they’re not. This is the secret service and also the department. It’s even worse than the secret service, guys.

It’s the Department of Homeland Security. Don’t presume this is just limited to the secret service, the whole agency, Homeland Security. This is the clap trap. They’re forcing the employees to sit through. And it goes on. Poor Rita. But they describe all of Janna’s options. Jana goes to the supervisor. Should she go to Ahu or Eeo, the internal watchdogs for issues like this? And then Rita dares to complain to Jana about it, saying, you’re a baby. Let’s go down. Let’s go down again, Rita. I will not, I’ll make sure not to talk about anything when you’re around since you’re not going to, you’re going to run straight to my boss or Ronald and I’ll also block you on social media so you don’t see my posts on him anymore.

So they target this woman. She complains, reacts, another sin. But, ok, they got their chart. They’ve got the chart showing what the punishments that readers should be gone, should be forced to go through for complaining about work and making free speech, protected comments. And then they go through the complaint process that Janna ends up filing in this worksheet. So lets come back. Secret Service is trying, through this DEI program, trying to destroy the agency. And you wonder why they cant get their act together to protect President Trump. You wonder why agents feel like they can leave their posts.

They wonder why they are hiring agents that end up going, according to the reports of virtually insane, attacking their own colleagues. So yeah, it’s an emergency, folks. And Judicial Watch has uncovered the truth about it through our FOIA litigation. I mean, weve exposed how Biden let his dogs attack the Secret Service 25 times. Nothing was done. Agency abandoned them, the agents, other than telling them to shut up about it. So they get abused. No one backs them up. And they’re further victimized through these DEI programs that encourage racial division, strife, hatred, division, discord, complaints over nothing.

So look at the documents because it’s 300 pages. I can’t go through everything that’s outrageous in here. Trust me, it’s worth going through. Man, I started off pretty calm and then I go through this DEI material and it’s just awful. Before I go, I want to encourage you to support judicial watch in a very special way, which is to purchase the book that is coming out by yours truly and judicial watch rights and freedoms in peril. It’s going to be published officially in October, but you can purchase it now. I notice there’s a typo on the screen there.

It’s rights with a t, guys. But you can scan the QR code and go straight to the purchase site. It’s, comma, and its a great book. Its a great way to support judicial watch. Every purchase helps judicial watch. Its, thats really quite basic. A great way to support Judicial watch. But its also a great benefit to you because you will be educated in a way that few others will be by the book about the truth about whats going on here, the current crisis and what to do about it. Oh, good. They fixed it on the spot there.

Rights and freedoms in peril. Purchase the book now. And plus, there are, if you want to wait, you don’t want to wait for a judicial watch book. There are, is this, I think, our fourth book? Yeah, it’s our fourth book. We have three other New York Times bestsellers. Go and purchase the prior books. Tells the story of the Clinton gang, the Obama gang. And this latest one will tell the story of 2020 Covid, election integrity, the lawfare against Trump, the border invasion, full of great material. So it’s an important new book. I encourage you to purchase it.

And we’ll be here next week with more lawsuits, legal developments, and details about the ongoing assault against the Republic here on the Judicial Watch Weekly update. Thank you. Thanks for watching. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and like our video down below.

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