Bongino x Tucker Carlson – LIVE at the RNC | Dan Bongino

Posted in: Dan Bongino, News, Patriots



➡ Dan Bongino hosts conversation between several people, including Tucker Carlson and Don Junior, discussing various topics. They talk about their views on the left’s behavior, the potential dangers they believe Trump faced, and their frustrations with the media. They also discuss their belief in a ‘replacement theory’, suggesting that the demographics of Western countries are being intentionally changed. They express their concerns about this, questioning why it’s happening and what the implications might be.
➡ The speaker is expressing frustration about changes in their country, reminiscing about the past, and questioning why these changes are happening. They also discuss their interactions with various individuals, including a friend’s quote about causing disruption. They then move on to discuss politics, expressing support for JD Vance and the America First movement, and their desire for this ideology to continue beyond the current leadership.
➡ The speaker discusses their experiences with politicians, highlighting JD Vance’s genuine concern for his family and his service in the Marines. They criticize other politicians for being fake and using military service for political gain. The speaker also mentions their upbringing and the creation of Rumble, a platform that allows them to express their views without censorship. They end by discussing their changing views on Republican politics and the Iraq war.
➡ The text discusses the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, criticizing the involvement of NATO and the Biden administration. It suggests that their actions have led to the loss of many Ukrainian lives and the destabilization of the country. The text also accuses them of initiating the war for their own financial gain. It further criticizes Ukrainian President Zelenskyy for his perceived inaction and suggests that the war cannot be won due to Russia’s superior numbers and industrial capacity.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about the United States’ foreign policy, particularly regarding Ukraine and Crimea, and criticizes the lack of knowledge and seriousness among the country’s leaders. They also discuss the issues of immigration, drug overdose deaths, and the use of the military. The speaker believes the government is failing to serve its citizens and has lost its legitimacy. They hope for a change under President Trump and express worry about the upcoming elections, fearing that if the current situation continues, it may not be salvageable. They also discuss the increasing influence of technology and the importance of maintaining human autonomy. Despite these concerns, they see signs of hope in the honesty and kindness of people.
➡ The discussion revolves around the political climate, focusing on the declining popularity of Biden and the potential for an unexpected event (October surprise) in the upcoming elections. The speakers express skepticism towards the mainstream narrative and criticize the perceived persecution of Trump and his supporters. They also discuss the possibility of Trump’s victory in the face of alleged election fraud and note a growing support for Trump among influential figures.
➡ The text discusses how influential figures standing up for their beliefs inspire others to do the same, sparking movements and change. It mentions the growing dissatisfaction among Gen Z with the current state of affairs, and their desire for a better future. The text also promotes an upcoming event featuring Tucker Carlson, emphasizing its accessibility and candid conversation. Lastly, it expresses gratitude to the audience and the Rumble team for their support.


Are we live? No. If anyone has a bottle of water, will someone toss one to. Yeah, I know it’s water. Welcome to the damn bar. Not only is it me tonight and Tucker Carlson, but honoring us with his presence, the great Don Junior. Good to see you, buddy. Don, Tucker, thanks for joining us. Thank you. We appreciate it. My audience, looking forward to. We’ve got an amazing 78,000 people freaking chat. The chat room, folks, is probably the biggest live stream in the world right now. Today’s show brought to you by mypillow. They’re having a $25 extravaganza sale on some of their amazing products.

You can check out the dot make sure you use promo code, Dan. So, Tucker, we got a heart out around 07:00 so I want to get right to it. I think we got longer now. Cause I think you’re just rolling with me, right? I’m rolling. So we got a little bit of time. By the way, where they’re rolling to is going to be epic. So you want to follow that one. So, of course, it’ll be in playbook probably in the morning, but. So, Tucker, you and I accurately, sadly, tragically, did a podcast interview a while ago on your show, which

comma, they can check out all your material. By the way, I’ll be with Tucker September 11 in Tulsa if you want tickets. and we were talking about how the left is insane. They have no emergency break on their behavior. And you had mentioned how, well, they didn’t let him govern last time. They sick the military on him. Lawfare. Well, what’s the next logical step? Potential assassination? You and I were called crazy Lunatics by Daniel Arkin, an NBC News conspiracy theorist. And notably, without contacting either me nor you, they said that we presented that without evidence, despite me having mounds of evidence from actual sources, that he was in a lot of danger.

Your initial thoughts on that now that you’ve sadly been proven right, why no sources? I’m just using common sense as my guide because I believe in trend lines and, you know, things tend to move in recognizable patterns, and the acceleration was really obvious. I mean, this is like the central fact of history is that things just don’t appear out of nowhere. You can predict them with some accuracy if you just pay attention to the preceding events. And so they were totally dehumanized. For instead of calling him Hitler, which is a predicate to killing somebody, would you kill Hitler if you could? I think most people would say yes, it’d be my moral duty to do that.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer reached that conclusion, right. This person is such a threat that while killing is wrong, it’s justified in this case because it will save the lives of many. So they’re calling Trump Hitler constantly, and then they’re trying to impeach him, and then now they’re trying to arrest him and put him in prison for the rest of his life. And none of it is working. He becomes stronger. You never hear anybody call Trump a racist anymore. By the way, that was the signature attack against Trump. If you were a Hebrew Indian living in the Amazon headwaters in 2016, the one thing you knew about the United States was there was a racist running for president.

Now, nobody says he’s a racist. Why? Because all the people he supposedly hates are voting for him. So that’s like not working. None of this is working. In fact, it’s counterproductive. Every time you attack him, he becomes stronger. This is a much recognized phenomenon. And so where do you go next? And they’re out of options. And I just made the very obvious point that this trajectory leads to assassination. Like, why is that crazy? And the last thing I’ll say is that Daniel Arkin, I hope, is enjoying his health insurance because he’s going to be on Cobra soon because that whole edifice is coming down because nobody believes it, therefore nobody watches it.

They pulled morning Joe off the air yesterday. Oh, he was pissed. They were ordered by Comcast. Comcast. Fact, I do have a source on this, don’t air this crap because these people are crazy and it’s hurting our parent company. Their lunacy. So they’re literally mourning Joe is so, and he’s not the worst, though. He’s the most annoying, is so radical and crazy that they literally can’t even air him anymore. The liberals at Comcast, what’s the lifespan? Speaking of trajectory, speaking of trend lines, of NBC News, of CB’s, of CNN, of the New York Times, it’s like very limited.

We’re looking at the last moments of existence for these organizations. And so I would just say to Arkin, if he’s watching, I feel so sorry for you. I don’t know if you’re married, but at some point you have to explain to that woman how you’re not providing for her anymore because you don’t have a job, because what you did was disgusting and your whole business was destroyed. I mean, you know, don, I think to myself often, I mean, you’re obviously living this. It’s your father and you’re the only guy on this couch who’s actually had a secret service detail.

I’ve worked one. I’ve never had one. You know, you look at this guy, Dan Arkin, who writes this piece, calling me and Tucker crazies for hiding. Just so you know, I was in there too. I agreed with you at the time. So I was also vilified and called a conspiracy theorist because they said, well, Tucker said this. I go, of course he’s right. What are you talking about? Like, what world are you watching that you believe that that’s an impossibility? What are you, imbecile? Like, of course they are, but it was crazy. You got briefings from your agents, correct.

When my father was president, I was the number two. According to them, I was the number two most threatened person in the United States after my father. Because I’m vocal, you know, I’d say that I don’t back down. I push hard. I think I’ve been proven right on virtually everything. But yeah, I was the number two most threatened person that under the purview of the United States Secret Service. Tucker, one of the things you and I both share, I think, in common. And don, I’m sure you agree, I don’t want to leave you out of this one, but you and I, particularly, especially when we were at Fox together, the media, the liberal media, and some swampy conservative media or pseudo conservative media, whatever, they really, really get under my skin.

They do. It’s like a tick. And I wish they wouldn’t because there were times I, you know, I can’t sleep at night. People say, no, there were sometimes I literally can’t go to sleep at night. Like, I have to take like a melatonin because I’ll read something and I’m like, fuck these motherfuckers. Like, they’re so stupid. Right? The thing you and I nailed, I think to a t that to this day, you used to talk about it and everyone else avoided it. Was this replacement theory stuff. This was the worst media story in human history. There were literal articles, and I hate that word because it’s overused, written in the New York Times called, we can replace them.

There are hours and hours of democrats on tape talking about demographic destiny. The demographics of the country are going to change. We’re going to replace these. Joe Biden’s on tape talking about how the white man. And then when we notice it, they’re like that Tucker and bonjito. Damn mother effing racist. You better fire. They wrote whole books about it. And now of course it’s true. Yeah, but the hate that it displays, like, why would you want to do that? You know, why would you want to watch the people whose ancestors built the country die, mock them as they die and then replace them? I don’t understand.

Like, only. So, I mean, that that suggests, like, actual hate, like, homicidal hate. I would never want something like that for anybody. And by the way, it’s not just the United States. It’s happening all over the western world. The people whose ancestors built these countries are dying and they’re being replaced. And it’s like, why would you want to do that? There’s something very heavy going on. You know, I mean, go to Sweden, go to the UK, go to London. I mean, it’s. It’s shocking. And I don’t at this point, care if you’re not allowed to notice it or if you’re racist to notice it’s happening in Ireland? Ireland, it wasn’t.

Ireland was never a colonial power, like, in the United States. Like, well, you have to put up this because you were mean to Puerto Rico or something, or. You know what I mean? Or you’ve used too much carbon, so you have an obligation to allow all of Central Africa move to your country and give them housing vouchers. Okay? But Ireland never did anything to anybody. Ireland was oppressed by Great Britain, actually. It was never a colonial. Sat out an entire war. There were actual moves about it. No, exactly. They suffered a potato famine. So why are you doing this to the Irish? They are the indigenous population of their island, and you’re watching them die and replacing them with people from the third world.

On what basis are you doing that? George Soros, actually, like, what’s the real answer? And you have to think that this is genocidal intent. Like, what else is it? I mean, honestly, what else is it? Oh, shut up. How about no? Because I want to live like it’s 1985 in the country that I loved, where honest questions could be asked with full confidence. You had a right to do that, because you’re an american. And I’m going to live that way until I die. And I don’t care what they do to me. I’m going to live like it’s 1985 in my country, and I’m going to ask a super obvious question.

Why are you doing that? And why are we putting up with it? I don’t think we should. You had the greatest line ever. He did a profile, I think it was in New York or whatever. You did a long form profile with one of these. Never doing that again. Yeah, it was one of these total douche canoes in like, New Yorker or whatever. But John. Yeah, I was like, man, that was really nice of him to do that. I did one too. This guy Evan Osnard or whatever, fucked me over a whole bunch of bullshit. Yeah.

So I wrote a hit piece on him later. I’m like, ah, fuck this guy. So in the piece, you said this great line, like, you know, once in a while you gotta throw a shit grenade in the tent. And you know what? I read that and I’m like, I know exactly what you were saying. No, actually, I was quoting. It wasn’t me. I was quoting a deceased friend of mine called Christopher Hitchens and who I used to drink with. He never quit and died. And I did quit. But anyway, many, many years ago, he said to me, you know, my goal is not even ideological.

Every day, as a matter of principle, I want to throw a grenade over the wall into asshole hq. And I thought, I want that to be my goal. I want to do that. I found my spirit animal. Yes, I did. And I really have tried. Don, did you find, like, me, like, his monologues at night? They were great where they were. You know, the one thing about you is you never you. Honestly, Paula, am I right? My wife and I used to watch, like, with rap detention, right? We would sit there, we’d be like, the greatest part of it was you never knew what was coming, man.

Like, regardless of the news cycle. And you’d be like, shit, I’m thinking about that different now. You know? And I think that’s why you don’t want to be part of the news cycle. I mean, unless. But it drove the news. It did. I mean, people, the entire next day conversation, even on social, was based around. I’ll give you a perfect model up, the Arkansas governor, when Hutchinson, when he came on about the cutting guys, nuts off the kids balls off, and you just, you just verbally castrated him that his career will never recover from that interview, ever.

I hope not. He ran for president anyway. And I interviewed him again at some forum in Iowa. There’s a certain kind of, I don’t know that they’re all actually closeted, but they seem all seem very closeted to me. Or at least they have super unhappy wives. But this very kind of weakness, male, that’s just true. It’s 100% true. They’re all that way. It’s Mitch McConnell or whatever it is all that way. And there’s something about them, I think, that they’re the governor of Utah is that way. It’s a certain sort of man and they hate themselves so much.

And my operating rule in life is if someone hates himself, he’s probably not gonna love you. It’s guys like that who just like get off on basing themselves. That’s totally cool. The word is cuck. Literally, they are cuck. That’s like the most brilliant, by the way, it’s rumble. We can say it. When they started telling you it was you weren’t allowed to use the term cuck or it’s okay to be white. I remember thinking like, well, why? Why can’t you say that? You know what I mean? No one ever explained. It was like, shut up, that’s an extremist term.

I didn’t even know what cucked meant. But like the genius collective on the Internet really saw deeply into the souls of people like Mitch McConnell or that creepy the trainee Arkansas governor. And they just saw who they were because it was elemental. It wasn’t a political difference. It was like something inside this man was so hollow and broken and sick and diseased and self hating that it had to do with a cuckold fantasy. Like, that’s totally right, I can smell it. Do you guys think because this is the one issue all three of us are going to agree on on the couch? I know we do, because we only one, unfortunately, I spend enough time with both of you.

I think we agree on probably everything. This news, and this one was something you, we went all in on. We all agree JD Vance was the best pick. Amen. Given the portfolio people available. Don, your initial thoughts. I mean, no one’s closer to your dad than you. I mean, I know your dad had this short list. I know. You know, Bergam seems like a nice enough guy. I went to a fundraiser, he was there. He’s actually a pretty good speaker, you know, I guess Rubio has his assets too. Whatever. I don’t get it to politicians. I don’t want to date these guys.

I got a wife, I don’t really care. However, JD to me is the one guy, I’ve had a couple of conversations, but I’ve coffee with him and not best friends, but he came off as the most genuine and sincere. And even though you may disagree with him on some things, I don’t. But you may disagree with him on Ukraine or trade policy. He’s not fucking around. Like he says what he means. At least he’s going to take a stand. He’s the real deal. I mean, he listen to he. I read his book. That’s how I got to know him before, you know, I read his book back in, like, whatever.

It was early teens when it came out. I got, man, this guy’s gotta be in politics. I loved the story. And then he actually sort of started this thing, like, never trump or. Because he didn’t have any information, but he was also the guy that didn’t just say, okay, well, I’m gonna accept Trump now in roll. He was like, I was wrong. I did not think that the brash guy from New York was gonna fight for XYZ. I didn’t think he was gonna, like, I was wrong. I bought into the media narrative, and he became, like, a champion of the America first of the MAGA cause and just articulates it so well.

So, like, we became friends, but I was, like, crushed. I was like, oh, this guy. I love it. Is it never trump? I can’t even believe it. But. But it wasn’t just he came to terms with it. Like, he was just, like, I was wrong. And from that moment on, just started fighting for all of the things that we believe in. So, you know, I was really passionate about that. I was also passionate about having a guy that’s young, that can. That can take that mantle of America first, not go back to Neocon bullshit where, you know, we.

We haven’t been in a war in three minutes. Let’s make sure we spend $4 trillion and mortgage our children’s futures to hell. I don’t want it to end in four years after my father’s done. I want that to be conservatism going forward, not a reversion back to the stuff that has failed us and that doesn’t represent the people across the country, but it plays great in the swamp. It’s a big deal. Your dad started a movement. It’s not about him anymore. It is now. He is obviously the guy who’s the, you know, the head of the MAGA movement, but your father’s not going to be around for, hopefully a long time.

But he started a movement. And I, you know, I said, these other guys, the guys to take the mantle, or JD Tucker, I know you were team JD. Can I say, I was at a dinner a few years ago in my old neighborhood in DC before I left, probably five years ago, and they’re ever talking about Trump. What do you think of Trump? And I said, you know, you know, the smartest guy in that whole constellation is Don Junior. And they’re like, yeah, Don Junior’s the smartest. Oh, yeah, Don Junior. Okay. He shoots animals, right? I was like, actually, Don, Junior’s the smartest one.

It’s true. And that I thought, your analysis is so right, I almost don’t have anything to add to that. It’s exactly right what he just said. And he. So he speaks for me on that. But can I say one thing about JD? He’s like a normal person. He’s like a good person. Politicians are just so hollow. You can’t overstate that. You can’t have a conversation with them. I mean, how many dinners have I had with politicians, senators, presidents, all of them. They’re all the same. They’re all the same. If you say you can predict their answers, right? It’s unbelievable.

But even in private, they’re false. JD Vance. I mean, I’ve had the privilege of talking to him a lot before. He went for Senate and this current post, he was like, tormented. Like, what effect does this have on my wife? What effect does this have on my three children? These are real questions from. These are not fake performative questions. Like, I’m gonna spend more time with my family. It’s like, how are they. How do they feel about this? What will this do to my soul? He weighs the moral consequences of decisions. He actually does. But I saw a picture of him today in his marine uniform.

I’ve never seen that before. Try to get JD Vance to talk about his marine service. He’s embarrassed of it. He doesn’t parade it around like every. Doesn’t parade. He never talks about it. The best talk about it. You mean he doesn’t have to pee? Buttigieg photo. No, but it’s different. You know what? And this was such a critical point. I spoke to. I’m not a veteran, so I spoke to a couple other people who are. I go, there’s a difference here, right? You know, you look at a Buttigieg, they go to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and then they do like the.

Like, I want to be a politician, so I’ll go do some obligatory service. JD enlisted in the Marine Corps out of high school. Yeah, he did that first. Yes. It wasn’t the afterthought because I want to get into politics and it’d be a nice box to check. He did it first before he knew where his life was going. I remember watching a huge deal and a big difference. And he doesn’t talk go in the Marines, too. That’s not an easy thing. I think he’s the first ever to be on a ticket, actually. Actual marines, obviously not in marines.

Leather neck. And I like this. I mean, I have. I’m in Florida in the winter, but I remember watching one of these debates or something in Desantis. In the end, I thought he was on one of the SEal teams. Cause he was talking about the SeaL teams and da da da da. And I’m like, what? Weren’t you like a freaking lawyer or something? Like, stop. It’s too fake. I can’t. And I like to say this, but it’s too fake. And it’s also. It’s being fake about something that’s kind of important that we all revere as Americans.

It makes us all cynical about military service. And JD, to his enormous credit, will never leverage that, because, again, it makes everybody cynical when you lie about something important. You know what I mean? I think I’d just like you to address this, if you could. I played a clip of you on my podcast today. You were. I don’t know what you’re talking heritage or something. You said, you know, all of the right slash wrong people hate JD Vincent. And can you just go into that? Because that is so important. Like the Lindsey Grahams of the world.

It’s just, by the way, shit talking JD Vance the entire day. The day before, he was trying to get your dad. You heard about that? I guess there’s a lot of lobbying efforts going on the day before. And I think. I mean, your post on the. I mean, just. Just brutalized. I think it’s maybe the greatest thing on the Internet deal with, like. And I hate to be mean to Lindsey Graham. I suspect he likes it, actually. Naughty little guy, but he does. Every time we see him, he’s like, hey, man, I’m like, really? I was incredibly cruel to you.

This is like some sort of weird whatever trip that you have. But I guess the point I would make is JD V. It’s almost. And Trump is exactly the same. It’s almost like to catch a predator. It’s like you wave Trump or JD Vance out there and all the creep show up to hate. You know, it’s like you just. They’re such clarifying forces. Like, catch a predator. It’s like, no, I’m not kidding. It’s like, stand in a room full of people in Washington and say, I think JD Vance should be the vice president. Everyone who has a heart attack is exactly who you don’t want to babysit your kids.

Like, it’s totally true. And in this specific case, I just. I watched. And since I spent my whole life in DC, I knew a lot of the people, or actually, all of them. And they were all the people whose careers have really. And decisions have really wrecked our country. And I kept thinking, like, on what grounds do you have any authority to give advice to anybody for anything? It’s like, literally, you pass a homeless guy and he’s giving you real estate advice. You talk to a bankrupt guy, and he’s giving you investment strategy, and it’s like you’ve discredited yourself.

It’s a fat guy telling you how to get fit. Like, what? No. When you have a track record of success, I will listen to you. But if you’re. I don’t know. Fill in the blank. Lindsey Graham? Yeah. Are you joking? Everything that you have advocated for has hurt people and above all, hurt the United States of America. Why don’t you sit the next 20 years out, by the way, ashes and sackcloth. We’re about to cross 175,000 streamers. So. Hey, Chris, I say we’re the biggest in the world, right? We’ve got to be number one. I don’t want to just.

I don’t want to just win the world. Are you gonna tell viewers who is actually the floor director of the show? Come on. Come on over. Pop Lowski is never my producer. Come here. Just sit next to me for a minute. Media moguls like producer CEO Rumble Chris. Hey. Chat. What’s going on? 175,000, biggest stream in the US. Biggest stream on Twitch right now. Holy fuck. I hope you don’t mind me cursing. The reason I am the way I am is because I didn’t grow up like the conventional billionaire son. My dad stuck me on job sites, so I grew up with construction workers.

So I talk like that. I want to thank you, though, brother. This is because of you creating rumble and giving us an opportunity to not have to do this bullshit censorship stuff on YouTube. You know, they kicked me off for saying masks don’t work. These motherfuckers. You believe that shit? And you think they’d apologize to me now? That’s how we know that mask, if they thought it may be true at the time. There’s never. There’s. There’s never accountability for just being wrong about everything. Right? Thanks, guys. The four marshall for this thing. We appreciate it. Hey, let me take a quick break.

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So, Tucker, let me dig into a topic I know is really sensitive to you. It matters a lot, and it matters to me. You know, when I first started in republican politics, informally, not running for office, I was an old school kind of republican, where we are kind of the world’s semi policeman. It’s our job to hold world order. And what woke me up was the Iraq war, because I realized from the start there was really no game plan. I said, well, we’re not going to go into Baghdad. So what exactly was the plan then? We were going in here to what, send a message? Like, couldn’t we done that by just sending a few, like, bombs next to Saddam’s headquarters? So he knows me.

It didn’t make any sense to me. Now we’re over in Ukraine, and I will not anyone out there, a liberal who’s gonna say, you’re a Putin stooge, let me just preemptively say, go fuck yourself. Your parents, your kids, your dog, all. You’re a piece of shit. You’re making that up. And I hate you in advance of. That has nothing to do with. I spent time in Russia. Putin’s a d bag. Okay, forget it. I’m not his guy. However, what I don’t understand about Ukraine is we’re pouring all this money in assets, and there doesn’t seem to be any kind of tactical battle plan as to what victory.

No one can even explain to you what it looks like at this point. Are we seeding east, eastern portion of Ukraine? Are we not? Here’s the attack ums. No attack ems. Here’s f 16s, but don’t train the pilots. Here’s attack ems, but don’t shoot in Moscow. Like, oh, gee, that’s a good idea, like, maybe we’d start nuclear work. No one seems to have a plan, and we’re just supposed to give them money and let them do this? Well, of course there’s a plan, just not the one that articulated. I think it’s really important to stop listening to people like Tony Blinken or others who pose as your moral betters while committing genocide, which is what they’re doing in Ukraine, because their words bear no relationship to what they’re actually doing or their intent at all.

They’ve depopulated Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of ukrainian men, an entire generation, have died. The average age of conscription is 43. They’re conscripting guys with down syndrome. So the ukrainian population has collapsed, thanks to NATO, the Biden administration, in a war that they started. They provoked this war on purpose, obviously. And now in a little known or noticed in the west development that I was told this by an ally of Zelenskyy’s who sits in the ukrainian parliament. Zelenskyy allowed the parliament to change the law to make it legal for foreign companies to buy a land in Ukraine, the breadbasket of Europe, the largest wheat producer in Europe.

And so you’re going to have a depopulated country which will immediately be filled by immigrants from the third world, of course. And you will have the actual land of the nation of Ukraine owned by foreigners. And so Ukraine as a country will disappear. And how did that happen? It happened because its allies, NATO, were protecting it. Yeah. So we just destroyed and stole Ukraine from the ukrainian people. And we’re the heroes. And by we, I mean the Biden administration and Blackrock. And Blackrock and the completely evil former prime minister of Great Britain, Boris Johnson, who is somehow lurking around here.

I hope I run into him. Who stopped the peace process at the request of the Biden administration when the Ukrainians and the Russians wanted to end the war and they stopped them from ending the war. I guess the only thing I would say, if you go on for hours, I would just end with one sentence, which is, don’t allow the worst people in the world to seize the moral high ground and brainwash you into thinking that they somehow have pure motives and you are somehow off balance, like, oh, I can’t really? Say this? No, they’re evil.

And we know that because of what they’ve done. We’re watching it right now. What they did was evil. It hurt Ukraine. And I don’t care how many little lapel pins Lindsey Graham has, he’s responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians. So to call you. Who cares what they call you? You did that. They did that. They started that war, and they destroyed that country. So how are they walking free? I don’t understand it. It’s a money laundering scheme, obviously, sending your tax dollars to a foreign country so the people who started this genocide can split it amongst themselves, period.

Hey, Don, I wanted to hit this from another angle. You know, again, I’m not blaming anyone in Ukraine for what Putin did or anything, but the Ukrainians and Zelensky clearly knew about the second. Excuse me, the impeachment of your dad. They knew what was going on. They knew what your dad was saying was an absolutely legitimate inquiry about the deepest levels of corruption in our government. And what bothers me to this day is Zelensky said nothing during that impeachment. He could have come out as a world leader and said, folks, I gotta tell you something. This is bullshit.

I don’t wanna get involved in marinetic into politics. You dragged me in this. I know what happened. And what these assholes on the left are telling you happen is not what happened. No, 100%. I mean, it was always that. But you see, the whole thing is. It’s one big scam. It’s like he’s getting rich in this. All of his cabinet is getting rich. You see the videos of them buying yachts and cars and all of this stuff all over the world? Because it is. It’s a giant money laundering operation. And they’re getting their little vig. They’re getting the 10% for the big guy.

Like, no one can explain to us why Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma. Like, he didn’t know anything about oil or gas. He doesn’t speak the language. He didn’t. But his dad was in charge. It was all there. But as long as they were getting their vig, they didn’t care. They were gonna let it keep going. I mean, it’s like how many people died? Zelensky doesn’t want to stop this war. He’s been turned into a world hero. I’m not sure why. I don’t know what he’s done. He’s not on the front lines. He’s sending what he considers the peasants to go die on the front lines.

I mean, this was a guy. I mean, he was an actor, but he wasn’t even, like, an actor actor. He was like a guy that played piano with his dick. Like, literally. That’s, like, fairly well to his credit. It’s a talent, I guess. I don’t know that I’m going to give it. Let’s try that. But he’s been turned into a deity by the left because they don’t believe in actual God, so they just create their heroes as they go. Well, now that. Now the NSC and the state and the Biden White House hate Zelenskyy. They’re very mad at Zelenskyy, and that’s just crazy.

He’s done everything that they asked. It’s not working. They could never beat Russia. It was never going to happen. Russia’s 100 million more people and much deeper industrial capacity. You can’t win a land war against Russia if you’re Ukraine, period. It’s never going to work. But they encouraged Ukraine to kill itself, and now they’re mad at Zelensky. I have to say, the people I’m angriest at are the american enablers of this in the congress, and one of them is the speaker of the House. And I asked Mike Johnson two months ago when he was appropriating more of our tax dollars to Ukraine, telling me offline, off camera, but we need this for democracy, okay? Democracy.

A country that’s like persecuting christians. Democracy. I said, how many Ukrainians have been killed? Well, I don’t know. I know how many Russians have been killed because my briefers, the liars from the intel world who keep the Congress brainwashed and controlled, have told me this number of Russians have been killed. I said, have they told you how many Ukrainians have been killed? No. I said, how can you fund a war on behalf of a country and not even keep track of how many of its men have died? Don’t you have a moral obligation to know that? If I’m.

I’m serious, if I’m paying for a war on behalf of a country, I feel like my conscience would require me to know the cost to that country. But they don’t care. They don’t care at all. So what does that say about them, actually? Seriously? And every time you hear what’s really sick is like, every time, like, a russian jeep gets a flat tire, it’s like it’s this major victory for Ukraine, but they lose, like, a quadrant of the country that’s a strategic withdrawal. They know they’re losing badly, and they keep doing it anyway. They were never going to win.

Yeah, how could they win? They have 100 million less people. It’s a land war. Russia is a really serious country that has a much more evolved industrial economy than we do. Tucker, can I ask you this on that point? Because you said the word win, but what does win even look like? Let me just give you a hypothetical. Well, let’s just. Now you’re getting me going. They overrun the eastern border of Ukraine into Russia, right? And start taking russian territory. You understand you have a country with nuclear weapons. Not tactical nukes only, but actual, like, city destroying nuclear weapons.

So I had this conversation with another conservative podcast guy I was on, and it was a really great, healthy conversation. But this went on for about 15 minutes where I said, okay, say they do win. You really believe Vladimir Putin is going to go, you know what? I lost. Let’s just go sit apart an aircraft carrier and sign the surrender agreement now. Like, he is never going to do that. Winning is almost the worst thing that could happen because there will be a nuclear weapon law. It’s so distressing. I mean, I never wanted the United States to become an empire, but I think that was inevitable once it became a unipolar world.

In 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, we ran the world, and I think we did a good job in some ways. But if you’re going to do that, you have to be serious about it. Empires are serious. The Romans were serious, but the British were very serious about it. Our leaders are not serious. They don’t know anything about Ukraine. They don’t know anything about. They don’t speak the freaking languages. The people making the policy don’t speak the languages. How can you understand a country if you don’t speak the language? You can’t. Even if you do, you can’t.

And the US ambassador to Ukraine, appointed by Joe Biden, told a friend of mine at a school event. Cause they have kids at the same school together, he said, well, what is the goal? And she goes, well, obviously, take Crimea back. Crimea? What? Crimea, first of all, is russian. It’s where the fleet is. Like, that’s a not going to happen. Second, if you actually tried to do that, you would get a nuclear response immediately. It’s non negotiable. Any person who’s anything about it, including lots of the knowledgeable democrats, will admit this. That’s insane. And that’s the US ambassador to the single most important foreign policy sort of objective of the United States right now.

We have a moron in this. I mean, it’s so distracting. Look, the bottom line is our country is being colonized by the rest of the world. It’s being invaded. Tens of millions of people have come in. More Americans have died in the last five years of drug ods than died in the entire second world war. Okay? Our leaders think it’s, like, outrageous to even suggest we should use the military, the us military, which only exists to protect our country, to do something about that. We spent ten years bombing the Ho Chi Minh trail because China and the Soviet Union were moving supplies to South Vietnam through it, through Cambodia and North Vietnam.

We bombed the Ho Chi Minh trail. We spent billions doing that. We haven’t even considered bombing a supply route from the Sierra Madre into Texas and California. Like, what? As more Americans died than in the entire second world war. This is insane. The point of the us government is to serve the people of the United States. American citizens has no other point. No other point. There’s no other point. And they’re so demonstrably not doing that that they have no legitimacy left. It’s not a legitimate government anymore. And that’s really scary. Cause you don’t know what’s an illegitimate government.

Like, who knows what happens next? It’s freaking me out. So the only way to restore legitimacy to our government is to force it, and I hope it will, under President Trump, to serve its own citizens. Or at least try. They’re not even trying now. Well, it’s great. Cause you kind of segued unintentionally into my next question. I’ll start with you, Don, and I’ll leave it with you, Tucker. You know, I’m long on the United States. I am. You know, I love Jesus. Jesus has been with me my whole life, and I really believe he touched this place different.

I mean, we should have never won the revolutionary war. We probably won the war of 1812 because of a thunderstorm. We should have never survived the civil war. I mean, the freaking hippies should have torn us apart. And not only are we here, we’re still the wealthiest country in the history of known sentient beings anywhere in the known cosmos, and it’s not even close. So I’m long in the United States, but I’m also not a moron. And I ask my audience a lot. Is it bad enough yet? And I always ask this question I’m going to ask you, and I’m going to ask, Tucker, do you sense that, yes, we’re long in the United States, but this may be one of those elections where if we lose this, it may not be salvageable.

Institutions falling apart. What Tucker was just talking about fentanyl, the border, our military getting hollowed out, dei cutting little kids nuts off. I mean, this is insanity. Yeah, I truly think so. It’s what I talk about all the time. I mean, the sort of the curve of the insanity of today’s laughs. I mean, you look at just their hills to die on. I mean, you talk transgender surgeries for three year olds and their parents can’t know about it like 20 years ago. Imagine that stage. But honestly, I wake up some days I feel like I’m Jim Carrey in the Truman show.

It’s like someone’s got to be filming like they’re fucking with me. They have, like they have to be fucking with me. And I just, I’m the only one that’s not in on it. They’re filming it. It’s a great show. There’s 2 billion people watching the live stream and I’m just not aware because there’s no way that it can be real, and yet it is. And so, you know, you hope that pendulum corrects. You hope. But if it doesn’t with this, if it doesn’t under just sort of just the, just the straightforward metrics that we see each and every day, economically, world war.

Otherwise it’s, we’d be unrecoverable. If we can’t figure that out or if we can’t figure out how to stop them from cheating or gaming the system, I don’t know that you don’t get past a point of no return. Civilizations only last on average, what, 250 years. That’s where we are, Tucker and Don, both of you. What worries me about this point in time, and I’d like to hear your thoughts on that too, because you have been in the media business much longer. You were doing crossfire when I was a kid. I mean, you’ve watched these leftist grow insane to like really, I mean, prostate health, land speaker two, they’re like one flew over the cuckoos next.

Now. But Tucker, what worries me now is the tools of suppression are that much more CBDCs, AI, facial recognition technology. You’re not going to be able to jaywalk in this dystopian future without some commie behind a keyboard being able to issue you a citation. I think it’s really important to spray paint and shoot the surveillance cameras, get rid of those like by force. But the truth is your phone controls you. And if there is a mark of the beast, it’s probably your phone. I would just say one thing about that super quick, is don’t let anybody put technology in your body.

I don’t care how great they tell you it’s gonna be. Don’t ever allow that. Don’t ever allow anyone to put, I mean, beyond like an artificial knee or a heart valve. But chips, absolutely not. Under no circumstances allow that, period. Cause then you’re not human anymore. So. A, b, I see signs of hope everywhere. I feel like people are way more honest than they were even a year ago and way nicer to each other and the world that I live in, people are way deeper and more real. And if that’s not hope for the future, if that’s not a sign of rebirth, like, I don’t know what is.

Am I imagining this? Do you feel this way? I see it. Like, again, if we don’t win, I see these ridiculous policies destroying us. But if we do, the level of people that I see coming up to me now, vocally, right, it’s demographics that you’d be like, no way. Republican. It’s the kind of thing, five years ago, they walk up to me, I’m like, well, am I gonna get like, maced or like, attacked or verbally assaulted? And they’re screaming across airports like Gwyn Maga. It’s so palpable. Aren’t they nice? And they’re so nice. Yes. I had garbage men jumping out of trucks the other week when I was in New York for my father’s case.

I’m walking down the street, they’re jumping out of trucks to give me a high five. You guys, we were just, go fight. We got to save our country. There is a momentum that’s so palpable right now that I see and feel that I believe it. But I also don’t believe that there’s any level that the Democrat party won’t go. They’d show up with 5 billion votes and be like, this is the freest and fairest election ever. They’ll do that. They don’t care. They don’t care. The democracy that they. There used to be a pretense, like, you have to believe it’s real to actually have said democracy.

Right. I don’t think they care anymore. They’ll just take the win. Even if no one believes anymore. I don’t think they can cheat Joe Biden into the White House, though. It’s too far at this point. Wait a question, because I know you got a heart out at seven. I want to respect your time. And Don, you too. I got a special guest come on over here. We got the great Rachel Campos Duffy, who Tucker says he used to work with her somewhere. I don’t know. I work with her. She’s my favorite. He’s the one person I watched, and he’s the best.

We love Rachel. Welcome to the show. So I’m gonna get your thoughts. You know, she is the bravest, actually. He has got cojones bigger than. Yeah. So we love Rachel. But I’m gonna ask you also, start with you, Tucker, and then let you go. I really appreciate you doing this, by the way, my nephew sitting right there. This, everyone, is the bonjito studio. Is this your nephew here? That’s my nephew, Charles Carlson, right there. Good looking people. Maybe not the. So obviously, the polls. Polls, whatever give it, but the polls are trending in a really bad direction for Biden.

So I’ll start with you, Tucker. There’s been an October surprise every midterm and election since 2016. Any idea about what it could be this time around? I mean, it could be anything from Donald Trump’s handing Ukraine to Trump because he’s him and Don Junior working on a real estate project. Like, really? When did that. I mean, any idea what that could be? I have no idea. All I know is, and I did notice till this morning that actually it was Iran that tried to kill Trump the other day. It was Iran. Isn’t it incredible? By the way? You know, I have felt for many years that the real threat to me was wrong.

They’re always calling me racist and flooding my country with illegal aliens. They’re pumping fentanyl in. Yeah. What’s the October surprise? Of course it’s war. Probably war with Iran, but I still don’t think. And I’m totally opposed to that, actually. And I’m not pro Iran, but Iran is irrelevant to the country that I live in, which is collapsing in a lot of ways that have nothing to do with Iran. So don’t tell me Iran is the biggest problem, okay? Or Putin is the biggest problem. That’s not true. I live here. That’s not true. Those may be problems or whatever.

You know, you can worry about that, but those are not the pressing problems. And anyone who tells you they are the pressing problems is a liar, a b. I still don’t think they can cheat Biden in because it’s just so obviously false. No one will ever believe in democracy again. Biden is non compass menace. He appears to have Parkinson’s or some neurological, but that’s obvious. It’s not even debated anymore. And Trump just got shot in the face and stood up like pushed off the Secret Service to stand with bloodstreaming at his face and said, fight. That’s the leader.

That’s the comatose patient. There’s no way you can do that. It’s not just in America, but to the world. Not one person on the entire planet, billions of people believe that. So I don’t think they can do it, Rachel. I actually want to give this over to Don because I actually have a question related to that. And then I want to ask, if you don’t mind, tucker something. You can do whatever you want. You’re the great richest. Kevin Boffey. John, what else can they do? I mean, listen, impeachment didn’t work. Then they tried taking his businesses away.

Then they fined him half a billion dollars for paying back bank loans with interest on time. Yeah, the banks, literally, the bank is on the stand. They were witnessing. No, we want to do more business with Trump. We got other business with, like, we’d love to do more. Like, they’re like, no, no, no. You are a victim. I mean, everything’s a victim. You know, then when that doesn’t work, they try to throw him in jail. They’ve been trying to do that for quite some time. They tried to do the same to me because, you know, apparently I was an agent of Russia.

Had no idea. But, yeah, you are. Putin stooges. Because we’re willing to say that this is bullshit. Which it is. It was the natural progression. Right? I mean, like you said it, we all got called conspiracy theorists. But, like, I wasn’t at all surprised. And the rhetoric didn’t stop. I don’t know if you saw the clip yesterday. When I went on, I went to the floor. My brother and I are going over there. Yeah. Okay. So, like, it was like, I’m there. We’re there. To historic moment childhood separations on your dad. Yeah. Even though, what about the kids in cages? I go.

I go, you mean the Obama cages? And this guy goes nuts. I’m like, he could. It’s either. He was too stupid to actually know. I’m so unimpressed with so many of these people. But, like, I was like. And I was like, but to our point of, like, where we are as a nation, I was like, oh, my God. Like, they couldn’t even wait 48 hours. Like, my dad was shot in the face. Like, honestly, like, if, if I wasn’t sort of part of that movement, I was just a citizen. And someone spoke to me like that in that period of time that hostile, it like, it.

Usually it would end up in a fistfight. Right? Like, that’s. That’s where I’m not allowed to do that. But, like, you would have won. Oh, yeah. Listen, I’m not getting in fights. I’m not gonna win. That one would have been over very fast. But, like, like, oh, my God. They. The narrative, the talking points, because they have to at least pull back on calling my father a Nazi for, like, you know, another 36 hours, they’ll be back at it because they all. What are they gonna do? They can’t campaign on the economy. They’re not gonna campaign on jobs.

I know. Joe Biden’s the greatest job. People go back to work. Like he’s gonna allow him to be a victim. Allow. As if he wanted to be shot in the face. You missed. I want to be a little. These people are insane. But Tucker’s right, Dawn, that no one’s going to believe it if he doesn’t win, if your dad doesn’t win. And so then what do they do? I think that’s really fascinating question. And only I think, I don’t think they care. They’re just happy to hold that power. Like I said, that’s what I was saying earlier.

There used to be a Democrat party that would at least, even if I disagree, they at least cared that people believed in democracy. For them, democracy was like, they’re ha ha, stupid peasants. They believe in what we’re saying. Like, it’s a soundbite for them. It means nothing to them. I mean, they call every, everyone that they don’t like is a fascist. But they’re the ones locking up their political opponents. They’re the ones, you know, fining them. They’re the ones censoring speech. They’re the ones working with the big tech industry to do the same. Dressed in all black, beating people on the street.

That you’re a fascist. No, exactly. I mean, I know there’s grandmothers that walked inside the velvet ropes on January 6, like, holding cell phones. They didn’t even know. They weren’t even supposed to be there. They did jail time. But if you burn down the city of Portland, it’s like, well, that’s different. That’s for social justice, and the vice president can come out and bail you out and raise money for you. It’s so insane. So I hope that people get it. But if you don’t, can you ever win again? As they sort of continue to rig that system and just fill government with more bureaucrats that are going to get entrenched and just do the damage that they’re doing.

I don’t know. I don’t want to be dystopian about it because, I mean, I think, honestly, this week is about hope, because I think people realize that we do have a chance, but we are not in a fair fight. You got to beat the margin of fraud. I kind of say to win by two, you got to win by six. Yeah. Too big to rig. Tucker, do you think we can overcome the margin of fraud? I do. I don’t think Trump will lose. I’m a terrible predictor of things. I can do big trends, but fine motor skills are beyond my ability.

But I think in this case, it’s just impossible to believe it. And also, can I just be honest? For the last whatever it’s been, eight years, it’s been kind of Trump alone against every power center in the world. And that’s no longer true. That’s changing, really. Elon Musk, within ten minutes of Trump being shot, endorsed Trump, richest man in the world, followed by your former guest, who was sitting right here, David Sacks, Andreessen Horowitz. You know, biggest venture capital firm in the world. We’re going to send money. I mean, it’s like, all of a sudden it’s okay for people who have an awful lot to lose to be on Trump’s side, it’s hard to overstate how powerful that is.

It’s like all of a sudden the stigma of supporting Trump. The only reason they’ve gotten this far in persecuting Trump is because normal people are not allowed just to object to it. Yeah, people. People have been made to be afraid. It’s falling away. Totally falling away. People have been made to be afraid. Right. There was a consequence to being a vocal Trump supporter. There was a con. Once you had enough people stand up, it became easy for everyone else. And once you had heard critical mass, it became impossible for them to go after him. Exactly. And it’s almost, it’s accordingly to when Trump gets shot in the face and stands up anyway.

It gives everybody heart. It makes everybody courageous. Watching the leader be courageous. When Elon Musk stands up, when David Sachs, who’s a huge deal in the tech world, stands up. Andreessen Horowitz, huge deal in the tech world. The biggest deal in the tech world. When they stand up, everyone else is like, you know what? I’m brave now, too. And I think that’s how movements start. That’s how things change. And I think it’s too far along to stop it. It’s not just people who are afraid of losing their job or putting a sign in front of their house because, you know, they have a small business, and they’re afraid they’ll be persecuted.

Right after that moment happened, I got a text from a very nice lady in my church, and she said, I’m so upset. I’m so sad. I’m praying. And she said, I’m done being quiet. And there were a lot of people that. Just out of politeness, because that’s how so many conservatives are. I’m not one of those people, but there’s a lot of people like that. And I thought that was so, to me, that was one of the most interesting texts. I’m done being quiet. And she’s an older, very classy lady. And she just said, I’m done caring about what other people’s feelings are.

They don’t give a damn about our feelings. And so that’s where she’s at right now. The TikToks, I’m seeing these. The Gen Z is actually where we’re making the biggest grand. Because they realize, like, they have no future. They’ll never own a home. How old is Gen Z? It’s that, I guess the 18 to 20 liberals. I never meet any liberals in that. It’s hard to believe, actually. Cause that’s sort of. They’ve been indoctrinated from childhood. They’ve been, you know, from kindergarten on. Their teachers are pushing them. They’ve been corrupted by that. They’re. They’re pushed that way by Hollywood.

They’re pushed that way by me. And yet they’re like, you’re friendly with the Nelt guys. They’re not overly political at all, but they are definitely not what you take for asian. I’ve got a lot of kids and a lot of nieces and nephews. I’ve got one sitting right there. And I I mean, maybe the people who wind up at my house are, like, self selected. Maybe they are, but. No, but I’m serious. They’re all kind of pretty normal from normal families. I never meet anybody who’s like, you know, trans rights are the most important thing. I see, like, 22 year old girls be like, the training thing’s driving me crazy, actually.

It’s too insulting to women or, like, they’re just sort of sick of it. Doesn’t mean they’re right wingers, doesn’t mean they’re gonna vote Republican. But they’re absolutely sick of the pointless silliness of liberalism. Cause it’s zero sum. It’s a freaking cul de sac. It doesn’t go anywhere. I gotta let you guys go. You’ve been generous with your time. I wanna plug an event first. So, folks, I’m doing an event with this guy called Tucker Carlson, who looks like this guy. Putin stooge big time. It’s going to be in Putin Stooge Central, Tulsa, global Putin guys in Tulsa.

So Tucker, I did a book signing out in Oklahoma City and you want to talk about God’s country. Every county voted for Trump. Yeah. Only state. We were expected 300 people, Paula, how many people show up? Like 1200 or something. We were there 4 hours. Jim had to help me sign books. Producer Jim in his own book. Everyone’s coming to this event. If you want tickets, September 11, me and Tucker on stage, up on the screen right now. Do me a favor, go there tonight, pick up tickets, buy your plane tickets. We love you, Oklahoma.

It’s going to be an amazing event. He’s also got events with Vivek, with. You got one with Don too, right? You got. I’m too embarrassed to talk about this. It’s like I can’t sell anything. You’re so good at it though, guys. I’m going to sell it for him. Right? We do have an event. That’s right. I don’t even know. He’s really bad at this. And I’m the west and I’m at Tucker doesn’t like, he’s a humble guy and I’m not. I’m sorry. I think you can probably get that. This. He’s really gives a shit. He’s doing these events not in New York City.

Nothing wrong with New York City. It’s just he’s doing them in places a lot of conservatives just don’t go and talk to people. Tulsa is one of those stops. He’s going to be all over the country. Go to Tucker you can buy tickets. They are very affordable. We are. It is going to be the most candid conversation. We’ll shake hands. We’ll say hello. People ask me, hey, you going to say hello? Fuck yeah. I’m going to say, what the hell you think I’m going to talk. I’m going to say hello. We’re going to be there. comma, comma, buy tickets. There’s a number of events if you can’t make mine. So with Don Vivek, he’s got an amazing lineup of speakers. Tucker Carlson Doc, but the champagne room is extra. The champagne room is that kid rock will be there. It’s worth it. I had to before I signed up like you. I’ve actually been in the champagne room in Kid Rock bar in Nashville. I had to get an iv the next day, so I actually went back to the house, too. You’ve been there? White House. I have. Very nice Tennessee white House.

I thought he was kidding. He’s absolutely not kidding. He’s got a church horse stable on his property. It is the most amazing property. All right, folks, thank you so much for tuning in. Rumble. We kicked ass. Largest live stream in the world tonight by a factor of like 22,180. Plus thousand people watch. God bless you. Long live free speech. Thank you, Chris Pavlovsky and the rumble team. You get. We got viva here, too, who’s awesome. He’s always chime in and thank you, Gee. And the team at Rumble, you guys are awesome for putting this on. See you guys tomorrow on the podcast.

11:00 a.m. eastern. 10:00 a.m. local. And I got another special tomorrow night with Jack Besobic and Mike Davis. Thank you, Rachel too, for gracing us with your presence. We appreciate it. And thank you for hiring Evita. Oh, listen, it’s the best decision me and Paul ever made. We launched her show today and she was one of the biggest streamers in the world. Take care, folks. See you tomorrow. Thanks a lot. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.

See more of Dan Bongino on their Public Channel and the MPN Dan Bongino channel.


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