Real-Life “They Live” Glasses, Spectroscopy and the Occult
This video talks about how these special glasses were discovered to allow anyone to see beyond the physical world.
It talks about people seeing things from auras to demons!
It also references Dr. Walter Kilner. Dr. Kilner was a distinguished British physician in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who became one of the first radiologists in practice.
In 1911, he published The Human Atmosphere, a book about his experiences and observations using a certain coal tar dye to enhance the ability to see the human aura.
The book was reissued in 1921, shortly after his death, as The Human Aura, and remains today one of the best collections of detailed, candid observations of the aura available in the West.
You can read The Human Atmosphere digital book.
Here’s another book referenced in the video…
Odic-magnetic letters
Human Aura info in magazine
And if you want to learn even more, you can check out…
Application of dicyanin to the photography of stellar spectra from 1917
Would you wear glasses like this?