Col Lawrence Wilkerson: Russias Economy is banging along: Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

Posted in: Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom, News, Patriots



➡ Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom talked to a Russian businessman who said that people in Russia are thankful to Joe Biden. The reason is that the sanctions, or punishments, that were meant to hurt Russia actually helped them. They made Russia’s economy stronger and more independent. Meanwhile, these sanctions have actually hurt the European Union, not Russia.


We interviewed a russian businessman a couple of times. And when I said to him, what is the opinion of the russian people, of the government of the United States? As soon as the translator translated a big smile from ear to ear because of the answer he gave us, and he said in Russian, translate it so we can understand it. Judge, you’re not going to believe this, but in Moscow we have an expression.

Thank you, Joe Biden, because the sanctions have forced a different type of economic activity which has turned out to be more prosperous than was the case before this, more self sufficient and more prosperous than was the case before the sanctions. In fact, the sanctions have hurt the EU, not Russia. The EU. Yes. If you want to look at the glaring example of what you just stated, here we have Russia banging along on at least seven of eight cylinders, if not all eight, doing fairly well.

And we have the strong man of Europe, really the strong man of NATO other than the United States, and I’m almost willing to say the strong man of NATO. Period. Germany faltering and its economy falling apart largely because, not exclusively, but in significant ways because of our actions in taking out the Nordstream pipelines and also our actions in politically putting pressure on them not to take the russian oil and gas.

And Chancellor Scholes has a 20% approval rating alternative for Deutschland, which is looking more and more aggressive and not quite the party we might want to be mounting to. The leadership of Germany is really moving fast. Right? You can’t govern with a 20% approval rating. Switching to Israel. You said on this show the last time you were here, Benjamin Netsanyahu was a terrorist. Has anything happened since the last time you were here to change your mind or to fortify that dramatic statement? Actually the southern flank and its anchor, Turkey of NATO.

And Erdogan said it very clearly about 48 hours or so ago. It was after Netanyahu had hinted at the possibility that, well, he essentially said, we have nuclear weapons and so forth. And Erdogan said, and this is a quote in English, Israel’s end is drawing near. You’re going away. End of. .

See more of Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom on their Public Channel and the MPN Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom channel.


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European Union hurt by sanctions European Union's economic struggle impact of sanctions on Russia Joe Biden's influence on Russia Russia's economic independence Russia's economy after sanctions Russia's stronger economy Russian businessman on Joe Biden sanctions benefiting Russia unexpected effects of sanctions on Russia

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