Bob Kudla – The Fed Is Ready To Make A Move That Will Have An Effect On Gold Bitcoin

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Bob Kudla – The Fed Is Ready To Make A Move That Will Have An Effect On Gold Bitcoin



➡ Bob Goodla, the owner of, predicts a difficult economy ahead with increasing layoffs, particularly in public markets, and a bleak holiday season due to reduced consumer spending and retailers struggling to shift inventory. Record high auto delinquencies signifying troubled auto industry, closed bank branches hinting at troubling times for the banking sector, furthermore a shift toward online banking and digital currencies are expected.
➡ The passage suggests a potential future in which individuals may be forced to lend their money to the government at very low rates. The text also predicts that oil prices could reach triple digits by 2024 unless the economy collapses, amid reduced supply and consistent demand. Furthermore, the discussion implies skepticism towards companies relying on AI and cloud technology, with the suggestion of an impending market downturn reminiscent of 2000-2002 due to reliance on very few stocks to keep the market up.➡ The speaker discusses the volatility and manipulation of markets by banks and the federal reserve, predicting potential forced loans, and seizing digital assets akin to 1930’s gold confiscation to maintain liquidity. This scenario, while not imminent, comes alongside potential bullish movements for gold, bitcoin, and energy if the Fed intervenes in lower-end bonds market. Similarly, oil prices may reach triple digits in 2024 barring economic collapse, with opportunities in natural gas and spiritual petroleum shipping. They also anticipate a slow downturn or “Alzheimer’s market” scenario for 2024 due to a small number of stocks holding up the market.
➡ The discussion revolves around concerns of a potential market crash, anticipated impact on older professionals, increasing prevalence of layoffs, and the growing reliance on savings and reverse mortgages. As such societal pressures mount, people could shift into survival mode, perhaps mirroring events from 2008. This is also expected to drive significant political changes by 2024.


Two. Report spotlight. Today we have a returning guest, Bob Goodla. Bob is the creator and owner of Tradegeniusacademy. com and I am very happy to have him back on the X 22 report Spotlight. Bob, welcome back to the Spotlight. Hey, Dave, thanks for having me. Hey, thanks for being on here. And let’s just start off with what’s happening in the economy because we’re starting to see layoffs. They’re starting to pick up now and I’m starting to see more and more companies saying, okay, we have 2% layoffs, 3% layoffs.

I think LinkedIn was one of them and there’s many other companies. Plus we have the United Auto Worker strike going on, too. Do you think as we go through this year and next year, do you think layoffs are going to get worse? Yeah, in fact, there’s a chart out there called permanent layoffs and they’ve started to accelerate just like they did in 2000 and in 2008. So I think right now, especially the public markets, companies are under a lot of pressure try to maintain these lofty price earning ratios so that their stocks don’t get destroyed.

So the easiest thing for them to do is to lay people off and that’s what they’re doing. So, yeah, I think all through 2024 it’s just going to be a steady drumbeat of layoffs as companies can’t make their numbers so that they can kind of put rose colored glasses on their outlook. So for sure. Do you think the holiday season is going to add to that? Because how do you think this holiday season is going to go with people purchasing with the inflation and fuel costs and everything else? Yeah, so if people know anything about retail is that they had to put their orders in in March and April and they were taking delivery in August and September and shipping and truck and rail had all been down over the last 60 days.

In fact, there’s layoffs in the trucking industry. Remember, there was a shortage a year ago. Now they’re laying truckers off. And so that tells me that the holiday season is going to be a bust. And also I’m noticing already companies are actually offering retailers are actually offering Christmas online specials already in October. Wow. Just so they can get rid of their inventory. So, yeah, I think it’s going to be a bust, Dave.

So do you think a lot of stores going to be closing? Yeah, there’s a report, actually a report that my wife gets that looks at what they call retailers or chains that are not likely to survive. And that list has been increasing over the last year. And typically companies will close stores, they’ll announce those in January because they want to keep the stores open to get whatever traffic they can get for the holidays.

And then they close the stores, their chains will start going, look, you know, commercial real estate is in trouble. These chains are in trouble. I don’t know about you, Dave, but I hardly ever go to the store. If I want something, I just buy it. Know, I think you’re going to just see that trend accelerating, and I think you’re going to just see a bloodbath in retailers because also people are broke, absolutely broke.

So you could just see it anywhere you look. I live in a fairly affluent area, and up until it’s kind of weird. Right after Labor Day, I noticed just a general malaise. The restaurants were no longer full. Stores were no longer people were no longer buying. Sales are starting to pick up, starting to see more and more stores in the local shopping centers starting to close. So, yeah, I just think 2024 is going to be a pretty bad year.

I mean, we’re also seeing like, foreclosures. They’re increasing credit card delinquencies, auto delinquencies are all on the rise right now, and it looks like it’s just going to get a lot worse as we move forward. Yeah, auto delinquencies are at records never seen before, where 6. 3% of all auto loans are now in delinquency. And so I was telling people I’m in the market for a car and I’ve just been waiting and I think in the next probably six months, there’s going to be so much inventory out there.

I was driving down Interstate Five. I took some vacation last week coming down California central coast, and there was a parking lot, I mean, like mile or 2 miles long out in the middle of farm country, and it had nothing but cars in it. I mean, car after car after car after car. And we could only assume that these cars are coming off out of the Oakland ports and going inland 40 miles here and they’re just parking them because they’re not selling.

And I think it’s just going to be brutal. Who can afford a car? They’re still trying to sell these trucks at $90,000. It’s insane. No, I mean, car prices are completely insane. They don’t even make sense. And especially with salaries and wages, they’re not increasing and they’re not keeping up with inflation. So I think people are really feeling the crunch right now. Yeah. Ironically, because of all these delinquencies, even if interest rates fall, they’re going to keep the interest on these loans high because they’re so worried about getting basically people walking away from their debt.

So we all kind of suffer from when people start to go deadbeat on autos or homes or whatever. They just raise the cost of financing all these things for everybody, and it’s just going to drive sales back down into the floor. And we’re seeing another strange thing happen. Banks now are closing a lot of their branches, like bank of America and many others. What do you make of this? Yeah, the banks are in big trouble.

And I know we’re going to talk about this a little bit later in the show, but the banks are in big trouble. Their loan volume is down, their delinquencies are up, they’re actually raising cash like crazy and they’re cutting every expense you can possibly imagine. So, yeah, they’re just going to get rid of as many branches as possible, because that’s the only expense they really can control, people in real estate.

So they’re going to try to force everybody into online banking and try to get rid of their physical presence as much as they possibly can. Do you think this is preparing everyone for some type of digital currency? Because the EU is now moving forwards with their digital currency. They already made the announcement that they’re prepping everything we see. I think Australia is already getting rid of cash, so, I mean, this fits in.

If they’re going to try to move us into a central bank digital currency, I guess they really don’t need the branches. Yeah, and that brings up an interesting point. I mean, we probably could do a whole show on this. Let’s just assume for a second there’s no demonic element to this. If you look at it from a strictly economic point of view, they’re trying to recreate what happened in the 1940s, they’re going to try to repress interest rates back down, but they’re going to make it in such an environment where they can control what you buy.

In the 1940s, they gave you coupons, right? You can only buy this much meat, this much gasoline, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Now they’re going to try to do that digitally, and I think that’s the plan, because they have to be able to drive down the cost of borrowing for the government. At the same time, they want to drive down the ability for people to speculate and try to protect themselves.

So eventually what they’re going to do is it’s going to be protect the banks and protect the government at the expense of everybody else until they try to get through this baby boom bulge. Now, throw the demonic element on top of it and you have a recipe for worldwide totalitarianism. I think in the United States, I think we’re still probably an administration or two away, unless we get into some sort of weird war, right, where the aliens show up.

But I think people are watching very, very clearly. Australia has just gone off the rails. Well, it reminds me of COVID when know were creating the COVID camps where they were bringing people, they had the vaccine passport, they had that in Europe. And it looks like they’re trying the same exact push, because it looks like they tried out there first. Let’s try it in Australia, let’s try it in New Zealand, let’s try it in the UK and other European countries and let’s see if we can bring it to the United States.

And it always seems like when it hits the United States, it all completely falls apart. Yeah, I think so. I think eventually I’ll probably win. But it’s interesting because if you look at it from purely economic point of view, most of the savings is locked up in the extremely wealthy people, and the government wants to unlock that savings because they need velocity and they need spending to keep people employed and keep the transactions going for taxation.

So I can envision a day where you’re sitting there and you and I have our money tucked away safely in cash or in gold or wherever we are, or in bitcoin, and they just show up at your door digitally and say, you know what? This money is not being put to good use. Patriot, you’re going to lend us that money at 0% and we’re going to put it to better use.

I could see those type of things happening. Allah, what they did with gold confiscation in the 30s, they’re going to force you to lend them money at very low rates to keep funding the government and keep liquefying the banks. I absolutely could see that in the future. It’s not imminent, but you could see the breadcrumbs. Yeah. I mean, I think they’re going to do whatever they possibly can to survive.

We’ve seen this in the past, but just like with the vaccine passports, I don’t think it’s going to work out that well here in the United States. I mean, they’ll try, they always try, but I think it’s going to fail in the end. Yeah. And just so people listening yeah, I’m just speculating making any prediction. I’m just saying that I agree with you. United States, we’re kind of we’re an anomaly and and I think we’re still a little bit ungovernable.

So, yeah, I think this is out in the not don’t start freaking out tomorrow. Right, but we can see the Fed, they’re trying to control everything. I mean, they’re trying to control inflation, which they’re not controlling inflation whatsoever. Actually, Bloomberg came out with an article saying that every time the Fed raises rates, we have a recession that follows. And it looks like we’re heading towards that area. But the Fed is starting to control yield curves right now.

So what do you think that means for gold and bitcoin? Yeah, so let me explain what yield curve control is. And they’re doing it different than they’ve done it in the past. So yield curve control is when the government comes in there and the Fed comes in there and they don’t tell you what the number is, but they have a number that they don’t want interest rates to exceed.

Typically, they force the long end, which is the longer duration bonds, like the 1020 30 year, they force those down. But since the banks are in trouble, they want a positive yield curve, meaning that they want the shorter duration rates lower than the longer duration rates. So they actually went in there and started buying T bills, which are like the 30 day, 60 day, 90 day kind of bonds to drive down that cost structure at the low end that’ll allow Janet Yellen to sell more of those T bills, which they can use, banks can use as collateral.

So when they do that, they’ve essentially given up on trying to drive inflation down to 2% or less, and now they’re trying to reliquify the banks and try to spark economic activity. So I think gold and bitcoin has sniffed this out. Gold and silver have not fallen in this raise in interest rates like people expected. They expected it to crash. They expected bitcoin to crash. And then also now you got BlackRock coming out with their bitcoin ETF.

And then you saw bitcoin up, what, 8000 in two days? And gold as a monthly cup and handle. So we’re already positioning for that. And I like bitcoin, but I love the bitcoin miners because they’re going to move at six to ten x in the short term of what bitcoin does. So bitcoin, let’s just say bitcoin gets a move and it goes up three x. You’re looking at Marta, it’s going to go up probably 15 x, because they own bitcoin and they have leverage.

And so there’s going to be some tremendous opportunities coming from we’re going to know more next week, Dave. The Fed’s going to have their meeting. They pause again and watch the funding. They announced the fundings at end of the month, end of the quarter, and then watch what the Fed does. If the Fed is in the market, buying the lower end of the bond market, then you can expect gold, silver, bitcoin and probably even energy to make a move higher.

And that’s how we’re positioned here at Trade genius. We’ve never gone out of these positions because we suspected at some point they’re going to have to cry uncle, and they did this week. So what are you seeing for oil? Because people are seeing fuel prices really starting to move up and it’s getting more and more expensive. I mean, do you think that oil is going to go much higher now that war is looming in the distance here? Yeah, I think our view is that oil will see triple digits in 2024 unless we absolutely collapse the economy.

There’s not enough oil, the supply is down, demand is still up. So there’s an imbalance there. And then who knows if that war expands in the Middle East or the OPEC nations decide to try to make examples of Western support for Israel, that we may see some really big spikes in oil. Also, there’s tremendous opportunity in liquefied natural gas, so the people who ship it and liquefied petroleum gas and the people who ship it, and I think those are going to be some really good plays in 2024.

And in fact, they’ve not gone down at all in 2023 and there’s some really good opportunities there. So, yeah, I just think there’s this dream of getting oil back down in the 60s. That’s only going to happen if they basically force economic activity off a cliff. Yeah, I agree with that. If people wanted to get into trading and they wanted to trade gold bitcoin oil miners and everything else, do you have any specials running this month? We do.

We got the Halloween specials running. They’re not scary. So we have seven bundles. You could trade stocks with us, you could trade cryptocurrencies, you could trade the options and futures markets with us. So you can just pick the bundle that works best for you. There’s 65% off pre discounted, Dave, like I always do for your listeners after the show. Good till Saturday. And then there’s promo code. I think it’s Halloween and it’s 40 or 50% off anything that’s not already pre discounted in the store.

I know you have the link for it and you guys could call, you can email, you could chat with us and we’ll help get you in the right bundle or the right program that’s best for you. And what we charge for the service is nothing to what you get out of it, Dave. So thanks for letting me pitch that. No problem. I’ll put all the links at the bottom of the video to make it easier to go right over to your system.

Do you think the biden administration, do you think they’re going to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? Because they did say they were going to do it in the past when it was like $76 a barrel at this point. Can they refill it? Yeah, I don’t know if they can refill it. I know they put their first tender offer out where they’re offering actually that same price, $76 to refill the SPR for I guess I don’t know how many billions of dollars.

So, yeah, they’re actually starting to do a tender on that right now. Look, they’re going to have to get that thing back into balance. That’s what’s going to keep a bid under the market. And here’s the other thing that’s ironic. We’re producing more oil than we ever have in this country and we still can’t keep up with the demand. They’re going to do it, they’re not going to refill it.

And it’s going to keep prices firm with everything that you’re seeing with the market and everything like that, because there’s only a few stocks that are keeping the market up. Everything else looks like crap. Do you think there is a market crash coming in 2024? I hate to use the word crash because it’s so a downturn. Yeah. So what I like to say is it’s going to be like kind of an Alzheimer’s market.

It’s just going to be the slow goodbye. It’s going to do a biden. What’s that? It’s going to do a biden. An Alzheimer? Yeah. Then it may crash. Right. It’s really the Magnificent Seven holding the market up right now. In fact, two stocks are 10% of the market and we just had earnings report by Google, which was not good. And their whole pitch was the cloud and AI and it’s not being realized.

And a lot of companies hitch their wagon to this AI and cloud. And so you’re going to see probably people rolling out of Apple is in big trouble. So our view is that it’s going to be like kind of 2000, 2002, where the market just has these Episodic squeezes and then makes a new low. Episodic squeeze, makes a new low. And we see that happening pretty much all through 2024.

And the only caveat in that for me is that the Fed goes full retard and starts dropping rates really hard and that there might be a bigger run up higher, but then from that it’ll cause a crash. So that’s kind of my answer on that. It’s kind of hard to predict which way, but general malaise. They want the bond market liquefied, so they’re going to take it out of the equities hide.

Do you think people will panic when the market because the market’s been up? I mean, most of the young generation, they haven’t seen a market crash or anything. They’ve seen, oh, look, the market’s been at 29, 34,000. That’s all they’ve been seeing. And I remember going all the way back to 2008, 2009, people only saw a great market before that. And then that October in 2008 it came down and people are like, holy crap, we’ve never seen this before.

And a lot of analysts and people, they were like they didn’t know what to do. They couldn’t trade, they didn’t know how to trade this market. Do you think something like this might happen again? And do you think there’d be like panic selling or anything like that? Yeah, I think if there’s a sharp downturn, all the risk advisors are going to be pulling in their horns because they’re not going to want to get sued.

And you got to realize people that own stocks are basically 50 years and older. Most young people don’t have enough capital to make a difference. And so I look at it, and I don’t know if you’re seeing this, Dave, but I’m seeing it. Where I live is that there’s a lot of people between, I would say, 55 and 65 that are professionals that are making $150 to $200,000 a year getting laid off, and they’re not old enough to tap into pension Social Security yet.

And either they have a choice of selling their house, which I see two guys I know that did, or they start tapping into their savings to maintain a semblance of a lifestyle. And so I think as unemployment lifts, it’s going to disproportionately affect older people and they’re going to have to tap into savings and I think that’s what’s going to exacerbate the selling here. And it’s going to be basically an L shaped kind of recovery because people are going to be going to be moving into survival mode.

I mean, I just talked to my one friend. He doesn’t know what to do. He’s like, Man, I can’t get another job. I’m getting a job. It’s at 40% less than I made before. I’m stuck here in California at a high cost of living. And there’s only other choice now. Do I sell my house? And I don’t know their particular situation. Do they have a home equity loan on their house? Maybe they stuck.

And I think a lot of people are in that situation. And I have a really good friend, an old partner of mine that runs a mortgage bank, and he said the amount of people opting into those 62 and older loans what do you call it, the reverse mortgages. And now they have another loan for people 55 and older where they locked a rate in for ten years so that people can refi their house, but they’re giving up equity in ten years to do it because people are trying to do everything they can to maintain cash flow for their budget.

So it’s really interesting what’s happening here. I think underneath the surface, I feel like I’m walking on ice in April on a lake right now. When you’re explaining all this, this reminds me of 2008, in the beginning of 2008, when layoffs were first starting and people, they couldn’t find jobs because they were being let off there, either in their 40s or fifty s, and there was nothing out there.

And I remember people leaving their homes and just leaving them because they couldn’t afford them. They just left all their furniture and everything inside and they decided to leave. And it’s like a flashback, and it’s happening now, and it’s reminding me of that time. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better. No, I totally agree with you. In fact, I don’t know if you remember, people just tore out the electrical wires and plumbing as they were leaving the houses.

One of our neighboring houses. We went into the house, they stripped the whole inside of the house bare $100,000 worth of damage. They just walked away from the house and just took everything out of the house. Well, I mean, people get angry, they get pissed off, and they don’t see a way out. And I get it. It’s hard. Yeah, it’s going to be even harder this time because many people are renting.

I see in the future, more and more municipalities are going to try to lock into rental controls, rent control and stuff like that, because we’re at a point now out here in California where my daughter just moved out with two friends, and it’s $4,000 a month for an old small home for them to live in. And you’re talking 30, 40% of their income is going to rent. My view on this is that people have two kinds of budgets.

One is the have to spend budget and the want to spend budget, and they completely drain the want to have budget. And that makes people extremely surly. And I think we’re at that point now, and I think that’s where political change happens, too. So I think 2024 is going to be a year of great change. I believe so, too. Hey, Bob, thank you very much for being on the X 22 Report Spotlight once again.

If people want to join up to Trade Genius Academy, where should they go? Yeah, check us out@tradiusacademy. com. Or trade like a genius. com. Or tradegenius co you’ll find us any of those places and check out our bundles, give us a call, chat with us. We definitely can help you out. And, Dave, we have some really cool new tools out now, too. That just makes it just easier for people to see the so.

And one thing, too, if you don’t mind, is that we’re not guru based. I’m not, Bob, sitting there pushing levers. We have algorithms that help find the opportunities, and we put those algorithms and make them available to people who use our service. So you could find your own trades. You don’t have to just rely on me. And I think they’re really effective and it really makes a difference in your ability to make money in market.

Great. I’ll put all the links at the bottom of the video. Bob, once again, thank you very much for being on the Spotlight. I really appreciate it. Yeah, you, too. Thanks for having me. Thank you. .


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bleak holiday season retail Bob Goodla Tradegeniusacademy predictions closed bank branches consumer spending reduction digital currencies future economy collapse forced government loans high auto delinquencies increasing layoffs public markets low rate government loans oil prices triple digits 2024 online banking shift struggling retail inventory troubled auto industry

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