Bo Polny UPDATE! Historical 90 Day Forecast..Window For Divine Favor Is Here! You Decide | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez discusses the potential for a major change in the global economy. The hosts believe that the U.S. dollar might lose its status as the world’s main currency, leading to a financial crisis. They suggest that this could be part of a larger plan by powerful people to control the world economy. They also mention that digital currencies and blockchain technology could play a big role in the future of finance.
➡ The text talks about a possible big change coming soon, possibly in March. It suggests that the US dollar might lose its status as the world’s main currency, which could cause a lot of problems. This could be because of a group of countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) who want to introduce a new currency backed by gold. The text also hints at possible war and other big events happening soon.
➡ The text discusses a prediction of a financial collapse, specifically the crash of the US dollar, based on biblical prophecies and current economic trends. It suggests that influential figures are preparing for this by selling stocks and investing in bitcoin, which is expected to increase in value. The text also mentions a potential internet shutdown as a response to the truth being revealed. The author believes these events are imminent, but the exact timeline is uncertain.
➡ The speaker believes that people are investing heavily in cryptocurrencies like XRP, but these won’t be widely accepted until the US dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency. They predict that the US dollar will regain strength when it’s backed by gold, which they believe will happen when a certain political figure returns to office. They also discuss a prophecy related to the Super Bowl and believe that its fulfillment will lead to a significant religious revival. The speaker ends by expressing excitement for the future and plans to continue the discussion in a few weeks.


All right, folks, welcome to another edition with Bo Pony. We’re doing a 90 day forecast, historic next 90 days. March is supposedly supposed to be big. I did a story or I did a video on stock market crash that’s looming. Lot of big billionaires selling right now. It’s been incredible. So Bo, without further ado, Bo Pony, thank you for joining me once again, man, what’s coming from your side of the battlefield, from your perspective? I’ve talked to a lot of people, not just you, and they all say March to November is going to be absolutely bananas.

Yeah. I don’t want to focus specifically on the stock market because I’ve said this before. The stock market can crash 100 more times, 1000 more times. And what do the central banks do? And the globalists, what do they do? They print money out of thin air. In the 70s we were in the millions. Now we’re in the quadrillions, which is basically counting from twelve days to a million to 31 million years for a quadrillion.

Okay? So the money was a droplet of money in the. We’re at an ocean of money and a whole thing is a fraud and it’s smoke and mirrors. So that’s a great place to start. Number two is the market can crash ten more times. 100 more times, they’ll create more money, stick it in the markets like they did in the year 2020 or 2008, and they reinflate the markets and everything’s good.

So this time around is going to be totally different. This is not about the stock market, it’s about the supremacy of the US dollar. You always start your podcast off and say, buy gold and silver. Why do you do that? Because specifically, every time a currency or a financial system collapses, the de facto always for 4000 years, the de facto money, it always reverts back to God’s money, gold and silver.

And then from then they try to rebuild and figure out what they have to do next. So that’s about to happen. The US dollar is going to be attacked. It’s going to lose its status as the world deserve currency. And because a lot of people in the know, the they that we call the they, these they people, they have secret handshakes, they have secret information. And because of these people, they know what’s going to ultimately, they’re basically setting the stage, they’re preparing themselves because they don’t want to be a part of this event that’s about to go down.

So yeah, the markets could potentially crash, but that’s so unimportant because it’s about this dollar event, when this dollar loses the status of the world deserve currency. Nino. So we’ve talked before, everything going on with just leave it at the kids, right? Everything going on with the political system, everything going on with the schools and the school boards, everything going on, know what’s going on, potentially going to happen in November.

All of this is controlled by the world’s reserve currency, the US dollar. Russia plans to offer BRICS. I did this this morning. Russia plans to offer brics to develop financial system independent of politics. So Russia finance minister, I think it’s Anton Silianov, mentioned establishing an independent settlement payment system based on new principles, first and foremost, digital and first and foremost, digital and blockchain principles. And they’re talking about, as this article goes, according to him, trade among the BRICS countries is expanding.

For these trade flows to work, we need a reliable payment mechanism. So says to me, yeah, based on new principles, first and foremost, digital and black. So digital and blockchain. I prepared a bunch of slides for us in reference to what you’re just reading there. The digital. The blockchain you’re going to love and your viewers will love what I put together just to give you an understanding of how these people operate in darkness, but they really know what’s going down in the shadows.

My thing is this is how is the deep state going to survive? How are they going to pay off who they need to pay off? When the system is nothing, the money turns out to be nothing, which we’re seeing now. This is their demise. And it’s happening fast. Well, it’s yes and no. There’s two aspects to look at, right? First off, they want the system to ultimately collapse so they can bring in the digital dollar, the digital currency, because the digital dollar, the central bank digital currency, does one specific thing, but it says here Brics is doing it anyway.

But they’re doing their own digital currency. So it’s the same system. Yes, because they’re technically these people. I would just say they’re probably all in. Ultimately, they’re all in bed together, if that makes sense, because all of this is like man made. And so all of them, even if all this happens, we might see gold and silver jump in price, but we’re never going to see biblical multiplication.

This is what we want to understand. Okay? Unless there is a godly intervention, these people will never let gold and silver go to, like, silver triple digits. 100 plus dollars to $1,000 silver, $50,000 gold. They’re never going to let this happen, ever, because they ultimately want to control humanity. So even if they were in charge when the bricks go live and when all these events happen, right, they’re still going to try to keep the brakes on precious metals, gold and silver to a degree, because it’s about control.

This is what it’s always been. Babylon is about control. But we’re stepping into a moment in time where regardless of what they want, okay, so regardless of what the kings of the earth want and who are the kings of the earth, these are the ones that bow down to Satan. They have a blood covenant with evil agenda. That’s crazy, bo. Okay, well, if you believe God is real, if you believe Jesus is real, then you have to believe evil is real.

Okay, and so they’re evil. You see it. It exists. Especially right now. God actually, for the past three, four years now, he intentionally allowed these four years to go by. Why? So the evil could expose itself. And specifically using 45. Who’s orange man? Bad, right? Orange is the cheese. The cheese has brought out all the rats. And so now you’re seeing all the rats and they’re all exposed.

Like, it’s just crazy what we’re seeing on tv and everything right now on the live feeds on the Internet, it’s wild what’s going on. But remember, these people don’t care because it’s complete pride and arrogance when they control the government agency and then therefore, now globally, because they’re controlling the White House, it’s a global enterprise that they now control. And so they have no fear because they know anything that happens, like this massive dam, they just keep sticking fingers in it.

And everything that we’ve seen happen in the past four years. And can you really say that there’s been a massive victory? You can’t say there’s been small victories. But then you don’t hear about it anymore. It just kind of disappears. Why? Because they stick another finger in the dam. And so this keeps going on and on and on. And these people will not stop. They have unlimited funds.

JFK, if you said it, there is a secret society. They have unlimited, unlimited fingers to clog up the dam. Yes, because with unlimited money, you have unlimited fingers. And that’s really what’s going on. And so, honestly, unless God shows up, we’re finished as a nation, as a global enterprise. Actually, they’re going to grab the globe. The one world government will rise. And we are going to see the mark of the beast system come sooner rather than later.

All of this is going to happen. But the problem is they came in early. See, God wrote the times and seasons, not them. They think that they can modify things and twist things around and bring in their agenda sooner rather than later. But the problem is God’s got his time, his seasons, and that’s what matters, not them. So I don’t care what anybody says, these people are going to fall.

Why? Because this is not their time. And God’s going to create what’s called a window of divine favor, which means it’s a do over. It’s a do over. That’s what’s coming. And the do over takes us back to 2021. It takes us back to when all of this went evil. Okay, so it’s a full on do over. What’s about to happen now, the money is how they’re doing it all.

And so when God intervenes, what does that mean? It means that the US dollar will lose its status of the world reserve currency. That’s just a piece of the puzzle. But then other things are going to start to manifest where all the deals that the secret handshakes are done in darkness, right? They think nobody’s seeing these secret deals and secret handshakes and. Correct. Men don’t see most of these things.

Maybe there are some recordings of some of these things done, but ultimately, God, when he intervenes, he puts a giant spotlight on all the things done in darkness and everything gets exposed. So we should expect the Internet to go down here really soon. Expect all the tv broadcasting and everything broadcasting to go down here really soon. Expect darkness to happen and manifest here really soon. Because when all these things get exposed, the only thing they have to do is to turn everything off and bring war.

Like a plug. Yeah, and bring war at the same time, too. And what did we say? So, January, February, Mars. These are gods, okay? The months they use, their names, are roman gods. And the month of Mars, or Martyas or whatever it is, their month of march or Mars is their God of war. Jeez. And that’s what we’re going into right now. Here we go. One day left.

I’m going to try to put this up tomorrow or tomorrow. So let’s get on. Go ahead. Let’s show the slides. I got limited. Yeah. And tomorrow is a very special day because tomorrow is a leap year, okay? So think about that. That’s right. What does that mean? Well, think about this, for example. First, we’re going to leap into something crazy. So we’re leaping into something awesome that’s about to go down.

Let’s say that. But the other thing is, when you understand why is the leap day always put in in February. The answer is very simple. Okay. Because each year has 364. 25 days. So it takes four years, 4. 25, to make up the one day. Are you with me? Very simple, right. So if you’re going to add a day, and if you made the calendar, Nino, would you put that extra day in anywhere? No, you’d put it in at the last day of the year, tomorrow.

Insane. So this is their calendar that we’re going. So do you think March 1, everything kicks off walk the charts are point. We’re seeing crypto start to rocket vertical. We’ll talk about that in a second. Precious metals are going to begin here really soon. They’re holding them down. So this is now coming to the point in time where no one knows the day or the hour, like I’ve said in all your podcasts, because this is literally God’s about to do something.

And a few things I want to hit on, but I do believe that. I think as March begins, that we’re supposed to potentially see something here as maybe this Friday, maybe into next week, but something’s supposed to start because the new year starts. But again, there’s three points for New Year’s. The Julian New year. The Julian calendar, which is two weeks behind that calendar, doesn’t say the new year begins until the 14 March.

So the new year really begins the 14 March. Right. The Julian. And then there’s like a double dating calendar, which is, again, their calendar. And that could take us all the way as far as the 25 March. So March is just pivotal, because March, bottom line is March starts the new year, if that makes sense. March, regardless of what, are you looking at it right here? That’s why I keep looking down.

I’m looking at all this right here. Yeah. So March begins the new year. It’s all about the US dollar losing its status of the world reserve currency. It’s about the financial system. So let me just share these slides here and then we can go from there. Let me just actually put this on share. Where does that screen go? Sorry about that. Here. Share screen. Actually, before we do, I’m going to play this one video.

Let’s talk about all of this. The US economy and policy with FedEx founder and executive chairman, Fred Smith. Our financial capabilities to print money at will is dependent on the dollar remaining. The reserve currency and the so called BRICs alliance. Brazil, Russia, India and China have set out on a deliberate course to dethrone the dollar. If that happens and we can’t sell our bonds, I can assure you, the living standards that we all enjoy today are going to be a thing of the past.

The BRICS group is set to introduce a new currency backed by gold, in contrast to the credit backed us dollar. With countries lining up to join the growing initiative. If oil starts trading in non petro dollars, such as gold or a basket of currencies, or if China and Russia start trading in yuan and ruble rather than us dollars, that demand isn’t there. And the way of life for the average american will be done.

It will be worse than the Great Depression. The US dollar has seriously discredited itself as the global reserve currency. That’s according to Russia’s foreign minister, who’s been holding talks in Moscow with his counterparts from Persian Gulf countries. Recent widespread report has concluded that more than half of central banks worldwide plan to shift their holdings from us dollars to gold. I’m talking about our currency being used throughout the world.

You want the dollar to remain the world’s reserve currency? Well, I think it’s bigger than losing any war. I think if it doesn’t. Look, we are already reverting to third world status in many ways. You look at our airports, you look at our terminals, you look at our filthy roads and broken roads and everything else. We’re like a third world country. We have something that’s very powerful and that’s our dollar all over.

But you take a look at what’s happening to it now with other countries not using it, and, you know, China wants to replace it with the yuan, and it was unthinkable with us. Unthinkable would never have happened. Now people are thinking about it. That could happen. I’ve heard from guests on my show, privately and publicly on my broadcast, that actually, when this gets turned around, the dollar will be the most powerful.

It will still be the most powerful on the planet. Does that make sense to you at all? Well, you need to first remove the word dollar. Okay. Gold backed dollar. Yes. It will not be the dollar. The dollar is the federal. It’s not federal reserve. There are no reserve. Note means it’s paper. Okay? So the paper aspect of it means it’s now fiat. Okay? Now we define fiat, by definition, has no intrinsic value.

Therefore, when Nixon took us off the gold standard within three, two to three years, it was in June of 1974, the deal was signed, that Kissinger signed and turned that fiat money into the petro dollar. So the dollar itself was backed by petro. So therefore, at least it was backed by something. Okay? Now, it’s gotten very interesting because the Saudis who made up the petrol portion of the dollar, they are now, as of January 1 of this year, they’ve officially on with the BRICS.

Okay? So therefore, there’s no more petrol in the dollar. The dollar is run out of gas and this is what’s going to lead to a massive. It’s already. And look what happened to Saddam Hussein. Look what happened to this when you try to sell oil and anything but the US dollar, because the petrodollar is very simply simple, contrary. We protect Saudi Arabia militarily and they will buy all of oil.

Global oil will be sold in only. The word is only us dollar bonds, denominated bonds. Okay? And so now we’ve got the BRICS coming up and attacking the US dollar. And this is a historic event because before Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi, these are little countries, okay? Now you’ve got the BRICS, which we just listened to the audio. The BRICS comprise roughly 60% to 70% of the world population.

So it’s like China, Russia, these are global superpowers. So you just can’t go attack these countries and think you’re going to win. This will lead to nuclear war, which is what they’re going to try to do, because what are they going to say? You read scriptures, but you need to understand scriptures. We’ll cover some of this in a few minutes. But it says, you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not deceived.

That’s critical. Do not be deceived. For the end is not yet. These are the beginnings of birth pains. So we’re not stepping into nuclear war. They’re going to try to make you think that, okay, because we’re in the heading into March. So I believe in the next 30, 60, 90 days, we’re going to see definitely nuclear, like missile, whatever fighter jets. We’re going to see attack. There’s going to be war stuff going down.

And then NATO is having their exercises right now. I mean, is that coincidence? No. Yeah, exactly. See, there aren’t any coincidences because when you understand the Bible, it’s all by design. Right. And so on the last two, three shows I was on with you, I basically been saying, watch March because it is their month of war. That’s their God of war march. I don’t know. I’ve also been told to watch April.

Well, yes, because April also ties in biblically with regard to Passover. And I’ll answer those as well, too. So it’s very important biblical time points that we’re in right now. And so let me actually just put this screen up here. So maybe follow along if I share screen here. So I’ve always these. Everything that you talk about, Neo, that we see in the news, we believe that things are political, but it’s really not.

All of this is biblical. It’s by design. We’ve talked about the seals of revelation manifesting. We’re waiting for the third one to happen, which is a financial collapse, the crash of the US dollar and multiplication of precious metals in terms of price. So we’re waiting for that event to happen again. If anybody wants this pdf deck, I customize it for Nino here. Got a bunch of new slides.

You just pause this screen like you would at a restaurant. Scan that QR code and you can have this all for free. Next thing is this is Babylon. It’s a two and a half. Do you want to show that QR code again? Real? Yeah, yeah. You can just pause the screen. People can just pause the screen. Pause it and hit it right there. All right, Bo. Okay. And so next thing you want to look at here is Babylon.

This is the Nebuchadnezzar dream of two and a half thousand years ago. Daniel interpreted, he gave all glory to God. And Nebuchadnezzar freaked out because it was the actual dream that he had. And the dream interpreted the next two and a half thousand years. And this is why I’m telling you people who say life is random, people, you don’t understand. This prophecy is two and a half thousand years old.

It’s the oldest prophecy ever told and it’s talked about, this is in time of Babylon. And then Persia came and then Greece came and then Rome came and the papacy came in the United States. All of these kingdoms have come to pass exactly as outlined in that prophecy. It’s crazy. And the last piece of the puzzle is the Daniel two, verse 34 where God comes in and takes down the statue.

So God intervenes and destroys the statue and then his kingdom will last forever. So what we’re waiting for is the fall of Babylon. We’re waiting for the fall of mystery Babylon. And this event basically from a biblical perspective, in a single day, immense and intense things will go down. And we’re supposed to see it because since this time window is now ending, the 50 year is ending here into March.

So we’re supposed to see something trigger like, I would call a triggering event. Babylon is morphed, as, you know, into called Mystery Babylon. It’s written in revelation 17. Because why these people use the money system, which we just talked about the US dollar and they pull the strings. So they’re called the puppet masters. So they use money for what you’re seeing in Hollywood, in music industry. All of this is about money and purse strings.

Okay? So that’s how they all do all this stuff. And so we’re coming into a time of darkness. This will be the collapse of the US dollar. It will be attacked. We just talked about the bricks. The bricks is tied in directly with this. Then when you read exodus ten, it specifically talks about. So Moses stretched out his staff towards the heavens and there was pitch darkness in all of Egypt for three days.

So I’m telling you something, this is going to be similar to how this goes down. They’re going to attack when truth start coming out. The only option they have, Nino, is to shut down the Internet, to shut down everything. Everything goes on. Like you said, pull the plug. Exactly. They’re going to pull the plug. And that’s their intent. Again, I don’t know whether it’s March or whether it’s April.

Again, I don’t know. I would imagine the first of many events happen. I mean, we’ve already seen the at and t communications go down. We’ve seen the pharmaceutical companies can’t deliver the prescriptions or fill the prescriptions. I mean, to me, these are all like little beta tests, in my opinion. I wouldn’t argue with you exactly. I wouldn’t argue with you. I think you’re 100% right about all that stuff.

It’s exactly right. It totally makes sense. So if we look further here and we put this up here, let me continue here on the screen. So the US dollar is the crux of what we want to really watch. Okay. And I’ve been on your show and I’ve been on for four or five months now. I’ve been showing this chart. You don’t need to be as rocket scientist. All I’m showing you, this is three years of the US dollar period over here, letter a was in January 2021.

Okay? So we saw the US dollar go up and the historic cycle is the very top here. I just wanted to show you this is insanity because this chart, Nino, is three years to the mark accurate. It’s crazy. It basically points from a to b in October, top in 2020. You have B-C-D and e in September, October of last year, and then f. Just so we got e, it then bounced up.

It finished over here, up in f, and now it’s heading down. So the dollar is now in a down cycle all the way into four this letter four this number four. The number four is expected to manifest where it plunges into number four in March. Okay, so March is going to be a brutal month. Yeah. So financially the US economy gets hit. And remember, we’re talking. This is on quadrillions of dollars.

This is not on millions. They use derivative contracts. This is on quadrillions of dollars, possibly a 20% to 30% haircut overnight on quadrillions of dollars. That will everything priced in the US dollars, from real estate to bonds to mortgages, loans, everything gets a one third haircut overnight. This will be devastating. It’ll cause financial institutions to collapse. Okay, and so now let me have you look at this. Okay, so this is why you called me a couple of days ago.

Let’s do a podcast. So this morning I put together this slide here. And it’s really interesting when you look at this. Okay, so look at this slide here. So you have Bezos on February 2 announcing he’s going to start selling stocks. Remember, the dates here are important. Okay. So February 2, he announced he’s going to start doing it. And then a couple of weeks later, we end up finding between Jamie Dimon, Jeff Bezos, Zuckerberg, Walmart, the Walton family, they’ve sold over $9 billion by when? This was posted on Monday the 26th, which means they sold it by Friday of last week.

Are you with me? Yeah. Look at this chart, right? Look at the bitcoin chart. So by Friday they dumped 9 billion. Guess where they put their money, Nino? Look at bitcoin. It went from bitcoin. They went from 50,000 from when they sold last Friday. Last week it went up $10,000 in three days. Bitcoin hit 64,000 this morning. It’s right around 61,000 as we’re speaking. You see, this is what is called front running a trade.

So let me define what front running a trade is, is the practice of trading stocks or any other financial asset to capitalize on advanced insider non public knowledge of a large pending future event or transaction that’s about to take effect on its price substantially. They’re front running the trade, Nino. They know the dollar is going to collapse, so they liquidated their bonds. These people are not stupid. They’re not going to leave their money in a bank.

They’re going to stick it in something. These are the same people that tell you bitcoin or cryptocurrencies are dead. They’ve died 100 times, but yet bitcoin is back at $61,000. These guys that tell you that bitcoin, that. Anything alternate, forget even the bitcoin. Anything alternate to the US dollars of fraud. Like rock. Gold is a rock or a stone, right? Gold is a rock. It’s a relic. You don’t need it.

See these people, they lie through their teeth. They lie through their teeth since on the 21st when he started announcing, so he started liquidating it. Somewhere in the early part of February, bitcoin was at 50,000. It’s up $23,000 in 21 days since he started talking. Since he started talking about liquidating his assets. Jeez. This is. And that means more war. The war is going to escalate, is going to pick up.

It’s going to get pretty nuts. We’re going into the red alert or the red zone of all this. This is going to be where it’s at after March, just like I said the last time. Red October. Now we’re in red hot. March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. This is all going to be hot. Yeah. They’re front running the trade. They know something’s about to go down.

They don’t care that it’s 50 or 60,000 right now. They’re still buying it. Why? Because like I’ve said, bitcoin is going to go triple. It’s going to go six digit. It’s going six digit. I don’t care what anybody says. Why? Because when the dollar loses the status of the world deserve currency, the only thing to own is everything but the US dollar, okay? Gold, silver, good cryptocurrencies. And the grandpa of all them is bitcoin.

So all the big boys are loading up on bitcoin right now, okay? And they’re probably instructed, don’t touch gold and silver. They’re probably instructed not to do that because if they did, they could literally blow up the precious metal market too, and it would go crazy. So they probably have specific instructions. Don’t you dare touch gold and silver. So I guarantee you they’re not touching it. So they’re plowing all their money right now into cryptocurrencies.

What do you think will happen with XRP? So everybody talks about XRP. I just found out the other day. See, XRP, the answer to your question is going to go up. It’s going to go up very impressively. It’s going to have a very. But I don’t know anybody who takes XRP. No one’s going to be taking XRP or bitcoin or anything for payment right now until the dollars crashes and loses the status of the world reserve currency.

And what did you say? The US dollar is ultimately going to become a very strong currency again. Yes. Because when 45 returns to office, he’s going to redo or undo what Nixon did in 71. The US, yes. Bo’s crazy. No, I’m not. You’re going to watch this happen. The US financial system, I believe, not the dollar, it’ll be probably the treasury instrument will be backed by gold. And the reason it’s going to be so powerful because guess who’s in office? You see, we are going to come to power as the greatest nation in the world again when evil falls after God intervenes.

This can’t happen fast enough. Yes, but it has. I mean, the fact that we’re always having to wait until the shit gets really bad and then stop. Hurry up and wait. Hurry up and wait. Hurry up and wait. This is what I joke about too. Think about it. Adam and Eve, God made everything for us. Adam and Eve gave it away. Give it to the serpent right in the garden.

Nino, this was 6000 years ago. God’s kind of funny. This whole story has taken so far, 6000 years. God, couldn’t you have done it like 600 years? You know what I’m saying? But today is about 1000 years. So we’re in a 6000 year story. But this is the crazy part. You and I are blessed to be here. So imagine being standing in Israel, Egypt, at the Red Sea thinking, you’re toast, you’re finished.

Pharaoh’s bringing his whole army at you, you’re finished. And then God shows up now as awesome and you see the sea part and we walk through it as crazy and awesome. That would have been, Nino, what’s coming is going to be bigger and better. This is going to be worldwide, mind blowing, freakish, what’s about to go down here. And we also know what’s going to happen because why we did the podcast, our last podcast was what? What was it about? It was about what’s about the prophecy of the Super bowl.

Okay, and what do we talk about if the Chiefs win? We talk about the trinity. Father, son, Holy Spirit. After they. The prophecy is very specific. After the Chiefs win the Super bowl, we step into the greatest revival in human history, which is specifically the billion soul harvest. So the prophecy right now. So think about it. The win not only was it was a third win for them, they threw it from the three yard line with 3 seconds left.

The guy in the 49 ers who missed the ball was number 33 and the address of the stadium was three, three. And then the quarterback threw 300 yards. So as much as people say the game was fixed, I don’t care. Fixed or non fixed, God knew the end from the beginning, so he knew the Chiefs were going to win. And now we’re stepping into the greatest revival in human history.

Beautiful, Bo. I got to cut it here. It’s got to be a quick one today, but reach back out to you. Let’s continue this in about a week. Two weeks, we’ll be into March. So I think I’m right there with you on this one. This is going to be insanity. I mean, everyone I’m talking to, march, march, march. So both, thank you so much for joining me. I’ll be putting this up tomorrow.

Got it. God bless, man. Thank you. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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