BRICS About To Make A HUGE Move! The BEST Is Yet To Come!! | David Nino Rodriguez




➡ David Nino Rodriguez and Colin Plume discusses the current financial situation, highlighting the potential shift away from the US dollar by BRIC nations and other countries. He also expresses concern about the future of social security, predicting that by 2035, it will only be 75% funded. This could lead to raised retirement ages or reduced benefits. The conversation also touches on the changing American dream, with fewer people able to afford homes and have children, and the potential impact of the upcoming election on the economy.
➡ The article discusses the current economic situation, hinting that inflation rates may not decrease to 2% soon and interest rates may not be lowered this year. The Federal Reserve may instead expand the money supply, a strategy used in 2009 known as quantitative easing, which could boost the economy. The article also suggests investing in gold, which has shown significant growth over the past five years. Lastly, it advises people to manage their finances wisely, reduce unnecessary expenses, and invest in personal growth to improve their financial situation.
➡ The podcast discusses the importance of financial responsibility and understanding, emphasizing that everyone, including business owners, should be proactive in managing their finances. It criticizes the government’s debt and job creation strategies, suggesting they’re not sustainable. The hosts also introduce an economic crisis toolkit created by actor Kevin Sorbo, which provides information and strategies for financial protection. They encourage listeners to take small steps towards financial change and not to feel overwhelmed by the process.


What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s This is Fluff Tube Edition, and I am with Colin Plume to talk about the financial catastrophe happening right now in America, in the world, the world. But you have good news, right, Colin? I mean, it’s not all that bad if you protect yourself. Yeah. No, absolutely. I mean, listen, for every disaster, there’s a silver lining and there’s a way to protect yourself in every situation. It’s just so many people don’t want to hear what’s happening and they want to stay the course, you know, and sometimes they have to have something jolting happen and, you know, like last year.

They put their head in the sand. They put their head in the sand. Yeah, like last year when all those banks went out of business, you know, I think that was like a sense of shockwaves to people. Like, hey, you know what, I got to maybe I don’t want to have all my money in the bank. And so they opened their eyes up. And I think, you know, that’s really important. So, yeah, no, there’s definitely new things happening. The one thing that I really would focus on is, and I like to talk about what’s going to happen this year, but the BRIC nations aren’t going to meet in October.

They’re going to meet in Russia to talk about the really heavy growth in the BRIC nations. I mean, there’s a lot of countries that have joined, the UAE, Iran, a number of countries have joined. There’s 30 other countries that want to join. So they’re going to have this meeting in October and talk about what’s happening geopolitically. And why that’s important to us is because, you know, Putin has said they’re looking to move away from the dollar. China has said that they want to move away from the dollar. And so there’s a lot of belief that in this meeting that they’re going to move away from using the dollar and either create their own currency.

They want to trade within themselves. Back by gold. They’ve talked about backing by gold. And so people have been speculating on this for a while. But the one thing I can tell you that’s happened is that, you know, the petrodollar, which until, you know, go back five years, almost every transaction in the world was done in the dollar. Now, in 2023, one in five transactions were actually done in non-US dollar. So there’s 2023, what’s it at now? It’s got to have gone up. It’s gone up since then. And, you know, people are concerned about that happening.

I mean, that was, you know, us having that power of the world’s reserve currency and us having the transactions. These huge transactions in the dollar gives the US an advantage for our currency because it shows strength, right? It shows strength that these big countries are trading in oil, these massive transactions. But they’re moving away. They want to move away. Global reserves around the world in the dollar were at 70, 72 percent 10 years ago. Now we’re at 58 percent. So if they’re slowly chipping away and that’s what’s going to happen in October, they’re going to talk about how they can do that even more is move away.

Get away from the dollar even more. Get away from the dollar even more. Yeah, that’s the most important thing to keep in mind is that you have to think that our currency is not going to have the same type of weight that it’s had for since 1944, since we became the world’s reserve currency, even the Bretton Woods Exchange. So they’re going to make a big move in October, probably around that timeframe as we go into an election, they’re going to make some kind of big move depending on I wonder if it’s contingent on what happens in November.

The election, what’s happening with election could be a big part of that depending on who’s going to get in an office. But yeah, I mean, I think overall when you look at the economy and as people are deciding who to vote for, there’s a lot of things happening with this administration that have not been positive for business owners and the economy. One thing that I’m absolutely concerned about because at Noble Gold we do deal with a lot of people that are either at retirement or near retirement, it’s social security. Social security, they came out and report just came out that said by 2035, they’re going to be about 75% funded.

So what does that mean? Are they just going to give three fourths of the people all of their money or no, they’re going to either raise the retirement age. So they’re going to go maybe to 70 or maybe they’re going to push the time that you can get the money or they’re going to go ahead and cut the benefits. And so they have to. There’s no choice. You can’t go both ways. I have a huge senior citizen audience. So hearing this, they’re approaching, they’re in their 50s, 60s. What is it right now to collect on that? Well, I think the minimum you can get on social security is around $1,100 if you start collecting the earliest.

And every year that you wait, you’ll get a little bit more, similar to like life insurance and a lot of or permanent life. And then every year that it stays in and you don’t collect, you can get a little bit more. I think the maximum you get is about $3,000 or $3,100. The average is about $1,800. So and that’s not a lot of money. I mean, if you think about 10 years from now, if they have to cut the benefits and maybe that the benefits are at $1,800 or $1,900, 10 years from now, what is $1,800 going to cover really mostly food costs, like maybe some some day to day necessities, but it’s not going to cover rent.

It’s not going to cover a mortgage. It’s not going to cover any of the other things. Luckily, your health insurance is sort of typically taken care of, but any supplement to that, you know, Medicare or Medicaid comes out. I read in an article, I put it up on my morning show that the senior citizens are going to outnumber the children coming in. And by the year 2040 or 2030 something, I can’t remember the exact year, but it’s approaching. They’re living longer. They’re going to need help. I mean, and they’re going to outnumber the youth. I mean, are you serious? Because you think about it, even the youth, they’re not having kids anymore.

Like the birth rates have slowed down. I mean, and now the older citizens are living a lot longer. They’re living a lot longer. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, people are not the American dream of the house. And the two point two kids, you know, has changed, right? The house has definitely changed. Like people are not either can’t afford it or they’re just not infatuated with the idea of owning a house for whatever reason. I think now it’s it’s single and 13 cats. Yeah. No, it’s then having those two point two kids, you know, that, you know, that typical American dream is sort of dramatically changed for what people think is is the dream for them.

And and a lot of it could be that they just can’t afford it. And and then also I’ve had friends who have said that, you know, why would I want to bring them into this this kind of world? Why would why would I want to do that? You know, it’s not a it’s not what I was when I when I grew up, you know, safety issues, you know, just to cost a living that I think a lot is contingent on what happens in November. If you want my honest opinion, I think whatever this direction, whatever direct the the the humanity is on a balance right now.

Yeah. What happens in November is and I decide everything, man. And then, you know, everyone knows my views on this, how I perceive this. I don’t think we’re going to I think some things are going to happen in my opinion. But but November is where it’s at. I think I think this whole conversation would be different if Mr. T was in office right now. Yeah, no, I think it could be different. I mean, you know, looking at, you know, I look at the numbers and I look at the consumer sentiment. Consumer sentiment is down about 67 percent.

That was a report from last month. So what that means is that by the buying mentality is low. You know, you want to be two or three years ago, you were in the high 70s. You want consumer sentiment to be high. That means people have confidence in the economy. So consumer sentiment is really low. The PPI report came out today, which is the producer price index. And you’re looking at costs have gone up. They were up about a half percent from last month. So the cost and that’s typically an indication of inflation. And Jerome Powell was very interesting in his meeting today discussing inflation.

And I think it’s the first time that I ever heard him say this, that we don’t have to get every indicator below two percent to hit our goal. And that’s typically not the way inflation was looked at for a long time. Everybody wants all of the indicators to be at two percent or below to feel really good about the economy. He’s saying, well, maybe not. I mean, we’re not going to get all these indicators below two percent, basically hinting that we’re not going to get that number of two percent anytime soon. He also hinted that maybe we’re not lowering interest rates again this year, even though coming into this year, they wanted to build everybody’s confidence.

And so the thing that’s happens a lot in an election year is that the Fed, depending on who they want to win, they’ll try to build the confidence of the economy. And one way they can build the confidence is why raising or lowering interest rates or pausing. And so I think he really wanted to give the impression that we’re going to lower rates to give people the confidence, which did boost the stock market. But it’s actually not going to happen. It looks like it looks like that that’s not the truth. And ultimately, the Fed has a mandate to not raise interest rates.

They can’t lower interest rates if inflation is going up. It would go against their mandate. So he’s sort of in a pickle in terms of what he’s going to do this year. I think Powell knows his best chance to get Biden reelected would be to lower rates because that would be a boom for the stock market. And you’d be sort of artificially pushing the economy into a better place, but he can’t. So that’s sort of happening in the Fed front. Tomorrow, the CPI comes out, so everyone should be watching. The CPI, when the CPI report’s coming out, everyone should be watching that.

It’s a very strong indicator of what’s going to happen. That’s tomorrow. Tomorrow, what’s the date? 15. So ultimately, I think, Nino, is like one of the things that we talk about a lot is what are all these economic factors and how do you sort of protect yourself? And that’s what is the good news? You know, where’s the rainbow? Where’s things going to get better? And I think that gold has done great. I mean, you go back. I was just looking at the charts. You go back five years from today. Gold was sitting at about 1465.

Today, we’re sitting at 2340, 2350. It’s at 2350, 2340. But you expected to go to 5000, right? Not me, UBS, Bank of America. Bank of America predicts 3500. UBS thinks it could double. By when? They think in the next two to three years, that could happen. Damn. So I think that what it comes down to, the interesting thing now is that let’s say the Fed figures out a way to lower or expand the money supply. And that’s what I think is going to happen. I think they’re going to go, we can’t lower rates, but let’s expand the money supply, which is another trigger to help the economy.

That’s what I think they’re going to do. And that’s what happened in 2009. That’s called quantitative easing. And if people remember what happened during quantitative easing from 2009 to 2011 is gold and silver went on a historic run, absolutely parabolic run. If you look at the charts, you can see it there. So my gut is that they’re going to figure out a way. They’re going to say, we can’t lower interest rates because that’s our, but we’re going to expand the money supply. We’re going to get more money out there because we do want to get our guy reelected and maybe people will be fooled by this.

They’ll believe the economy is better. And so I think they’re going to try to do something where they expand the money supply. And the credit card debt has just got to be through the roof right now. It’s got to be ridiculous. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, it’s the rates are, you know, average rate is in the 25% range. And that’s not for the person that typically needs or uses their credit card. For people to have bad credit or new credit, you’re going to be in the high 20s, low 30s. And that’s at least 10 basis points higher than it was a year and a half or two years ago.

So that’s a pretty dramatic difference. 30% credit card rates are very different. I hear the same thing over and over from people, man, that could reach out to me in the comments or emails. Like I can’t afford it. I can’t afford to buy gold. I can’t afford. What do you have to say to these people? Because there’s a lot of people that are like living off their credit cards or in debt. Sure. And they’re just like, man, I can’t do it. What do we suppose? I mean, is it just, sorry, tough luck, better luck, better luck next time? Or is there a plan for them? Right.

I mean, I think a lot of it comes down to is that you do need to find ways to increase your debt, find ways to increase your monthly none of whatever your costs are. But I would say that you almost you cannot increase debt. No, I’m sorry. Decrease your debt. I was like, where’s this going? Yeah, sorry about that. Get your monthly expenses down to a more reasonable number, cutting off. If you’re not, don’t watch Netflix. Don’t do all those $15, $18, $20, $50 memberships you have. Try to get rid of those. But I think what the thing is is that when people say they can’t afford it, a lot of times when I look at people’s expenses, they can’t afford it.

They’re just spending money in places that don’t really make sense. Right now, if you’re trying to grow and trying to get to the next level in your life, there’s two places you should be spending money. One is you should be investing in yourself. Any money you’re spending, you should be investing in a way to help you grow, to help you get out of the situation that you’re in. And you and I have talked off air that we’ve been in bad holes. I mean, over 12 years ago, I was $100,000 in debt to the IRS and more than that in credit cards.

So I’ve been there. I’ve done it. And there are ways to work your way out of those holes. And it’s not quick. It’s not easy. It’s painful. But you have to hit things kind of head on. So I think the first thing is really looking at your finances where you are and trying to get your expenses and try to pay down things. The second thing is you really got to take care of your mind and your body. Those are really two important things. And I think having a clear head and really be able to tackle problems without having things clouding your judgment.

You know, every time I put on Netflix, I just see propaganda. And I tell people all the time, get rid of Netflix. Get onto It’s like, keep the gym membership. Get rid of the Netflix. Get rid of the Enos. I mean, I don’t ever watch this stuff anyway. Exactly. And that’s what I’m saying. You’re giving them information that’s valuable, helpful. You’re trying to look out for them in the future, but also just giving them information that they can use day to day. Netflix is trying to just brainwash you or just trying to keep you hooked in there for a long time or they’re trying to sell you something.

Ultimately, that stuff’s not going to really benefit you. So I think it’s really important in today’s environment is to… It’s a big month to talk about. It’s Mental Health Month. May is Mental Health Month. And I talk about this a lot with a lot of my employees. It’s really about eliminating the noise and really trying to focus. And I think that’s whether it’s through meditation or however you’re going to be able to do it in your life. For me, it’s like really moving my body and keeping my mind and spirit. I was just with a friend talking about this and he…

I was like, man, what are you spending on your bar tabs? And he never has money. And he’s spending like $200 to $500 every time he goes out on a bar tab. Easily, yeah. And I’m like, why? Because yeah, but that’s my social life, man. I mean, I work hard and I want to be able to release a little bit. I’m like, okay, those are priorities. If that’s what you look at, instead of like what you said, yoga… Get a yoga gym membership. Get a gym membership, yoga, meditating. Get a goal. You got to change your life.

Sometimes that’s the hard part about this, is you got to make a difference in your life to make that change. And it takes some restructuring. Yeah. And it’s funny because I mentor business owners too also. One of the many things that I do. And a lot of it is I want to give back to people. And I spoke to an attorney, a friend of a friend that just needed help with his business. And he’s like, I don’t want to take too much of your time. And he’s like, telling me, asking me like, should I try this with my marketing? Should I try this? And I’m like, but he’s like, but I really want to focus just on my law practice.

I don’t want to focus so much, you know, on the marketing or this. And I was trying to tell him like, I know you’re a lawyer, but you’re a business owner, right? And so people don’t realize that you can’t put your head in the sand with things that are really important, like your finances. Like you can’t allow, you can’t trust your stockbroker. You can’t trust your CPA to file your taxes. You have, you’re ultimately in charge. And listen, you could, at the end of the day, you could go, you know, they made a mistake and now I’m paying the price and you could do the blame game.

But at the end of the day, like this stuff, this gold and silver, you put this away and talking about debt, you know, that’s what we’re talking about debt and focus. Like anyone can buy this stuff and anyone can put it away. And I promise you this, you’d start to buy some things that don’t have debt and you start to get away from some of that bad debt. Now there’s good debt, but you get away from the bad debt in your life. You’d be surprised how much better you feel day to day.

And that’s view, read our reviews and noble gold investments. That’s the common sentiment with our customers is that they feel better after, you know, I find funny about this whole podcast is that we’re telling people how to give, you know, get their lives better, make better decisions, get out of debt. And the government that taxes us is in a 34 trillion, 541 billion, 727 million, 970 thousand, 599 hundred. I mean, it’s ridiculous. Like this is, and we’re talking to, we’re telling people to get their shit together and the government can’t get its shit together again.

I mean, really, dude, I mean, I mean, these, these are the ones taxing. They’re taxing us and they’re in 34 trillion dollars to debt. Yeah. And also think about too, like people like, oh, the jobs, like it’s all smoke and mirrors, right with this administration. It’s like garbage. Look at the jobs report. So many of those jobs, I say well over 30% of a lot of the growth over the last year is government jobs. So of course, like if you, if you want to make yourself look good, you hide, you spend money from over here and you hire people over here.

So people, because people think that that jobs report, if they don’t read between the lines, they actually believe it. But government jobs are not, that’s, that’s not a way for us to get at it. We’re just paying for it in two different ways, right? We’re getting the tax revenue and then we’re paying for, for an employee, like Robin Paul to pay Peter type things. And that’s, so that’s what’s really important is that, you know, coming into this election is really, you know, looking at these numbers and really understanding what’s going on.

But ultimately there, there is to go to the beginning, there is, there is good news. We’ve created, we have a brand new economic crisis toolkit. It was done by my friend Kevin Sorbo. He’s a brand ambassador of noble gold. Now, otherwise known as Hercules. Yeah. The dude, the actor, the actor. Yeah. I think I had him on my show again soon. Yeah. You had him on your show. He’s I’m having him again. I think. Oh, you are. Okay. Yeah. Kevin Sorbo. We have an economic crisis toolkit. It’s 45 minutes. We talk about the economy.

It’s all video. We can send you a PDF if you want to read it, but we haven’t broken up into, into short videos. And it talks about things that are really happening in the economy. It talks about ways to protect yourself. So we have some of the tools available and that’s really what it is. You know, it’s, you got to get information right now and you got to soak in that information and then build a plan going forward, which is I know what you’re all about and what you’ve done with your life is you take in information and then you create an action plan.

And that’s really what we’ve done with this Kevin Sorbo. Nobody in the precious metal space has ever done it. We’ve done it and it’s fascinating and I think people are really going to like it. So. So I want to tell people also like don’t feel overwhelmed. Please. It’s hard to change your life. Take incremental steps. That’s the most important thing. Cut this out. Add a little bit of this. Cut that out next. It happened organically for me. It’s not something that I sat down with a pencil on a pad and I said, this is how I’m changing my life.

I just took the first step and that’s what you got to do as well. And that’s, you know, don’t let this overwhelm overwhelming. How do you eat an elephant one bite at a time? So is there anything else we should cover here? I mean, I mean, I think we got, we went over a lot. I think tomorrow people are going to check out, check out the CPI report. They should be watching that, you know, getting an idea. Look at your 401ks, you know, make sure that you’re getting the returns. Take a look at the fees you’re paying.

And, you know, we’ll be back on. I’ll be back on with you. But, you know, give us a call if you want to learn about what we do. If you want to look at these items, you know, it’s not a fund. You know, a lot of times you’d be like, oh, it’s a fund. And this, you know, what you’re doing is, yeah, we help people buy gold and silver, but it’s not a fund. Once you own it, it’s yours. I don’t, I don’t benefit from it in any way that noble gold doesn’t. We, we get you there, you buy it.

And then when you want to sell it, you know, for those people that bought gold from us five years ago, some of them are taking some profits today. They needed to live on and pay for whatever. Some of them are going to continue to buy and hold it for the next 10, 15 years. So we’re just there for the journey of helping you in one aspect, you know, one small aspect. And I think to echo what you said, you know, take little chunks of things and learn about them and then make an informed decision about what’s best for you and your family.

And that’s, that’s what we’re here for. We’re an American company, family owned business. And, you know, check out our reviews. We pride ourselves on customer service. So for anyone that’s looking to get information, yeah, you guys have amazing customer service and I, I’ve been privileged to know you personally. So I want to say, I want to say thank you Colin for your friendship and how you’ve helped me with my life. And folks give it a shot. Seriously. I meant like you don’t let it overwhelm you. Just make the phone call and see where you go from there.

Take it from there. Just make the phone call or hit the link down below and start from there, right Colin? Absolutely. That’s it. And yeah, when you get through and you talk to somebody, tell them you want that Kevin Sorbo masterclass. They’ll get that over to you. We just released it about a week and a half ago. So great information there and looking forward to all your feedback and obviously see you on the next one. All right, Colin. Thank you for joining me, folks. Get over there., correct?

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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