Bob Kudla – Technically We Are In A RecessionTrump Reversing The [CB] PoliciesWatch Gold Bitcoin

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ A renowned health expert, Clint Winters, has introduced a natural pain reliever called Cotyledon, which is becoming popular among Americans and professional athletes for its effectiveness and lack of side effects. Meanwhile, Germany’s production is declining rapidly due to the green agenda, causing manufacturers to move to the United States. This has led to a shift in political power towards the right, as citizens are unhappy with the economic impact of these policies. Lastly, the importation of cheap labor is seen as a strategy by big corporations to keep wage rates down and prevent upward mobility.
➡ The discussion revolves around the idea of bringing back higher wage jobs to the U.S. by imposing tariffs on companies that move their operations to other countries. This strategy, used by Trump, aims to discourage companies from leaving the U.S. in search of cheaper labor and production costs. The conversation also touches on the negative impact of certain foods on testosterone levels and the potential benefits of cutting these out of one’s diet. Lastly, the discussion highlights the shifting political landscape in the U.S., with the hope that Trump’s policies will bring about positive change.
➡ The article discusses the rising prices of gold and bitcoin, suggesting that these increases are due to a global surge in liquidity. It also predicts that bitcoin could reach $95,000 and suggests investing in certain stocks and high-yield products. The article warns of a potential downturn in the stock market in 2025 and suggests that commodities like energy, gold, silver, and bitcoin could be safer investments. It also mentions a possible rate cut by the Federal Reserve and advises locking in mortgages and preparing for inflation.
➡ The article discusses the impact of interest rates and China’s economic strategies on the global economy. It suggests that banks are struggling to lend money due to high interest rates, which may need to be lowered to stimulate borrowing. China’s stimulus package, aimed at boosting their economy, could lead to increased commodity prices and potential short-term benefits for Chinese stocks. However, the article also warns of a possible recession and advises readers to prepare for a volatile market.


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Today we have a returning guest, Bob Goodlip. Bob is the creator and owner of, and I am very happy to have Bob back on the X 102 report. Spotlight, Bob, welcome back to the spotlight. Hey, Dave, thanks for having me. Hey, thanks for being here. And let’s just start off with what’s happening out in Germany, because there’s been reports that Germany’s, their production is declining very rapidly. We see Volkswagen, they’re having a lot of trouble. They’re laying off people. Do you think this is because of the green agenda in Germany or do you think it’s something else that’s happening out there? I think it’s primarily the green agenda because they’re making it nearly impossible for manufacturers to maintain their competitive nature inside of Germany.

And it’s not just Volkswagen. Other car manufacturers have moved to the United States. And the entire chemical industry of german owned chemical companies now are moving into the United States, too. Germany’s hollowing out. You know, somebody made a joke. Germany is going to become like Disneyland. All you’re going to have is the castles and beer, you know? So, yeah, they’re de industrializing Germany, which is just amazing to me. So do you think they’ll continue with this or do you think they’ll reverse their policies? Yeah, well, it’s going to reverse with the elections. So I think people are already getting pretty fed up with the globalist leftist agenda.

And people tolerate these things when it’s kind of hypothetical to your life. But when it starts becoming real, you’re like, who are these people? What are they doing? What are they all about? Why are they doing this? And then next thing you know, you get center right governments into power. Couple, I think one whole state already went right, Germany, and another one is close to going right. And Volkswagen, I think a lot of their production, I think most auto manufacturing in Germany is in Bavaria. And so, you know, Bavaria might be the next state to go right.

And, you know, I think people, it’s losing its pejorative. You know, I think the left has used, you know, if you’re right wing, you’re immediately a Nazi, you know, and that pejorative is going away because most people are not just in general. And I think people are like, hey, we’re done. You’re importing people into our country that don’t share our values, and then you’re importing economic policies that are going to destroy us. How are we supposed to live? And so it’s just amazing to me. Germany and Russia. My biggest fear globally was Germany and Russia would link up together.

We have russian natural resources and pretty strong academics with german engineering and manufacturing know how. And the globalists blew both those people up. Yeah, absolutely. And I feel like they. The deep state that the people that are pushing these policies, they tried to push the green agenda on the people where there was no demand. I mean, people weren’t out there going, you know what I really need this electric car. You know what I really need? Windmills. I really. People weren’t really saying, this is something I want. And it was. I felt like the governments were pushing this on the people.

Listen, you must take this. We’ll even give you money to take this. And it reminds me of COVID when they were pushing the vaccines, you know, I’ll give you a milkshake. I’ll give you some fries. Just please take it. And I felt it was the same exact way with these EV’s that they were pushing on the people and everything and all the other technology that they were trying to push on the people, but the people just didn’t want it. No, what they’re trying to do is they’re trying to take control of the resources of the land, you know? And look, it’s really a structured policy, right? So you have the migration in there, too.

Most people don’t want these people in their country. I don’t care. You’re not racist to not want people that aren’t of your tribe. You know, they don’t share your values, and we’re not willing to share your values. So it’s. It becomes, you know, becomes problematic, you know, and I’ll give you an example. When the Persians left Iran, when the Shah fell, those people integrated immediately. Most Turks went into Europe and into the United States. They integrated peacefully. So those are two muslim examples. But then when they started bringing in people, the Muslims from North Africa and the Muslims from Pakistan, those people are radical and they don’t want to assimilate.

And they have an axe to grind to. It’s become a problem. And the left likes these things because what they want to do is they want to play people off of each other as long as they can maintain control. And so that’s why you see them trying to control the communication, control the narrative. They’re only going to let so many people in, enough to terrorize the neighborhood, but not enough to change a vote. But I think they miscalculated there, too. And what we’re seeing with a lot of these individuals coming into this country and many other countries, we’re starting to see that they’re taking a lot of the jobs of the american worker.

And what’s very interesting is I think the fed just came out and said that the reason why we’re having this problem is because of all these legals that are coming into this country with the job numbers. I don’t think that’s the only problem. I think it’s one of the problems. But the other thing that we see is that youth unemployment is now on the rise. What do you make of this? Yeah, well, look, it’s a classic strategy. I’d want to say it’s new, but it’s nothing. You know, this country has their tradition of importing cheap labor.

You know, they did it with the Irish, they did it with the Italians. You know, they did it with the Mexicans. And now they’re doing it with the, you know, Venezuelans and, you know, and Haitians, you know, they just keep, they keep doing it. And they push these people in the neighborhoods that can’t really fend for themselves, and it impoverishes them. So it’s really, it’s a strategy for big money or big corporations to use to keep the wage rates down and at the same time keep people from competing with their lifestyle. They don’t want people to be upwardly mobile, so they constantly bring in cheaper and cheaper labor.

In Pennsylvania, where the Haitians came in, or Ohio, wherever it was, I think both cities, two towns and one in each city, they’re busing them around at the different job sites. Their jobs wages are subsidized. These people have no cost of living at all, and they’re just destroying these towns. No, I agree with that. They are destroying the towns and they’re also eating the pets. But I had to throw that one in there. I mean, it’s just amazing to me when you bring people in that are diametrically opposed to your way of living, and then you concentrate on where they don’t have to assimilate is a problem.

And you said something very interesting, that they’re bringing in cheap labor. But even with the cheap labor and inflation that we see today, with all the policies of the Fed and the economy breaking down, we know that corporations, because they’ve done this in the past, they always end up moving out of this country because they can find even cheaper labor. And they also, the cost of production and everything is also cheaper in other areas. And what’s very interesting is that Trump, I think it was in Pennsylvania, and he was telling John Deere, you know something, if you move into Mexico, we’re going to place 200% tariffs on your company, so it will make it impossible for you to actually function in Mexico.

So you might as well just stay here in the US. I mean, what effect do you think this will have on other corporations? And do you think we can bring manufacturers back to the US by placing tariffs on other countries? Yeah, I mean, look, this is Trump’s strategy from before, too. He absolutely believes in, and I believe that’s the only way that this country can survive, is that we got to bring higher wage jobs back into the country. Number one, they are net producers of tax revenue versus net takers of subsidies. Right. And at the same time, you know, you’re not enriching your neighbors.

You know, that can cause you grief. Look, Mexico is no friend of the United States, all right? They allow these cartels to run with impunity into the country, and they have no problem taking american jobs. So I think Trump is dead on. And it’ll take a while, though, Dave, to do that because it’s. You got to build the infrastructure back. Right? You got to build the. You got to build the knowledge base back, too. But, yeah, overall net effect is going to be just fine. It will definitely kill anybody’s desire to move out of the. Out of the country because he’s going to use.

He’s going to use subsidy. I mean, tariffs as a sledgehammer. He’s basically going back to the golden age of the United States. People think it’s the 1950s, it’s nothing. Basically 1870s to basically 1890s, where we had a 4% deflation and the country was growing like crazy. And it’s because we had the right policies and low taxation. And then going into world War one, they started to put the taxation in on people, and we’ve been screwed ever since. So I think it’s the right thing to do. I think he’s going to drive states rights, get rid of some of the behemoth that we’ve created in Washington, DC.

And. And that’s why they’re going after him. That’s why they’re trying to kill him, because he will kill them. So really, it’s coming down to the old philosophy, if you want to, if you’re going to kill the king, you better not miss. And I think he’s going to. I think, you know, as he gets elected, he will absolutely change the nature of the country. Yeah, it feels like he’s, like reversing everything that the private west central bank and all these deep state players, what they’ve done, overdose, time they implemented very, very slowly fed and the IR’s and they implemented the income tax.

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But heres the good news. Cutting this one thing out of your diet could completely transform the way you feel. Our friends at v shred have seen it firsthand with their clients. And guys who stop eating it are building muscle, burning fat and feeling more energized than they have in years. Its truly incredible how quickly things can change once you know what to avoid. And vshred, the team behind cutting edge fitness and nutrition strategies, has created a video that reveals exactly what this testosterone killing food is and why removing it from your diet could be the key to unlocking your body’s true potential.

So if you want to know what this food is, head over to x 22. That’s x 22. Just watch the video or click the link below in the description. V shreds experts break it all down. And this one simple change could make all the difference. Trust me, this is one thing you don’t want to miss. They moved the manufacturers out of this country as we got into the seventies when we came off the gold standard. And it looks like he’s trying to reverse everything that they have done right now by saying, you know, no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, no tax on Social Security.

Let’s use tariffs to keep companies back, to keep companies in this country and bring companies back into this country. Let’s become an energy powerhouse. So it looks like he’s actually reversing everything that they’ve done and it’s going to take some time. Yeah, well, the thing is, all those policies are failing anyway, so his timing is good on it. Look, you know, if he had his druthers, you know, we would really, the country would really be, you know, the foundation would be, right, defense, homeland defense and external defense. And then the two so big social programs, right, Medicare and Social Security and push everything back to the states.

Let this, you know, then create 50 competitive entities, you know, that’ll, that’ll, that’ll cure California and New York and Chicago, you know, out of their, their crazy thinking because it’s going to become mind boggling expensive for people to live there and they’ll get voted out. So he’s smart to do it and I hope he succeeds. You know, if I could just divest for a second. It looks like in Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia, he’s starting to pull away from the margin error, which is good. And in Pennsylvania, it looks like the registrations are flipping from blue to red.

So that’s good, too. So he needs those four states, you know, to basically win the election. So, you know, all we could do is just keep praying that he gets in. And I think there’s a lot of people very, very, very scared of what the Democrats will do if they get in power. And hopefully that Trump will get in there and change things. Remember, too, the Supreme Court had a big ruling. Basically, the deep state, which operates inside the bureaucracy now has been neutered. So basically any rule that’s been implemented by the executive branch that was not authorized by Congress is null and void, gazillion lawsuits, people just no longer obeying those rules because of the Supreme Court.

So we have that tide shifting, too. And so I think the country is shifting right. And which is really ironic because the Republican Party now has become what we used to call Democrats in the past and the democratic party has just went off the deep end. So I don’t even know if there’s an, even an analog for where they’re going. But, you know, which is fine. You know, I’m not, I’m conservative, but, you know, I’m country first. And I don’t want, you know, if I have to tolerate some of these things for the country to get right it, I will.

But I won’t tolerate, you know, them destroying our constitution. No, I don’t. I think when push comes to shove, I think people, when they actually wake up and they see what’s really going on here, that they say, you know what, enough’s enough. I think people have a tendency to take a, a lot until they can’t take it anymore. And I think we’re getting to that point. I mean, it looks just like the economy. I mean, people will take a lot. And listen to Kamala saying the way we can fix the economy is through aspiration and dreams, which is really not solutions at all.

I mean, everyone has aspirations, everyone has dreams, but that doesn’t fix the economy. It’s such a left way thinking. Don’t do anything constructive. We’ll just. Which we’ll just wish it to happen. Yeah. So, you know, there’s a phrase that I live by. Things don’t matter to people till they matter to people. And I think inflation and Covid woke a lot of people up. What’s very interesting, when you say inflation and people are, you know, they. They feel it. They. You can’t gaslight the people. You can’t say, hey, inflation’s down to 1%, 0%, because when you go to the supermarket, when you go to buy stuff, they don’t say, oh, wow, look, food prices just dropped.

It’s. It’s great. It’s went right back before. COVID nobody’s seeing that because it’s cumulative. So what’s very interesting about this is, since we’ve been seeing this, is that gold and bitcoin, they’re really moving up right now. I mean, gold, 26, I think it’s over 26 50 right now. Bitcoin is over 63,000. So why is. I mean, if everything is fine and, you know, the fed cut the rate, which we’ll be talking about in a sec, everything’s great. Why is gold and bitcoin moving up? Well, there’s a global liquidity surge coming in. Remember, bitcoin needs global liquidity.

And there’s a chart. I should send it to you. I’ll send it to you after we’re done with this interview. Shows that there’s a ten week lag between global liquidity moves and basically asset price movement. And we’re now at that area. And bitcoin is particularly sensitive to global liquidity flows. And so that’s why you’re starting to see a bite here a little bit with it. And so I did a chart as an ABC pattern, Dave, what that means is that you have an a move which goes one direction. You have a b consolidation, and then you have a c move that matches the a move.

And so we’ve been in this. We’ve been basically in a six month consolidation on bitcoin, and we made a low at 49,000 a couple weeks ago. You probably remember that. And we’ve been grinding higher from there. That measured move takes us to $95,000. So that’s my target. And so for people that want to buy stocks in that area, you know, you get bitcoin is bitcoin, but if you’re in a stock market, you’re going to want to own bito microstrategy, which is MSTR, Coinbase coin, or as you know, we’ve been talking about these high yield products. You’re talking about Kony Cony, you’re talking about misty, Mstye and Widebit.

And these are paying outrageously high dividend. You’re talking 80% to 100% distributions annualized, and you’re getting price appreciation. So those are the things that we’re doing, and it’s going really well. I believe bitcoin now, now that it’s starting to break over at 63, needs to get over 68, I think that move is going to continue. We’re still looking, believe it or nothing, you know, I was looking for a market to be softer than it is, but the liquidity is preventing it. And so my other partner, Phil, he said, look, look for an October into the election surge of basically a blow off top in the market that can last, you know, either to the election if Kamala wins, into the inauguration, if Trump wins, and then 2025 is going to be pretty awful for the stock market.

So that’s what we’re looking at. And I, and it looks like that’s lining up. It’s not even just gold and silver and bitcoin. Dave, energy is not going down. So I think what we’re seeing here is maybe the great rotation in the commodity, and this happened before, it happened in the seventies, it happened in the early 2000, where people will buy energy, gold, silver, and now you got bitcoin, and they’ll be selling the tech stocks, which are obnoxiously overvalued. And so we’ve been leaning into that. You know, we’re heavy commodities, and, and, you know, I have no tech, I’m not really offering any tech ideas.

In fact, we’re looking to short some tech names right now. So do you think gold will hit like, 3000? Yeah, quite possible. Yeah. It’s hard to put up. It’s hard to put a price on a blow up move, but gold is just not going down. And, and with China stimulating, you’re going to see even more price appreciation in gold. Silver has not broke out to the level gold has. And silver mining is a deficit to need. So you have that going for you. And then energy is the great inflation hedge. So people think energy inflation is going to heat up again, Dave, and that just helps energy names.

Hmm. So if people want to get into trading and they want to follow this and make sure that they’re making the right moves. Do you have any specials running this month? Yeah, as we always do, for you, Dave, just go to we have seven bundles, depending if you’re, you know, an aggressive trader, conservative trader, you’d like to trade options, crypto, you can pick the bundle that best serves you. We discounted those heavily for your, your listeners and I. Or you can just pick and choose a non bundle item and 40% off. You have the promo code, you can put it in a room.

And we’re just doing really well. So I think there’s some really good opportunities. We don’t fear a bear market. We don’t fear a rotation. So we’re positioned our algorithm, we’re upgrading the algorithm again to make it even more visually clear and get rid of more false positives in Ithoodae. And so it’s just getting better and better. Our win rate has been rising, and the profit factor, which means how much you win when you win versus lose, is also rising. So all good things and what we charge for the service, Dave, is nothing compared to what you get out of it.

So I encourage you to do it. I encourage you to do it even if you’re not even a big active trader. These pair trades with these high distribution products are just a godsend. And I think it’s important for you to understand how they work and to be able to drive dividends. I’ve converted enough of my personal portfolio that I can live off of these distributions, and they’re staggered. They have 26 of them and they’re staggered across all the weeks in a month. So literally, you can buy four different ones and four different distribution schedules, and you can get weekly dividend distributions dropped into your portfolio into cash and you can live off of it, you know, but you have to kind of understand how they work, and we can help you in that regard.

In fact, we just bought another one today because we’re looking for oil to have a big short squeeze. This thing was a $15, $16 stock and it’s paying out a dollar a month dividend. Hello. In less than a year and a half, you get your money back. I’ll be putting all the links at the bottom of the video to make it easier for people to go right over if they want it. They’re interested in trading and things like that. And you said something before about the stock market. It’s moving up. I mean, we just had a rate cut of 50 basis points.

Did you expect 50 or did you think it was going to be less or more? Originally, I thought 25 was going to be enough. It’s 50 and now you have people starting to hanker for another 50 at the next rate cut. A 50 basis point rate cut day one, two, and three years out, the stock market’s always down double digits. So the Fed has acknowledged that they’re behind the curve. They’re behind the curve because the employment numbers have been fabricated and the Fed’s playing catch up to that. So I wouldn’t be surprised to see another 50 basis point cut here in the next Fed meeting, which I think is the end of October, beginning of November.

They may or may not do it because the election’s right there, but for sure they’ll do it in December. They always, they’re saying that they want to bring it down basically one full basis point between now and next year to three and a half percent. I’m telling you, just like what’s happening in Japan and China, these interest rates are going to go back to zero, Dave. They have no choice. They’re pushing on a string. They have no capacity to borrow at these rates, and so they have to come down to basically the zero bound again. And then if I were you, if you’re listening to me and you have mortgages and you want to just lock in and hunker down, because I think then you’re going to see the inflation pop, we’re going to go back into stagflation, and then the bond market is going to get crazy.

Yeah. This reminds me again of 2008. I mean, in 2007, they started to drop the rates quite a bit, and we went into 2008, and that’s when everything really started to fall apart. But like you said, I think the manipulation this time with the unemployment numbers, the inflation numbers and everything like that have been so it’s so much more than it was back then because they were trying to hide everything. I think this time around, even with this 50 basis cut, I think they’re so far behind all of this that I feel like something might happen in October.

Yeah, I totally agree with you. I think that’s exactly right. I think they’re way behind it. Look, they made so many mistakes in this round, they should have not touched interest rates at all. If they wanted to get the fluff out of the markets, they could have just started selling assets off. Right, but that would help. That would help the poor, not the rich. So they obviously didn’t do it. So they raise interest rates to screw the poor and let the rich sit in 5%, you know, t bills and do nothing. And so, so they’re gonna have to, they’re gonna have to drop the rates back because look, banks can’t make money if they can’t borrow money, okay? I mean, lend money.

And so, you know, you have a situation where the banks were, we’re just sitting there not lending money and earning 5% with the Fed. It’s not tolerable for the economy anymore. So you’re going to have to drive rates down and it’s going to have to come down enough for people who are going to be willing and able to borrow money again. So I think we’re going to be at the zero bound again. And eventually you’re going to have that, what’s called financial repression, where if they try to take some of these rates negative, that’s where they can, they claw back from the rich in a different way.

So mark my words, Dave, within now and 18 months, you and I will be talking about how close to zero are we getting. So you mentioned about China, they’re doing a massive stimulus package. How is that going to affect us here in the US? It’s going to be huge and not all of it good. So China’s going to be just, they’re going to be pumped. They’re pumping up right now. They’re dropping interest rates, trying to save their property markets. They’re going to try to support their exporters. So they’re going to be exporting deflation and at the same time they’re going to be increasing the use of commodities.

So look at copper, look at iron ore, look at oil, gasoline, natural gas. All those are going to go up in price. And so you want to own some of those names. I don’t personally like chinese stocks, but the chinese stocks will do well short term, and then we’re going to have to wait and see if China’s going to be able to reignite their smoldering economy or if it’s just too little, too late and it rolls over. So this is the big experiment. China is going all in at this point. But short term, we can make a lot of money on the commodity side with it, and that’s holding energy prices up.

And here’s the other thing, too, Dave. Traders are positioned massively short oil right now. And with China, if you start seeing the uptake in China draw from the Middle east back into China for oil consumption, you can see a rapidly moving, a higher moving price of oil, and then all the oil names will go up, too. So we’re positioned for that. And so I think that ties into our blow off strategy and our great rotation strategy. All of it’s coming to a head here. And so it looks like next couple weeks we should be pushing higher into the election.

And if Kamala is going to win the election, then I think that ends the rise. And if Trump gets in, I think he’ll push it through until the inauguration, and then he’s going to get a recession and the stock market sell off, too. Can’t avoid it. Yeah. I think this is all heading in that direction where everything, no matter what happens, it’s already set up to completely and utterly fall apart. Yeah. We’re technically in a recession now. I agree. It drives me nuts. If your gdp is less than your inflation rate, you’re in a recession. So I don’t care how much lipstick you put on the pig and say we’re growing 2% when inflation is at 4%.

So you’re really growing -2% right. Right. So, and look, bankruptcies are surging right now. Consumer, we just had a consumer report before I got on with you. It missed by five points. So there’s a lot of stress in the system. It’s just that you don’t see it because the media only tells you, you know, the things they want you to hear. But, you know, around the country, you know, people are hurting. You know, what is with recessions? They don’t say anything until the recession or the market comes down. Then they say there’s a recession, and then all of a sudden they go back and say, hey, I don’t know if you guys know this, but the recession started when we said we were in a recession.

So they always go back to when they announced a recession. Dave, that’s when you start buying the stock market. Yeah. Yep, yep. Hey, Bob, thank you very much for being on the x 22 report spotlight once again. If people want to join your trading system, where should they go? Yeah, tradelike a or Tradegenius Co. You’ll find us there. You can call us or you can email or chat with us. And I encourage you to check out these, these bundles that we have will definitely help you navigate, which I think is going to be a really, really interesting market between now and the beginning of 2026.

And I think we can give you some good tools and some good trades to help you stay ahead of what I think is going to become a pretty disastrous stock market coming. And you don’t have to be a victim. Great. I’ll put all the links at the bottom of the video. Bob, once again, thank you for being on the spotlight. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you.

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