Blood Of Jesus Christ RECOVERED! Proof He Is ALIVE! Buried Information Revealed..

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots

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➡ Scientists recovered dried blood believed to be from Jesus Christ, from samples collected from four sources: The Ark of the Covenant, the Shroud of Turin, the Veil of Veronica, and the Holy Grail. This blood reportedly contained only 24 chromosomes, 23 from Mary and one from the “heavenly Father,” instead of the usual 46 in humans, and it was still alive after about 2000 years.
➡ The text illuminates the speaker’s belief that humans, created in God’s image, spark jealousy in evil entities because of their capability to reproduce. The speaker discusses the genetic composition of humans and the concept of Christ as a product of Mary’s DNA and divinely provided Y chromosome. They underscore the importance of having faith in Jesus Christ and seeing Him as the only path to God, drawing parallels between spiritual themes and scientific concepts.
➡ During a religious conversation, the speakers stressed the importance of recognizing Jesus as the savior and that without accepting His blood shed in sacrifice, reaching heaven is impossible. They referred to a video about a scientific analysis of a sample claimed to be Christ’s blood, reportedly showing it had unique properties including 24 chromosomes and signs of life, and reiterated their belief about Christ’s everlasting life-giving blood.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner TV. This is actually going to be made for YouTube. Living blood of Jesus recovered. Now, to me, to my astonishment, I just saw this. I saw it on an Instagram post and I was like, I never even heard of this. So this was well buried. Well buried information. They got it from four samples, four blood samples, the Ark, the covenant shroud of Torrin, Vale of Veronica and the Holy Grail.

They got four blood samples, folks. Scientists recovered three quarts of dry blood from Jesus Christ, which they mixed with saline and swirled it around for 72 hours at room temperature. When they put this into a growth medium for another 72 hours, they studied it under a microscope and discovered the white blood cells were dividing. They were able to get a chromosome count. There was 24 chromosomes, 23 Christ got from Mary and one chromosome in which he got from the heavenly Father.

That makes 24. All humans have 46 chromosomes. 23 from the mother and 23 from the Father. The blood was still alive after 2000 years. Now, this is big. I’m going to go ahead and play the video, folks, forgive me for any hiccups here, but I’m going to play the video that compelled me to call Bo and say, man, we got to do a video on this. This is crazy.

So I’m going to show the video. And that got me to first call Bo. Quarters of that little canister full of this dried blood. We had this analyzed. So you put an amount of this blood in some normal saline and at body temperature, and we swirled this gently for 72 hours. When we put this in a growth medium for another 72 hours and put it under a microscope, the white blood cells were dividing.

We were able to get a chromosome count. There were 24 chromosomes, 23 Christ got from Mary. We got one, which was the sex determinant or the Y from his heavenly Father. For a total of 24. All of us have 46. We get 23 from our mother and 23 from our father. Now this blood, folks, was still alive after almost 2000 years. The people that did the test thought I had pulled a fast one of some kind on them.

Never in their lives have they ever seen any dried blood that was still alive. Can you hear me? Yes. You were able to hear the video, correct? I hope I did that. Thank you. Okay, so this, to me, I was like, wow, I can’t believe what I’m looking at here. I never even heard of this. So this was well buried. Well buried information. And I believe this information right here.

If everyone wants to believe in the science, this is science and undoubted facts that not only did Jesus exist? But he was the son of God, right? Could we say that without a doubt with this type of scientific evidence? You know, everybody that goes down the rabbit hole to disprove Jesus ends up proving that he was Jesus and he was the son of. The evidence is undeniable from, like, when people have studied the crucifixion and how the events of that, there’s so much research been done on it.

And then after the resurrection, what ends up happening is there’s literally thousands of witnesses to Jesus being alive after his death on the cross, right? And so, like, I tell my kids and everybody when I talk about God and evil, because if you believe that there’s Satan, if you believe that there’s evil, say, oh, that’s horrible, that’s evil. Only evil person would do that, right? People are so willing to call out evil.

But on the other end of it, a coin has two sides. There is day and there’s night, right? So if evil is real, so is God. Now, all evil has to do is something very simple. Evil has to do something incredibly simple and just put a question mark in the minds of man. So when you discover something like this, right, the truth is undeniable. But then he just comes in and he’ll make a little twist of something and say, but just.

They’ll just throw a little question mark into something. And it’s just when you go to, say the Ark of the Covenant, or specifically Noah’s Ark, right, Noah’s Ark, they found it. But on the other end you’re saying, well, could it know? Is it really? Right? So you throw a question mark on it and immediately it becomes a possibility, but not fact. And that’s how evil operates. He operates in the shadows.

To put a question mark on everything. That’s a possibility. Just like you’ve had people on your show, Nino, you’ve done incredible research. People on your show talk about giants. Okay, but here is a huge problem with giants for evil. If there is one femur bone that’s found that’s 10ft long, which proves that someone was maybe 30ft tall, takes evolution out of the question. Well, yes, but more importantly, it literally slaps Satan in the face because he proves that what’s written the men of renown thrown out of heaven by the hand of God, they’re thrown out of heaven.

And so it proves what happened, that there was a war in heaven, Satan fell. And so that’s the problem. And then basically they saw the women, they thought they were fair, and next thing you know, they got the Nephilim. And it proves the Bible. Right. So they have to immediately throw anything that could prove the Bible, because basically this is a race to the finish line. And Satan’s going to use these giants and this evil stuff and the alien card in the future when it comes to taking this all has to be buried.

This all has to be buried. Yeah, because their alien card is very simple. People call it the Rapture, but it’s not so much rapture. It’s a translation of the word catching up. The catching up literally says in first Galatians or first Thessalonians, it says, we get caught up. That’s the word is caught up. We get caught up. We meet Christ in the clouds. And then you read Matthew, thy kingdom come.

So then Christ brings heaven to earth, and then we reign on earth with Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, Alpha, Omega, the beginning and the end. And so he’s never died. And so they have to prove that. But that was the biggest mistake Satan ever made. The biggest screw up, aside from going against God in the heavenlies, right, and getting thrown out of heaven. The biggest, the stupidest thing Satan ever did on Earth.

Crucified. Second crucified JesUs, because he didn’t realize that he just undid Jesus Christ by dying on the cross and his blood. This is what we’re going to talk about, the blood. By dying on the cross and the blood of Jesus, he is able to. Now he undid what Adam did in the garden. But evil cannot contain itself. Evil cannot help itself. Yep, Adam sold us out in the garden.

He sold the entire earth. Because God made everything for man, remember, he made everything. The man was made on the last day. And then he get here, this is all yours. He gave it the. When the serpent showed up and they bit the fruit, okay? Literally, they gave up their dominion. So Satan has legal authority over the earth. That’s why Satan is. He changed it from Lucifer to Satan.

And also when you watch Superman, right, his halal. Halal. Because this is who Satan is. They’re all the loose. And so because of this on earth, evil has legal authority because he was given it by Adam and Eve. And when Christ returns, he’s coming back to not to save us. He already did that on the cross. He saved us on the cross. Christ is returning to redeem the earth.

So that’s why he comes back twice. First time he showed up as a second Adam to give us dominion and authority we can trample on the necks of serpents, which happened in the garden. So now we have legal authority given back to us by use of the name Jesus Christ. The blood of Christ. So the blood, it’s all about the blood. That’s why they do ritualistic blood sacrifices with all the stuff that they.

So this is about the blood. This has always been about the blood. But the craziness about this video you just played, which we can add another one on top of that. This is the wild part. When someone dies, their blood dies. Going to repeat that? When a man dies, their blood dies. You can get a DNA sample, but you cannot get chromosome counts. That’s the crazy impossible, correct.

It’s impossible. It’s impossible. And so let’s just kind of a brief analysis from what I learned in medical school, but just a rundown for the people before we Play the video and give more details on this. A person, you and I, we would have 46 chromosomes. If you screw around with that, like, let’s say you have an extra chromosome. Well, that’s called down syndrome, okay? So you cannot have an extra chromosome because you mess with the perfection, okay? And so the perfection is what God created.

He created us in his image. So that’s why Satan’s so pissed, right? Because we were made in his image, and so we can have children, we can do all these awesome things, and evil can’t do that, so that’s why he hates us. And so his only one goal on Earth is to take your soul. Daniel Brinkley, on my show says that we are the envy of the universe because we can reproduce.

We have the spark of life. That’s right. Exactly. It’s exactly it. So it’s a spark of life. And that little spark, when the sperm hits the egg, you got a spark of life. I’ve seen it under microscope. Yes. That light is life, right? That is God right there. That spark of life. Bad. And so the chromosome count is 46. Now, let’s do the math of this, okay? So you have what’s called autosomes, and then you have your sex chromosomes, okay? So a person, I would have 22 autosomes, and then I, because I’m male.

So the Y chromosome, leave it at that. The Y chromosome itself says that I’m a male. And so that would be that I have 22 autosomes. And the sex chromosome, which makes that would be a total of 23. You have the same thing. Now, when you have children, your wife has 22 autosomes, and she would have what’s called an X chromosome. And so when they come together, you end up having 46 chromosomes.

So this is the crazy part with the blood of Jesus, right? So Jesus, because the Holy Spirit came into Mary, and the Holy Spirit gave Mary what? A Y chromosome. Because Mary’s a woman. She didn’t have a Y chromosome. She only had her 22 autosomes. And then she had her X chromosome, which made 23. So that will be 22 plus one is 23. The Y chromosome given to Mary by way of the Holy Spirit made it a total of 24.

Now, this is the crazy part. So Jesus ends up being, in other words, because you have to understand, it was about why did God choose Mary, going all the way back to Adam and that lineage. And then you got all the bloodlines, right to David that Mary came from, which goes back to creation, because you’ve got Adam, then you got Abraham, then you got the blood, then you got the bloodline transfers to David, and then David is the bloodline of Mary.

And so it’s a pure bloodline going back to creation. And that pure bloodline, all it was missing was the Y chromosome. That’s crazy. And so the Y chromosome ends up creating Christ. And so, in essence, Jesus was a clone, if you want to use that word, of Mary’s DNA. But then the Y chromosome made him a. Because there weren’t any other chromosomes. And this is the crazy part.

When you start under, it’s not possible, but it happened. That’s why nothing could touch Jesus, because any viruses or anything, anything that was of man to affect man wouldn’t touch Jesus because he was not. Are you going to share the screen? Man in the flesh through Mary, but he was God through the Y chromosome only, and he lacked all the other chromosomes. It’s really an incredible story. It’s incredible how this happened.

And then the crazy part is, and this is a factual statement, you can ask any scientist that does blood reconstitution. Okay. When you take blood and you put it in a petri dish with saline, you stir it for 72 hours. I’ve done it when I was in school. Right. You do all these things, and next thing you know, you liquefy the blood. All these things happen because you want to extract what, the DNA from it, because you know that there’s no chromosomes in there.

So in order for there to be a chromosome, this is the ultimate thing of this conversation. In order for there to be a chromosome or a chromosome count, it has to be living blood. Incredible. Incredible. Are you going to share the screen to show people what we’re talking about? Let’s do this. Yeah. So watch this video. This is really incredible. ANd this thing, when I started going on the rabbit hole, like years ago, I learned of this.

And how old is this? Because this has been buried for quite some time. It’s new to me right now. Maybe some people may have known about this, but I did not. So I’ll admit. Yeah. So I learned about this. I saw this video. I don’t know the year, but I’m looking at the videos. Yes. The research was done. So this was. Ron Wyatt did this research. And this was like in the 70s or the 80s.

Okay. They buried all this. Why? Back to the beginning of conversation. If you prove that any part of the Bible is real, it’s all real. You see, you have to put a question mark on anything biblical. Because if one piece of it’s true, then there’s a possibility that all of it’s true. And so they have to hide the truth. And what is the truth? Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father but by him, period. You are not to pray to any other gods or Pharisees or anything. Because the reason this is so critical, because look at what actually, when you look at Moses, right? He wanted to see God, right? And God just kind of flashed by him. I forget how the whole story goes. But he couldn’t look at him because if he saw him, he would burn up.

See, God in all his glory is so powerful, so mighty, that anything that if you see him, you would burn up. Because he’s so pure. And so the reason for the blood is. And remember, before all this in the garden happened, I’m not sure if you know, but God the Father, after creation, he would walk in the garden with Adam. He walked in the garden with Adam. It was after he fell.

God could not be around Adam anymore because he introduced sin. He would introduce sin. But more importantly, if God exposed himself to Adam, Adam would have burned. Have. Because the glory is so pure and perfect, so evil cannot even be in the vicinity of God. And so that’s why you have to be covered in the blood of Christ. It’s kind of like a microcosm of. That would be a vampire that comes into sunlight.

Right? It’s like, yeah, I guess they burn up. They burn up with the light. Exactly. Right. And so that’s true because they burn up because the light is so powerful to them. It burns them up. Right. And so you could look at that as the blood. The light would be God. And so anything so evil, when it approaches it, it burns up. That’s a beautiful example. But when you’re covered with.

So when you know, Jesus Christ is your Lord and your savior. You’ve given yourself to Christ, and he is the truth. Away and the light. No one comes to Father but by him. You eat the bread, you drink the blood, you cover yourself in the mighty, the beauty, the majesty of the Lord and Savior. So you’re accepting him into your heart. So now he covers. You’re covered in the blood of Jesus.

So now Jesus can take you to the Father, and you can actually stand with the Father covered in the blood of Jesus. Beautiful. It’s beautiful. That is the reason, and I hope my audience is watching this and feeling better and more grounded in their faith, because what I’m trying to do with my program and with Bo here is help people hold people’s hands through this turbulent time that we’re in and going into more of in 24 with all the stuff that’s happening within the war, within our government and the world, to have more faith and be grounded.

So go ahead, Bo, share the screen. Right. And also one other thing. This is the thing that my friend, Arthur Palowski, the preacher from Canada, right, like, he literally saw God, showed him a vision of a fence, people sitting on it. The fence went to infinity. You couldn’t see the end of the fence, but there was people sitting it all to the end, right? He saw two hands come up there, the hands of God.

And when God was done shaking that fence, there was no one sitting left, sitting on the fence. They either went to the side of evil or they went to the side of Christ. Okay? There’s nothing in between. Because at the end, you stand before God. It’s very clear in the Bible, all knees, even Satan, even the all evil, everyone, everything will bow to Jesus. They will know, just like what happened.

Think about the beautiful example that we can read in the Scriptures. What happened to Saul, Paul, right? Saul was out killing every single Christian he could. Right? He was killing everybody because he was sure in his head he was right. Because it’s like when you’re so smart, you don’t have wisdom. Ego. See, he was so smart, he didn’t have wisdom. But the moment, this is cool. The moment he fell off the horse, the light appeared.

He fell off the horse. The first thing, Jesus showed up. The first. And when he’s killing everybody because of Jesus, Jesus appears to him. What did he say? Lord. Lord. The first word out of his mouth. So in other words, he fell. He realized in a split second that Jesus Christ was Lord and savior and king of the understand? So in a split second, that’s something all knees will bow to Christ, evil will.

The evil is going to bow to Christ, the evil one, the one that chose evil because they chose poorly. Why? Because they’re going to try to buy their way into heaven. They’ll throw their gold and silver in the streets, right? And God’s going to say to you, I don’t know you, I don’t know you. You didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. So that’s the whole point of understanding how powerful that blood is.

Because without the blood, you will never be in heaven. Be able to stand beside God the Father, the creator of all things. You can’t, it’s not possible, because we’re all sinners. Because we all come from the bloodline of Adam and Eve, creation. We all come from that bloodline. So the only way to fix that is to be covered in the blood. So when Jesus Christ presents you to his father, okay, you can stand and your father can say, well done.

Well done. And so that’s why it’s so important to know who Christ is, because you’re never going to get to heaven unless you are covered in the blood of Jesus. Let’s show the video. So here’s the video. So let’s play this and watch what he said. When they freak out, they freak out. THese are the scientists in Israel. Freak out. Why? Because they find one thing, that the dead blood is alive.

Here’s the video. Enjoy this test. You there. The sample was placed under the microscope. And as the specimen began coming too fast, son of Pidge, if you will, slow it down. At that time, Maynal, who was standing behind me, began to weep. As I turned around and saw the expression on her face, I realized immediately that the sample we were looking at was actually the sample that Ron had found to be the blood of Christ.

Dried blood is dead blood. Everybody knows that. All right, they can test the blood of the pharaohs, the mummies of the pharaohs, all right, there are certain things they can do. They cannot get a chromosome count by any method I’m familiar with. All right? Things keep changing. I don’t profess to know everything. However, there’s no way I know that you can get a chromosome count out of dead blood.

You can get a DNA and some other things, but not a chromosome count, all right? That’s done by living white blood cells. Now then, first of all, in this analysis, I took the blood into a laboratory in Israel. I asked one of the people I work with in antiquities where is a good laboratory that does reliable work? And they said, such and such, such and such. I took it.

I just said, please examine this blood and tell me what you can tell me about it. All right? They said, well, look, we’re going to reconstitute it. We’re going to put it in normal saline and keep it at body temperature for 72 hours with gentle swirling. All right? That’s their business. That’s great. I said, now, I want to be there when you check it out. They said, fine.

So I was back. They checked it out. I said, now, they said, it’s human blood. We can tell that they did whatever test they need to do. And then I said, take some of the white blood cells and put them in a growth medium and keep them at body temperature for 48 hours. And they said, well, that’ll do no good because it’s dead blood. I said, would you please do that for Me? They said, okay, we’ll do it.

So anyway, I said, I want to be there when you take it out and Examine it. So I was back there. They took it out, Examined it under MiCroSCope, and the One Technician called the Other one over there, and then they called the BOsS over there, and they were talking Hebrew a mile a minute there for a little Bit. And they looked at me and they said, Mr.

Wyatt, this Human Blood only has 24 Chromosomes in it. Everybody else has 46. You see, 23 from your mother, 23 from your Father, 22 Autosomes from your mother, 22 Autosomes from your father. You get an X From your mother. You may get an X Or A Y from your father. All right, this blood had 23 chromosomes from the mother’s side, one Y chromosome only. You see, the Child could not have developed if they hadn’t had the Autosomes from the mother.

So all of his physical Characteristics were determined by his mother’s side of the family, her Autosomes. His maleness was determined by this one. Why? That came from the source, not a human Male. Then they said, this blood is alive. And then they said, whose blood is this? I said, it’s the blood. If you’re my later, Ron Wyatt would confirm that this was the ark of wow. That is powerful, man.

So powerful, Right? The one phrase in there, this blood is alive. You don’t get blood coming back to life, but the Christ blood does come back. It’s alive. Jesus Christ’s blood is alive. That’s why it’s called the Living. Uh, before we end this Program, Bo, will you lead us in prayer and everyone watching this video that their lives may be changed and see the light, especially what we’re going into what we’re coming into.

Will you lead the, please, please. Yeah, Father, I just pray that everybody here listening to this Podcast really has eyes to Hear, eyes to see, ears to hear, and really takes the time and Listens to this Podcast A Second, a third time that takes this Podcast, shares it out to the masses Just so the world can know how amazing, how glorious your Son is, Jesus Christ, for what he did on the cross to show the world that his blood never dies.

His blood is the living blood. So, Father, again I ask, and I thank you for having Nino, for using Nino so you can use his platform to push your message of glory across the world. Because yes, we are living in biblical times. These are not political times. They are biblical times. We’re living in them right in front of us. These are amazing times that we get to live in.

And I thank you Father, for allowing Nino to use this platform to push out this message. Again, we thank you for all of what your son did. We thank Jesus Christ for what he did on the cross. Thank you Father. We love you. We ask that again, I ask personally, Nino I know is asking personally that all of the people listening to this podcast Share this podcast out to the millions of people in the world, billions of people in the world, so that they may know your son Jesus Christ.

Because your son Jesus Christ is the truth, the way and the life. No one, no one will come to you, Father, but by the blood of your son Jesus Christ. We ask this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen and amen. Man and the living God, literally. All right, Bo, thank you. It’s very powerful. Thanks for reaching out to me. I literally called, I wanted to do this.

I was going to do this. Wow. Yeah, Bo just called to say hi and I said, bo, I got to have you on the program ground for this. So folks, Bo, stay on. I want to talk to you right after this. Folks, please share this with someone you love far and wide. Also those who know my work, it’s 4000 years of the Jews, 2000 years of the Gentiles, 24.

What a coincidence. Thanks, Bo. .


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24 chromosomes in Jesus blood Ark of the Covenant blood samples heavenly Father's contribution to Jesus DNA Holy Grail blood findings humans created in God's image Jesus blood alive after 2000 years Jesus Christ dried blood recovery Mary's DNA in Jesus blood Shroud of Turin blood analysis spiritual themes in Veil of Veronica blood evidence

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