Chinese Migrants Are Fastest Growing Group Illegally Crossing the Border Paying Over $35000

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



➡ The number of Chinese migrants trying to cross the U.S. southern border has significantly increased, with over 20,000 reported in the last four months. This is causing concern due to the vetting process and the fact that many are single adult males. The migrants are using social media platforms like TikTok to find instructions on how to cross the border illegally. This situation is causing a need for all states to work together to secure the borders.


Chinese migrants. I’ve had this conversation with y’all for a long time now, but I’m having it with y’all again. And we got over 20, 2900 people across multiple different platforms that’s tuned into this show on alive. Make sure y’all hit a like for the algorithm. Subscribe to the channel and turn on your notifications and then share. Share this with your family and friends because we don’t want to get rich by ourselves.

And we all know who got the best morning show in the world. It ain’t good Morning America. It ain’t none of these little geezer shows. This is Anton from antondaniels. com. And we’re going to get to the money. All right. But chinese migrants are starting to be the one. Shout out to the more thread store. I’m going to read that super chat shortly. And I had a good conversation with you over the weekend, baby, you muted me, you toned me down.

You hit me with that little soft voice. I said, but let me bring you all up to date of what’s going on with the migrant crisis, because now it’s getting away from venezuelan migrants and african, and it’s starting to be more chinese migrants that’s found at the border again. Make sure y’all hit the like for the algorithm. Subscribe to the channel and turn on your notifications. Let’s get it popping, y’all.

We’re looking live at the Fox News flight team over chinese migrants trying to cross the southern border illegally. Griff Jenkins is live in Hakumba, California with the latest. Griff, what are you seeing down there? I’m seeing a lot of migrants, Jason, and let me tell you, to put into perspective just how many Chinese are coming across the border, particularly in the San Diego area. In all of 2021, 450 total chinese migrants across the entire border this year, more than 20,000 in the last four months since the fiscal year began.

Let me show you, though. They’re not just from China, they’re also from other countries like Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil. But there are an influx of chinese migrants. In fact, I mentioned that four and 50 number. In the past three days, we’ve eclipsed that number of migrants. These migrants here in Hakumba, 60 miles east of San Diego, are waiting to be processed. Many of them will be released. But it’s the national security aspect, particularly of the chinese migrants, that concerns the officials because of the vetting process and knowing who they are and the fact that we have so many that are single adult males.

Now, if I just spin you around here. 1 second. This way, Thomas. You can see they’re lining up the families and the women and children that will go first when the vans come. But the vans are overloaded because so many migrants are coming, so they have to wait hours. And, in fact, some of these migrants might even have to spend the night, depending on how many vans they have.

We spoke to one chinese migrant man, though, Jason and I asked him why exactly it is that he’s come to the US. The answer may shock you. Listen here. Why did you come? Take money. Money? Yeah. For job? Yeah. There’s no job in China, maybe. I don’t know. And what’s so fascinating, because we’ve been covering this for more than two years, it was a heavy surge in Texas, but it’s now come out west, Arizona and here in the San Diego sector, particularly.

Of the 20,000 I mentioned that came here, they have had more than 90% of chinese migrants coming to this area, particularly in Hakumba. And that is a situation they’re having to deal with. Along with last week, they had more than 73 different countries. I don’t know what we’ve got this week, but it’s definitely off the charts. Jason. So you got chinese migrants that’s basically coming in to Akuna Matata.

They over there in Akuna Matata. And some people are asking and they saying, well, how do they even know to get over there? TikTok. It’s TikTok. I did a whole segment and series on this. Not last week, I think, but it was the week before where I basically broke down how they were even finding out where to go in order to get a ride over to here. Once they cross over and they get released into the United States of America in the first place.

TikTok. TikTok. They literally have instructions that is not being removed on how you can illegally cross the border. No cap. No cap. It’s straight off of TikTok. Absolutely 100%. Now, if I say the n word on TikTok, they’d be like flag on a play. You can’t have this video up. It’s got to be restricted and so on and so forth. But they can give you an entire tutorial on how to effectively get over here in the United States of America on TikTok.

And they not even hide no more. They’re basically telling you, when they say, listen, the reason why I’m coming over into this country is to come and get y’all american dollars. And we gonna send it back home. And we gonna send it back home. Now, why is this a problem when it comes to other states? Because we know that Greg Abbot is at the forefront of the movement and he’s saying, listen, we putting a barbed wire.

We know that the Biden administration is fighting us on this and they want to take down the barbed wire. I don’t know why. Well, we know why, but we don’t really want to discuss that in depth here. But they said that we’re going to continue to put a barbed wire. And then we got a lot of republican states that’s in alignment with what’s going on over there. And so what’s happening is they’re now saying, okay, we got Texas on lock, we building border wall, we got troops over here and all of that.

But then guess what? If you just go straight over to Arizona or you go over to California and they can still get on TikTok, then they still coming over here. And so now they’ve just adjusted. They said, okay, so y’all got alligators and razor wire over there in Texas. We gonna move over here, right? And we gonna continue to cross over over here. And so just because we’re all in support of one thing does not mean that you can’t have one link break off and ruin the entire bunch.

Because if everybody is not girded up and everybody is not taking care of business and everybody is not closing off our borders, which is why even though we support Texas, you still have to advocate for and you have to leverage your voice in order to continue to hold these legislators accountable on a national level and locally in their individual states, because it takes us all, not just Texas by itself, not just Georgia supporting them, but it takes all of us across the board because all they have to do is get over here and all you got to do is have one weak link or one bad apple and it ruins the whole bunch.

So if all you saying is similar to Keith E. Keith, if Keith E. Keef says, oh, my God, I’m not voting for him because I don’t like whether or not he’s sexist or not. Are you about to get displaced from your job, sir? That’s what you got to ask a question. How are you going to be affected? Are your dollars, your tax dollars going to support people that is not operating in your best interest? Are they coming to your city? Are they going to be flooding into your city eventually? Are they hiding on the side of the airports? Where do you stay? Is it Chicago, New York? Is it starting to spill over? Are we allocating tax dollars? Are we leveraging the border in order to continue to send money to other countries that don’t even need.

Huh? Are we having a proxy war with another country through another country? When we start to have these conversations, we have to have them in truth, and then we have to make a decision based off of, again, logic over emotion. And so you have chinese migrants that are basically coming over here and saying, listen, I’m coming and get the money. I’m coming to get the money. And if Arizona is doing it but Texas ain’t, we still suffer as a unit here in the United States of America.

Let me show this video really quickly, because it also continues to have a conversation about why chinese migrants are the fastest growing group at the southern border in the first place. All right, make sure you hit a like for the algorithm. Subscribe to the channel and turn on your notifications. Migrants from China are now the fastest growing group of people entering the United States illegally from Mexico. China.

Why are we seeing these growing numbers? Here’s what we know. New York Customs and Border Protection. Did you see where they said that they was going? They was catching a free bus to New York. Did you see where they said that they was going? Listen, China. Yeah, seeing these growing numbers, here’s what we know. New York, they going to yo city. Dig, dog. They coming to Yo City.

They come into your city, bro. They got backpacks, tents, jean jackets, and they understand hip hop culture. Yo, yo, yo, yo. Huge fans of the Wutang clan. They going to see where the 36 chambers was started at. Yo, yo, they coming to Yo City, big dog. They know where to go before they get here. They not just getting located anywhere. They getting the whole bus rides to your city, coming to your neighborhood, baby.

They going to be playing basketball with your kids. They’re going to be outperforming them in school in less than a generation. They’re going to be getting your health care coverage on your dime. Yeah, they are. Yes, they are. Customs and Border Protection reported more than 24,000 chinese migrant encounters at the southern border last fiscal year. In 2021, that number was just 450. Did you just arrive here in the United States? The migrants previously told news nation reporters that they’re escaping the Chinese Communist Party and plan to seek asylum in the United States.

Xiang Wang Meguada trio yearning for american freedom, some fly to Ecuador, where no visa is needed, and then travel north. Others are flying into Tijuana airport before being guided across the border by smugglers. The chinese migrants are reportedly willing to pay cartels up to $35,000 for smuggling services per person per person, $35,000. Look, you can’t even get two nickels to rub together. You can’t even get two nickels to rub together.

And they got whole crime syndicates getting bagged. Getting 35. 35 for the 550. They got flight pass, they got smugglers, they got coyotes, they got TikTok to let you know where the interest is. And they are paying 35 bands to get into the country, and they eating good. Connie is asking the right questions now. She says, wow, where are they getting 35,000? Half of y’all is in debt.

You got a negative net worth, and they come over here to take your money, honey. Let me get a round of applause for that. That’s true, because I actually spoke with somebody who is a migrant. Let me choose my words carefully. Who is connected with people that was connected with the migrant crisis. And he said, anton, if they got the money, they get into great treatment. This is what’s happening.

Oh, Anton got a whole investigation that I’m doing over here on the sidelines to make sure that we understand what’s going on out here in these streets. And for a lot of them, it pays off. More than 50% of chinese asylum applications were granted in the 2023 fiscal year. That’s much higher than the average across all nationalities, which is only 14%. So why are these migrants seeking asylum instead of trying to enter the US legally with a visa? One possible reason is that the United States tightened visa restrictions for people from China over the last several years.

And guess who that came from? Guess who that came from. In 2016, the US issued 2. 2 million temporary visas. In 2022, that number dropped to just 160,000. They’ve always consistently had high numbers of asylum seekers. I think second to that is the processing times in the embassies. The US embassies in China are taking so long. Also, it’s getting harder for a lot of them to maybe get tourist visas.

So some of those folks may have come here as students, tourists, everything like that before, and then ultimately decide, hey, I can’t return to my country and seek asylum that way, versus now they can’t even get into the US that way. So maybe they’re taking this very desperate measure to do the journey, even from China. Social media has also likely played a role in the border crossings, allowing potential migrants to better understand the process and see what the journey is like to enter the United States.

What did I tell y’all? What did I tell y’all in the beginning of this whole livestream? And I was telling y’all how they was getting over here. What did I tell you in the beginning when we started having this conversation and I said, listen, they getting specific instructions on how and where, who, what, when, where and why and how? Yeah. What, you thought that social media, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube was only for you to try to figure out whether or not you can curl your bundles or how much heat you can apply or how you were supposed to put on your butterfly eyelashes? No, they’re using it to understand how to get over in the United States of America, of the Americas, and they’re being granted asylum.

And it’s unfortunate because y’all are sitting here. Y’all are sitting here not understanding what’s happening and what’s going to unseat you. Matter of fact, forget you. What about your kids? What about your kids? What about the kids that actually want something better for themselves or nas to be here and you already setting them up for failure for what you support and based off of your feelings and your emotions,.

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Chinese migrants crossing US border Chinese migrants US southern border Chinese migrants using social media impact of Chinese migrants on US border security increase in Chinese migrants securing US borders from illegal migration single adult male Chinese migrants states cooperation on border security TikTok instructions for illegal border crossing vetting process for Chinese migrants

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