Bo Polny- Super Bowl Prophecy Revealed!? A Billion Soul Harvest To Take Place? Place Your Bets.. | David Nino Rodriguez




➡ The hosts of Nino’s Corner TV, including David Nino Rodriguez, are discussing a live interview with Putin and expect it to reveal some big truths. They also talk about the upcoming Super Bowl, hinting at some mysterious symbolism related to the event. They mention a company called Noble Gold, which helps people protect their savings from financial storms. Lastly, they discuss the importance of the US dollar and how it’s been used in the past to maintain power.
➡ This text talks about a big change happening in the world’s money system. Some countries, called the BRICs nations, are tired of the US dollar being the most important currency. They might try to make the US dollar less powerful, which could cause problems for the US. This could lead to a big shake-up in how money works around the world.
➡ This text talks about a prophecy that says when the Chiefs win the Super Bowl, a big spiritual awakening will happen. It also mentions that our economy might face some tough times soon. The text also suggests that something significant might happen at the next Super Bowl, but it’s not clear what that could be.
➡ The speaker is discussing the idea that we’re living in Roman times and using a Roman calendar. They believe that we’re currently in the twelfth month of the year, which is a significant time. They also suggest that we’re using the wrong calendar and that when the old calendar is destroyed, a new era will begin. This will involve a shift in many systems, including finance and politics, and could lead to a great wealth transfer.
➡ The speaker is predicting a big win in March and April, but warns that things might get tough before then. They suggest staying alert and not panicking, even as situations become more intense. They also mention a plan to bet on the Chiefs in the Super Bowl.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s corner, fluff Tube Edition. I’m with Bo Pony Bo. There’s a lot of things getting ready to come in the horizon here. I mean, we got the Putin interview tonight. That’s happening right now. It’s live on Tucker’s site. I’m missing it just so I could do this show with you, but I’m going to be watching it right afterwards. I expect some massive truth bombs, nukes to be dropped in that sucker.

And it’s all about, I just did a show with SGN on talking about what is the response going to be? Because it’s almost like, I feel like maybe they didn’t have time to work the distractions and maybe some kind of an event to happen during. So I expect a lot of stuff now to begin happening in warp speed. But we’ve all known this. We’ve all known this was going to be a big, big year.

So both, thanks for joining me. Appreciate it, Nino. God bless you. Thank you for having me. And, yeah, all I can say is just expect chaos as we head into February, into March, folks. Get your noble gold. Noble gold. Global financial storms might be raging, but thousands of investors in precious metals are not worried. With Noble gold, they know that whatever happens in their investments will stay safe from the turmoil.

Protect your savings from the market with Noble gold’s investments Ira and claim your free silver virtue coin. Ladies and gentlemen, talk to a noble gold investments expert today, and they’ll talk you through your options. And if you qualify, they’ll guide you through the whole process. Call 877-646-5347 today and take control of your financial future. Or hit the link down below, folks, and get started. All right, Bo, let’s get started on this, because I got to say, even Joe Buck, the broadcaster of ESPN, is saying he’s not going to the, he’s glad he’s not taking part in any of the Super bowl festivities.

And if you look at the Super bowl, which we were talking about earlier, there’s a lot of occult symbolism in this stadium. Is what it’s called the Death Star. Is that a nickname or is that what it’s really called? I don’t know, but there’s a lot of occult symbolism surrounding this stadium and the event itself. Yeah, I was doing some deep diving into this, and it’s really interesting how all these pieces come together.

Can you start looking at it, like, from a biblical standpoint? And then also, you know, that they have their times and their seasons to do certain things. So it’s really interesting to watch all these things manifest, but, yeah, why would they call it the Death Star? Number one because it looks like it, but it’s nicknamed the Death Star. But secondly, do you realize we’ve all grown up watching Star wars, right? At least those in the, in the.

What happened to the Death Star? Think about what happened. Luke Skywalker goes in and destroys the Death Star, and that was the end of the empire. Interesting. And then we’ll talk about prophecy as well in a second. Got, and then this gentleman here, I guess, is some reporter is talking about he doesn’t want to partake in the festivities. I’ve heard from a lot of people within the entertainment industry, like, man, I think I’m staying away from this one, Dave.

Well, just two of my friends have told me that, and I have no desire to go to this. And I know a lot of people that are just kind of, like, opting out, but I have two friends that have told me. I know, I got a good feeling about this one. So people know, they understand the war that we are in right now and that really anything can happen.

And I would say Vegas. I’m not making any predictions, so let me make that clear to everybody out. Not, I don’t have my crystal ball. I’m just saying be leery. Keep your eye, if you go to the event, have a good time. Keep your eyes and ears open. But I’m just saying, for a lot of us, it’s kind of like, I’d rather not take the chance. At least I don’t want to go, and that’s just up the street from me.

Well, and here’s what I would say. You joke about the crystal ball, but the thing is, it’s like, we should never bank anything on a crystal ball because that’s satanic. But from a prophetic word, I really don’t have anything prophetic to tell you that I’ve heard of a prophet say or someone saying something that’s going to happen at the Super bowl. I’m just saying the obvious, that they would have to strike soon and strike fast, especially after this interview that just came out.

They got to distract people. They got to get people’s attention away from what this huge interview that’s taking place right now. That’s just my mind. War gaming. Oh, and I’m in full agreement with you. I think you’re 100% over the target on that one. So I’m in full agreement. What I’m saying is that I don’t have a prophetic word that I know that x, y, and z events are going to happen at the Super Bowl.

I don’t know that. But I do know that when I look at cycles, I know that precious metals are jumping vertical. Next week, something’s potentially going down next week. So that’s like, number one. And then the number two thing. There is a prophetic word about what happens. Not so much. There’s a prophetic word of Bob Jones talks about what happens at the Super bowl with regards to who wins.

So that potentially could be in play here. But it’s what happens after the Super bowl is the big event. Okay? So they might have their plans, and I agree with you, because what’s going on in the news right now, heaven forbid that the truth come out about what they’ve been doing in the shadows. Okay? So we’ve talked. Know, where does evil operate in the, you know, this interview that Tucker’s doing? The bottom line is all that’s going to happen is all I could see happen.

I don’t know what’s going to be exposed completely. Okay? But I do know what’s going to be exposed is deals done in darkness. Okay? Because I guarantee you the gentleman on the other side of the water over there has got a lot of knowledge and information of all these deals done in darkness. That’s why there’s like, that one joke tweet going around right now of all these journalists that interviewed Putin.

Right? They were all journalists, but all of a, uh, he’s called a, like, think about another journalist interviewed. Yeah. You interview Biden, you’re doing journalistic work. You go and interview Putin, you’re a traitor. And then I think they’re also putting sanctions on him. I think they gave him a travel ban to Tucker. I mean, they’re going all out on the EU did this. So, I mean, they’re already punishing him for this interview.

Well, right. And just like last night, someone released. I believe this is true, but someone released a piece of the transcript that’s going to be. So it was on Twitter yesterday or this morning, early. I saw it. And there’s a little piece of what it was going to be discussed. And this is interesting, okay. Because if it is true, these are the words of Putin. Here’s what he said.

And this is really important to understand because you and I have done podcasts before, and what have we. That. How have they built everything? With what, the US dollar? What did you say specifically? As we just started the interview, you talked about owning what, precious metals. So why would somebody want to own gold and silver. Why would you want to own precious metals? It’s a really simple answer.

Because the money system that we grew up with at this point has become a complete. I’ve say this before and I’ll say it again, it’s become a complete and utter fraud. Why? Because we went from the millions in the quadrillions now, which is 1000 trillion and numerous levels of that. Okay? So the money is a complete and utter fraud. And these were the words that he said. He says, these are the words of Putin.

Whether the dollar, whenever the dollar is engaged or whenever the dollar is endangered, the US, the United States takes extreme measures. It cannot afford to have the dollar fail. And what have we said on prior podcasts? You challenge the youth, the supremacy of the US dollar. Look what happened to Saddam Hussein, look what happened to Gaddafi, okay? They tried selling oil for other currencies. Okay? So now you’ve got.

This is a huge issue because you’ve got Tucker over there doing an interview. All I know is that we’re going to be exposed to truths that we’re not supposed to know. We’re going to be exposed to deals done in darkness. And these deals done in darkness are what they are horrific to the people who made the deals. And so they’re going to do anything and everything to not let it.

Like, you know, I love your podcast, Nino’s Corner, because they’re pinned. You see when he’s over there, right, he’s. They’re pinned into a corner. So all they can do, as you always know, distract. So you got this event going on over here, but they want you to look over there. So could something go down this weekend? I don’t know, but I find this whole thing interesting as we’re heading into the end of February, that we’re then stepping into March.

We’ve talked before about timing. I like this example. If you and I had an appointment, say we had an appointment right now for this podcast, but let’s say evil snuck into my computer and changed my logins and convinced me that we have our interviews tomorrow or the next week, right? And so what Satan does is if he can mess with the timelines, he can cause us to miss divine appointments or specific appointments.

And so what he’s done specifically, he’s messing with the calendars of old. And I’ll play a prophecy in a few minutes from now. But what I want to illustrate with that is that we are still in the year 2023. I think people might find this crazy, but when you listen to the prophecy, it’s not because we’ve talked before about the month, because we’re heading into March, okay? So, Nino, if you study their God system, their fallen angel God system, okay? Their month of march is their month of Mars.

The month of Mars. Anybody can google this. Get on your computer and google it. The month of Mars is the month of war. So if the month of march is the month of war, then it would seem they would need something to kick it about. How about the BRICS nations with. Who’s the leader of the BRICs? Putin. Okay? How about the BRICS attack the US dollar and take down its supremacy as the world’s reserve currency? Okay? And Putin literally just said that he goes whenever the dollar is endangered.

The United States takes extreme measures. It cannot afford the fall of the US dollar. And let’s not forget and let’s also said with 100% certainty, it’s about when we’re going to be attacked in America. Not if together with all this. Well, that would be even a secondary event, because basically the attack on the US dollar would literally be all the BRiCS nations. And now. This is crazy, okay? Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, these are countries, okay? We’re talking BRiCs nations.

Now, the Saudis, who compromised the half of the petrodollar. Okay, this is crazy. The petro dollar. The reason it’s called a petro dollar is because Saudis make up the petrol portion of the dollar, which is paper, okay? And so they’ve left. So the Saudis are now with the bricks. So there’s no more petrol in our dollar. Our dollar is nothing but paper or a facade or a scam or a fraud, but it’s any one of those words.

But it’s no longer the petro dollar, and they’ve now joined with the bricks. So now, if you put the math together, between all the nations that joined the BrICs, you’re looking at about 70% of the world’s population, including China. So there’s a prophetic word of Kim Clement. The brothers of Goliath stand in glee. Okay, well, think about what just happened a month ago. You had Putin over at the United Emirates high fiving the king over there, okay? That’s called celebration.

Stand in glee. Okay, so the brothers, who are they? These are nations that are giants, but they’re the brothers of Goliath. They all used to work together, but they’ve had enough. See, think about this, right? It’s like we’ve all agreed on this deal. Secret handshake. The world’s all agreed on a secret handshake. But now you got this administration that’s in there that literally abandoned Kabul. Saudis are, like, freaked out.

So nine days after they abandoned Kabul, they signed a military agreement with Russia. Two years to the exact day later, they now joined the BRICS. So now there’s no more petro in the dollar. And so all these nations are saying, you know what? We’ve had enough. Not of the United States. We’ve had enough of this regime who operates within the United States. Get it? So it’s called the puppet masters.

We’ve had enough of the puppet masters. And because of that, we’ve decided to. Globally, all the nations come together. Now, this is a huge problem because this is not like just going to Iraq and attacking Iraq. This is literally 70% of the global population has now decided they’ve had enough of the globalists. Right? And they did this right at the point. Right at the time that the great reset was about to happen, right where they’re about to pull the plug on everything, go into this digital currency.

Nobody wants to be a part of this. Yeah, they don’t want any part. So what are they saying? The brothers of the prophecies, the brothers of Goliath stand in glee. High fives. Okay, Putin. And the next line was, we will cripple you. So what is that? That is the fall of the US dollar as a world reserve currency and then collapse of the bond market and literally implosion of the financial system.

Not the stock market people, the financial system that involves the dollar and then the bond markets and what props up the bonds, which then put together all of the mortgages and student loans and the whole financial system, which is an enslavement system. Okay? And so you have to understand, why did Pharaoh Chase Israel to the Red Sea? It’s a very simple answer. Because he realized he lost his free labor.

You see, when Israel was working for Pharaoh, he had all the free labor he wanted. How do the present day pharaohs get free labor from us? Nino, you create money out of nothing. You create it out of thin air. You make Neil believe it’s money every day. You go pay your taxes, pay your student loans, pay your credit cards, pay your car payments, and you just keep paying everything that’s created out of thin air.

And so you’re working for Pharaoh. You’re working for the present day modern slavery. 100%. Yes. And so now we’ve got this moment in time where you’ve literally got. This is from this morning, Putin stated, do not challenge the supremacy of the US dollar. They will go to extremes to protect it, okay? That’s why the BRICS nations had to come together as one, because any one nation would immediately be occupied by the United States and blah, blah, weapons of mass destruction.

Same scenario, which end of nothing there, right? And so now you’ve got a global entrepreneur, you’ve got 70% of the world population, massive amount of people now have come together. And they said, we’ve had enough of the global empire, okay? So they no longer want to shake hands with them. And before they were willing to do it, when the other guy, when 45 was in office, Mr. T was in office, right? But now that this other guy is in office, they know the whole thing is a scam.

Okay? They know it. Putin knows it. I think even he actually said in the script that I just read this morning that Putin actually knows that Biden is not pulling the strings. He stated right in there, okay? He stated right in there. But for a lot of normies, a lot of normies have to hear just. That’s just the appetizer to the meal that’s coming. That’s being aired right now.

Okay? So it’s going to be truth bomb upon truth bomb upon truth bomb that’s about to come out, and it’s going to be horrific. And two years ago, I literally said the reason that Russia went, a completely other reason, but there’s an evil intent of what they had some stuff over there, let’s leave it at that. And they’re going to try to release it. Okay? So there was some crazy stuff that was going to go on over there in Ukraine, and Russia had to get in there to stop all that because it was going to get only worse and uglier.

So all of this is coming down to a crazy moment in time. And so now we got this Super bowl coming in. Does something happen? I don’t know. I don’t watch sports. I don’t know who’s going to win. But I’ll tell you some interesting things when you start putting pieces together. So you got the Death Star, which is basically an interesting point, because the Death stars, Luke Skywalker comes and destroys the Death Star, and then the evil regime, that the empire, that falls.

Okay? But you have to also, something’s going to happen like this. I’m going to tell you the reason why is because when you study Star wars, then the evil empire rises again. Interesting. Think about that. What have we said? Right? And then you read scripture and it says, and then I saw another beast rise from the earth and made the inhabitants of the earth worship the first beast that died.

And so we’re going to see the evil empire resurrect again. That’ll be what’s called. What we’ve talked about is mark of the beast system. All things in the future, but they’re not now. And so what we’re waiting for, this is what we’re waiting for. A moment in time where God intervenes upon the earth and stops these evil people, okay? Because Mr. T can do whatever he wants. But the problem is Mr.

T is only. He’s 77 years old, okay? A Satan’s been on this world for 6000 years, okay? See, there’s a little difference between someone and he’s a God, okay? So you got a problem with a guy being a God being on the earth and a man who’s been here for 77 years, okay? There’s no competition. And no matter what Mr. T does, he can’t stop this evil regime for the same reason that what happened at the Red Sea, okay, Pharaoh was never going to let Israel go.

Pharaoh was never going to let Israel go. And so he had plagues set upon him, okay? But the last plague was what? The angel of death showed up. And that was literally God showing up and making such a mark on Pharaoh that he had to. It freaked him out so horribly that because it was literally the firstborn of the entire country, okay, nation, all of firstborn, including animals, were destroyed in a single night.

And you couldn’t deny the fact that it wasn’t a random thing because the fact that it was first born, it was a marker that you couldn’t deny that there was godly intervention, okay? So we’re stepping into a moment in time where we’re going to see godly intervention on this world. So I don’t care what really they have in terms of plans, because the prophecy stands, the brothers of Goliath standing.

We will cripple you. They’re going to bring us to our knees. Okay? So we are going to be attacked. I would say, first off, us dollar, we’re going to be financially attacked. Our economy is going to plunge financially. It’s going to be a very scary time point. But again, see, why would this have to know? Because the guys pulling the purse strings, what are they pulling? Purse strings? It’s the money system.

They sent us dollar to fund the war. See, now here’s like a light bulb moment. So if they use the US dollar to fund all wars, Nino, if the dollar loses the status of the world reserve currency, guess what happens to the war machine very shortly thereafter? Nothing to fund it. Nothing to fund it. So that’s what’s coming. See, 2024 is going to be a year of rest.

This is awesome. 2024 is going to be a year of rest. That’s what’s coming. Now back to the Super bowl. I’ll explain why in a second. But the Super bowl, so if you got this Bob Jones prophecy, and the prophecy was from like the early eighty s, and he basically stated that when the Chiefs win the Super bowl, I’m going to get the words here correctly. Don’t mistake anything.

It says when the Chiefs win the Super bowl, revival is going to break out. Okay, so when they win, revival is going to break out. Now, let’s say they don’t win. Okay? But they’ve already won. I mean, this guy’s talking about this in the 80s. What was the years they won? 2020. So the last time they won was 1970. And this is interesting because you got to look at Jubilee.

Okay, so 1970, add 50 years, 2020. Oh, they won the Super bowl. Interesting. Right. But remember the word do over. Let’s remember the word do over, okay? Because if there’s a word F-R-A-U-D vitiates everything it touches, it’s a Supreme court ruling. Throck Morton USA versus throckmorton. If it’s discovered, if that word is discovered, you go back to the time it occurred, right? That’s called do over. Are you with me? So if they won, we got a do over of what happened in 2020.

This is the cool part. They also won last year. And last year the prophecy was when the Chiefs win, revival is going to break out. And then you had the Asbury revival break out last year, but this was the miss people. You got to put the piece, you got to look at details. The aspirin revival started, I think, on the fifth or the 6th or something like that of February, but the subaru wasn’t until the 10th or something like that.

Okay, so the Ashbury revival broke out four days earlier, so that doesn’t fulfill the prophecy. And the Ashbury revival end up petering out anyways. But it was, I would call an appetizer. An appetizer. So you expect the Chiefs to win the Super bowl? Well, I don’t know, because I better call my bookie. First of, I’m not gambling and I don’t know. Could the prophecy have stated when the Chiefs go to the San Francisco? What if San Francisco wins? That’s the thing, because I was doing some Google searches trying to find the exact words, and I got two times.

The hits were when they win. And one time it says, when they go to the Super bowl. But you could say, though, they’ve already won because they won in 2020 and in 23. But this is the problem. This is the problem with you saying that. Okay, here’s the problem. It says when, after the victory, we will witness the start of the greatest revival in human history. So it’s a sign that God will raise up the apostle chiefs.

No, that God will raise up the apostolic chiefs. That means the people that love Christ, the apostolic Chiefs, to bring in a billion soul harvest in this generation. So following something happen, maybe at the Super bowl, that causes a revival, like some crazy event, something bad happened. I don’t know. I’m just spitballing here. I’m not making any. I’m just having fun here. This isn’t fun. This isn’t fun.

We’re not making bets. Yeah, we’re having fun. We’re not making bets here. We’re just simply saying, I’m taking prophecies. The prophecy says when they go to the Super bowl. Or does the prophecy say when they win the Super bowl? Either way, his wife actually said, when they win the Super bowl. Okay, so I double checked that this afternoon. The bottom line is, after the Super bowl, if we are to usher in the greatest revival in human history, which leads to a billion soul harvest.

Okay, so here’s the problem. It never happened in last year, in 2023, because that was Ashbury, and that petered out. And here’s the problem going back to timing and understand, because when God intervenes upon the earth, so when Jesus Christ started his ministry, what happened was it led to the greatest revival in history, because everybody wanted to be around Jesus. Because when Jesus was on the earth and he got baptized, three and a half years, he’s doing signs, miracles, and wonders.

Okay, so that’s a revival of signs, miracles, and wonders. So that starts the great harvest. Okay. And so we are supposed to witness the great harvest, the start of the great harvest. This is going to be called the great harvest. Okay? Right. I’m understanding this correctly. Okay. But you’re saying it’s going to supposed to happen after the Chiefs win a Super bowl. They won in 2020. They won in 23.

Notice anything? The Trinity. The Trinity. Father, son, holy spirit. So it’d be the Trinity. It’d be the triplicate. See, it’s just fun to put all this together. So you are admitting this is just in fun. We’re just having fun with this. Yeah, but about the same time, too. It doesn’t change prophecy. It doesn’t change the fact that we’re in revelation. It doesn’t change the fact that we’ve got corona on the scene and the first seals open.

It doesn’t change the fact that peace was taken from the earth. So none of that’s changing. What I’m saying is, this is just a fun piece to add to the entire puzzle. But all I know is that the stadium itself is called allegiance. Choose this day whom you will serve. So allegiant is, by definition, it’s steadfast and devotion, especially to a lawful monarch or government. Right? So just all of these pieces are just fun to watch.

But I do know that what we’re waiting for, Nino, is a moment in time where God intervenes upon the world. It’s supposed to happen after the Chiefs go to the Super bowl. Okay? Whether it’s win or whether they go, that’s according to a bob. What’s his name? Bob. Bob Jones. Bob Jones. He passed away. And he passed away, it was on Valentine’s Day. So this Valentine’s the 14 February.

He will have passed away ten years to the exact day three days after the Super bowl. So, Bob. You’re just quoting Bob Jones. According to Bob Jones, when the Chiefs win the Super bowl, they’ll be the greatest revival. But they’ve already won twice. You’re going to say this third is a charm, thirds a charm because we got the trinity, father, son. I don’t know. Neither do I, but I’ll throw a couple.

But I think it’s. Something good happened during this. I mean, I wouldn’t go to this. Even if I get invited, I would not go to the Super Bowl. I wouldn’t trust it. I think something could happen. So if you put all that together, throw it in the bot, mix it up real nice. Yeah. So what I’m seeing here is maybe something happens during the Super bowl which causes a massive revival.

I don’t know. And plus all the symbolism around the Super bowl being the Death Star, all the occult stuff around it, I mean. Yeah, I mean, anything’s possible, right? Absolutely. What should I call my bookie and bet on the Chiefs? I wanted to share this with you just to have you understand the importance of timing in our world. And so we’ve talked about this before, basically, we know the month of December is dees.

That’s ten. Okay. We know the number of OcT is eight. Sept is seven. So December would have been the 10th month. Okay. This is a roman calendar. Understand? We’re still under roman law. Okay. These are roman times we’re living in. And so January was the 11th month. And interestingly enough. Why does it seem like craziness is happening, Nino? Because we’re in the twelveth month. If you look at the calendar, we’re in the twelveth month.Bo Polny

Heading into what? We’re the ending of the last year. Yes. I’m not making this up. People can do all the homework. I’ve done the homework for them and for you, for the people to listen. But the month, it’s just so simple, Dees. Ten. Oct. 8, September. Sept. Okay, so we’re in the twelveth month right now. And so Mars is the month of war. It’s their God of war.

So I’m just trying to put pieces together, because honestly, I don’t have all the answers. God reveals things to me. He reveals things to other prophets, or to many prophets. And what we do is biblically, it’s called we see through the glass dimly. And so what I’m trying to do is put pieces together for everybody that we can all watch the majesty of God and how awesome he is and what he’s about to do.

So what I wanted to show you is, because we’re in the month of February still, we’re heading into march. Now, march is going to be really exciting, because when we step into march. Right, march on the calendar, if I pull it up here, that basically would start the new year. Well, what’s the new year? The new year is the midnight hour. So the midnight hour is when all the deals done in dark meet the light.

So it’s a very powerful time point. And so, all I know is that we’re running on two calendars, and I’m not making this up, because, actually, I’m going to share this with you. I just did an interview two days ago with what two gentlemen called the alphabets, and they actually pulled a prophecy of Kim Clement. So this is crazy. Listen to this. Because we all know the prophet Kim Clement.

Listen to this prophecy. This is cool as heck, because what have I said? If you and I had an appointment and Satan got in our calendar system and messed with our calendars, we would miss the appointment. So we’re missing the appointed time. So the world all believes that we’re in 2024 and God missed it. In other words, because I’ve said, I’ve heard very clearly the year 2023 is the year of Jubilee, and the year of Jubilee is the 50th year.

And then the next year would be the year of rest year 51, or the 7th year from the revelation twelve sign and I’ve given numerous reasons from Roe v. Wade and the petrodollar contract, all in 73. So all of those events were in 73. That being said, if all those events were 73, add 50 years. God’s not lying to us. He said what? That we are to consecrate the 50th year and proclaim liberty throughout the land.

So if God’s right, which he is, he never lies. And Satan messed with the clocks, which he did, because he’s a liar, he’s a thief, he’s a deceiver. Check out. So God told me very clearly in January that we are using the wrong calendar. And there’s two calendars. Listen to this amazing prophecy. I think it was on 2010. So here, check this out. I’ve been a prophet in this house for twelve years.

I do not come with no authority. I come to you carrying a burden. The spirit of the Lord says there have been two clocks, two watches. I am about to annihilate one of the clocks. There has been the agenda and the timing of man, and the agenda and the timing of the, of the Lord God most eye. God said, the one clock has indicated one season, but the other clock has been ignored, which has been mined.

People have said, but there is poverty around us and there is sickness, and things don’t seem to be getting better. The spirit of the Lord said, they’ve been looking at the wrong clock. They’ve been looking at the wrong timing. God said in Jerusalem in the time of Christ, he said, had you known, had you known that this was your day, your day of visitation? The spirit of God says, my dear man, visitation comes from the greek word episcopa, which simply means an inspection.

There have been an inspection during this past decade, but that inspection was to see if you qualify for what I’m about to pour upon the house of the Lord. And God said, I say to you, yes, you have qualified. And God said, I’ve inspected you and I’ve seen your heart want something different. Your heart wants something new. And God said, because of it, I have annihilated the other cross.

I have annihilated the other cross in the Lord, and I have given to you what my timing can take. I’m going to fall out upon you a possibility like you’ve never had before. Come on. Okay, so I get your point. Yeah. I mean, I understand it now. I do. So you’re saying that he annihilated the other calendar, basically that we should not be going by that, right? We’re using the wrong calendar and when God annihilates the old calendar, the roman calendar, we’re going to go into a new calendar because Babylon falls.

If Babylon falls, the seven hills of influence, from financial system to the political system to the education system, to the religious system, all of those hills fall. And when that moment comes in to play, what you end up seeing is a new everything. And this is the fall of Babylon. And Babylon, Babylon the Great, she has fallen. She’s become a dwelling place for demons. What did he also say? He said very clearly in that prophecy.

What? That when this event goes down, he’s going to bring a blessing of prosperity on his church. That’s the great wealth transfer. And then we were talking about the. So why do you want to own gold and silver? Because God’s going to bring prosperity on his church, and it’s going to be the collapse of the US dollar that built Babylon, that’s used for all wars, used for bribes, used for payoffs, which is a complete and utter fraud.

It’s always been about the dollar, the dollar, the dollar that is the root of all evil because they love. Regardless, we both agree that we should expect some events to take place after this Putin interview in the very near future to kick all this off, correct, bo? Absolutely. Yeah. We’re in a full agreement with that. Because that’s what I’m trying to say is that. What I’m saying is, regardless, something could look easy.

There’s something happens at the Super bowl that causes an event, that causes the revival. Or you’re saying the Chiefs win. That causes a revival anyway. I mean, we’re looking at something to happen at this Super bowl. Right? That’s what we’re talking about here. Something will happen from this Super bowl forward again. I don’t know if an event happens at the Super bowl, okay? Because I don’t know. God never told me.

We don’t know. You’re right. We don’t know. Yeah. None of us know. But it’s after the Super bowl that things start to change upon the world, if that makes sense. And I’ll say after the Putin interview. Yeah. And we’re right here. Right? And then Monday, gold and silver are both expected to jump vertical pretty sharply. So why is precious metals jumping? Why is everything happening like this? And all I know is that if this be the case, as we transition from this month of all these truths coming out, all they can do is come out fighting.

Right? What does that mean? Well, when you come out fighting, you put the gloves on. Okay. When they come out fighting, they bring up the military, they bring up the jets, okay? So it’s a whole different. So they’re going to come out fighting because that’s all they got. The two little things they always do. Whenever there’s a financial problem, they create more money out of thin air. Okay? That’s their financial strategy.

And whenever there’s anybody challenges that, they bring on the jets and the war, okay? So that’s really the bottom line of all of this. And so Nino’s corner is a beautiful place to be talking about this because you know about it. When you get pinned, they come up with everything they. And that’s going to be a scary point for the United States. We’ll bring this nation to its knees, and then the next line was.

And then you will hear the sound of great victory. Okay? And so the great victory comes beginning in March into April, okay? So whatever happens here in the near term, there’s a huge victory coming in the month of March. Then we step into April. And if you want, I’ve got. All right, so let’s cut it there and then we’ll talk again. Let’s talk again after the Super bowl.

Let’s see if something happens. I don’t know. I’m definitely going to call my bookie and bet on the Chiefs. Okay. Whatever happens, don’t freak out. It’s going to get worse and worse and worse. That’s the bottom line is scarier and scarier. 100%. This is going to pick up pace. This is going to escalate. Just like I told everybody about Red October. Every month now is a red October.

Going into in 2024 is the way I see it. So, of course, I’m just putting it out there. Like, look. Yeah. Just keep your eyes and ears open. That’s it, folks. That’s all we’re saying. That’s all we’re saying. That’s it. Bo, thank you so much for joining me. God bless you. Bye. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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