Bob Kudla – [CB]/[WEF] Has Failed Market Crash Headed Our Way Bitcoin Surge Coming




➡ The article discusses the rising crime rates in the U.S. and the importance of personal safety tools like the fighter flare flashlight. It also talks about the Green New Deal and its potential failure due to pushback from the public and the impracticality of electric vehicles. The article ends with a discussion on the current economic situation, highlighting the disparity between projected GDP growth and inflation rate, suggesting a hidden recession.
➡ The article discusses the current economic situation, highlighting the rise in inflation and fuel prices. It suggests that we’re experiencing a similar scenario to the 1970s inflation period, with a second wave of inflation on the horizon. The article also discusses the surge in Bitcoin and gold prices, predicting that Bitcoin could reach $109,000-$113,000 by 2024. However, it warns that after this surge, a significant correction is likely.
➡ There’s a lot of talk about a possible big drop in the market. Some experts think it could happen anytime due to the high amount of borrowed money in the system. If earnings per share don’t meet expectations in May, we could see a big sell-off in the summer. However, if they do meet expectations, a market correction or crash could happen around August.
➡ The text talks about the concern of people losing their jobs to immigrants from Venezuela, Colombia, and Honduras. It also mentions a trading system that people can join to stay ahead in the economy, regardless of its direction. The trading system can be found at or The conversation ends with a thank you and a promise to put all the links at the bottom of the video.


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Hi, and welcome to the X 22 Report Spotlight. Today we have a returning guest, Bob Kudla. Bob is the creator and owner of Tradegeniusacademy. com, and I am very happy to have Bob back on the X 22 report spotlight. Bob, welcome back to the spotlight. Hey, Dave, thanks for having me. Hey, thanks for being here. And I just wanted to start off with this whole green new deal and what’s been happening around the world.

I mean, the protests right now, they’re spreading. I mean, they’re in all different countries right now. Germany, UK today, and Netherlands, you name it, Poland. It’s just spreading all over the place. I mean, at, at this point with what you’re seeing, do you think their push into this Green new deal, you think it’s pretty much dead at this point? Yeah, I mean, it’s the pushback. You know, I’m afraid that I shared it with you guys before, so bear with me if you heard it is that things don’t matter to people till they matter to people.

And I think the leftist web elites have now crossed the Rubicon, where people are now starting to pay attention and starting to act upon it. And it’s not just the agricultural side of it. Too green new deal in the United States is gone. I mean, you can’t get an Ev. You know, you can’t even sell an EV in this country. It’s just like, people don’t want them. And really interesting, because I rented a car on a vacation I took, and we were gonna look at the EV, but we couldn’t.

We were so worried that we’d get stuck somewhere that we didn’t do it because we were traveling point to point. And then I just got a note from my car rental company, like, an ad notification. They’re given two days free if you rent an EV. So they probably aren’t renting them. And I heard her says, now or Avis, whoever bought a bunch of Teslas are, like, dumping them.

And so you have a situation. Ford Lightning, the f 150. They can’t give them away. Huge sales right now here in California, of all places. And that used to be the big thing. I wanted to get a Ford, another Ford. I wanted to get an EV truck. And then the more you look into it, like, oh, my gosh, this is a nightmare. And then insurance companies, like, if you get hit in a Tesla, they write the car off because they’re so afraid that the battery pack was damaged that could cause a subsequent fire in the future.

So these cars are basically unaffordable, you know, so that’s on that side of. Did you see the hailstorm in Texas? Yeah, this morning. Hundreds of acres of solar panels. Yeah. I mean, total write off. I mean, this whole thing’s a joke, Dave. And look, I’m a guy. I owned a solar energy company for 14 years. So I’m totally interested in technology, moving things forward and having a cleaner environment, but not at the expense of some sort of political, you know, some political game here to trap and control people.

Yeah, but, yeah, I think it’s dead. And they got to worry about the farmers, you know, their primary. You know, I always joke that, you know, the left owns the coast, but the. But the right owns the food. Yeah, that is true. And also, I mean, Biden, I mean, this is going back two, three years. They had billions of dollars to build all these charging stations, and they built eight.

Where did all this money go? What happened? Reelection campaigns of the Democrats. That’s where it won. The other thing that I always found interesting is Klaus Schwab, when he said that we’re going to turn the highways into parks. So if everyone’s driving an EV, like they want why wouldn’t we need the highways? Or do they know that the EV’s aren’t going to work and we’re not going to need the highways, and they really going to keep us trapped in the smart cities? I think this whole thing is a ruse.

And they’re, they’re not really planning to move us to EV’s. They’re just trying to give it, get us away from fossil fuels. Yeah, no, it’s more than that. So my best friend’s wife was born and raised in Romania during the Ceausescu time. And this is the game the left plays. So what you do, you get coupons that are only good for that day, okay? You can’t trade them, you can’t transfer them, you can’t save them.

And what it does is that that’s for food and bread and gasoline, and it’s designed to keep you from being able to travel to another zone, if you will, because you may starve to death. So they give you just enough food to live for that day, force you to constantly be in lines for things to live. And I think this is, that’s, you know, this is just a manifestation of an old communist trick.

And so, because, I mean, you know, Ani said right away when she, when she started hearing this Kashua, she goes, oh, this guy’s a full on Commie. You know, this is, this is what they do. They can control you. And, you know, look what China done, right? They do it through digital. So that, that’s why they want to control the population that way. And. Yeah, so I think that’s your game.

And we’re just going to have to be really, really cognizant of it. I mean, here in the United States, people are starting to realize that economy isn’t fixed, bidenomics isn’t working, and now the fed, in the beginning of the year, they said, oh, we’re going to have six rate cuts, and we’re going to, that’s what they were projecting. And then as time is going on, and went from four to now, three, maybe two, do you think they’re ever going to do a rate cut or do you think it’s going to just fizzle out and they’ll, there won’t be any rate cuts? Yeah.

So we’re only going to get a rate cut if there’s a major bank failure or the stock market goes into crash mode. So here’s the deal, Dave. So they’ve created this environment. It’s called the no landing scenario. It’s a total mirage. So you have projected GDP growth of 2. 4%. Okay, sounds impressive. But they have a projected inflation rate of over 3%. Ergo, we’re slipping. 6% in terms of our standard of living.

So they create this environment where they’re saying we’re growing, we’re growing, we’re growing. But inflation rate is exceeding the growth rate, which is another way of saying we’re in recession, but we’re not going to tell you we’re in recession. So yeah, people see it. You just have to go to the grocery store or go out to eat to know that you’re, or get to your going healthcare bill to know that you’re just totally, totally being played here.

I went out to eat. I went, I was in Tahiti, humble brag, and I went out to eat. Okay. You’re what, 3000 miles away from everything. Everything has to get shipped in. Right. It cost me less money to eat out in Tahiti than it did for me to go out to eat when I got back. Wow. You know, we’re just getting played here. And I think what’s happening is that you’re starting to see it in the stock market in terms of what stocks are going up and what stocks are going down.

You have an environment now where you have a, if it’s nice to have stuff and it’s a service, those sectors and industries are going to get absolutely destroyed. The canary in the coal mine is rvs, things like that. But you’re just starting to see it across the board. And money is going to shift all the way into core, core products and services, things you have to have. And you’re seeing the shift in the stock market.

I know we’re going to talk a bit more about that in a second, but you’re absolutely seeing what I call the great rotation is now active and in motion. So I mean, do you think inflation and the fuel prices, I mean, they’re starting to surge right now and people are starting to realize that everything’s not fixed the way they said it was fixed. So do you think this is going to get a lot worse as we go throughout this year? Yeah.

The tracking, I’ll send you a chart. You can, you know, you can use it for maybe another show. It’s absolutely amazing. We’re tracking the 1970s inflation scenario almost to a t. It’s almost like somebody, somebody like programmed it. And so we’re getting into a second, what’s called the second wave of inflation coming. And this is the brutal wave. And this is the wave in which, you know, OPEC was a little bit different animal.

They repriced oil because Nixon closed the gold window. But this is where energy surged and then this is where gold surged afterwards. And we’re definitely seeing it. And bitcoin was the forerunner of it because bitcoin started to move ahead of both of those. And so we’re in this phase two now of the inflation rate. Look, the government can’t, can’t allow deflation to take hold. Number one, all their rich donors don’t want deflation.

They want inflation. And deflation hurts the banking system. And making Congress balance the budget would cause basically our GDP to collapse by 25% to 30%. I have a chart showing that GDP now is only growing with increasing amounts of debt in the system. So we’re totally, we totally passed all the rubicons, Dave. And so everything now is a mirage and you’re going to be, the poor and the middle class are going to slowly get strangled here.

And if you have assets, you’re going to be fine. And if you want to be able to stay ahead of the monkey, then we’re here to help. Yeah. When you look at bitcoin, when you look at gold, I mean, bitcoin, I can’t believe it. It’s up. 72,000. Gold hit 2200. Do you think this surge is going to continue or do you see something heading our way where these things might be knocked down? Yeah, we’re going to surge first and then we’re going to.

Then we’re going to dump. So our work on bitcoin is, you know, we just keep banging on this, this new high again, I think we’re at around 71, 72,000 again, is that our work says 109, 113,000 is likely in 2024. And there’s an outside chance, and look, I’m not selling this, so don’t take it the wrong way, is that there’s outside chance that we can actually blow this thing on a blowout over 200k just because of all the institutional buying and the limited supply.

But after that move, Dave, we will correct most of that down, like typically happens after a having surge. Gold, on the other hand, has been suppressed. China has now taken over the pricing mechanisms for gold. We think 2500 in gold is fairly likely at this point. And really if they lose control of the Comex gold market, it gets scored even higher. China is now setting the price on gold and then on oil.

We’re looking at short term $88 to $90. Oil has been very strong, as you know, people can look at past interviews of mine is that I’ve been an energy bull now for almost the last three years. It is not abating because I totally believe in the 1970s scenario. And people who’ve been trading with me at trade genius are well rewarded by holding the line on energy. So we’re going to get our push towards $90, then we’ll get a summer doldrums and in the fall we’re going to probably push into triple digits.

Silver obviously is going to outperform gold a little bit. I didn’t do any work on pricing on that. It’s just that the silver miners and gold miners are doing well. And obviously the bitcoin miners, if bitcoin pushes over the 73,000 and starts running towards our next target after that is 78 and 87 and then 109, is that you’ll see the bitcoin miners start to go bat shit crazy.

Higher too. Tremendous opportunities here for you to beat the inflation monster. You just have to be in the right thing. So tech is going to suffer, commodities are going to run, and the only thing that’s lagging right now is that copper starting to move. But natural gas still hasn’t made this move yet. And then when that gas goes, it probably be a three to 400% move. Dave, so you think after the halving with bitcoin, I mean, if it gets to say 100, 5200, whatever the amount is about protecting our wealth, if you think bitcoin breaking its all time high and closing in on 70,000 is the best crypto news, hold your horses.

Bitcoin shortages coming. That having this coming April will severely limit the supply. While banks and investment companies are starting to offer bitcoin, ETF’s opening a new wave of bitcoin demand. There is only one way this is going. Bitcoin is going to go up and myDigitalmoney. com is here for it. CEO of Bitwise, a wealth management company, said they are changing their bitcoin 2024 price forecast from 80,000 to 200,000.

If you want to take advantage of potential gains, avoid possible bitcoin supply shortages. Invest now. Invest in bitcoin with mydigitalMoney. com dot. You can open a crypto IRA or a standard trading account. Remember, there’s always a risk of loss and past performance is not indicative of future results. Do you think it’s going to go back to 50, 60 down that low? Or where do you think it’s going to go? So if it stops at 109, it’ll probably come back down to test the 70,000 area.

Okay. Okay. If it pushes up higher, it’s going to test at a higher plateau. That’s typically what bitcoin does. The only thing that we don’t know, Dave, this is the first time now that we actually have retail and institutional sponsorship on bitcoin, that could change the dynamics completely. We just have to be not so arrogant to think that bitcoin is going to the moon without big pullbacks because, you know, because what’s called the float is low.

People can make this thing very volatile. You know, you can get a 40, $50,000 surge and you can get a 40, $50,000 surge down, too, depending on who’s, you know, dumping supply on and who’s taking supply off. It’s just gonna. It’s gonna trade pure. It’s gonna be volatile. But, you know, at this point, we, you know, we think there’s gonna be move higher after the halving. And, and if it gets like, the 109, the miners, even though they’re getting half their reward, they’re going to be rewarded with higher bitcoin prices.

So they’ll move, too. Yeah. I mean, for. I mean, right now it feels like everything’s up in the air and, you know, people are looking at it saying, I want to get into it, but I’m a little nervous for your trading systems. Do you have any specials running this month for those people that might be into trading or experienced traders or beginners? Yeah. So we have seven bundles running, Dave, as we always do for your listeners.

Good till Saturday. They’re pre discounted 65% off. We have a bundle for trading just stocks? We have a bundle that’s trading for crypto. We have one that does a combo, we have a window if you want to trade in the future and options, or get into my room. It’s the vip room where actually we could talk like you and I are talking. And there’s some training bundles, too.

What we charge for the service, Dave, is nothing compared to what you get out of it. I sent you some atta boys. We’ve actually had a couple customers have been with us now four and five years that have been able to completely cut the work tether and now trading effectively on their own based on using our service. And they were kind enough to send us notes on that.

So we think we really help people, you know, stay ahead of the curve. We have really good processes. I’m not promising you guys lamborghinis, but I’m promising you that you. We’re going to give you good systems that that win more than they lose, and you win more money than you lose money when you do lose. So it’s a really good, good, solid program. We give you trades every day.

We give you access to a chat room. We give you access to our algorithms, and. And we have some training videos to show you how to use everything. So thanks for letting me plug that. And, guys, like I said, if you look at the pricing for the service, it’s. I should charge more, but I don’t. Yeah, I’ll be putting all the links at the bottom of the video, make it a lot easier for people to go over.

But since we’re talking about trading and the market, what’s very interesting lately is that now out of the mainstream media, I’m starting to see a lot of articles talking about a correction in the market. And we have a lot of financial pundits out there who predicted 2000, predicted 2008, and now they’re saying, yes, something’s coming. And they’re saying maybe, you know, like a 50, 70% drop or something that is coming.

What do you see coming? Do you think there’s going to be a correction? Yeah. So here’s the deal. So, yeah, here’s the problem with this. It could come at any moment for any reason because there’s so much leverage in the system, but they’ve been able to hold it up so far. Right now, the narrative is that growth is accelerating, earnings per shares are projected to accelerate. So what you have to look at now is you look at, like, we just did a podcast on our channel trade genius, that said, you got to look at May 15 right now.

And so they set an expectation for higher earnings per share for Q one of 2024. If those are our targets are met, Dave, then you got to look at August for where a. A correction or a crash could happen. But if they don’t meet expectations in May, then we can get a pretty good sell off going into summer. Our personal view is that we’re in a blow off phase right now, and everybody and their brother is pouring whatever liquidity is left into the stock market because real estate’s really not a thing anymore.

The bond market is not tempting enough at this point, and money is flowing into the United States. So we think part probably of this party can go until look at it August 15 area, and then. And look for a fall sell off. The Fed’s staying out of this thing because of election year, and so it’s really going to be a matter of, do prices just get too far in front of the people’s ability to generate cash from it.

So that’s kind of where we are right now. But once this blow off ends, we typically Eiffel Tower, which means that 80% of the move up in this blow up will get sold back down to. So you just have to probably look at the October lows of 2023 and then you’ll probably see that be revisited pretty close. By the time this is all over and those moves happen fast, you can go up for six to nine months and give it all back in three weeks.

Yeah. I mean, this is starting to remind me of 2008, 2009. I mean, that was a presidential election year and, you know, going all the way back, I think to January. So Bernanke at the time said, you know, when they’re not predicting a recession, everything looks great, but the internals of the economy broke down. I feel like it’s very, very similar right now where we’re at. And you think this will be closer to the presidential election where the market.

Correct. Yeah. You know, it’s funny you said that because I said the same thing we look like. Remember in 2000, 2001, the tech rolled over for two and a half years and gold and silver and oil and uranium all took off and we’re kind of seeing the same scenario play out. Yeah. I mean, it would be a beautiful scenario that Jerome Powell can manage that on behalf of the Republican Party because of market crash in September before they have a chance to.

Before they have a chance to put the right in ballots in. So, you know, they’ll worry if they start letting people vote in August. Dave. Yeah. So do you think the market. Yeah, so I see that scenario is, you know, the way we look at it, we’re rolling into all kinds of scenarios that the tech is tracking 2000, 2001, the inflation rates track in the seventies, the valuation rates are tracking the 1928 29 scenario.

I mean, it’s some scary stuff. You know, obviously you got to trade what’s in front of you, right. And being able to pivot, you know, so right now they’re forcing you onto the dance floor and so you’re just going to have to dance, as an old CEO of Citigroup said, until the music stops. That’s what they’re forcing you to do. Big money is getting out. There’s some more articles today.

I think Zuckerberg sold a big portion of his wealth now, too. So a lot of these guys are, and they can’t just quit in a week. Right. Right. So these guys have been selling now pretty consistently for the last six months and more and more of these guys are getting out as price moves up. So once this thing goes, Dave, it’s going to be a vacuum down. It’s not going to be like a 2% correction.

Could be like 2018, where we were 2020, whenever 2019, where we had an 18% correction in six weeks. I mean, it could be that kind of scenario. Yeah, I agree with that. What’s very interesting is there was a post from X from Kyle Bass, and he showed a graph of the slush fund that’s being used to keep the market propped up. And it’s very interesting about this is that the slush fund runs out right before the election.

So, I mean, it’s interesting that we’re getting these predictions and you’re looking at it and seeing the same exact thing. So do you think the market, you think they’re actually propping it up right now, trying to keep it up as high as possible? Yeah, you know, here’s the situation. You know, typically, you know, you know, if Trump wins, they can screw Trump, right, by just, you know, making a market crash and deal with an economic, you know, depression.

Right. And if Biden wins, you know, he can take advantage of, hey, this market dislocation. You gave me a mandate. I’m going to change the country to make it more fair and equitable, blah, blah, blah and diverse. So I just think that these guys are definitely propping up for the election. First year of a new administration or a second term is usually pretty bearish from a statistical point of view.

But, yeah, I totally buy it. I just not sure who they want to win yet. Yeah, it’s funny. I think of the opposite way. I think that for some reason the good guys are going to use this against Biden because Biden hasn’t stopped with his narrative that the economy is great. He’s created all these jobs, inflation’s under control, fuel prices are under control, the markets propped up, you know, because of everything that he’s been doing.

So it reminds me, like I just said, 2008, 2009, when you had, it was Obama and McCain. And back then, McCain was saying, because there was, it was the Republican Party that was in charge saying that the economy was great and Obama was saying that the economy wasn’t great. And that worked to Obama’s advantage because when the market came down, everyone went, oh, look, he’s right, McCain’s wrong.

And that pretty much destroyed McCain’s chances at that point. Well, they did the George Bush senior, too, remember? 1991, they put a recession on him and it knocked him out of the office and brought Clinton in, I want to be in your camp on this. I think inflation is more insidious to people than a recession because in inflation, you feel like you have no hope. Every day I’m falling farther and farther behind.

We’re maxed on credit cards. I think the bottom 80% of the economic, socioeconomic levels here can’t take on any more credit. Maybe 90%. So people are at a wall here now. And so I don’t know what people do. They just probably stop paying rent, stop paying their mortgage again, we’re going to get that scenario where people say, look, I have to live, you know, kick me out if you can, kind of environment.

And so we’re definitely at an inflection point, Dave, I’d like to think that enough people are pissed off enough internally, and we’ve all learned from social media to not share your opinion, you know. Right. And get out there and vote. But look, the key for Trump is really four cities, right? So they just got to be laser focused on, on the cheating there. And if they can get their arms around that, I think there’s enough people around the country that definitely are forgiving him on any kind of tweets he might have done and said, bring back the good old days again.

I mean, look at Fetterman in Pennsylvania. The dude went 180, right? I don’t know if he’s running for reelection this time and he’s just playing a game, but he sounds like a Republican. He doesn’t sound like a Democrat. You know, so they, they’re doing polling data in Pennsylvania that tells them that, you know, the liberal shtick is not, is not working here. We just have to control Philadelphia, control Milwaukee, control.

I think Atlanta is probably under control now. And I think he’ll be, Trump will be fine. But people can’t be complacent here. People better get out the vote. And people didn’t vote for him. But aren’t Democrats need to realize that, look, these people hate you. They absolutely hate you. What they’re doing to you, they don’t care. They’re bringing people across the border to suppress wages. Right. And can you imagine? You’re african american in a city, and then they flood the city with 100,000 Venezuelans and Colombians and people from Honduras.

Right. Take your jobs from you. You know, I mean, they don’t love you and you vote for them. I mean, people need to, people need to really wake up, Dave. I agree with that. Hey, Bob, thank you very much for being on the x 22 report spotlight once again. If people wanted to join your trading system. Where should they go? Go to tradelike a genius. com or tradegeniusacademy.

com. You’ll find me either way. Check out the bundles. I think you’ll like the pricing, I think you’ll like the service, and we’ll definitely keep you ahead of the curve here. That no matter which way this economy goes, there are trades. It’s always a bull market somewhere. Great. Thanks again, Dave. No problem. I’ll put all the links at the bottom of the video. Thank you very much for being on the spotlight.

I really appreciate it. Yep, thanks. Bye. .

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