Bohemian Grove and the Cremation of Care Ceremony | Greg Reese

Posted in: Greg Reese, News, Patriots



➡ Greg Reese talks about how The Bohemian Grove, established in 1878, is a private 2,700-acre area in Montreal, California. Every summer, it hosts a ceremony called the ‘cremation of care’ attended by influential men. This event was first photographed in 1915 and later exposed in 1989 and 2000, revealing unusual activities like men dressing in drag and a ritual involving the burning of a human model. Famous personalities like Kid Rock have attended this secretive gathering.


The Bohemian Grove was founded in 1878 by the Bohemian Club, which was formed in 1872. It is 2,700 acres of private land in Monte Rio, California, where every summer in July, hundreds of the most powerful and influential men attend what is known as the Cremation of Care ceremony. An early version of this ceremony was photographed in 1915 and published by National Geographic.

In 1989, a writer for Spy Magazine infiltrated Bohemian Grove and mentioned the Cremation of Care ceremony but did not mention the effigy. The article mostly focused on powerful, drunk men dressing in drag and engaging in homoerotic behavior.

In 2000, when Alex Jones captured the ceremony on video, you can see an effigy—a model of a person to be destroyed—being burned alive in a ritual sacrifice. Around the time that Alex Jones was there filming it, musician Kid Rock was also there as a guest.

Did you know he went to the Grove? Yeah. It was the first evening, and you gather around, whatever the hour, by this lake, if I remember correctly. Which could be a little hazy—it was a long time ago. And I’ve heard about this place, like, “This is some real secret-ass shit, man. I can’t believe I’m fucking here,” right? And it’s just a trove of celebrities. I met, like, Paul Pelosi’s son. Oh boy. And like, Chris Matthews, you know, hanging out with them. We’re having cool conversations; it’s kind of weird. And then they asked me to come play my guitar—oh no—like, sing at one of these camp things.

The oldest religion on earth can still be found within many secret societies, the New Age movement, and hiding within many churches, mosques, and synagogues. The basis of this ancient religion is the attainment of counsel from advanced entities for one to gain earthly wealth and power. These advanced entities have a hunger for human life, which is how human sacrifice factors into this ancient transaction.

By 2012, a handful of men were making individual claims that they witnessed human sacrifice at Bohemian Grove. Peter Chernoff says that the men taking part in the sacrifice went on to hold various positions of power in society.

Peter, you’ve witnessed children being sacrificed at the Grove? You know I did. At the Bohemian Grove, I was involved in a rather private ritual—Catholic, Nazi, satanic in nature—a service, a working, if you will, with nine relatively unknowns at the time, so to speak: Willie Brown, Arlen Specter, Barney Frank, Roger Mahoney, Ratzinger (who’s now the Pope), Robert Byrd, George Bush Sr., and Warren Buffett. And the master of ceremonies was Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino.

The Cremation of Care—what it really is—is a discussion regarding population control. They’re making decisions as to what group of millions of people they’re going to genocide next, and we’ve all seen the genocides over the last 10-15 years, for anybody who is paying even a modicum of attention.

Over the years, other people have snuck inside to take video. In a phone conversation published by former Project Veritas employee Justin Leslie, James O’Keefe is asked about his recent attendance at the Bohemian Grove. This year, the Cremation of Care ceremony was conducted on July 13th, the same day that Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt.

This ancient religion is entrenched within the foundations of civilization. It is the culture that created democracy. It has been around for all of recorded history. People are just now starting to see it again.

Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Reese.



See more of Greg Reese on their Public Channel and the MPN Greg Reese channel.


  • Greg Reese

    Greg Reese, a devoted member of the Truth Mafia, can be found sharing his insights on the dynamic platform alongside Alex Jones. This distinctive soldier is always ready to provoke engaging conversations that are one-of-a-kind.

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Bohemian Grove exposed Bohemian Grove first photographed Bohemian Grove history Bohemian Grove in Montreal California Burning of human model ritual Cremation of care ceremony Influential men at Bohemian Grove Men dressing in drag at Bohemian Grove Rituals at Bohemian Grove Unusual activities at Bohemian Grove

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