Celebrity Apocalypse? Drake Bullet Proofs Vehicles! Kevin Spacey Sends Cryptic Messages!

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ The discussion on Nino’s corner TV Fluff tube edition revolves around the current state of celebrities, who are reportedly taking measures to protect themselves due to increasing crime rates and threats. The hosts speculate that celebrities are preparing for a potential crisis, possibly linked to political changes. They also discuss the impact of celebrity culture fading, with the rise of influencers and the public’s growing disillusionment with famous figures. Lastly, they delve into the personal history of actor Kevin Spacey, suggesting his troubled past may have influenced his controversial actions.
➡ The text discusses the impact of trauma on families, using the example of Kevin and Randy who haven’t spoken in years due to undisclosed experiences. It also touches on the life of Kevin, hinting at possible abuse in his past that may have influenced his adulthood. The text emphasizes that despite past trauma, individuals can seek help and should not let their past dictate their future. It also includes a discussion on Kevin’s association with Jeffrey Epstein and allegations of sexual assault against Kevin, which he was found not guilty of.
➡ The text is a complex conversation about a controversial figure, discussing his influence, his past allegations, and his cryptic messages. The speaker questions the motives behind the figure’s actions and the implications of his words, while also speculating about hidden meanings and potential conspiracies. The conversation ends with a focus on the figure’s strange Christmas messages and their possible significance.
➡ The speaker discusses a variety of topics, including their personal struggles and the support they’ve received, the issue of suicide, and their financial difficulties. They also touch on the rise in crime and the fear it’s causing, leading to people fortifying their homes and vehicles. The speaker also mentions the experiences of celebrities who have been victims of burglaries, and the trend of people moving away from high-crime areas to safer states.
➡ The article discusses concerns about the safety of celebrities, following a burglary at an actor’s home in LA. The author suggests that public knowledge of celebrities’ addresses could lead to dangerous situations. They also mention recent incidents involving celebrities like Taylor Swift and David Beckham. The article ends with a discussion about celebrities preparing for potential future threats, and a call for audience opinions on the matter.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s corner TV Fluff tube edition. I am with Rosenzo Perez, and I gotta say, folks, we got a good one today. We’re gonna be going down the Kevin Spacey rabbit hole. The significance of Frank Underwood and our celebrities getting ready for the apocalypse. It looks to me like celebrities are, I mean, by the masses are bulletproofing their vehicles. Many of them are getting their houses jacked, robbed. There’s, there’s carjackings. I mean, celebrities are basically fighting for their lives right now because I think, because they’re still in Los Angeles and we know the open border, what’s happening with the open border.

But the world is a very dangerous place right now, and celebrities are being targeted. Right, Ros angel? Yes. And some of these don’t really make the stories, I think. I mean, they do make the mainstream, but for some reason, they haven’t really penetrated, like other stories have. Some of the questions I ask myself is, is it because they’re trying to not fear the masses? Like, if the celebrities and people who can afford their security and to have a higher lifestyle in terms of protection and investing, like, in armored vehicles and stuff like that. What about the common man? I mean, from the common man to celebrities, we are seeing thefts.

We’re hearing about burglaries, carjackings, people getting punched. I mean, how much we continue to see these trends until we start kind of seeing, or asking ourselves, is there something more serious, more sinister happening in the United States? And hello, everyone. Is great to be here with you again. Thanks, Ros. Angel. Yeah, well, I mean, well, listen, these open borders, millions are just pouring over here. So what do you think is happening? This is why, in my opinion, and I have to say it like that on here, that the crime is spiking and it’s violent crime. We know who’s coming here, so.

But I don’t, I’m going to say this, too, that I also believe that there’s a magnifying being, a magnifying glass on celebrities right now. We all know the rumors out there of what they’re guilty of and the games they’ve played, and a lot of people have had enough of it, and a lot of people are sick of it. And they see the potential of a Trump presidency. And I think they’re worried, and I think they’re, like, looking ahead, going, okay, this looks like this is coming. Let’s just say potentially coming. And I either need to get out of the way or protect myself.

I think they’re getting ready for war. I really do, folks, you know. Oh, sorry. Let me just. Let me just jump on this real quick, folks. Get your healthy fat.com forward slash nino. It turns out the key to losing weight and keeping it off is not the carbs or the fat or even the probiotic rich foods. No. The end game of having a healthy weight, as well as more energy and a long, healthy life, comes down to a specific switch you can flip in your body to flush out unnecessary calories. Doctor Steven Gundry is calling it the caloric bypass.

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His digestive issues are gone. His health is fantastic, and he feels younger and healthier today than he did in his forties. I feel the same. I feel amazing. Folks, get on this stuff. Like I said, everything I read here, I do. I’m the guinea pig for all of this stuff. So get on it, folks. All right, Ros angel. So I think they’re getting ready for war. I think celebrities are getting ready. They know they’re targeted. They know that people are sick of them. They know more heat’s coming down on them. They see it. The good days of being a celebrity are far over.

I think legacy, fame, the actors, the athletes, I think those days are over. I mean, now with influencers and the way everything is just spread out, nobody really cares anymore. There’s no. There’s no more real icons anymore. We’re seeing the last dying remnants of it, and I think as we experience these and we’re seeing them for who they are, the veil has been. Has been lifted. Like De Niro, the ladies on the view all. And you’re seeing just how. Who they really are. And I’m gonna go ahead and share this video. Go ahead. Here it is.

So what are we about to see here? This is an April fools. Mm hmm. Um, Frank learned it from me. Frank Underwood is the character that Kevin Spacey played in the house of cards on Netflix. Hello, everybody. This is not Frank Underwood. Happy April Fool’s. Day. Frank learned it from me. Wow. So we sing a lot right there. Really? Honest Abe. Oh, he did say that in front. You’re right there. Let’s watch that again. A good, good pickup right there. Rose, angel, look at this. He is in front of honest Abe. You’re right. Hello, everybody. This is not Frank Underwood.

Happy April Fool’s day. Frank learned it from me. Wow. I mean, that says a lot right there to me. What’s your thoughts on that one? Well, you know, it’s. It’s what. What I said was that, you know, Kevin Spacey kind of led me down this little rabbit hole in exploring, uh, just a little bit about his character and connections. And I know that the celebrities have been in the media, and sometimes us as a masses, we get really tired of hearing about celebrities because, like you said, the day of the way we used to worship celebrities is pretty much over.

And even the young people are over it, too. But at the same time, things that happen to celebrities are happening to everyday people. Not something that I’m prepared to cover. Cover here, but the conversation of, like, conservatorship and guardianship. Right. These are things that, um, in my journeys of just interviewing people, they come up in the most weirdest circumstances. And, uh, sometimes I’m wondering, how do these things connect? And because the human, all of us were exhausted by hearing about celebrities and their woes, and who cares? Oh, they got burglarized. But we’re not kind of seeing, or I’m asking the audience to take an invitation to see how, um.

How that can mirror you, in a sense, what information they might be trying to say. Some of them are speaking in cold. Are some of them in trouble? And all of a sudden, they are in front of the camera, and they’re meant to serve as agents to help awaken the masses with information, which is a question that I have regarding Kevin Spacey. For example, as we explore some of the videos that caught my attention today. Yeah, there’s a lot on Kevin Spacey, man. I look at Kevin Spacey, and I’m just like, I don’t even know. I don’t even know where to begin with this one.

Let’s start with, you know, I want to start with his childhood. You want to start with that one? Okay. You know, his brother here. So. So we can see where it all begins. I guess his brother’s talking about their past, and this is very dear to me, because no child deserves this, but I guess the abusive lives that they had, my perspective on my childhood was just a house of whores. Randy Fowler and his brother Kevin spent most of their childhood in fear of their dad. Around the age of 14. Who does the dad look like? He looks like Hitler.

Randy became a statistic. My father was raping me, and he threw my face up against the wall and put his arm up against my throat and said, don’t say a word. This is my favorite photograph because it pretty much describes how my childhood was. He says the abuse continued for years, and me, the outcast his brother would grow up to be. He’s a lot more flamboyant than his brother Kevin. Huh. But, I mean, if you look at this, the reason I’m showing this first is because I believe, you know, with all the accusations against Kevin, that maybe he is a product of his environment.

That’s all I’m going with there. The actor Kevin Spacey. He says the two have not talked about the abuse, and he’s not sure if his brother or his sister suffered the same fate. Jean Fisher has been prosecuting child abuse cases in Ada county for nearly 30 years. She says millions of children are suffering from this hidden epidemic, because if you tell, no one will believe you. If you tell, your dad will get taken away. If you tell, you will be taken away. Says the trauma can keep a family from disclosing their experiences with one another. It’s very secretive, and it can cause rifts between siblings.

This was the last photo taken of me and my brother together. Kevin and Randy haven’t spoken in years, but he. Wow. They haven’t spoken in years. So this destroys families. This absolutely just destroys families. Man follows his brother’s life closely in the midst of spacey abuse allegations. Fowler had this to say. My brother could possibly be worse than my father. Fowler says he has his own issues. The abuse has kept him from having any. That is a huge statement. That right there was a huge statement. Don’t you agree? My brother could be worse than my father.

And sometimes that’s the case, you know, when you see abuse like this, um. Ah, I, uh. God, that’s how. That’s. So that’s why I wanted to play that first, uh, just to get people acquainted with Kevin’s life, how Kevin grew up, which tells me that it could lead to other things in his adult and his adulthood. Don’t you agree? I’m grateful you started with that one, uh, because that was part of what I wanted to say at the beginning of the. Of our discussion here today, is that when you start investigating, and I know I heard someone say the other day, and as they were, someone who is in the entertainment business was saying, you know, some people, they, they contemplate and they talk about our lives as if it’s a joke and it’s meaningless because we’re in the entertainment field.

But, you know, there are consequences. There is a lot of suffering and there has been a lot of abuse and a lot of taking advantage of young souls with great ambitions and great dreams and their creativity, taking advantage, stolen. And the more we learn and the more we deep dive, we also uncover that some of these people come from families that had a history of abuse. And I think that as we all participate in this great awakening, I think that compassion and forgiveness and prayer is so important, too. I’m not saying, you know, I’m not trying to, you know, you see people like Hunter and now Kevin, and, you know, I don’t know what, what happened in Hunter’s life, but now that’s very obvious to me.

What happened in Kevin, to Kevin’s life, in Kevin’s life as a child, I do have a lot of, I feel sadness for them and sympathy, but, I mean, you obviously, you know, they’re a product of their environment, and I feel that, you know, that’s still no excuse for how they are in their adulthood. And there’s help for this. There’s rehab for this. There’s other ways to manage this. I would imagine to become, you know, just because you were affected by a monster doesn’t mean you have to become the monster. You know what I mean? So I found this very interesting when he was on Piers Morgan, because it seemed to me like Piers Morgan Mears, Piers Morgan usually just interrupts and, and talks over everybody and, and to state his case.

But with Kevin, he was letting Kevin speak and never interrupting and letting Kevin State his case. Did you notice that? Yes. And it felt like a bit too much, like he was almost overacting at times. Yeah. Like, here we go. I’m going to play some of it. I have to stop in between folks, just for copyright reasons. In 2015, I started seeing reports online things on my twitter account that I had flown to this guy, Jeffrey Epstein’s eye girls. And I was like, I mean, if you’d asked me in 2015, maybe even if you had asked me in 2002 did I know a guy named Jeffrey Epstein, I probably would have said no.

Well, of course, I have since learned who he is, and I have since been able to go back and find out. Do you really believe that he didn’t know he was on the plane with him? He was just kind of like, oh, who’s this guy? I don’t know who he is. Come on. Right. To me, it smells like a lot of tremendous that the airplane that we flew on for this humanitarian mission was owned by Jeffrey Epstein, a humanitarian mission. Rose angel, a human. He’s on, he’s on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane for a humanitarian mission. Okay. And to then learn, oh, he was actually on some of those flights, and this Maxwell woman was on some of those flights.

I didn’t know him. I’ve never spent any time with him. I was with the Clinton foundation people. That’s who I was with. See, he knows he’s in trouble. He knows he’s in big trouble, and he’s trying to cover all his bases here. He’s trying to plead to the public. He’s trying to state his case in a public court right now. And Piers Morgan, now what I understand is that he didn’t start to be investigated until 2005 by authorities in Florida. So here’s what I can tell you. This Maxwell moment. She was one of many people who sat down next to me in that throne room.

I have no relationship with her. I had no relationship with him. I mean, he’s not my friend. I’m not a confidant. I’ve never spent time with him. And interestingly, I will say this, I was very fortunate that President Clinton introduced me a lot of business leaders in London because he knew I was coming to the old vic. I mean, to me, he’s just giving himself away right here, right Los Angeles. I mean, it just, it looks like he’s overacting. And it gets better as the little clip continues. He does seem nervous to me, and he seems nervously out of character, which, which is just, again, as we explore some of the other clips that I would like to present to you today, your audience, it’s sort of like, what the heck is going on? And does his role as Frank Underwood in the house of cards have anything to do with hints of what we are seeing today? And I developed relationships with Robert Earle, Pula Ludobovich, Robert Earl, a lot of wonderful people, Richard Kerring, people who supported the work that we did at the old vic and gave money to us.

Do you know who I never asked for anything was? Jeffrey Epstein. I didn’t want to be around this guy because I felt he put the president at risk on that trip. Wait, I thought he didn’t know who he was, exactly. I thought he didn’t know who he was. And now he’s saying, oh, I didn’t want to be around that guy. Oh, he just. He messed up right there, big time. Ooh. To South Africa. Because there were these young girls, and we were like, who is this guy? So I will say this. There were young girls on those flights.

There were young girls on those flights. Yeah. Wow. He tripped up right there. Ros angel seems like it. And there’s a little clip called Kevin Spacey. Assault is a very short little clip, but it sort of gives the audience just a refresher of what he was accused of and what the update was. Man, that. That right there, to me, was a huge giveaway. This one right here. Yes. Was said to have taken place between 2001 and 2013. Best known for House of cards, Netflix cut all ties with Spacey in 2017 when allegations emerged. It took the jury 12 hours and 26 minutes to come to their decision.

Speaking outside court, Kevin Spacey said he was humbled by the result. Actor Kevin Spacey’s been found not guilty of sexual assault. He’d been accused of sexually assaulting four men, but he’s now been cleared. The alleged event, sexually assaulting four men. Jeez. But see, this goes all back to his childhood. Remember, that’s why I played that clip. So it kind of gets weird because I don’t know if the audience remembers that. Last December, right before Christmas, if I’m not mistaken. I think I put the date in. Tucker Carlson had him on the show. And, you know, I found it really weird.

And I have to confess that I was somewhat triggered that Tucker Carlson would invite him on the show. So this is a long clip, but if you go to around minute five and let it play from there. Minute five? Yeah, I think first our country needs to stop apologizing and stiffen up. I mean, look, we got so many people running around with so many different issues, like gun control, important issue. But let’s be honest. The truth is more people are killed by online trolls every day. That may be true, actually, but then they’re protected by the First Amendment.

They can say whatever they want. You believe in the First Amendment, I assume? Of course I do. Look, people spewing ridiculous ideas is nothing new, and they should always have that right. But the problem is, some are on the way. We started listening, and we should remember the salient words of Benjamin Franklin, who said, do not believe anything of what you hear and only half of what you see. He wasn’t telling people to stop talking. He was telling us to stop listening. So let’s stop blaming bots and college kids and start telling leaders what leadership really means I love it.

But how do you do that? Well, this country is mired in so much contradiction and confusion. We don’t even know how we can help anyone anymore because we can’t agree who needs help. I mean, what doesn’t come with a trigger warning these days? I mean, Tucker, we are far too close to having a beanbag chair in the Oval office. We coddle to everybody. Okay, you think you’re a rabbit? That’s fine. But let me tell you something. You should. I’m very surprised Tucker took this. I mean, Tucker even did this. Mm hmm. Yeah. So right now, he’s just presenting his case.

He’s. He’s there as Frank Underwood. There are times that he looks at the camera as is. As if he’s in a performance. Again, this dropped December 2023. If you fast forward to the minute five, he says something that is really, really trippy. Why are he. Did minute five? What do you mean? No? Yeah, no, keep forwarding into the interview. Okay. To where. Yeah, keep going, keep going. If you go. Yeah, you’ll see, like, five minutes into the. Yeah, because it’s so long. And I know that the Internet can get mad at these little clips, but, yeah, if you hit it around there and start playing.

Very interesting. Netflix exists because of me. I put them on the map, and they tried to put me in the ground. Do you think within Netflix and the leadership suites, that your influence is still felt? Well, according to your research, my influence is felt every time every customer opens the app. I’d say that’s pretty powerful. That’s true. When are you getting back to work, by the way? Oh, I’ve been back at work from the moment we started talking, Tucker. So does that mean this is, like, an episode, or is it real? Well, it’s probably a little of both.

I mean, Tucker, what’s true? What’s false, what’s life? What’s art? What’s real, what’s performance? I love it when these things intersect, because then it gets interesting. What role do you see yourself playing going forward? I will play whatever role the public wants me to play. And what about you, Tucker? What role do you want to play? I mean, if I run, I’m going to need a vice president. I’ll sleep on it. I mean, people have already gotten out of the race. People have dropped out already. Have you thought, what do you think of those? Well, you know, it’s a little bit like jumping in the jacuzzi with a boner.

You know, it ain’t gonna last forever. So I wasn’t surprised when Mike, a little too pensive, jumped out right away. I wasn’t either. But what about the candidates who are still in? Well, I like Vivek, Dre and the Ramaswami. And Nikki Haley is tough. She’s no doubt learned a thing or two by watching me. But I think in the end, we need someone in the White House who’s not afraid, like me, not afraid to push our country or a journalist in the right direction if it comes to that. I sure appreciate your coming on. It was great to see you.

Thank you. Well, thank you, Tucker. I only showed up because I was told I would get to be on X, the drug, not the platform. I was curious as to what Tucker on X might be like. I have never tried that. Well, you wouldn’t be the first guy to tell me you’ve never tried that before. Wow. Wow. There’s a lot there to unpack. There’s a lot there. And. I don’t know. There’s also something he says in this, that he will do whatever he takes as long as. Because he needs to fill his. He’ll meet his covenant.

Um, and I found that interesting just because, you know, there’s a lot of, like, religious terminology also in the mainstream, and covenant to, you know, the definition is, um, a formal, solemn, or binding agreement. So he’s there to fulfill his covenant. Why did he. Kind of creepy to watch. I wonder why Tucker took that. And then there was, like, this little ear thing that Tucker did that almost looked like a signal. I don’t know. Maybe I’m becoming too much of a conspiracy. We are diving deep into the Kevin Spacey rabbit hole. But, I mean, it’s. It’s worth it, because the fact that it’s really said that just.

It just doesn’t. It just doesn’t add up. It’s just. There’s something strange. There’s something there. And then also, I’m thinking about, um, his last name, Underwood, and this play of what he. Play of words with Netflix. And I believe him, I’m not mistaken that Tucker said they tried to bury him, or he said something like that. So this just. I don’t know. It’s just really interesting. In the span of a year, three of Kevin Spacey’s accusers all died. We know who Kevin Spacey is very close with. Can’t say their names, but. Ari Ben, a former norwegian royal who accused actor Kevin Spacey of sexual assault 2017, died by, you know, what age? 47.

Just hours before, after Spacey shared a bizarre video on social media in 2017. Benny Q. Spacey, 64, gropium under the table at a Nobel Prize concert. She’s the third space acute, sir, to die in 2019. Bend. Wow. Wow. That’s a powerful guy right there, too. So what’s interesting is that there’s a connection to, say, the two other space seekers died. John doe. So they’re not giving their names in 2019. Just a month before his lawsuit against the actor. Wow. She, Linda Culkin, died after being struck by a car in Quincy, Massachusetts. No charges were filed against the driver who remained at the scene.

Okay, this could have been maybe. I mean, who knows, right? We never know. It’s just like we always hear about people who die, mister, mysteriously. Some of the speculation out there is that maybe this is why they could find the conviction and he was released. Of his accusations. Of his alleged accusations, because one of these people who died seems like one of the main witnesses that was carrying the case. So that’s interesting to me. Now, one thing that I have a question I don’t have the answers to is what’s going on with his Christmas messages and why is there a connection to him and Christmas? Now, he came out with these allegations, I believe.

I don’t. I don’t remember if there was specifically in 2019, but then in December 2019, which was right before the world went in. Right. He comes out with this weird video by the fireplace. Is it the 1800 x or the fireplace? One. The fireplace. And if we remember the December 23, 2023 video, which is a four years later with Tucker, he has a fireplace right by him. I don’t know if any of this means anything. You didn’t really think I was going to miss the opportunity to wish you a meal, Merry Christmas, did you? It’s been a pretty good year, and I’m grateful to have my health back.

And in light of that, I’ve made some changes in my life, and I’d like to invite you to join me as we walk into 2020. I want to cast my vote for more good in this world. Ah, yes. I know what you’re thinking. Can he be serious? I’m dead serious. And it’s not that hard. Trust. So what is he saying? It’s a vote for Biden? Is that what he’s going for here? Well, at this point, the election would have been done. Oh, yeah, you’re right. Well, you’re correct. That’s weird. Yeah. The next time someone does something you don’t like, you can go on the attack, but you can also hold your fire and do the unexpected.

You can kill them with kindness. Okay, I’m not picking this up. What’s your outlook on this? What’s your perspective on that? You know, I don’t know, but I would like to read this. And this comes from Green Lives Matter on December 24, 2019, which is the video we just saw. Kevin Spacey uploaded a video on his YouTube channel after multiple sexual accusers committed and after multiple sexual accusers. And it says where he says, the dead, that I’m dead serious. Anyway, supposedly the next day, one of his accusers. So, you know, one of the things that in his comments was maybe his hitman’s was named kindness when he says you can kill him with kindness.

And maybe that was the name of his hitman. And of course, this is just alleged. This is people making comments. Look, I don’t have the answers. I’m just sort of just, we’re just putting it out there, folks. I’m putting questions out there. You know that a lot of people, speculation and a lot of people communicate with symbols. And again, why did Tucker Carlson have him on his show? Does Cave Kevin Spacey know something? He’s a great actor, so why would he fumble so much? Why would he misremember? That seems completely out of character for him. So this was really weird.

And I was just say, take a note at the environment. Take look at what he’s wearing. It just feels weird to me. Okay. What would Christmas Eve be without a message from me? That’s right. What would Christmas Eve be without a message from me? Look, this past year, I’ve, listen, a lot of people have reached out to me this past year. This guy is just so many levels of, like, creepy to me. Like, seriously, like, I have a hard time stomaching this guy and have shared their own struggles. And my ability to be there for them has really only been possible because of my own difficulties.

And while it’s been a privilege to offer support, I have to say, frankly, it’s also been beyond my abilities. And it’s bigger than me because heartbreakingly, so many have talked about things having gotten so bad for them that they’ve contemplated taking their own lives. And that’s enough for me to want to take an entirely different approach this year to acknowledge their pain and say to anyone, wait, aren’t all his accusers? Didn’t some of them die from that? Again, this is so weird at the timing of when he recorded this video. I believe it would have been December 2020.

So, you know, we were in lockdown in the United States, which also, where is he? And I’m surprised people wearing a mask. You know, it’s just weird. Right? But isn’t he talking about, you know, you know, self affliction, you know, hurting yourself? Can’t say it on YouTube. But. But he’s talking about that when his accusers died that way. Right? A few of them, or. Well, allegedly, right? Yeah. One out there who’s struggling or contemplating that idea. Please, please do not take that step. If you’re standing in a place that you can no longer remain standing, if you’re suffering, if you need help, if you feel guilt or shame, if you’re struggling with your identity, if your backs up against the wall, or if you feel that there is no path for you, whatever your situation, I promise you there is a path.

And that at this time, during this holiday and beyond, even if you don’t feel it, there are people out there who understand and who can help because you are not alone. I just. I just can’t. I don’t. He’s so weird now. When you look at the videos that he’s posted, it’s Tucker Carlson. That video and the video the Christmas before. Weird. Very strange. Yeah, strange. And then, you know how it’s almost like he’s trying to get these messages across, these cryptic messages across to somebody. Does the X have something to do with it? You know, he was very specific to mention X when he spoke to Tucker Carlson.

And he was very specific to name this video. If he did name it 1800 xmas, why not Christmas? You know, it’s just weird. And here. Well, it’s funny you asked that question, because this week, where I have been living in Baltimore is being foreclosed on. My house is being sold at auction. Really? So I have to go back to Baltimore and put all my things in storage. Why is it being foreclosed? Because I can’t pay the bills that I owe now. Are you facing bankruptcy? Been a couple of times when I thought I was going to file, but we’ve managed to sort of dodge it.

How much money do you have? None. I still owe a lot of legal bills. You’re actually in debt? Yes. Do you mind me asking how much you owe? It’s considerable. Millions. Many millions? Yes. The house itself is many millions. What are you gonna do? Get back on the horse. Where’d you live now, man? I don’t know. I don’t know. Very strange. So, I mean, you know, we’ve seen De Niro, and De Niro, who has had a strong career, comes back, and he looks almost broken. We see him, who’s had a strong career, and he comes back to the mainstream media and he seems broken.

He. They, like, just disheveled. And yes, I’m aware that they’re older, but there’s just almost like, are they trying to tell us something that we may miss that could be helpful to the audience? I don’t know. Again, if people could hurt something, they need to, you know, pay for their sins. But that’s not really what we’re saying here is almost like, are we missing something that has been obvious? And sometimes when you go back in time and you see some of the videos, you see that they’ve been kind of showing you things that many of us really, really missed.

Let’s look at what’s happening here. New Yorkers are okay, so it says here, New Yorkers are armoring and bulletproofing arranged rovers, Mercedes C classes and lambos to drive to the Hamptons. Now, it’s like, it’s almost like I’ve heard of cartels doing this, you know, in the border area. But the fact that. That a New Yorkers, just regular people, I guess, upper middle class, rich people are doing it because they’re scared for their safety, it’s getting really bad. And I, and I have to say it’s because of the open border policy. And, you know, there’s certain things that happen in wealthy neighborhoods that don’t get reported, especially if they want to maintain the level, the idea of safety.

And obviously, you know, follow the money. If you think you’re living in a neighborhood that’s. That’s having and experiencing the burglaries that could affect the market rate. So it’s very interesting. Like, look, I live in a neighborhood in Brooklyn that I know for a fact that there are things that happen here that maybe make the local press or local bocce train, but they don’t really make mainstream, right? So it says here, amidst spiking crime and violent carjackings involving luxury vehicles in New York City, I’ve heard that criminals are actually spotting out luxury vehicles and following them to their house.

And then, and then from there, either carjacking them or, or setting up, you know, like they’ll watch the house for a few weeks and then break in people and steal all their stuff. I mean, this is getting serious. So this is, this is real folks. Among the most sought after armor, automobile suppliers and former australian commando were who helps give billionaires peace of mind by fortifying their homes, helicopters, super yachts and Range rovers to the tune of millions of dollars. So this is becoming an actual thing, right? Here. And this is like a third world. This is what they do in third world countries.

Just saying, when you go to Mexico or other places in South America, the rich people live like this. And this is now happening in America. I mean, from the common man down the street, you know, I watched the feeds of the local reports all the time, and it’s disheartening. You know, just a few days ago, two little girls. I mean, a little girl was sexually assaulted, I think, 13. Between the age of 13 to 15. I think she was with her little friend, who was a boy, and the person who did this to the little girl did that while the little boy got to watch.

It was really like the police are looking for him. But besides that, there have been a lot of reports of people who have been found inside their homes unalived. What’s happening? They’re not telling you the whole story like this is. It’s just from the projects to the wealthy luxury buildings, this is happening now. Now, to be fair, not all of these stories happen within the last year, but it’s kind of reporting a trend. And this is just one of the. Oh, no, this is. This is only going to pick up eight scary celebrity home burglary stories.

Besides squid game star Lee Young hund’s recent ransacking, Taylor Swift and the Beckhams had intruders, while Sandra Bullock’s ordeal left her with PTSD. I mean, these people are targets. Uh, but this is the price of fame. Celebrity. I mean, geez, man, this is crazy. Oh, man. It’s making people rethink. You know, I think that Kim Kardashian learned a big lesson because she was always flaunting her beautiful jewelry, for example. And then she bite him in the ass, isn’t it? Yep. Simon Calwell Caldwell was in constant fear while living in his London mansion. Taylor Swift’s dad, Scott, confronted a man at his daughter’s home.

And Kendall Jenner had Carter and Rolex watches Cartier and Rolex watches taken. Squid game actor Lee Byung hoon is the latest celebrity to be targeted in home blur burglary, according to TMZ. I mean, this is. This is getting rampant. Harris Hilton. There she is. You know, we hear reports of London experiencing similar things. I mean, they’ve been experienced it, I believe, longer than we have here, especially in New York. We’re getting a taste of the. What happens when you invite people that you don’t really vet to come to your home? Exactly a hundred percent. And so that’s why I live in Texas.

You can be armed at a gills here. You know, sometimes you can call the police and they just won’t get here on time. But, like, California, New York, good luck. Good luck with that. I don’t even know why they live there. A lot of people are moving to Arizona, Texas, Florida for these reasons. Keanu Reeves, another one. People are getting the hell out of LA. John Wicks actors LA home was burglarized by criminals who wore ski masks when they broke in for TMZ. They fled the scene before the police arrived. SIMON CaldWeLL and, you know, I remember these have these, and I don’t know, I guess they still do these, these, uh, these, uh, I guess they’re called, you know, home star home tours, where they go and tour the stars homes on these buses and people go see them and all this stuff.

And all you’re doing is there could be so many scouts on those buses finding out where these celebrities live. I mean, that should be illegal, in my opinion. Simon Caldwell we definitely live in a whole new world. And, I mean, listen, our number just contains so much information. Even when you just call a regular uber or place of delivery, it just shows your number and your name and sometimes, like, what else is being showcased. So I think that people are learning, like, we’re living in a different time where maybe you don’t want to be as accessible as somebody looking up your address and come finding you.

That could lead to very unfortunate situations. David Beckham and his wife. I mean, there’s so many people that have been hit. Here’s Taylor Swift again. Yeah. And then, as we spoke about earlier, Drake recently had his vehicle pimped out, and he’s also experienced some burglaries. And I think there was a shootout by his home recently that we reported. So interesting. And also the way they reported, like, look at. Look at the title. Like, apocalypse truck. Why would that be the title? Nino. Damn. Look at that thing. He’s ready. He is ready. Look at that thing. That’s a monster.

Wow. That’s his apocalypse truck, huh? What are they? But I see that. I think there’s more to this. I mean, I just think, I mean, there is, like, I know we’re all, like, anticipating Mad Max, a Mad Max scenario that’s looming, especially if this milkworm is still in the White House. But I think this goes to be, you know, this goes a little deeper than that. I think they know if Mister t gets in, there’s a lot of trouble coming for him. And that’s just my opinion. So I want to know from my audience, what do you think, do you, what do you think they’re really preparing for? Put it in the comments.

Let us know what you thought, what you think about Kevin Spacey. Do you think there’s a celebrity apocalypse coming? Do you think they need to watch their backs? I think it’s, I I think it has more to do with the southern border being wide open, just everyone coming here by the millions. And I think when we finally do get Mister t in, the cleanup is going to be a lot of chaos. There’s going to be a lot of stuff that comes with that. And I think celebrities, certain ones, such as Kevin Spacey, now, just my opinion, there’s a lot of them that could be in trouble when Mister t gets in, and they could be anticipating something.

Now, that’s just my opinion. Ros angel, what do you think? You know, it seems to me that some of them are trying to get ahead of the story, right? So that they can position themselves. You know, it’s not lost on me that the ditty raid that has been so quiet, the dirty stories have been really just so quiet in the mainstream and, but what was the rumors that they picked up? Evidence, right? Video evidence, not just of him, but supposedly that he is a fed, and who knows why? But then, you know, the rumor is that a lot of these people might be in video, and why are people getting ahead of the story? And a question that I have is, why have certain celebrities gone so silent, especially when they were either getting ready for tours or they just dropped an album? And it’s a moment where they should be in their limelight.

All of a sudden, there’s like, no, no, no word. Where are radio silence? Quiet? Radio silence, right? Mm hmm. Yeah. This is, it’s really eerie what’s happening right now. There’s like this, there’s like this freeze. Like everyone’s anticipating, everyone’s hunkering down, everyone’s getting ready for something. You can really reminds me of that, that song from Phil Collins in the air tonight. It really does feel like that. I think we all feel this kind of, like, tension in the air. It’s like right at that moment when the bell’s about to ring, that’s what I feel, you know? And that’s how I, that’s how I, that’s how I, that’s my analogy.

I always use boxing, but it’s just like we’re right there. We’re at the brink of something, so Rosencho, Perez, everybody, thank you very much. Working people, find you. Everyone. Thank you so much. It’s always a joy to hang out with Nino and the great audience that you have. Cafecito break is where you can find us everywhere on social media. Please subscribe. And also, my sister and I have a new little YouTube channel. We talk about the inner journey, and it’s called crystal Sage wisdom. And it’s really just us sister chatting. Cool. Hopefully my moderators put it up there on the, on the chat and click the link.

Give her a follow. All right, folks, we’re out of here. Thank you for joining us. Later.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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celebrities increasing crime protection fading celebrity culture Kevin and Randy undisclosed experiences Kevin Spacey controversial actions Kevin Spacey personal history Kevin's association with Jeffrey Epstein Nino's Corner TV Fluff Tube Edition discussion overcoming past trauma political changes impact on celebrities potential crisis preparation by celebrities public disillusionment with celebrities rise of influencers trauma impact on families

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