Posted in: News, Patriots, The Healthy American Peggy Hall



➡ Peggy Hall from discusses an upcoming 2024 gala by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. She mentions that she receives newsletters from various health organizations, including the CDC and EEOC. She also promotes a video by Dr. Amy Lee about harmful foods that are falsely marketed as healthy. Lastly, she reveals that pharmaceutical companies like AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer are sponsoring the gala.


Hey friends, Peggy Hall back with you from the How would you like to attend this 2024 gala from the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases? Yes. This invitation popped up in my email and I decided to do a little digging here. And I want to tell you a little bit about one of the awardees here, Grace M. Lee. And I’m going to share with you the sponsors of this event. Yes, you got it right. The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. Wait until you see who is footing the bill. Let me know in a comment below if you can guess which companies are going to be shelling out for this gala.

Now, what I like to do is actually sign up for newsletters from some of these organizations. I get newsletters from the CDC. I get newsletters from the EEOC and from the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. You can sign up for all kinds of newsletters to see what is going on in these big nonprofits. In fact, I’m going to share with you as soon as I bring you a message from the sponsor. I’m going to share with you exactly how much money some of these big nonprofit organizations get. And you can bet who is lining the pockets.

What I do want to do is thank the sponsor of this video. And you are interested in health as am I. And so we are going to hop right on over to three harmful slash Peggy. This is a very informative video created for you by Dr. Amy Lee, who tells us that we live in the most advanced era in human history. And apparently there are more medical breakthroughs than ever before. So why are millions of Americans more unhealthy and more overweight than they’ve ever been? Well, Dr. Amy Lee answers that question for you.

She is a U.S. board certified physician and she’s an expert nutritionist. And she says that one of the main reasons is these three harmful foods that are being passed off as health foods all over the country. And these foods cause weight gain, they can clog your digestive tract, they deplete your energy, they wreck your skin, and they’re basically banned in other countries. Shockingly, they’re still legal here in the United States. And that’s why Dr. Amy Lee is shining a light on what these foods are. She explains the side effects from these foods and how they are wreaking havoc on the health of millions of Americans.

And the great news is that it’s easy to stop and reverse the damage of these foods when you learn what they are and how to spot them. So when you do that, you can experience easier weight loss, smoother digestion and more vibrant energy. So to find out what these three fake health foods are, go to three, that’s the number three, slash Peggy. And I will have a link for you in the description box below. Dr. Amy has done years of extensive study and she put together this revealing video for you for free.

So you never have to be duped by these foods again. Find out all you need to know to regain control over your body and health at slash Peggy. And I will have a link for you in the description box below. Friends, imagine my surprise when I was invited to participate in an online auction and I’m going to share my screen and show you exactly what this is. Let me know if you are signed up for any of the newsletters from the CDC or the NIH. This one comes from the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases.

Yes, I have some questions about those infectious diseases and there is online bidding open. Now you can win a trip to Greece, you can go on a cruise, you can go to the final four basketball games and check it out. This is who is, let me increase the size here. You can support this foundation and look who the gala sponsors are AstraZeneca, Bavarian Nordic, Moderna, and Pfizer. And then there are others, Merck, the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, and a bunch of others that also are in big pharma. Now what I decided to do was to do a little digging in terms of one of the attendees who actually is going to be getting an award and let me share that with you here.

I wanted to find out more about these awardees from the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases and I just decided to look into Grace Lee and here’s what I found out about her. So she also has been graced with the title of the 2021 Distinguished Service Award and this is from the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society. Now this really troubles me because she is a leader in pediatric infection prevention and she got this award because she has been, and I quote, a leader in vaccine safety. Isn’t that wonderful that now these things are deemed safe? Gee, where have I heard that phrase before? Vaccine safety.

I’m going to share that with you in just a moment. Her efforts with the Vaccine Safety Datalink Project have helped establish the safety of inactivated influenza vaccine and the tetanus diphtheria acellular pertussis vaccine in pregnant women. That means that pregnant women and their developing babies have been tested on like guinea pigs and she is being applauded for this. In fact, it says that her contributions to our field in pediatric infectious diseases, meaning vaccines for children who cannot give no consent because it’s up to their parents to put them on the block as human guinea pigs.

So she also had an extraordinary career in her leadership on vaccine safety during the cooties hog washing. I’ll just put it that way. So vaccine safety, vaccine safety, vaccine safety is all over this document and it put me in mind. Where have I heard that before? Oh, I know from Children’s Health Defense. Yes, your friend Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a vaccine safety project over here at Children’s Health Defense. Why it’s called Vaccine Safety is a question that I have. It seems like an oxymoron to me. Don’t you think instead of using the word safety, they should use the word danger or harms? Yet putting those two words together just seems very convenient.

Where else have I heard that before? Oh, I know from Steve Kirsch. He actually has an entire organization that you can donate to and it’s called the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation because apparently if you do enough research and there’s enough money that goes toward poison, apparently someday poison will be deemed safe. And there’s all sorts of interesting guests that he has on his show. I doubt I’ll ever be on his show because I reject the concept of putting those two words together. And I would like to hear what you have to say.

Actually, I know what you have to say because so many of you have written to me. In fact, I think I’ll do another video about that because whenever I bring up my concerns about all of the money that is going for this testing, it usually involves, I don’t know, Granny Gates and those organizations. I brought a video to you recently about the millions of dollars out of your pocket. Yes, the taxes that have been stolen out of your paycheck and your social security. That money is going to the pharmaceutical companies for testing, for safety testing.

I don’t even like to put those two words together. Harm testing, I think is a better turn of phrase. And many of you have asked me, well, Peggy, does that mean that you are not in favor of any testing at all? I’m not in favor of testing on children. And when these organizations are calling for expanded testing on the childhood vaccines, no, I’m not in favor of that at all because all it means is more vaccination because more children will have to be in these trials and they don’t have the ability of no consent, not to mention the innocent animals that don’t have the ability of no consent.

To me, all of this focus on the testing is what’s called a red herring. And a red herring is, hey, look over here so that you don’t look over here, which is the fact that no government, no employer, no school, no healthcare provider, no store clerk at Trader Joe’s has any right to require you to inject something into your body, period. And all of this talking about the ingredients and all of this talking about the testing, in my opinion, is a red herring. If you’re going to be talking about all of this over here, please qualify your statements by saying, even if these are deemed safe, they still cannot be a requirement because you have a right of no consent to object to any imposed medical intervention.

That’s what I want to hear. And I have not heard it from candidate Kennedy. I have not heard it from Steve Kirsch and I’ve not heard it from others that are drumming this beat of more testing, more testing, more testing. More testing continues the fraud, continues the deception. It lines the pockets of the big pharmaceutical companies. And what are you going to find out at the end of the day? That now poison is safe? Doesn’t make sense to me. What say you?

See more of The Healthy American Peggy Hall on their Public Channel and the MPN The Healthy American Peggy Hall channel.


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AstraZeneca sponsored gala CDC health updates Dr. Amy Lee harmful foods video EEOC health news false healthy food marketing health organization newsletters Moderna sponsored gala National Foundation for Infectious Diseases 2024 gala Peggy Hall Pfizer sponsored gala

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