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➡ Gregor Menorino discusses the rising inflation and the loss of currency purchasing power. He criticizes the Federal Reserve and the government for their role in this issue, suggesting that they are intentionally devaluing the currency. He also mentions the potential for the BRICS nations to replace the dollar as the reserve currency, which he believes would further weaken the dollar’s purchasing power. Lastly, he advises his audience to be cautious about investing in the current market due to these economic concerns.
➡ The speaker believes that the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) will not bow to President Trump’s threats and will continue to develop a currency to bypass the dollar. This could lead to an increase in inflation in the United States as excess dollars return home. The speaker also suggests that the current financial system is being systematically destroyed and that cryptocurrencies are becoming more mainstream. He criticizes President Trump for not taking measures to stop inflation and for supporting the Federal Reserve’s policies.


Okay, everybody. Here we go. It’s me, Gregor Menorino, Friday, January 31st, 2025, pre-market report. The Federal Reserve’s favorite inflation indicator, the PCE, Personal Consumption Expenditures, just came out seconds ago. I have yet to delve into this, but right off the bat, zero progress. Zero. As a matter of fact, by their own numbers, inflation continues to rise. And what is inflation? Well, it’s a loss of currency purchasing power. Imagine our shop. Oh, really? Oh, wow. Who could have possibly seen this happening? It’s an incredible thing. But anyway, look, later on today, during my post-market livestream, I’ll go over some more data with regards to it.

But what else do you really need to know? I mean, is this a surprise? Are we shocked? Wow. What a surprise. You can’t imagine. I mean, look, man, anyone who thinks that this is not a game that is being played on the people of not just the United States, but the people of the world, it’s just, I mean, I don’t know what to tell anyone anymore. You’ve been duped. You’ve been bamboozled. Are you holding anyone to account? Probably not. How many of you have actually said a damn thing to our lovely illustrious president who’s demanding the Fed lower rates, which is a mechanism of destruction? We all know this.

I mean, come on, anyone that’s not up to speed right now and doesn’t understand that central banks are freaking hell-bent on destroying the purchasing power of their currency moving forward to a greater degree, obviously, fostering inflation as we’re thrust into a new system. Come on, man. We’re being systematically wiped out and the economy’s being destroyed. But anyway, look, so the setup right now for the market is relatively flat across the board. Again, the market has yet to digest it. This just came out when I looked at it right after the data came out. The stock fusion was slightly higher.

Tenure yield wasn’t doing much. Dollar wasn’t doing too much. Metals weren’t doing too much. Crypto, nothing. It’s kind of all flat this morning. Now, look, I keep getting questions about, hey, Greg, is now the time to get back into the market. I’ve already laid out my case for what I want to see before we start putting any real cash back into this market. First of all, this is the MMRI from this morning. I would like to see this drop, okay, the MMRI come out of the red zone. This is not an absolute requirement for me to get back into this market.

I want to see clearly, and I’ve been seeing this repeatedly, people. And I’m not going to change my stance on this, so you guys and girls can ask me all you want. But I want to see the S&P 500 hold above its December high, December 5th of 6,088, and then make a move higher. Look, let me say this again. It’s going to take an epic, massive, off the Richter scale amount of effort to keep this stock market propped up. To make that happen, we are going to need to see a massive effort here to artificially suppress rates and devalue the currency.

Again, you can’t have your cake into the rich, the 1% and 2%ers. The only way they can be set up to suck you dry further, again, the wealth transfer is in effect shoving it right up to the 1% and 2%ers who own 90% of the stock market, is again, to suck it right out of you. The currency must be devalued. Rates must be artificially suppressed. Why do you think Trump is demanding that rates be lowered here? Because it’s going to help you by lowering your purchasing power? It’s really going to help you? Come on, man.

Come on, wake up, some of you guys and girls. You know, I wanted to bring something else to your attention. I do read through the comments. There’s a lot of metal haters here. I can’t imagine people that follow this blog hate this metal so much. And I’m not saying it’s a majority. It’s a minority. But I don’t know if these are real or what it is, bots, I don’t know. But there seems to be quite a few people out here responding to your comments. Oh, Greg is wrong about precious metals. Why is he pushing precious metals? These are the worst investments on the face of the earth.

I mean, you can go on and on and on. So you guys and girls let me know what you think. Are these people absolutely deluded and they’re out of touch with reality? Or is this real? I don’t know. What are you guys and girls who are metal haters? I’m speaking directly to you. Convince me that holding metals is the wrong place to be as the global economy is brought to its knees via exploding debt, exploding deficits, a hyper bubble in the debt market like we’ve never seen in the history of the world, a black hole that can never be filled.

We all know that here. And the paradox is what? It’s the paradox. Even though the world appears to be debt saturated, there’s not enough of it to keep the system afloat. Why do you think again central banks are cutting rates? Why do you think Trump is demanding low rates because it’s the greatest thing in the history of the world, really? Let’s flood the world with more debt. You can’t make it up. But anyway, look, man, you and me have been so dead on with putting our cast to work across the board here in cryptocurrencies, in the stock market.

Yes, we’re out. We’re out for the most part right now. We’re looking for an opportunity to get in, not because the market’s undervalued, because this thing is a freak show on an epic scale. And I believe, at least for now, that there’s going to be a major effort to continue to prop up the stock market. Again, and the economy will be slaughtered, or should I say sacrificed, to push cash up to the 1% and 2%. As you know the mechanism here, the faster that the economy of the world comes down, at least that’s what’s been in play now, the higher the market’s going to go.

Because again, it’s got to get sucked right out of the economy and the people to prop up the stock market. This stock market is so detached from any kind of reality. Again, on the back of this mechanism here of artificially suppressed rates and currency devaluation, it’s the only thing that’s kept the market propped up. And who’s paying for it? As usual, you are. I am. Period, the end. That’s what’s going on. That mechanism is not going to stop. As a matter of fact, it’s probably going to get worse, so let me tell you why. So, the BRICS nations got another direct threat from President Trump.

You probably know about this already. He threatened the BRICS nations several weeks back. Now he’s restating his threat. Let me read this to you. So, Trump repeats tariffs threat to dissuade BRICS nations from replacing the dollar. President Trump, this was yesterday, warned the BRICS nations, again, from replacing the dollar as the reserve currency. By repeating, you will face, you, the BRICS nations, will face 100% tariffs. He goes on to say, we will be requiring a commitment from the BRICS nations who are hostile countries to the United States that they will not create a new currency to replace the US.

And he goes on to say, that’s not my word, mighty dollar. So, Trump, protecting central bank notes the Federal Reserve here. Imagine I was shocked as well. What do you think he wants to lower rates because it’s going to help you? Lowering rates, demanding lower rates, allows a central bank to inflate, which is their number one goal here. And this back and forth game, this argument that you and I called would happen. I mean, we have their playbook. We know what we know, who the players are. We know what they want. We can’t lose. You understand? It’s an impossibility here.

So anyway, my take is this. They’re laughing. Okay. So, a threat like this reveals a weak hand. The BRICS nations have been working diligently, and rightly so, in my view, to replace the dollar. The world doesn’t want the dollar. This is not a new concept. You, as an American citizen, generally, you don’t want to hold the dollar. It’s being sucked dry of purchasing power. Now, this is a major issue on another front, and Trump obviously knows this is true. As the dollar is being shunned around the world, and the BRICS nations are going to move forward here, this is not going to dissuade in any way, in my view.

And I would love to hear from you on this. The BRICS nations from developing a dollar alternative. All these extra bills that have been created here by the Federal Reserve, by the last three presidents, now the fourth one to allow the Fed to inflate. Again, no three presidents, well, four now, in the history of the United States, have allowed the Federal Reserve to inflate more. None. And that has allowed the Federal Reserve to be vaulted to the pinnacle of power. But again, the mechanism of all these extra bills, now with the world in a mode of, you know what, we’re going to look for another way to circumvent the dollar.

All these extra bills are going to start rushing back here to the United States, and you’re going to see even greater inflation. This is Economics 101. You do realize what I’m talking about here. So I believe, let’s take a vote here. Are the BRICS nations here going to bend the knee and bow down to Trump’s repeated threat of not developing a currency to circumvent the dollar? Or do you think they’re going to laugh even harder? My bet is they’re going to laugh here. This is not poker, whatever this may be here. In poker, you know how this game works here.

You have a strong hand. There’s no reason here to be bullying anyone. You give people enough rope to hang themselves. I used to be a big poker player. I played poker for a really long time, and I was pretty damn good at it. But anyway, look, I don’t think this is going to stop the BRICS nations under this threat. I think, as a matter of fact, it’s going to solidify their position here to circumvent the dollar. And I believe, again, as I just said, this mechanism is very bad, very, very bad, because all these extra bills here are going to start rushing home here even faster.

And forget about the PCE numbers, the personal consumption expenditures numbers, and inflation. We all know it’s going up. Everybody understands here, at least 90% of you do, that the mechanism to devalue the currency here in the United States and the Eurozone, on an absolute strength basis, meaning purchasing power, is going to accelerate. This, in my opinion, is going to make it accelerate even faster. So that’s kind of it, man. I don’t know what else really to talk about. It’s kind of an interesting time to be alive here, people. What do you say? So what are you going to do about it? Our solutions are simple.

We’re not going to stop what we’ve been doing, betting against the debt, becoming our own central banks, holding hard assets, gold, especially silver here. Yes, I still believe we need some cryptocurrency in your portfolio, regardless of where it is now. I’ve been hearing people telling me it’s going to zero for a thousand years, it seems. That still hasn’t gone to zero. We are being thrust into a new system here, which most of you don’t even want with a poll that I ran yesterday. Over 60% of you don’t want to see cryptocurrencies being made mainstream, but that is obviously in play.

One of President Trump’s executive order was to allow access to the banks to cryptocurrencies, and you’re going to see things you’re not going to believe moving forward with regards to this here. So understand, that’s where we’re going, and there’s no way out of it. I mean, I hope you guys and girls are speaking out. I really, really do. Write to President Trump, go on his social media, but you may be considered an enemy. Remember, it may be fake news. This may be a fake news channel. There’s a big effort right now by Trump and his administration to shut down any kind of an opinion that isn’t in line with theirs.

Do you understand? A direct attack, obviously, on free speech. They’re reshaping the United States in a way that I think a lot of you are not going to appreciate. Some of you will. Some of you are extremists, and I understand that. And you want to see channels like this shut down because I don’t toe the line. I tell you the way it is. And again, if you don’t like it, I don’t know what to say to you. Prove me wrong. You have an opportunity. You have an open platform. Say, Greg, this is where you got it wrong.

Outline what I’ve gotten wrong. Yeah, I read through the comments. I always do. I think you guys and girls are totally understanding of what’s going on and why. But again, I want to hear from you. Do you think that the BRICS nations are going to be taking a knee to our new illustrious president here who’s threatening them yet again? Or do you think that this is going to solidify the BRICS nations alliance with more nations slated to join and to circumvent the dollar? Who wants the dollar anymore? Who wants any central bank issued note at this particular time? They’re being systematically destroyed here.

And this mechanism really, you think it’s going to stop? It’s not going to stop. It’s going to accelerate moving forward, especially here. I think, honestly, people here in the United States have no idea what is about to happen with regard to the world looking for ways to circumvent the dollar. Again, our largest export product is inflation and propaganda. But I would say number one here because of the world reserve. Understand, Trump is telling these BRICS nations don’t threaten the dollar as a reserve currency. Again, why? Because having that power allows us to export inflation to the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, it’s starting to come back. And it’s going to come back faster as all these extra bills aren’t needed. So they’re going to start coming back here. You’re going to see an inflationary event in the United States of Korea like you’re not going to believe. And the only way to fix it, there’s two or a couple of ways to fix it. One, bringing us back to a constitutional money system and revaluing gold, multiples, multiples, multiples higher than it is now. We’re not going to get that. We could do it another way by vastly raising rates and contracting the money supply.

But that won’t happen either because that would put up a roadblock to the federal reserve. You understand? Calling for lower rates allows the central bank in this case to inflate. Trump demanding that the Fed lower rates. That means the Fed gets to inflate. But if Trump were to say, hey, you know what, we really do have to stop inflation here. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to raise rates dramatically. We’re going to contract the money supply. The Federal Reserve, they would not know what to do with themselves. Understand, they would probably have them would go into cardiac arrest immediately.

And the other half would go running for the doors as fast as they possibly can. But that will not be allowed to happen. Trump here, obviously a crusader for the Federal Reserve defending the mighty US dollar here. OK, is making the Federal Reserve the happiest bunch of creatures, they’re not human, that has ever existed on the face of the earth here. How about we do this, President Trump? How about showing the world that you’re a real leader? How about showing the people of the United States that you care about them and not the Federal Reserve? How about now saying, you know what, guys and girls, I rethought this.

You can do this and say, instead of demanding lower rates from the Fed, which will allow them to inflate and devalue the currency and wipe out the economy. How about we dramatically raise rates? OK, how about we get these creatures in the Federal Reserve to go into a cardiac arrest or some kind of dysrhythmia. You understand? Trump can change his mind. All right, Willie? I think he’s got his marching orders and he’s told what to do and what to say. Read that teleprompter. Read this teleprompter. Watch the head movement. Read this teleprompter. Oh, what am I being told to say today? Because I’m nothing but a puppet.

They all are. They’re all puppets, man. So just wake up, right? Love you from the heart. I mean that with all I got. All right. I’ll see you over there for five p.m. Hope you got some matters video if you did, but bring your thumbs up. I appreciate that. If you have an alternative opinion to mine, I would love to hear it. Let’s see if we can engage in a real conversation. All you hear is Greg has got TDS like they think it’s a real thing. I can’t make this stuff. I laugh every time I see that it cracks me up.

Anyway, that’s all I got to say, guys and girls. All right. I’ll see you later. And well, that’s all folks. [tr:trw].

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.



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