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What’s up folks? Welcome to Nino’s Corner.tv. I’m joined with Christie Hutcherson of women fighting for America. WFFA.win. Is that it? Is that where people go? Wow. So this is big because you’re privately funded. Privately funded operational. What I’ve seen you do is mainly border stuff, but operational missions. You’re privately funded to just scout and investigate and bring real, I mean you do real journalism. Your boots on the ground. And one of the few people I know that actually puts themselves in the danger that you do. It’s very commendable. Thank you for joining me Christi.
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Alright Christi, let’s talk about this man. This is crazy. So I know you go on a lot of operational missions. I know you really put yourself out there like you put your neck out there. I know that you actually have hits on you correct. I mean you’re like a target. Yeah, sure. Any time you’re exposing truth and you’re showing what the enemy is up to, you have a target on your head and for over almost five years now we’ve been working a lot in Central South America along the borders. Overseas, we do a lot of operational missions.
I have an incredible team around me but yes we put ourselves in harm way. I’m not a journalist by the way. You know my background is strategy, military strategy defense. That’s the world I play and that’s the world I actually came from. I am the founder of women fighting for America and I’m also a Christian and that’s the reason why I do what I do. I understand the deep state. I understand Washington. I understand how these mechanisms all kind of work and I was called out a long time ago to expose a lot of this and so that’s what me and my team do and I really want to delve into where we are right now in history.
It’s very unique and we’re positioning ourselves I think for a little bit of a bumpy ride there, Nino. Yeah, I think even the window’s closing. I just feel like they’ve got to make a move. You know they lost the election. They’re shell shocked. I think even the Speaker of the House coming through, that’s another chess move they lost and then certifying the election. Another big chess move they lost. Watching this, I got an aerial perspective watching the game being played right now. I just feel like they’ve got to make a move. I think these fires are part of it to be quite honest with you.
I’m sure you would agree with that. The fire is in LA. Not just an accident in my opinion but I think more moves are going to be played and I’m on the border so I’ve been born and raised here my entire life and I know I’ve lived through the the cartel wars here in Ciudad Mexico and Ciudad Juarez that were just I mean it was the number one capital in the world for a time. Worse than Iraq, Afghanistan, any of those places was Ciudad Juarez so I know what’s what they’re capable of and what they can do and now with them being on both sides of the border and millions upon millions of undocumented illegal immigrants here don’t know who they are unvetted.
I have to believe that when these mass deportations begin or they can this can even start before Trump does it but I got a feeling there’s going to be pushed back like we’ve never seen before. Do you agree with that? Yeah it’s kind of quiet before the storm even though we’ve had a couple storms in the last couple weeks it’s just a kind of a curtain call of what’s getting ready to happen on a bigger scale I believe. So I know that you know the cartels are in extortion business they’re in they’re in the drug business I mean they’re in everything human trafficking everything uh they’re not going to just give that up you know they’re not going to just say okay good game all right we’ll go back to Mexico and behave ourselves that’s not what’s coming.
We can one-up them. There are plenty of lakes in the Southeastern states with hungry alligators just waiting for them.