Could Anton Ever Become a Passport Bros and Move To Mexico? Probably Not But Its Nice To Visit

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



➡ The author shares his experiences from a recent trip to Mexico, where he stayed at a luxurious all-inclusive resort with stunning ocean views. Despite enjoying his travels, he admits he could never live outside of his home country, the United States, due to cultural differences and lifestyle disparities. He also acknowledges the stark contrast between the resort life and the reality of the local people’s lives. He concludes by expressing his love for his home country, despite its flaws, and his appreciation for the experiences travel provides.
➡ The speaker appreciates the beauty of visiting different places like Mexico, but also recognizes the harsh realities of life there. They believe it’s important to value what we have, especially in countries with more opportunities. They stress that most of our problems are self-made, and we should take responsibility for our actions instead of blaming others. They encourage making the best of our situations and appreciating what we have.


Mexico. Mexico. Alright? Visiting Mexico this time in particular and like I said I’m waking up I’m looking at the ocean this right here is access to like the bathroom stuff like that so it’s like you know whole walk-in bathroom and big showers and closets and all of that stuff so snow pointing and having that shown or whatever like that but coming to Mexico and I’m at one of the best resorts it’s an all-inclusive resort the guy that brought me here or our driver that brought us from the airport was basically breaking down how all-inclusive resorts are starting to go away especially over in this part of Mexico um and it’s beautiful if I could even show y’all just for a moment what my view is I don’t even know if I’m doing that right hold on make sure I’m doing that right that’s that’s my view right there so I’m literally looking at the ocean view is beautiful and it’s gorgeous it’s it’s a it’s a beautiful view it’s awesome here and it’s absolutely phenomenal like white sandy beach trees I got a pool overlooking the pool that then overlooks the ocean and it’s great it is great yes I always drink bottled water here I don’t get caught up in none of that but it is it was a great flight and so I had a great flight I had a good time um I had a restful day yesterday because I slept the majority of time on the plane and so that was absolutely great and um I love it I love traveling I love visiting other places and although I like visiting a lot of other places and stuff like that I could never live here I for me personally I don’t understand the whole I mean I understand it I get it I get the sentiment a lot of times of like you know passport bros and I wouldn’t even say passport bros because I think that there was cultures and even white people specifically that was doing it way before passport bros and so I think that that’s a relatively newer movement compared to a lot of these other guys that’s been overseas and I also understand the military right a lot of these guys experience of traveling abroad and seeing the world is based off of where it is at their station and where they’re where they’re taken based off of their service to the country so I get all of that but for me personally I can’t do it I just before we get into the show I cannot up to this point if you force me if you said Anton based off of the places that I’ve visited and traveled and I’m even talking about inside of the United States of America we’re not even going to talk about just outside of the country but in general if you say Anton and you put a gun to my head and you said you had to live somewhere else outside the country for the rest of your life it will probably be my grill city that I visited and that’s Tokyo over in Japan they just got a phenomenal culture it’s cleaner um I can relate more as far as being a person from the United States of America that’s used to certain things as used to incredibly fast wi-fi that’s used to um you know the the technology the the it’s not as big of a disparity in lifestyles between people that have and people that don’t have and so I think that it’s just certain things that we’re accustomed to and it’s a cultural norm and that’s okay it’s okay to have different cultural norms and then also respect other people’s cultures you see what I’m saying so you don’t have to be completely closed off to other people and you can appreciate it but at the same time you can love what you have over here too and so I’m one of those type of people that when I go places I don’t just enjoy it right it’s not just about the food it’s not just about um enjoying being on vacation it’s not just about looking at the ocean I also look at every other single and I can’t turn it off I can’t not see it I look at every other detail that comes along with it and then I compare it to the places that I’ve been and the place that I live at right and so when you take those trips right and you go overseas or you go to a different country or something like that I also look at I’m looking out the window while I’m sitting in that back of that black truck I’m looking out the window and I’m seeing the restaurants that’s on the side of the road and the poverty that’s over here and the infrastructure that’s not necessarily as good as what we have in the United States of America and let’s get it clear like we got problems of our own I mean we got some real problems we have some step red step headed uh step-childs inside of the United States of America that we got to solve for we got tax problems we got inflation we got immigration into the country that’s absolutely horrendous we got these politicians that’s finessing and stealing money um we overburdened over taxed um it’s a lot of things that’s wrong with the United States of America but it’s my United States of America at the end of the day and I know that black people in a lot of these instances they you know they want to say that oh man I’m from this place or I’m from Africa what no listen bro I am from the United States of America the United States of America at the end of the day and I love my country I absolutely love it there I love visiting other places and that’s how I see it these places is a nice they’re a nice place to visit but they’re not a place that I would want to live in for the rest of my life because it’s just different thank you Delta Fox I’ma read that super chat shortly also Viper Venom I’m gonna be reading that super chat shortly also it’s just different is is 100 listen I’m used to overlooking lakes like the place that I got out in the suburbs it overlooks a huge lake where people be jet skiing on and stuff like that right and then my place in downtown Detroit which I love my city of Detroit I’ve never been more appreciative of the transition and the growth of the city and where the city is direct you know headed and infrastructure the public transportation and all of that stuff it’s great but you don’t realize how good you have it until you visit these places and you start to pay attention to everything that’s around you right when these people because I got my own butler I got my own concierge and so they schedule all of my dinners for me and they bring me everything that I want and all of this stuff and we sipping on the clientess tequilas and stuff when these people leave this resort that I’m sitting on they got to go home and if you talk to them and you ask them about their life and you try to be as polite as possible but I’m still inquisitive right and I asked my driver like you know so what is it like off the thing and you know if I had to go and visit or sit and they will tell you their life is different they love coming to work because work for them and being in this resort and being nice and when you walking down the hallway they step to the side and they oh oh how are you doing and everybody got great customer service and a great attitude is because they don’t come from nothing it’s because when they go home that’s that’s work for them going home coming here is being paid to be on vacation for them let me say it again bro when they come to work when you go outside to these countries and you go to mexico when you go to dominican republic and you living on these resorts and so beautiful and you overlooking the ocean they made that for us this ain’t what they life like every day even if you go down to miami right people that are native to miami they don’t go to south beach they not on bisque they’re not in brickle they’re not hanging out in the design district the people that’s enjoying miami ain’t from miami they not from miami and that’s even in the united states of america so imagine what it’s like here on one side of the resort right on one side of the resort i’m looking at the ocean and it’s swim up bars and i’m on a part of the resort where it ain’t even no kids and stuff like this and it’s all kind of different types of restaurants and they serve you and they sing happy anniversary to you because yesterday was my anniversary and stuff like that on the other side right you can see all of the trees is literally built within somewhat of the jungle right so it’s birds and stuff and it looks beautiful and then if you go out there though then it’s a different mindset you know what i’m saying like my resort is kind of like walled off and then if you hit the street and you go down a few miles or whatever like that yes the ocean smells different and all of that and it’s beautiful and it’s great to see but when you look at the reality of being an everyday person engulfed in the culture and i know that it’s for some people it’s not for me i’d rather just fix where i’m from and that’s why i stayed so so loyal and dedicated to what was happening in detroit um i’m cool our ghettos ain’t they ghettos their ghettos are different it’s a kill for real for real listen you can go over to chicago and complain if you want to come over here to mexico and it’s gonna be a whole nother ball game you know what i’m saying so i say that to say my experience has been it’s always eye opening but i also want us to make sure that we stay appreciative of what we have why so many people are still trying to get into our country and the opportunities that you have take advantage of it stop complaining all the time without you actually doing something to change your your results for every person that complains about their lot in life when you have two arms a sound mind you have all your limbs and you have the ability to say what you want to say create what you want to create work as much as you want make as much money as you want and most of our problems are self-inflicted meaning that we got a spending problem not even necessarily an earning problem and a decision problem because sometimes we go into things that is not going to be fruitful for us those are self-inflicted wounds those that is not the responsibility of other people the government your parents or whatever in order to fix your situation is people that will die to be in your portion of what the rest looks like and so i’m just appreciative of that and so you know as well as enjoying these trips and all of this stuff and traveling and seeing other cultures and enjoying the food or whatever like that uh it also is always a reality check it’s always a reality check to let me know that could be different and so i don’t complain about what my life was in life i just make the best of it i’m gonna make the best of it i love it i appreciate it so um that is my sentiment that is absolutely my sentiment um when it comes to visiting other countries and being here in mexico this is a beautiful absolutely beautiful resort place to visit um it’s awesome waking up bed looking at the freaking ocean every single day um but it is different it is different and it takes some time getting used to and so that’s that’s what my sentiment is

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apprec appreciation for travel experiences beauty of visiting Mexico contrast resort life local life Mexico cultural differences United States Mexico harsh realities of life in Mexico lifestyle disparities US Mexico love for home country United States luxurious all-inclusive resort Mexico self-made problems in developed countries stunning ocean views Mexico taking responsibility for actions valuing opportunities in home country

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