Big 2A Win For SAF FPC! Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

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➡ Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about people talking a lot about the gun rights of 18 to 20-year-olds under the Second Amendment. In the case Lara v. Evanchick, the court said that not letting this age group have guns would be unfair and go against their rights given by the Constitution. The Second Amendment Foundation and Fire Policy Coalition led this case. It’s a big victory for those who want younger adults to have these rights. These groups give help and support to make sure people can use their Second Amendment rights.


Hey everybody, we have a huge victory to talk about in the second amendment arena and I think this will make you smile. If this is something we’re starting to see more often, this specific topic of 1819 and 20 year olds. And does the second amendment extend to them? This is a good one. Before I jump into it, I want to thank the sponsor of the video and that’s CMMG.

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They even have some meat snacks which is great. Need a little protein on the run, but I like the seed launchers as well. Cmmg thank you. And use that code. All right, let’s jump into this. This victory just came down. I’d say it’s about 2 hours ago, but I didn’t have Internet, just came back, which is why I’m rushing to get this through to you right now. And this has to do with a case out of Pennsylvania.

Now this case was brought by second amendment foundation and Fires Policy coalition, teamed up with some individuals and they were suing for the rights of 18 through 20 year olds and getting their second amendment rights returned to them. I’m going to read you some quotes real quick and I think this is a phenomenal victory. So the case is Lara v. Evan chick and this is in front of a three judge panel.

This is a quote from the judge. It’s a 48 page decision. I just got Internet, so I just got the decision to pop up. Haven’t read the whole thing, but this is a quote from the judge. I want to bring to you the judge who wrote the decision. The opinion is Kent a. Jordan. He said, it is undisputed that 18 to 20 year olds are among the people for other constitutional rights, such as the right to vote, freedom of speech, peaceable assembly, government petitions, and the right against unreasonable government searches and seizures.

As we recently observed in the range decision, the range case, there is no reason to adopt an inconsistent reading of the people. Indeed, the wholesale exclusion of 18 to 20 year olds from the scope of the second Amendment would impermissibly render the constitutional right to bear arms in public for self defense. A second class right subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees boom.

That is a huge statement by the judge, Cody Wizniewski, who is from FPC. He is the vice president and general counsel from the FPC action side. He said this we applaud the third Circuit’s decision in this case, confirming that 18 to 20 year old adults have the same right to armed self defense as any other adult. If it wasn’t for 18 to 20 year old adults being empowered to exercise their right to defend themselves, their loved ones and their communities, our nation wouldn’t exist.

It would be a deep perversion of the constitution to prevent them the same right today. What does he mean? He means that those ages were directly responsible for us winning our independence. So why should we change things now? Because the left and their feelings. Cody’s a good dude and I’m glad that this case is a win again. This was a third circuit decision, three judge panel and moving along with some more quotes from the victors, this is from Alan Gottlieb, who is the second Amendment foundation founder and executive vice president.

He said this important ruling firmly establishes young adults are members of a class we consider to be the people by remanding the case back to the district court with instructions to enter an injunction forbidding the commissioner of the state police from arresting law abiding 18 to 20 year olds who openly carry firearms during a state of emergency declared by the commonwealth, this is no small accomplishment in any state east of the Mississippi and north of the Mason Dixon line.

And Adam Crouch, who is the executive director at Second Amendment foundation, said, this is our second court victory of the new year and we anticipate many more over the next twelve months. As we observe our 50th anniversary throughout 2024, we intend to keep winning firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time. Great stuff. By all, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a judge say that 18 to 20 year olds are part of the people.

The second Amendment does extend to them, and barring their rights is unconstitutional, especially when those age groups are a big part of us being America. And I think this is great. This has the anti gunners like scared out of their minds, but everybody should have the right to self defense. Everybody. Let me know you think down below. I think this is phenomenal. I think this is phenomenal. Great on FPC, great on SAF.

You can join both groups down below there are links. Guys, support those who support you. If you are a member of FPC or SAF, then donate. Donate some money. Skip pizza, skip some McDonald’s. Or if you go to those bad companies like Starbucks, skip that stuff. Keep buying blackout coffee, though, because that’s cool. I appreciate you all. Be safe, stay vigilant, and carry a gun to keep you, your friends, your family, your community, safe.

Big win today. They’re going to be a lot more coming in 2024. I could feel it in my bones. I’ll see you on the next one. Take care. .

See more of Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News on his Public Channel and the MPN Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News channel.


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constitutional rights debate for 18 to 20-year-olds. constitutional rights of younger adults Fire Policy Coalition support Lara v. Evan chick case recent court cases on Second Amendment resources for Second Amendment rights Second Amendment Foundation advocacy Second Amendment rights for 18 to 20-year-olds support for younger adults' gun rights upholding Second Amendment rights

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