Bo Polny- RFK Endorses Trump On 777? Is This Biblical? | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots




➡ David Nino Rodriguez discusses the significance of numerology and its connection to divine intervention, particularly in relation to Trump and RFK. They also introduce a natural pain reliever called Canola Dyne, which has helped over a million Americans and professional athletes manage their pain. The speaker emphasizes the product’s effectiveness and lack of side effects, encouraging listeners to try it. Lastly, they delve into a religious discussion, asserting the existence of God as an engineer of the universe, and the importance of faith in overcoming fear and finding truth.
➡ The text discusses the significance of the number 70 and the belief that it represents a new beginning. It suggests that God uses numbers to communicate and set the stage for future events. The text also draws parallels between Trump and biblical figures, suggesting that Trump’s birth and presidency were predestined. It ends by discussing the endorsement of Trump by Robert F. Kennedy, suggesting this is part of God’s plan.
➡ The speaker believes that a significant event is predicted to occur in September, which will lead to a major change in the political and economic systems of the United States. This change is seen as a necessary “fall” before a rebirth under a new system backed by God’s money, gold and silver. The speaker also mentions the return of a praying president and the fall of the Babylonian system. The speaker encourages preparation and faith, as they believe these changes are the beginning of birth pains leading to a new era.



Alright, folks, coming at you live from Los Angeles in my hotel room. I gotta tell you, Bo, this is exciting. When you sent this to me, the ex post that you sent, I was like, wow. So God’s hand, he’s all over this in the background. So there’s actually numerology that, did you come up with this or did someone else come up with it? Did you find this? I don’t know who found this, but it’s genius. And the 777 lines up with not only Trump, but RFK endorsing Trump, folks. But before we get to that, stay with us.

You’re going to want to hear this because it proves, it proves absolutely shadow, without a doubt that that God’s hand is on this movement. Get your canola dine. If you suffer from any type of daily pain, I need you to listen to this message very carefully, folks. What we know about the root cause of pain is changing forever as we age. Aches and pains are natural, and we’re all searching for effective ways to relieve the pain without side effects and addiction. Let’s be frank. We all have seen the horrors of the opiate crisis. You may have been affected personally and what’s.

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Click on the link below. You get 90 days for free or a free full risk. A risk free for you have nothing to lose for 90 days, folks. Try forward slash Nino. Click on the link down below. Get started on it. I promise you, it’ll change your life. I’m the guinea pig. I try all this stuff and see if it works. And if I feel something or a little bit different, I test it for a couple weeks, boom, I run with it. All right, Bo, here we go. This is crazy. This is. You sent me the expost that you posted.

I was like, is this for real? And it is. Go ahead, pastor. Well, I want to start, you know, with giving all glory to God. And I want to start with scripture, Isaiah 45, verse two. Because this is the essence of this conversation and what’s going on in the world and the presidency and the elections, all of this. Okay? Isaiah 45 two says, I, the Lord God, will go before you and level mountains. I, the Lord God, will go before you and level mountains. Let that sink in. And now we’re going to go through some math because there’s no way that this is possible unless it’s bye design.

So, you know that we’ve spoken how many times and I’ve referenced a Daniel two prophecy, the Daniel two prophecy. And Daniel is, you know, he’s just. His anointing was numbers. Okay? And so you have to understand, when Daniel speaks, their precision use of numbers in math, because it’s God’s math, God’s timing. And so we’ve spoken Daniel two and Daniel two, the reason for the prophecy, the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream two and a half thousand years ago. Why? Because God wanted to show through Daniel that he is God, the only God. He writes the end from the beginning.

And mostly there is a God. So all those atheists in the world, you know, I made a little, you know, a little funny little thing on Twitter or on X, because when you look at the math, I don’t care what people say, you know, scripturally, let’s look at the Bible says, this version, that version, it doesn’t matter, because all the scriptures basically say of all of. All the Bibles say Jesus died on the cross and he rose on the third day, okay? He rose from the dead. That’s the essence and the basis of Christianity. When you take it further, there’s the math that layers into all that.

Can I say something, please? God. That’s really what convinced me that there is a mathematical engineer that we call God because it’s mathematically impossible that there cannot be one. Things didn’t just happen by accident. Mathematics is involved in all things of the universe and in our existence. So to me, there has to, if everything adds up mathematical, which Tesla proved, there has to be an engineer that created all this, because all of it makes sense only mathematically. So that is the universal language. That’s God’s language. Am I right in saying that? Well, what did you just say? You said there’s an engineer who engineered all this.

What did I start off with? Isaiah 45 two. I, the Lord God speaking, will go before you, the engineer who engineered everything. I, the Lord God, will go before you and level mountains. You see? So the scripture that I referenced, you just stated the scripture, your own words. So you actually spoke prophetically right there, that the engineer engineered everything. So the engineer is God, and he engineered everything, and that therefore, he wrote the end from the beginning. That’s why when you understand why, you know, when you and I have great conversations, there’s no fear, because God is in charge of all this.

In other words, he’s given us, you know, the son’s been on earth. Jesus has been on. Been on earth. He’s given us authority to trample on scorpions and serpents and everything. In the name of Jesus Christ. We know that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is king, period. Okay? He’s been here, he’s done that. So Christ is only coming back in the future to redeem the earth, but in the meantime, he gives us things that we can use to really come to the truth. And the truth is, Jesus Christ is king and everything, and he sits at the right hand of God the father.

And so when you look at the math, you know, those that think, oh, no, none of this is. This is just random. So, okay, if it’s random, then please explain to me those watching this podcast. I’ve shown numbers of seven before because that’s the basis of Daniel. So that’s what I use in my analysis. But check this out. Okay? So from the day Trump was born. Okay, so wait a second. So Trump actually picked his birthday? Like, like at what point it used. You realize that God’s in charge of this, because I can tell you one thing for sure.

Trump, Donald Trump, did not pick his birthday. Robert F. Kennedy did not pick his birthday. But you know what’s funny? What’s funny about that, Bo, is that the people in the occult do try to influence birthdays and have certain family members born on certain days of the year, right? Sure. Yeah. They’re going to try to play God. They’re trying to gain God. Let me give you the perfect example. Right? So you know the royal family. When was William born? On the day of the most high. He was born on the summer solstice. Okay? So that’s an example of them using a cult.

So these are sun gods. They’re sun wor. Actually, they’re sun worshippers. So if they’re sun worshippers, go back to Babylon. Right? Egypt, you know, they have the sign of the sun. They worship the sun. So if they worship the. Because that’s why they cause a confusion. They use the word s u n. Write this down. S u n versus capital son. So Jesus Christ is the son of God. These people are sun s u nde worshipers. So that’s why William was born on the day of the most high. What is that? Okay, it’s not when Jesus was born, it was the summer solstice.

Go Google. This is a factual thing. It happens. So they picked the day that he would be born. So now let’s go back to the birth of Trump. Okay? So from the day he’s born. So this is why God’s in the mix. Because God’s all. The number seven represents a new beginning. And so numbers are very important. And that’s why when you see triplicates, because you got the father, son, holy spirit. So when you see a triplicate of seven, you can’t get more powerful than that, aside from triple eight, which is infinity three times over. But n times, we’re using the number seven.

So it’s father, son, holy spirit is a triple hit of threes. So when you look at this math, like, what the heck? So Trump is born from the day he’s born, 70 years, seven months and seven days to the exact day. It’s his first day as president of the United States. People think about this, okay? So. And this has been all over social media in the past already. But the key here is a number 70. Please remember this conversation. We’re saying number 70. As 70 years has passed, something new begins. I’m going to say that again.

When 70 years passes, something new begins because I’m going to play a video in a few minutes from now. Okay? So 70 is key. So now look at this. So Trump is born 70 years, seven months and seven days to the exact days his first day in office. And what did I say when you. Scripturally, the scripture I’ve referenced was Isaiah 45, verse two. It says, I, the Lord God, will go before you in level mountains. What does that mean? I mean, God’s going before and he’s setting the stage and he’s setting a plan. So while all of this noise is going on in the world, God’s working in the shadows, setting up the stage for the perfect kill strike.

We’ve talked about this, right? So we got the perfect kill strike coming in. What an example of the perfect kill strike. What happened at the Red Sea, that was a perfect strike where Israel’s bait walks into the Red Sea and God destroys Pharaoh’s entire army. In a matter of. Think about it. One day, it was over. So in one day, Pharaoh becomes going from the king of the world to dead and is a whole army. Okay? So God’s setting up for the perfect strike. So what we’re seeing right now is, what do we say? So he says, God will go be.

So either Lord God will go before you to level mountains. So what does that mean? It means that God set the stage years ago for what we’re living in right now. Think about this. So Robert F. Kennedy, from the day he’s born, I’m so from the day Trump is born. This is incredible. Seven years and seven months to the exact day Robert F. Kennedy is born. That’s crazy. That’s crazy. I will go before you and level mountain. See, God’s going. So everything going on in the world, this is all noise. Because what I say, we live in not political times.

We’re living in biblical times and mathematical time, what we’ve always. I mean, it’s just crazy to me how this all works out mathematically. And then God’s showing himself through the numbers. He’s showing himself through the. Because God couldn’t do nothing before for speaking through his servants, the prophets. Okay, so that’s. That’s scriptural. So that’s why Brandon. That’s why God spoke through Brandon about Trump being shot in the right ear. Okay. And the blood coming out the right side and going down this was prophesied three months before it happened, because again, it says God can do nothing before first speaking through his servants, the prophets.

God cannot lie. So there. Because he can’t lie. He stated scripturally, the shot at Trump couldn’t happen until he first spoke through a prophet. So we’re seeing all these things manifest on the earth. So now, now we’ll look at the numbers. So he’s speaking through his servants, the prophets. He’s speaking through scriptures because we got revelation, okay? And we’re living through it now. We’re watching things manifest. We’re not in end times, people. We’re in the beginning of the end, okay? So we’re watching things manifesting here on the earth as we’re working our way into the tribulation in the future.

So God’s setting the stage. So I will go before you to level mountains. Okay? So Trump’s born. He already knows the day he’s going to be in office. And then from the day Trump is born, seven years and seven months later, Robert F. Kennedy is born. And this is the wild math, right? This is the crazy part, right? So if you go yesterday, the day of the endorsement, you go backwards. 70 years, seven months and seven days. Robert F. Kennedy was born. Get out of here. That’s insane. You know my Social Security number has three sevens in a row.

I’m not going to say what it is, but I think that’s. There you go. You were appointed. You were appointed again. I didn’t actually, this morning, first thing, it kind of appeared on my screen. You know, Lord works mysteriously. But there’s a guy by name of Glenn, so he actually did. I’m not sure this gentleman is. But give him credit on that one. That’s, that’s. That’s. Let’s just say that again. Seven years, seven months, seven days and. But it’s the same math. It’s the same. This is important because we’re talking presidency, right? So Trump’s birth to the first day in office is seven.

It’s not only seven. Seven, seven. It’s the same. So it’s 70 years, seven months, seven days, and then RFK is born. The exact same. 70 years, seven months and seven days. The exact same. Same math to yesterday, the 20. That’s. I don’t even know that. Well, that’s God. That’s God’s math all over. I mean, God’s hand is all over this. This is incredible to me. I mean, what more proof do you need? I mean, this is when you understand how this works. And it’s biblical and the mathematics behind it. And I always say God is the master engineer to all of this.

How can you doubt this seriously? It’s just such a beautiful thing to see. And we’re going to get scared, and it’s going to be, everyone’s going to be biting their nails. We’re going to be on the edge of our seats. But God’s got this, right, bo? Oh, yeah. Now, okay, so I just referenced scripture. What you’re saying God’s got this. But also this is important because Daniel prophesy say that God wrote the end from the beginning. So let’s listen to the words of Daniel speaking to King Cyrus. This is awesome. And then every time the viewers, please listen, every time Daniel references the word Cyrus or Cyrus says a word, overlay Trump on that, because remember, it’s ecclesiastes.

That which has been will be again. There is nothing new under the sun. So Trump in our lifetime because we got the Old Testament and the New Testament. So Trump is going to, is replaying because he’s already brought in what happened with. He’s basically restored that move the capital to Jerusalem. So he’s doing the things that Cyrus was doing, but Trump is the present day Cyrus. Please listen to this. And whenever you hear the word Cyrus, interlace that with the word Trump. Wow. Let’s hit some of the quick bullet points in that one. He called out Cyrus by name.

Kim Clement. Prophecy. Trump shall be a trumpet. He’s called out Trump by name. It’s been 70 years. Hmm. All of this. When was his first day in office? 70 years. Bird of prey, the eagle, he has gone unscathed. No matter what they do, Nino, they can’t touch him. God goes before him and levels mountains. He’s going to take down the wolves and the tyrants. Listen to that again. It’s incredible what we’re living in. We’re living in biblical times. We’re watching prophecy unfold right in front of us. And the fact that we just had RFK endorse. So we had a Democrat endorsement, not just endorsed, he joined him.

Yeah. First time in history, I believe that is right. Yeah. And it’s almost like now, like now Vance is in the shadow because now it’s almost like RFK, Trump are running together. It looks like, you know, that’s what it really looks like to me. Like King Kong and Godzilla got together and it’s wild. And I think. Let’s just finish on this one right here, Nino. Cause let’s just pull. I see. Let’s put a cherry on top of this conversation and then we can wrap it up. But have a listen to this. This is incredible, because this was actually prophesied.

As credible as all of this is, this was actually prophecy. So let’s have a listen to this. Cause Kim Clement actually prophesied about this in 2009. So have a listen to this. This is incredible. What has happened with the Kennedy says the spirit of God was spoken of. Now I will join hands between Democrats and Republicans and do an unusual thing, says the spirit of God. Come on. They will say what they try to increase now they are decreasing. And God says it shall be a sign that even now that the Kennedys have come to this place, I spoke about it, that there would be a massive outbreaking and outpouring in the system, in this nation, the political system, the three enemies that shall rise up and already on their way, I will take them, I will send in pushments against them.

They will confound themselves, and the station shall rise above the occasion and come to oneness with God, says the Lord. Come on. Wow. I get chills when I hear him speak. Come on. Isn’t that awesome? I get chills, man. I mean, and this was 2009. Where was the convention? Phoenix. Right now. Phoenix. Oh, you mean the DNC. Chicago. Guess what the comp. Guess what? The prophecy was stated. Chicago. Yeah. Wow. Guess what month? Guess what month. Don’t tell me. August. August. It was right on there. August 2009. Mathematical, man. It’s all synchronicities. Come on. God’s in control.

This is awesome how this is going down. Our God is awesome. He’s revealing his Majesty to the world. Why? Because we’re stepping into the greatest time point in human history. I also want, you know, this is kind of finished on this. We’re in a. We’re in a countdown into September 23, okay? Because seven years ago, September 23 specifically was the revelation twelve sign. And then the Kim Clement prophecy stayed very clear. The beginning in September, I will turn things around. So again, I don’t know if things are happening on that date, around that date. I’m just telling you.

But it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s. It makes a lot of sense mathematically to me and biblically. So I feel I’m on board with this. I’m. I’m getting more. And with every interview that we do, I get more and more into this. I get. Cause I’m a believer, though. I believe this is how God works. Here, watch this. Watch this. This is for you, says the Lord. The tide is turning for you. A very strange thing shall happen in September. Moving into the fall, where there shall be a great fall. Fall of the enemies, fall of kings, fall of princes.

Watch and see. For God says, beginning in September, I will turn everything around. And my people shall see an intervention of a kind that they have never seen before. Come on. And my people, let me go. They’ve never seen before. I love God. This is great. We’re just like. As much as they’ve set up Hollywood and everything for their purposes and all the world’s a stage. God’s been working behind the scenes as stated in Isaiah from day one. Man, Bo, this is 45. I will go before you and level mountains. It’s happening. And folks, buckle up.

It’s gonna get fun, it’s gonna get real, it’s gonna get exciting, it’s gonna get nerve wracking. It’s gonna be insanity. Insanity. Both because America, because, I’m sorry. Because America must die. Okay? We gotta go through a baptism, okay? So United States, the corporations gotta die. So. And this is direct America reserve note the US dollar, it’s got to die because it’s got to be reborn under God. And then you got trump coming back, a praying president to rebuild the republic, to rebuild the United States. You know, one nation under God with a federal, with, with a treasury or a monetary system backed by God’s money, gold and silver.

So this is the fall of Babylon. They used the babylonian system that we just watch the Cyrus prophecy. Okay, same, same stuff. This is the babylonian systems gotta come down for God’s kingdom be birthed. So we’re. Remember revelation twelve sign is we’re going through. And we talked about this, right, Nino, Matthew 24. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but be not deceived because the end is not yet. We’re not getting to World War three, people. It’s years out still these again. But we want to prepare, okay? Extremely important because these are the beginnings of what, Nino? Birth pains.

Birth pains. You got it. And so remember revelation. Twelve signs. September 23, 2017. Seven. Seven memorial sevens we’ve been talking about here. Add seven years of September 23, 2017. It’s September 23, 2024. September 23, 2017. Seven years is September 23, 2024. Do not be surprised if we watch that Kim Clement prophecy beginning in September. I will do an incredible thing. The word of the Lord. So something’s about to come down. There’s a lot more to talk about. But I think this is, this is beautiful. We’re going to be doing a show. The next show will be on Bible code.

Yeah, Torah codes. Because the Lord revealed to me that the Torah codes that basically that the hebrew people have been using for generations. Ready? Because what the Hatorah codes are, they literally took the Torah, they computerized it. So they take all the words and they skip count. So like every third letter, it’s like, you know, the tic tac toe, the crosswords, so, you know, every third letter on an angle so that they pull words out. And so it literally predicted the assassination in July for Trump. It’s predicted all these things. But most importantly, which we’re going to talk about, it’s lining the Torah code is the exact same cycle timing that is in the book that I wrote, but I wrote it in the future.

So, so they’re missing so much because the, again, the hebrew nation and christian, and the Christians, we love the same God. We worship the same God. The only difference is the Hebrew People, you know, the Pharisees deceived all the hebrew nation. And so they’re stuck in the law. And that’s the problem. And they’re stuck with the law of Moses. They’re stuck there. And so, you know, through Christianity, you know, and this is an important thing because the prophets, this is cool place to end. The prophets will always be because our God is a living God. So where the God is living is where the prophets are.

Notice that, like we just listened to Daniel, a prophet. These were crazy prophets. Isaiah, Daniel, these were prophets of old that, that God spoke directly through. And notice that Israel has no prophets right? Now, think about that, right? Where are the prophets? See, God, because he’s a living God. He’s a God of yesterday, today and tomorrow. He’s a living God. So based on, you know, the law of Moses, everything stopped for them 2000 years ago. But God’s a living God. So that’s what his prophets on it continues and it will continue to continue. Yeah. Bo, thank you so much.

I appreciate you. Love you. All right, later, bonnite.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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Canola Dyne for professional athletes connection between Trump and RFK in numerology God as an engineer of the universe God using numbers to communicate natural pain reliever Canola Dyne number 70 in numerology overcoming fear through faith Robert F Kennedy's significance of numerology in divine intervention Trump's birth and presidency in numerology

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