BOLD MOVE! Trump Parades Vivek To The Public..What The Hell Is Going On?!? David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots




➡ David Nino Rodriguez shares their opinions on different topics and talks about current events. They compare some situations to a cat-and-mouse game. They’re frustrated that people don’t know much about what’s happening now. They regret being tough on someone named Candace Owens. They ask listeners to support them through Venmo, promote their book and their mom’s book, and talk about the challenges of having older parents and feeling tired after the holidays. They share their journey of not drinking alcohol and suggest a collagen supplement. They tell listeners where to find their social media posts and talk about upcoming interviews. They can’t believe what’s happening in a close political race in New Hampshire and think it’s crazy.

➡ The speaker talks about the political scene involving ‘Mr. T’ and Vivek. They think Vivek has joined Mr. T’s side but doubt he’ll be the Vice President. They’re curious about Tulsi Gabbard possibly being VP and are confused about Candace Owens supporting Vivek. They also mention some famous people might leave the country if Mr. T wins the election.

➡ The speaker runs a show where they let guests share different ideas. Even though many liberals didn’t come on the show, everyone is invited. They talk a lot about politics, especially the New Hampshire primary where Nikki Haley is spending a lot on ads. They don’t like people who want to move past Mr. T’s leadership and talk about how stressful their job and politics are. They quote Newt Gingrich saying Mr. T will definitely be nominated.

➡ The speaker remembers their childhood and how boxing helped them. They talk about how past worries still affect people’s choices. They believe in learning from all kinds of people, especially those who’ve had tough times. They’re nostalgic about the past and know they can’t box again. They discuss politics and celebrity news, like Mr. T’s health and legal issues, Joe Biden’s decisions about Iran, and Senator Chuck Grassley being in the hospital at 90. The speaker ends by talking about their 89-year-old dad who still wants to ride motorcycles.

➡ The text covers different topics. It criticizes Senator Grassley for working at 90 years old. It talks about fewer people watching the Emmy Awards, which means less interest in celebrities. It discusses how hard it is to date someone with different political views. The text predicts many U.S. cities becoming empty by 2100, Tesla cars having trouble in cold weather, and a man found dead in a New York subway. The author also talks about going on spiritual retreats for therapy.

➡ The speaker tells a story about meeting a homeless man who started using drugs after a family tragedy. They remind us that everyone has their own problems and we should understand and not judge. They talk about people with emotional pain often turning to addiction, like their sister who was an alcoholic. They promise to share more thoughts on this in the future.


Hello. Good morning. Good morning, everybody out there. How’s everyone doing today? You guys like my shirt? Magic. Rough room mushroom. Magic mushrooms, 1967. You know, I’m a big advocate for this type of shit. So anyway, lots of stuff going on, man, and I’m gonna tell you my views on Vic. I’ve talked to a lot of people about this. They’re pretty much all on the same page. Some people disagree.

But I’m going to tell you what I see happening right here and what’s going on. It’s kind of like the cat and the mouse. The mouse has been caught. Basically, the cat has his paw on the mouse’s tail. It’s the same thing with Lindsey Graham or any of them. Basically, they know what’s coming. They see what’s in that. They’re like a deer in headlights. They don’t know what to do.

And a lot of people are, like I said this year, picking their lane. Now, I’m going to give you some scenarios or some options of what I think vivic is, and this has been through some phone conversations and my opinion, but a lot of the people are on the same page. And where does Tulsi Gabbard fit into all this? Stay with me on this. Just stay with me on this.

Also, a lot of you may have thought that I went in a little too hard on Candace Owens. I just see us at a level in the game right now, this moment in war that I have a hard time with. I just can’t believe people are just too aloof to what’s going on. I have a hard time with it. But I did kind of wake up feeling bad today.

I was like, man, maybe I went too hard on Candace. I do like about 90%, 95% of what she stands for. So I don’t know. Do you think I should take that video down? I feel bad. I actually feel bad. I have a heart. I have a heart. And I don’t like to just come out and throw chingatsos, you know what I mean? But, man, I get pissed off.

I get fired up. I get fired up. I just get fired up. When I see something like that. I’m like, what are you talking, who are you? What are you saying? What planet are you from? I don’t know, but I have a heart, ladies and gentlemen. I feel bad. Anyway, folks, you could venmo me dehypen Rod 1977. Dehypen Rod 1977 on Venmo. You could ask me questions on there.

I appreciate all of you that appreciate me. Yes. I’m going through my spill when the lights go out on Amazon. When the lights go out on Amazon. I wrote this entire book with my thumb. I had tendonitis on my thumb for a very long time. I text the whole book, believe it or not, and I finished it in a month. I think it’s almost 300 pages. My mama’s book, the Mexican Mix.

Give her an honest review. My sweet mama, I sure love my man. It’s hard, man. It’s really hard watching your parents age. It’s heartbreaking. It’s really heartbreaking. And it almost gets to the point where the more I’m around them, the more it hurts. So it’s tough. It’s really tough. January is one of those months where I just feel like, man, I can’t get my stride. It’s like I’m still in that holiday hangover and I just can’t seem to get moving.

And it’s just one of those weird things where, and I’m sure a lot of you feel like this, too. It’s just kind of someone saying, take it down. The enemy wants us to fight each other. But, yeah, I don’t know if I take it down. I take it down. Don’t be surprised if I take it down. I’m feeling kind of bad. Today is one of those days. I woke up where I’m like, man, what am I doing this for? I woke up thinking to myself, I’m going to do another morning show.

I’m not even sure why I’m doing this anymore. You ever just feel like you hit a wall or you hit a plateau? That’s how I feel right now. I feel kind of like I need something to uplift me. And this would be the time when I was drinking where I would be like, oh, fuck it. I’m going to the bar. I’m going to go do a line of, I’m going to do a rail of coke and get centered again.

Get centered again. Oh, I feel so much better. Everyone has their thing, right? But no. Four years sober. Four years sober. Four years sober. Fucking four years I haven’t done. Oh, thank you, Victoria. All right, so, folks, health with Nino, baby. Health with Nino. Those who set their New Year’s resolutions around health and beauty are helping collagen supplements grow in popularity. This supplement has trended recently as people look for ways and new ways to improve their skin, nail, hair, and health and joint.

The only collagen I recommend is the one I use, which is amazing medical supplement. It helps reduce visible signs of aging, reduce wrinkles, and promotes a youthful complexion. To the skin. I think I look very good for my age. And I take a hell of a lot of collagen. I’ll say that I put it in my coffee every morning. Get it now for a whopping 53% off. Plus get free vip live health and fitness coaching for life.

That’s pretty good. A free ebook and more with your order. Completely for free. Simply go to health with Nino, baby. It’s down there below, folks. Get started on the health with Nino. Collagen in your coffee. There’s nothing better. I promise you. There’s nothing better. So Spotify Nino’s corner. Spotify Nino’s corner. Telegram Nino’s corner getter Nino’s corner. Rumble Nino’s corner. True social David Rodriguez Boxer Instagram David Nino Rodriguez boxer Twitter Nino boxer patriotware.

com bing. No, you will not find this on there. But I don’t even know where I got this. I think I may have got this at Mailwolf. Have you guys ever been to Mailwolf? Mailwolf in Santa Fe. So Patriot wear. Got a lot of good shit on there. Buy yourself a hat, socks. I think we still got socks on there. I got onesies. What are they? I got jerseys.

Yeah. You know, the whole thing. I got it all. And browse around the store. Whatever you find on there, or whatever you don’t find on there, send in Nino’s corner 77. And let me know at Gmail, Ninoscorner TV. I got an epic roundtable going up with David Snedeker, Mike King. You know what they represent that number, that letter in the. Wow. Sherry. Sherry. Wow. Thank you very much, Sherry.

That’s a big one. Thank you. Wow. I’ll just stop right now. See y’all later. I’m just kidding. Thank you, Sherry. That made my day. So David Snedeker, Mike King, Ron partain. This show was just amazing. And it’s going to be put up. I think I’m going to put it up. I don’t know what should I do? Either tonight or tomorrow. Thank you very much, Cindy. So I also got Benjamin Fulford.

Wow. This interview was fire. Absolute fire. One of the best interviews he’s ever conducted on my show. Benjamin Fulford. Man, I talked about it all. We covered all bases, man, and he gave us some different insight. This is huge. Definitely go to Nino’s corner tv and watch. This is. This one’s going to be up tomorrow night. Jan Hauper and Rob Cunningham are up there right now. Gene ho.

Gene Ho. I’m going on Gene Ho’s show. Today I got John DeSusa coming on, the paranormal FBI expert. I also got Jake Shields, UFC fighter. He’s coming on. I got Vince Sham Wow. Sham wow. He’s coming back on. Vince from sham wow. You guys remember him? The sham wow guy. Well, he’s coming back on. I got Laura Aboli coming on. Scott McKay is the general this month. And then I got Kathy O’Brien, the ghost, Jason Sherka, and I forgot who else.

That’s why I got to write these things down. Anyway, so January, Scott McKay talking about tactical civics. Everything you need to know for what is coming. For what is coming. And we all know what’s coming. You know what’s coming. You better turn it down. Turn it down or turn it up. Coming at you for the apocalypse. Yeah, baby. Daddy. Yeah, Jill. Thank you. Yeah, get going. You got to do it.

I got to do it because it’s kind of like my mo now, and I kind of look at things like I got to get myself firing on all cylinders. So do you saw Trump? Thank you very much, Donald. Hey. Oh, Donald McCarthy. I agree. Let’s talk about this for a second. First of all, did you see New Hampshire? New Hampshire is supposedly a dead heat, everybody. Do you even believe this crap? New Hampshire is a dead heat.

It’s just too. Really? Yeah. Okay, we’re all dumb, okay? Believe. Okay, whatever. Whatever you got to say. New Hampshire. Give me a break. Here we go again. Enough is enough. We have to deal with this bullshit. Here we go again. Oh, it’s just too close. It’s just too close when we know that it’s not. All right, let’s get to this. Some strong coffee. Very strong coffee. Stryker. I don’t know where Stryker is.

Stryker. Well, anyway, folks, Trump cleans house. Mr. T cleans house in Iowa. And now heads to New Hampshire. Right? And it’s just too close. It’s just nail biting people on the edge of their seats. God, Haley’s just too good. She’s just too good. So Mr. T comes out in New Hampshire and starts parading Vivic Ramesh Ruami in front of the crowd and says he’s going to be working with us for a long time.

Now, I’m going to give you some options here, but what I think it is, is real simple. He’s letting that side know we got you. We got you. And he’s a cat with this paw on the mouse’s tail saying, look what I got. Just like Lindsey Graham. Look what I got right here. Look at this. Oh, isn’t this cute? I got your guy, and he’s going to be working with us for a long time.

I think Vivic knew his time was up, and I think he just felt like, you know what? I’m going to join this side instead of that side, because I see where this is going, and maybe he really is a patriot. I don’t know. I know just from what I see, and I always go with my first instinct. And if you’re fucking pictures up on the wef, then I’m sorry.

But look, everyone changes. And do I think he’s working with Mr. T now? Yes. Is he going to be VP? I don’t think so. But, hey, I’ve seen stranger things. So an expression comes to mind, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Right? I think what I think what I was looking at, what I was seeing was Mr. T letting the other side know we own his ass.

Get nervous. Be real nervous. But I think now Vivic’s going to play ball just to save his own ass. But that’s just my this. So here’s the options. That’s one. Number two is, does he ask Vivic to be VP? I think he’s already stated he wouldn’t do that. He already put a truth post out saying he’s a vote for the other side. Don’t get duped by this guy.

So why would he go back on his word and look weak to the public and look like, oh, I changed my mind. Yeah, you wouldn’t just say, I’m going to make this guy my vp now because you know what? He’s on the other side, but I’m going to make him my vp. Not going to happen. I don’t see even. This is not going to happen. So that’s what I see.

I’ve seen stranger things, but this is something that I would never bet on this if I was gambling. I would be like, no, but then again, I’ve seen stranger things, but this is no way. In my mind. In my mind, here’s the wild card. Here’s the wild card. Double agent type thing. I don’t know. I mean, was Vivek Mr. T’s mouthpiece? And a cheerleader. And a cheerleader in all the debates, was he sent out to be that mean? He just showers Mr.

T with adulation and he just loves Mr. T. Makes you wonder. That’s one thing where don’t. Was he playing? We don’t know. We’re not behind the closed doors. We don’t know what’s going on. I’d love to be a fly on the wall. But I can only bring this as a potential maybe, but I see it more that he was on that side and then he got absorbed with us.

Anything is a possibility, but I will say the least possibility in my mind. In my mind. And like I said, I’ve seen crazier things. Is him to be picked for VP? Just stating that right here, I don’t think. But, but there are some names that I’m hearing and I cannot validate any of this. Nobody can right now because I’m not in the room with them. They don’t need my opinion.

But I’m just saying, I’ve heard Tulsi Gabbard. Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know. So, Tulsi Gabbard. Last night, President Mr. T informed Vivek Ramashwami, who had just suspended his presidential campaign, that his name would not appear on the republican ticket alongside Mr. T in 24. In short, he squashed Ramen Swami’s hopes and dreams. Slumdog millionaire. No, just kidding. Of being Mr. T’s vice president. I like you, the president reportedly told Ramen Swami.

I like you, he said, but you’re not a vice president. At least he’s being clear, right? You think Trump Mr. T set this up with Vivic? Who knows, man? I’m just bringing out the options, the potentials here. But as reported yesterday, General Eric M. Smith also had a second heart attack when he saw Mr. T and Ramaswami figuratively hug each other on stage at the rally in New Hampshire.

The general’s deep reservations about Rameshwami prompted him to immediately phone Mr. T to express his unease and once more cautioned Mr. T against selecting a VP with ties to the you know what, the ties to the you know what. I’m not going to say it on here. However, a source in General Smith’s office told the certain news thing that they hear that now. This is all speculation and rumors.

I have to make that very all. This could be complete bullshit. This could be complete bullshit. But they’re saying that Tulsi Gabbard’s name may be in the mix. I don’t know. I don’t know. Let’s wait and see on this one. This is speculation and just whispers and hearsay. So I’m not saying this is even a validated article. This is just what I’m hearing. I don’t know if it’s true.

I’m just putting it out there. I lay it out for you all to play it out, baby. Oh, yeah. So, Candace Owens comes out calling Bibik Rameshru army the future of the republican party. Unapologetically. That was agonizing to watch, I’ll tell you that right now. How many of you were watching that? Just cringing, going, how the hell, like, how are you that in outer space, how are any of these? It makes you really think, am I just in that niche so far, deep in that niche, I tend to think everyone sees this.

I don’t understand how you do not see it unless you’re part of it, because I don’t see. A blind man can see what’s going on at this stage of the game. I’m just saying that. So for Candice, where she’s at in her career and her influence, to honestly back Vivek Ramisromi, what the fuck is going on? Okay? I don’t know. And a lot of you are saying she’s married to some Rothschild or something like that.

I don’t have any validation on that. I haven’t even looked into that. I don’t know. But I will say that was just so out of left field, and it made me just. My antennas went up, and I was like, what’s going on with you? Hello? Anyone home? What’s going on? Doesn’t it feel like people are being bit in the neck by vampires? And you’re like, hey, what’s going on, budy? How’s it going? And good to see you.

Then all of a sudden, they’re like. And then they’re like. You’re like, whoa, you’re one of them, too. Holy shit. Or like, zombies. Zombies and vampires. Like, all of a sudden, their teeth start growing and they’re a vampire. Like, whoa, you’re on that side. Wow. Whoa, you got bit. And then there’s other people that are like, you’re like, you’re far gone. Zombies and vampires. That’s what I see here.

I’m saying. That’s what I’m saying. So Rachel Maddow, 63% of Iowa voters will still vote for Mr. T. Even if he’s a convicted felon. He’s going to be convicted. So who’s telling her this? What kind of insight does she have that she knows he’s going to be convicted? Come on, bro. Come on, bro. Whatever. It’s all good, man. I know you just want to be one of the guys.

Barbara Streisand says she’ll leave the United States if Mr. T wins the 24. You know what Barbara Streisand, well, you know, don’t let the door hit you. In the ass. Okay, see you later. Bye. God, man. It’s one of those things. I’m one of them telling you. Do you guys get what I’m saying? It feels like that, doesn’t it? It feels like you’re in a movie and each one of your friends start dropping and you’re like, whoa.

It’s like thriller. Like Michael Jackson’s thriller. It’s kind of like that. Oh, man, the year to pick your lane. I got to tell you, I get so much shit. I get so much shit. Thank you, Dolly. H hold on. Okay, so I get it, folks. My guests that I bring on my shows, a lot of you give me shit for that. That’s not my problem. I bring them on for you.

I lay it out for you. You decide you’re all adults. There’s some people I agree with and there’s some that I do not. But I have to just always play Devil’s advocate on this stuff. I would be a disservice if I’m like, oh, this is the way it is. I do that on my own show. This, this right here, fluff tube. But when I’m interviewing these people, I let them have the rope to do whatever they want with it.

Jump rope, hang them. I mean, whatever you want to do, right? I give them the rope to do what they please. So understand that you may not like a lot of my guests. That’s not my problem. I’m not going to do a disservice to you by not bringing them on. Don’t you want to hear everyone’s perspectives, everyone’s opinions, and formulate your own right? Am I right about this? Because if you’re at Ninoscorner TV, that’s what you’re getting.

You’re getting it all. I’ve reached out to a lot of liberals to come on my shows because I want to dive into that little mind of theirs. They just turned me down left and right, left and right. I ask any of them if you want to come on. Come on. I’m open to anybody, and I’m telling you right now, anybody’s welcome on my platform. I am not, not going to do my audience a disservice.

I’d like to know. I challenge anybody, change my perspective, change how I think I’m giving you the option to do so anyway. So reverse psychology. Ron DeSantis, campaign response to the projections. So have you seen this guy’s response? It is absolutely outrageous that the media would participate fearance by calling a race before tens and thousands of Iowans even had a chance to vote. The media is in the tank for Mr.

T. And this is the most egregious example yet. Really. And so that’s what we’re doing now. We’re going to spin the narrative now we’re going to spin it and make it look like Mr. T is the guy. Now they will stop at nothing. At nothing. So supposedly there’s a dead heat in New Hampshire. A dead heat in Hampshire? Yeah. Okay. Sure there is. You want me to believe know Iowa, everyone’s on board, but they.

Hampshire. Oh, gosh darn it. Everyone’s just kind of. They’re just for, you know who they’re on board of Haley over there. Oh, gosh. So supposedly, here’s some of the numbers. When I last checked. I don’t know. Chris Christie Krispy Kreme. Chris? Chris KRispy Kreme 13% DeSantis 6% Haley 40% Hutchison 1% Robert Swari 4% Trump 37% to 40% come on, come on. Undecided 9% other 2%. Who’s the other? Don’t they kind of go in with undecided? I don’t know.

I don’t know. I could already see it happening. I mean, I’m sure you can, too. We all see it coming. I said this was going to happen. I said this was going to happen. I thought it would happen in Iowa. Iowa looks like it was good. They got it. But New Hampshire, we all know about New Hampshire. If you watched my shows on tv, we talk about just how that place has a lot of swamp creatures.

They’re not just going to give in. ABC News cancels New Hampshire republican primary debate ABC News and WMUR are canceling their plan. Republican primary on Thursday, citing a lack of candidate participation. Our intent was to host a debate coming out of the Iowa caucuses, but we always knew that would be contingent on the candidates and the outcome of the race. And ABC News spokesperson. What’s wrong with me? ABC News spokesperson said in a statement.

As a result, while our robust elect coverage will continue, ABC News and WMURTV will not be moving forward with Thursday’s republican presidential primary debate in New Hampshire. Why was that so hard? Sometimes my mind works faster than my mouth. That’s what she said. All right. Nikki Haley’s best and perhaps last chance to beat Mr. T is next week in New Hampshire. And it’s just a dead eat. It’s just too close.

It’s just really too close. So with frigid and anticlimactic Iowa Kaka night behind them, the republican presidential field moved Tuesday to New Hampshire, where Nikki Haley has her best and perhaps only chance to prove that Mr. T can still be beaten in a GOP primary. The shift means more than a change of scenery. For a brief moment, the spotlight will be on independent voters and non Mr. T Republicans, who only have a limited sway in most GOP primaries but are a force here and may also play a major role in November’s election.

Lucky, lucky here. What’s going to happen in New Hampshire? I mean, I guess we’ll wait and see, but it looks to me like they’re already deciding it, aren’t they? So Haley looks to New Hampshire with a focus on independence. Why is that state just full of independence? Is that all there? Is there 95% independent? What’s going on with New Hampshire? The former South Carolina governor has bait her campaign on that state, and she’s doing a huge advertising blitz right now in New Hampshire, and that’s what’s going to decide it.

She’s just putting so much money into New Hampshire. That’s just it, folks. Don’t you understand that? She knows what she’s doing. Okay, so Mr. T’s resounding victory in Iowa significantly raises the stakes of next week’s New Hampshire primary for Nikki Haley and the increasingly desperate contingent on Republicans who want to move on from Mr. T. They just want to move on. They just like the way the country’s going right now.

And you know what? Make America great again. Fuck that. Let’s just bring it down into the gutter even more. That’s what I want. Yeah. I want my kids future in just crime, no economic growth. I don’t know what else. World War three. I don’t know. Just whatever. I like that. That’s the world I want to live in. Do you guys think I’m a little too much? Honestly, be honest with me.

I could take it. I could take constructive criticism. Blame me. Blame me. Thank you very much. I don’t know. Maybe I am a little too much. I just feel a lot. And I may be too much. I don’t know. Today I woke up really deciding if I want to do this anymore. I woke up thinking to myself, why am I doing this? What the hell am I doing this for? I feel like I hit a wall and I just kind of felt like, you ever wake up? And you’re just like, why wake up? I just want to sleep.

I don’t drink anymore. I don’t do anything anymore. It’s like, what am I doing this for, seriously? I woke up like, that’s how I woke up today. Then I started feeling really bad about Candace Owens. I was like, man, I kind of was a dick. I feel bad about that, calling her out. But I mean, I just see it the way I see it. I can’t help it.

I just see it the way I see it. I need to pray. I pray every day. I pray. You got to pray just to make it today. Remember that Mc hammer song? Do you guys remember MC Hammer? Too legit to quit. All right, so Trump stuns pundits by defying political gravity after iowan. He’s the nominee. Get over it. So former president Mr. T stunned the America political scene Monday.

How did he stun? He didn’t stun me. Stunned money with what could shape up to be a near record margin of victory in the Iowa cacao. So former House speaker Newt Gingrich, man, that guy’s still around. Newt Gingrich, who once represented the now key swing state of Georgia, said Mr. T’s victory comes in spite of all of the mainstream media’s efforts and foreshadowing of a resounding defeat. Wow.

Despite every lawsuit, despite every effort to destroy Mr. T, the people of Iowa have stood up and said, no, he is our candidate. Gingrich added on Hannity. He’s the nominee. Get over it. He is the nominee. He’s going to win the nomination. This is music to my ears. The news media doesn’t want to say that because they need to somehow hype. Please watch us while we go through this charade.

So basically he’s saying it’s a done deal. Newt Gingrich is in the corner of Mr. T saying, it’s done. We got this. It’s wrapped up. It’s on. Like, this is your guy. He’s saying, this is your guy. So you got to wonder what really is happening behind the, often I keep hearing these whisper, and I’m not privileged to say, but are people just getting pulled to the side and saying, okay, look here, motherfucker, this is how it’s going to work.

You either play ball or you’re fucked. Seriously. I believe that could be what’s happening. American girl, thank you. My lord affords me the gift to wake up each morning, no matter how bad it seems, and I wake up for my husband and kids. That’s beautiful. That’s really beautiful. You never know what someone’s going through. Everyone puts on an act. Everybody. And you would not trade your problems with anybody.

I wouldn’t trade my problems with anybody else, but I wouldn’t give my problems to anybody else either. But you always think everyone seems to have it a little better than you, or they’re doing this better, doing that better, man. Everyone’s dealing with their own shit. And really, if you really think about it, we’re all just a bunch of mixed up kids. That’s where it all begins, is when you’re a kid.

I know there’s a lot of shit that happened to me when I was a young kid that probably propelled me into boxing, and I wrote about it in my book. But if you really think about it, at the end of the day, we’re all fucked up. I don’t give a shit who you are. I don’t care what kind of image you put on. I don’t care if you’re all smiles.

Everyone’s choices in life, everything they do, is based off of, I think, a lot of insecurity. I think insecurity is the nature of the beast. That’s just my little. I don’t know where I come up with this shit, but I think you all agree with me. Everybody, man, everyone’s mixed up. Everybody. I don’t care how much they seem. They got it together. It’s those ones, really, my friends that always seem like they had their shit together.

They fall the hardest. They fall the hardest. And when I’m looking for advice, I have mentors, I have people that I listen to, especially older gentlemen that I like to listen to. I listen to them all. I even look at the people that you would say are failures in life. I even take advice from them because I’m like, okay. Because they have their own experiences, and I look at them and I think, okay, what not to do.

They still have very valuable experience that I could learn from. So I learned from everybody I love, especially learning from people that have hit rock bottom and found out there was a basement and then were able to climb out of that and make a life again and do something amazing. I have friends that are like that, and I consider myself one of those people. I was rock bottom.

Found out there was a basement, nowhere to go. I was in sheer. Let me just describe to you where I was at in my life. I was sinking into the bottomless abyss of the ocean in pure blackness with no hope, no help. And then out of nowhere, when I quit drinking, out of nowhere, and I still felt helpless. I still felt like there was no folks. I was ready to go.

I was ready to bam. All right, I was done. But out of nowhere, a net came in and swooped me up out of the ocean and put me on a cruise ship. I’m just saying that all of a sudden I’m like, wow, this is interesting. That’s how kind of, like, my life. And I got to thank all of you because I really would be nowhere without you. I’m just being honest.

You guys keep me this addict personality. You keep it going. It’s a struggle. Every day it’s a struggle. I went out with Ron partain the other day and we went to the desert and we went shooting. And I got real nostalgic, man. I got real nostalgic because I was thinking to myself, all of a sudden a flood of memories hit me. Just being out in the desert where we used to have bonfires and high school parties, and we were way out there, and I was just, all of a sudden I was like, man, I don’t see any of those people anymore.

All those people in my life are gone. All my really good friends. Where are those guys, man? A lot of them are dead. Some are in jail. Some have families now. But I wanted to, like, man, I started tearing up and choking up because I started feeling like, gosh, man, life is going by way too fast. It’s going by way too fast. And, God, you got to enjoy every moment because it’s a blink of an eye, man.

I’m already more than halfway through my life. I think about that quite often, and I’m like, I’m never going to be that 30 year old guy fighting again. I’m never going to know what it feels like to get in the ring, hear the roar of the crowd, man. Sometimes it’s depressing. Am I just boring the shit out of all of you? Sorry. All right, let’s get back to the news here.

I kind of veer away every now and then. I don’t know, get, I get pretty nostalgic, so I lost my place. An exhausted Mr. T look exhausted to you? Because he doesn’t look exhausted to me. Exhausted. Mr. T sparks health fears so now they’re going with this. So now here they go with health issues. Mr. T sparks health fears after suspicious video of latest appearance. I saw him the other night and he looked great to me.

But let’s see how desperate they are. Let’s have a good time just laughing at how desperate these people really are. The former president has been dogged by recent speculation about his health ahead of the Iowa caucus as multiple online comments claim he is struggling with mobility in his right leg. I didn’t see that. But whatever Mr. T raised question about his health from his opponents. Under a video of him seemingly dragging his right leg.

Maybe he was doing the Humpty Hump went viral on social media despite no evidence the former president’s health is deteriorating. I do worry about him because he’s out there. I’ve never seen a man at his age with so much energy. But then think about it. He’s never drank. I often wonder, man, how long has this guy known that he’s going to be in this position? Do any of you ever wonder about that? How long has this guy really known that he was going to be in this position? Because how do you live such a pristine life? Never drink, never do this, never do that.

Always watch your six. Unless you know, unless you know you’re getting prepared for something. That’s what I think, man. I don’t know. Fuck, I don’t know. I lived life, in my opinion, some of the fullest as well, but in a different kind of way. Some people treat their body like a church or a steeple. I treat mine like an amusement park. That’s what I did. I had fun, and I’m going to say that right now.

I had a lot of fun. Two days ago, Biden told reporters, I’ve already delivered the message to Iran. They know not to do anything. And then Monday they attacked the US consulate and airport in northern Iraq. Justin Greek owned ship struck by missile off the coast of Yemen. No, that’s not how you say Yemen. Nah. How do you do Yemen? How do you do Yemen? I got to figure that one out.

I’ve never even heard a Yemen talk before. I don’t know what even a Yemen looks like. Attorney Joe Tocopina withdraws from Mr. T’s legal team former president Mr. T on Monday lost an experienced defense attorney from his legal roster, Joe Tocopina told ABC News. I withdraw on all matters. Tokopina accompanied Mr. T when the former president pleaded not guilty in New York last April to charges that he falsified business records stemming from his hush payment to adult film actor Stormy Daniels.

Prosecutors from with the Manhattan DA’s office alleged that Mr. T engaged in a scheme to boost his election chances during the 2016 presidential race through a series of hush money payments made by others to help his campaign and then repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal the criminal conduct. Mr. T has denied all wrongdoing, so Tokapina, Tokopina Tokopina is stepping away. I guess special counsel Jack Smith can access Mr.

T’s Twitter. I don’t see a big deal in that judge rejects appeal that would have denied access to ex president social media feed and election interference case. Do you guys think this is a big deal? I mean, that’s public anyway. Okay, have fun. Have at it, buddy. Big deal. I don’t know. So a federal appeals court on Tuesday that said that special counsel Jack Smith can have access to former Twitter account.

Knock yourself out, buddy. Just don’t get offended. Just don’t get offended while you’re reading all those mean tweets, because I know you will. Chuck Grassley is in the hospital for treatment for an infection. Senator Chuck Grassley’s office says he is in the hospital receiving treatment for an infection. He’s in good spirits and he’s in good spirits and will return to work as soon as possible. Man. A lot of people are finding themselves in the hospital following doctor’s order.

A statement from Grassley’s office says Grassley is 90 years old. 90 years old, folks. Don’t you want to just be home? And don’t you just want to be in your rocking chair? I don’t know what you do at that age. I don’t know if you know why anybody would want to be working at 90 years old. My dad’s 89 and the guy watches a lot of tv now.

You know that. I had to take my dad’s motorcycle away from him when he was 85. He was still riding his Harley or whatever it was. It was like, not a Harley. What was it? I forget. But I had to take the bike. I had to take it away from him. I had to take the bike. He wrecked it twice. I said, that’s it, dad. I’m taking your motorcycle keys.

Dad, shouldn’t it be the other way around? Anyway, that’s what happened. So Grassley is 90 years old. 90 years old. Dude, sit down, take a break. Go smoke a joint. Do whatever you need to do. But why? I don’t think I’m going to work after the age. I don’t want to work after the age of like 65. I don’t know. Whatever. It’s weird that these guys stick around for so long and they’re all dying off right now.

Evil Rodriguez. So Emmys sink to another historically low audience, down 27% from 2022. So the Emmys can’t catch a break, nor should they be able to. While other award ceremonies have managed to bounce back at least slightly from their boogeyman lows. You know what the boogeyman is? The 75th Emmy awards hit another depressing milestone. Only 4. 3 million viewers watched Monday night ceremony on Fox, according to early Nielsen data.

I didn’t watch it. I don’t care. The significant decrease from last year previous all time low when less than 6 million people turned in for the show on NBC. The award show was also down more than 37% from the last time the enemies aired on Fox in 2019. So it’s basically dropping like a lead balloon. And someone made a. Who was it? I think it was Benjamin Fulford.

We talked about this. We talked about. And that’s going to be on Nino’s corner tv. We talked about celebrities. Where are they? Not. They don’t seem to be around anymore. Not a lot of them, at least. And do you guys notice that? Are you all noticing the same thing I am? They’re just not really around or they’re just kind of keeping them to themselves? Have you guys noticed? Give me a thumbs up if you have noticed this, because I hear whispers.

The scene is not the same anymore. It’s not the same. It’s like they are really fucking worried or where are they? I’d like to know. Where are they? A lot of them. Yeah. They know something’s coming or maybe something already came. I don’t know. You all leave me. Yeah, exactly. Do you guys like my shirt? My magic mountain? I need to go on another sabbatical. I’m going to go on another retreat.

You know what? I’m thinking about this. I heard someone in the chat say, we need to all be able to get together and meet each other. What if we do that? What if I set something up on a trip? But you guys got to do what I do because I’m going to go up there and expand the mind. It’s going to be spiritual. I’m going to go up there, expand the heart and expand the mind.

I’m going to do it so very soon. I’m going to go up there and have my spiritual oneness. I really like to dig deep. I like to really search inside myself. Do you know that spiritual work is not easy. It’s not about just getting high. It’s a lot of heavy shit. You deal with a lot of heavy baggage, folks. It’s work. It’s not easy. So every time I go into the mountains with my shaman wonder Bob, I got to tell you folks, it’s heavy lifting.

It’s heavy lifting. It’s not easy. It’s not easy. It’s very hard. You’ll find yourself breaking down, crying, like, what the fuck? And then you’re dealing with your shadow self. That’s what’s going on? Someone’s buzzing me. It’s like a beeper. Love verse politics. I had to throw this in here because I was like, wow, I’m sure a lot of you are dealing with this right now. It seems like it, but I don’t even know how you could be with someone that’s on the other side of the political spectrum.

I don’t even know. Isn’t that, like, a qualification now? Like, you got to be at least on the same aisle of what your belief system is. Back in the day, it used to be, oh, you can’t be Catholic dating a jewish person. Back in those days. Now it’s like, I don’t see anybody who’s a liberal dating a conservative. How does that even happen unless you’ve just been together for so long.

But still, why would you stay together? This is so polarizing now. I don’t see how like anything. So, as us politics continue to heat up ahead of the 2024 presidential election, researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne are offering a peek into the struggles of american couples with opposing political viewpoints. Why are you even together? I don’t even understand. I don’t see how this can even exist, how this can even coexist together.

American politics have been extremely polarizing for quite some time now. You think? Republicans and Democrats, whether it be on Capitol Hill itself or on social media, appear incapable of civil interaction on a disturbingly frequent basis. Now, researchers say the biggest trigger for political fights between romantic partners is news media coverage. You watch CNN for 30 minutes and then you watch Fox for 30 minutes. How is this happening? I don’t understand it.

The cross cutting political views presented many challenges for these couples. You don’t say. Deciding which media to consume and whether to do so together or separately was difficult because it presented them with a choice about recognizing their political differences and finding a way to navigate through them. That’s a deal breaker for me. I don’t know about you guys, but if someone’s like, purple hair, pasty big little loop earrings in their nose, it ain’t going to work.

Okay? It’s not going to work. You’re definitely over there. I don’t know. But they say opposites attract, right? I don’t know. What’s your all thoughts? Could you date someone that didn’t have this? Maybe some of you are. I don’t know. More than half of the US’s 25,000 cities are predicted to become ghost towns by the year 2100. So will your area be affected? Researchers use data from 2000 to 2024 to predict that in 2100 what the world will look like and America is going to lose 25,000 cities that will become ghost towns.

Wow. In a severe scenario, as many as 64% of us cities will lose population. City services will be impacted in unpredictable ways as local tax hikes or bases shrink. 93% of countries will face threats of underpopulation. Ain’t that something? Gee, I wonder why. Don’t put it in here. So around half of the US cities could lose up to a quarter or more of their population by the end of the century.

Wow. And how about this for Tesla owners? Is there any Tesla owners here? Any Tesla owners here? Donna Fluger, there you are. I see you. Tesla owners in freezing Chicago, stuck in car graveyards as vehicles won’t charge. Tesla owners in Chicago were left in dire straits as they were unable to charge their cars because of freezing weather temperatures. I use diesel, okay? I don’t know. Fox Chicago reported that charging stations have become car graveyards as temperatures drop into negative double digits.

Tyler Bears, who had tried to charge her Tesla at a charging station in Oakbrook, Illinois was stuck for hours. She said nothing. No juice, still at 0%. And this is like 3 hours of being out here after being out here 3 hours yesterday. So she was out there 3 hours yesterday and 3 hours today and it’s 6 hours altogether. Jokes on you. They just don’t do too well in the cold.

In what the fuck news? In what the fuck news? This is crazy. Barefoot man found hanging inside subway tunnel under New York City’s Grand Central Station at New York City’s New York’s Grand Central Station, MTA workers were subjected to a terrifying sight after a man was inside one of the tunnels. The body of a barefoot man was discovered in a subway tunnels beneath New York City’s Grand Central station.

The man was discovered hanging from his neck by a wire believed to have been found by his Subway workers carrying out routine inspections and work. His body was located around 100ft down in the tunnel of the seven train. He has not yet been identified. The tragic discovery was made at around 05:00 a. m. But employees and GE was pronounced or he was pronounced dead at the scene shortly before rush hour.

Initial reports claim the man is suspected to have done it to himself and no foul play has been detected so far, say officers. Photos from the incident began circulating on x as commuters passing through the crowded station. Dang, that’s pretty crazy. Upsetting. Images showed him fully clothed but barefoot. I wonder why he took his shoes off. What does it matter? Other pictured the scene as officers released a man and placed his body in a bag.

Poor soul, man. Subway deaths like this in New York City are not a new thing. And in the last few years, there’s been a massive increase in the act right at the start of the year. So right around January is when it really picks up, supposedly. God bless his soul, man. I really feel bad. I really feel bad for people that are like. Because I think I accident one time.

I think I did. One time, I was like, 21 years. It’s opium. I guess it’s the same thing. I did it with a bunch of afghani guys, but I thought it was like. I didn’t know what it was. But anyway, long story short, I never really wanted to do it after that, and I never did. But you got to think to yourself, like, these people that are doing this stuff, it’s just a cry for help, man.

They have so much pain inside their body emotionally. And you could say what you want about them, and I don’t care. I don’t care. I’ve known a lot of these people. I lost my sister to this stuff. She was an alcoholic. But I’ll say this, all right, so I’ll say this. It’s because I believe a lot of them are empaths, and a lot of them feel a lot more than we do, and they get really hurt or they lose family members.

I’m going to tell you a story. One time, I was pressure washing with a buddy. We were at the sun harvest location Grocery store. We were pressure washing the streets. I used to go help him in the mornings right after a run. I’d wake up and go run three or 4 miles, come back. He’d pick me up, and I’d go with him to go pressure wash some asphalt, cement, whatever.

Anyway, I was looking at this. We were at this grocery store before anybody was there because it was real early in the morning, and I saw a tent on the side of the building, and I was like, that’s kind of od. There’s a tent on the side of the building. And I looked at it, and I was like, oh, it’s obviously someone’s homeless, and they’re living on the side of the sun harvest grocery store.

So I just decided to be a little nosy. So I walked on the side of the building. I walked up to the tent, and nobody was there. So I kind of looked inside. I was being nosy. I was looking inside the tent, and I saw a bunch of newspapers, and I saw blankets and then next to the tent, I saw a shoebox filled with rocks. And it was filled with, like, a lot of big rocks.

And there was a picture with candles. So it was like a little shrine. It was like a miniature shrine. And I looked at it. I was like, oh, that’s odd. And I just kind of stared at it for a second, and it was a picture of a family. A family and two candles next to it. And I was like, wow, something’s going on here. And as I turned to walk away from it, I was like, I got no more business here.

I’m going to go ahead and just leave this alone. A guy goes, can I help you? Some man said that to me. May I help you? And I saw him. He was on the side of the dumpster. And I guess he saw me looking his tent and everything. And I was like, oh, man, I’m sorry. I did not mean to interfere or look through your stuff. I’m very sorry.

Anyway, he started talking to me. I could tell he was obviously he was very lonely. And I started talking to him, and I sat down with him just for probably 10 minutes, if I had to guess. And we started talking. I was like, what’s with the picture? Turns out that picture was his family. His mother, his wife and kids all died in a car accident on their way to San Antonio.

And this guy was a lawyer. He lost his will to. He’s obviously. He seemed like he was very high. He was on something. But he told me I lost it all. I have no reason to live anymore. I don’t know whatever happened to that guy. I never saw him since I would drive by there and still see the tent up, and I’ve always wondered, maybe I should go bring him a six pack of beers.

I don’t know. But this had to be 15 years ago. And I don’t know whatever happened to this guy, but I often wonder what happened to him. But, yeah, he lost his whole entire family, man. His whole entire family. My heart went out to the guy. I think I gave him a few bucks, but can you imagine that? So you never know. And that’s the moral of my episode today.

You never know, really, what anyone’s going through. People, whatever they’re taking, whatever you don’t know, you’re not walking in their shoes. Some people just can’t deal with pain. Some people have a very hard time with it. True story. All right, folks, I’ll leave you with that. I’m out of here. You all take it easy. I’ll see you Friday. Friday. Do you guys like my story? Maybe I should do story time with Nino.

I don’t know. But do you guys like my little updates? I put up every now and then, I put up little updates. I feel bad about the Candace Owens one. Candace, if you’re out there, if you even listen to my show or any, I doubt it. But I want to say I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but I don’t see why. You’re a vivic rubbish woman supporter.

And also, Vivek, I’m sure you’re a nice guy. I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, either. I’m having one of those days, folks. One of those days. A lot of reflection today. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting and the black sheep of broadcasting, folks. All right, later. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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  • NINO, Great articles.. you are absolutely correct about Candice Owens. Beware

    Don’t take it down, Don’t give in to the Deep State….

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