Billionaire Bozo Mark Cuban Embarrasses Himself With Most Ridiculous Claim About The Media EVER

Posted in: Mark Dice, News, Patriots



➡ Billionaire Mark Cuban, known for his business investments, has been criticized for his views on the media’s portrayal of political figures. He suggested that the media, which he believes leans conservative, has positively influenced Kamala Harris’s approval ratings. Critics argue that Cuban’s views are misguided, pointing out that most mainstream journalists are Democrats. They also highlight Cuban’s inconsistency, as he previously expressed support for Donald Trump before changing his stance.
➡ The text is about an online store, Mark Days, which sells unisex and women’s cut t-shirts. If you can’t find the women’s cut on the main page, click on a shirt and scroll down to find it. Visit Mark Days or click the link in the description to check it out.


Billionaire business investor Mark Cuban is a moron. He came down with Trump Arrangement Syndrome years ago and appeared on CNBC, the financial news channel, to talk about the election and made this ridiculous assertion that the mainstream media is actually conservative. She was at 28% favorability and then as you say things change. She’s all the way up to about 50%. Talking about Kamala Harris’s approval ratings before the overtime liberal media industrial complex gaslighting to promote her as the savior of our country. I would just argue that filling in the blanks does not account for that move and that the main the media coverage has been so positive and almost marked that it’s like so deceptive as well.

We don’t have to worry about trying to elect this guy who was clearly not not up for another four years and it’s not Donald Trump so they would have been the left and the people that need a candidate would have embraced anyone at that point and you know ABC it was a hundred they would have embraced a ham sandwich as long as it wasn’t Joe Biden just like they embraced John Fetterman who has the brain of a ham sandwich for Senate in Pennsylvania even though he couldn’t literally finish the sentence and you know ABC it was a hundred percent positive coverage of her 92 percent negative of Trump so Elon says what changed what changed the media coverage okay first brainwash the mentally enslaved masses obviously what’s the most watched news channel who were the most watched and viewed and listened to podcasts who were the most watched and listened to Fox yeah yeah no it is not Fox is the most viewed cable news channel but certainly not by far the most viewed news channel the old-fashioned broadcast networks ABC NBC and CBS by far eclipse Fox News viewership every single night not to mention the morning shows on those old-fashioned broadcast networks as well right I mean it’s not close right the number one shows are all Fox the number one podcast so even right even in spite of that she’s been able the reason why the number one podcasts like Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino our conservative podcast is because those are the only places that we could actually get conservative news because you’re not gonna get it on any of the major broadcast networks or really any of the major newspapers or online outlets other than Fox News and Newsmax which is still probably literally has fewer viewers not to disrespect them because I think they’re great fewer viewers than my YouTube channel and if you look at the political affiliations and especially the donations from the mainstream journalists almost all of them are Democrats now many of them are technically registered as independents because they try to pretend that they’re objective that they’re not biased but if you look at the political affiliations of all major journalists from the major outlets over the years like this chart going back to the 1970s you can see a 25% of them were Republicans in 1971 and then it just keeps dropping and dropping and then in 2022 less than 4% of them are Republicans his stupidity has no balance look at this poster earlier this month no question he says the mainstream media protects the Republican candidate he can’t even bring himself to say Donald Trump’s name by not reporting on what he literally says if anyone else used the exact same language is talking about something he said at one of his rallies they would dismiss them as incoherent senile incompetent or worse this is the same thing that Hillary Clinton said when she crawled out of the pit of hell I think it was 24 hours or 48 hours after the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump to say that the mainstream media isn’t demonizing Donald Trump enough and I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is you know the late great journalist Harry Evans you know one time said that you know you know journalists should you know really try to achieve objectivity and by that he said I mean they should cover the object well the object in this case is Donald Trump his demagoguery his danger to our country and the world and stick with it stay tuned because more to cover this video but real quick subscribe to my channel for new here if you want more independent analysis like this that doesn’t sugarcoat things like conservative ink in the corporate conservative media would you like to embarrass yourself any further mr.

Cuban when she was unable to answer the question about are you better off now than four years ago I think that was four years ago literally we can look at exactly what happened he’s already been president and we can look at what happened when she was vice president and it’s not good the comparison the president Joe as you know is different than being vice president it’s not so we try so she can take she can she can take credit for the good things that happened with Biden but she didn’t have anything to do with the bad sorry sir but as vice president Kamal Harris was literally in charge of the border which she not only left wide open but opened even wider and encouraged the invasion of our country Mark Cuban’s idiocy inspired this headline from the Babylon B this week Mark Cuban inspires thousands by approving even the very retarded to become wealthy and by the way the reason that he’s a billionaire is because he got lucky during the dot com boom with an investment in a website broadcast com which aimed to take local AM sports radio stations and then feed them through the website so the people in other cities could listen to local sports and then because there was so much insanity regarding speculation about what certain websites would be worth in the future Yahoo which had virtually unlimited money at the time bought the website for over five billion dollars and then it wasn’t even close to being financially sustainable even though it was a good idea and so then soon afterwards they shut it down and here’s mr.

Cuban back in 2015 talking to Patrick Bette David before he really blew up sounding like a normal person a normal educated American so one will call you a Democrat and no no hell no no no look there’s there’s different things for different reasons right would you be comfortable with a capitalist like Donald Trump being our president yeah I don’t have a problem with it I like Donald and he’s smart you know like a lot of candidates and politicians you vote for not what they say but knowing that 99% of they say won’t come true what they’ll do right once you get it he was gonna follow through and do I think he’s smart enough to figure that out and then just do the right thing after he’s elected yes and then Hillary and Bernie say okay tax the 1% and that’ll pay for everything doesn’t work right won’t work you know Hillary’s um pay for college her plan is ridiculous it’ll increase college costs not reduced you know so they don’t so that was before the liberal media industrial complex made it virtually impossible for any a list celebrity to support Donald Trump publicly and keep their career so now he’s on CNBC promoting Kamala Harris and the communist agenda and claiming that the mainstream media is conservatives oh and by the way he’s also pipedreaming about buying Fox News and Twitter which would never happen because he has a net worth of about five billion dollars and Elon bought Twitter for forty four billion dollars and even Fox News which is owned by News Corp news Corp is worth 15 billion dollars but speaking of a billionaire buying up media George Soros is trying to buy 200 radio stations across the country and it looks like the Federal Communications Commission is expediting the approval so of course he’s just a philanthropist George Soros has just an investor who is buying hundreds of radio stations across the country and propped up hundreds of millions of dollars to them here’s one more example of just how bad Mark Cuban’s Trump’s arrangement syndrome is he’s upset that Donald Trump hasn’t invested any money in startups or in companies that don’t involve family members for all Trump supporters he says a question which startups is Donald Trump ever invested in that didn’t involve family members and we all know that Haiti has been in the news lately since tens of thousands of Haitian immigrants were imported into Springfield Ohio to Brown the small towns and the president of Haiti just spoke at the United Nations where he’s demanding reparations for all the black people on the island and because it’s a third world country there isn’t a lot of modern conveniences in many parts of Haiti like plumbing toilets and running water and apparently the president of Haiti doesn’t know what a cup is or a glass to drink water and so during his speech he just picked up the pitcher and took a gulp right from it rest respect for its dignity in case you missed it I launched this new cat lives matter shirt from my online store mark days calm or you can click the link in the description below and this one is available in the standard kind of unisex t-shirt and also a woman’s cut as well so if you don’t see that on the main homepage of my online store just click on this shirt and then scroll down a little bit you’ll see it down below so head on over to mark days calm or click the link in the description below and check it out

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