Biden Ordered The Unthinkable! GO TIME .Juanito Explains.. | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ Juanito and David Nino Rodriguez discuss a turbulent situation, hinting at a controversial event involving Biden and Mr. T. They also mention a raid with a main objective related to a “football”. They express frustration about censorship on social media platforms and suggest using coded language to discuss sensitive topics. They also touch on global implications of their undisclosed issue, hinting at a crisis affecting multiple countries.
➡ The text discusses various topics including the speaker’s discomfort with Denver, Colorado airport, the resignation of top staffers from House Speaker Mike Johnson’s office, potential threats to US drinking water, and the effectiveness of a natural pain reliever called Canolidine. The speaker also hints at a big revelation involving the music industry and expresses concern about water quality in various locations.
➡ The speaker discusses Russia’s military actions near Ukraine and the potential for conflict if NATO intervenes. They also mention the high casualty rate in Russia and public dissatisfaction with the ongoing war. The conversation shifts to lighter topics, including a preacher believed by some to be Elvis, before returning to serious matters. The speaker warns of an impending constitutional crisis and urges listeners to prepare and support each other during these challenging times.


All right, Juanito? Juanito, can you hear me? Juanito? I can hear you, Nino. I can hear you all the way from the other side of the planet. I can hear you without your voice. This is okay. So I, you know, you know, this is just getting. It’s starting to get really bumpy now. It feels like things are going to get really turbulent. I feel, as we’re coming into Memorial weekend, I’m kind of like, man, I, you know, a little sketchy to travel, but I’m gonna do it anyway. But. But I think things are getting a lot more intense, and it’s escalating.

And, you know, what came out today was Biden gave direct orders to do the unthinkable, I have to say, like that, to mister t during the Mar a Lago raid. So let’s be very vague on that. We just did a video for dinosaur tv that’s there right now. I’ll be putting it up while. I’ll put up it, like, the next right when I get off of here with you. But that was solid gold. Thank you for that interview was awesome. But you were going to get a place across the street because you knew they were getting a plant, they were getting ready to do something along those lines, correct, Juanito.

So, yeah, we had. We had options. We had more than one situation. And if you recall, back in that window for about eight weeks prior to that particular event that they’re talking about now, I had given you kind of an inside scoop on what was planned and what the FBI had people there in place, ready to go, tuned up on, and had had them there during that period of time with orders, instructions. The whole. Schmidt stayed. Worked through the specific logistics of what that picnic trip was going to look like and what they were going to be doing or capable of doing.

I don’t think anybody else in that exact window had any of that knowledge. I mean, did you hear from anybody else? You called the gut punch even a year or so before, even longer than that. And, yeah, I know you were a Mar a Lago quite often. And you even said, like, I may have to get up. I’m probably gonna get a place across the street to get a bird’s eye view about. Of what is about to go down. Obviously it went down. And you’re saying the main objective of this raid was for the football, right.

And we’re not talking about NFL football, but for the. For a football, correct. Well, of course, that was. Was part of the contention. It was never handed off because you didn’t have a normal you know, I know, end to one term and beginning of the other. And by the way, Nino, you know, I think we did a great show. We actually did it twice to be able to put it over here on fluff tube. And your people rejected both of them. And, I mean, I got to tell you, I don’t know how much more generic we can get on any of this stuff than either of those.

And your guys rejected said, I’ll get us taken off the air. Yeah. So. And I was trying really hard, so I don’t know what the value these guys are at some level. The only other thing I would say, though, Nino, you know, the stuff that’s coming, you know, you’ve got 70 people being monitored in, you know, a particular place stateside here. How are we going to refer to this next variation? You know, I’m going to be walking. I’m going to be walking a tightrope, Juanito. That’s why I got to be very careful, because, well, a lot of these on here.

I’m asking a question. So here’s. Here’s my question. You know, let’s start thinking about it now. They want to. They want to let us do something here again shortly. So what’s the term we’re going to agree on? I mean, it’s kind of a comedy sketch, but, you know, I like cars. Are we going to call, you know, because this next one has feathered creatures, uh, associated with it, you know, gonna call it the firebird. Uh, we’re gonna call it the Sunbird. We’re gonna call it the Thunderbird. Yeah, we can solve the thunder turd. I don’t know.

You know, do you see this absolutely coming? I mean, do you think this is the narrative they’re gonna pick? I mean. I mean, mister T. Came out and talked against it. He made a messy. He gave a message speaking out against it, getting ahead of the narrative. But do you think this is the play they’re gonna make or can? All bets are off. Whatever. It’s one of several. Okay. You know, as I said in the scripture, when job came into his time of testing, it’s like the devil gets everything lined up in a row and all ready to go, and then he hits the big red button.

He doesn’t do it haphazardly. And so in job, when he was going to test job try to take him down, a messenger came to tell him what happened to his livestock and fields. And while that messenger was still speaking, the next messenger showed up all out of breath. Here’s what just happened. To some other part of his estate. Then the last one showed up while the second one was still speaking. Here’s what happened to your family, all of his business. He was probably the wealthiest person on the planet is what’s implied at the time. And he was taken down to nothing.

And then even his health was taken. You know, we’re coming into, you know, as I’ve said, a near death type of experience for America and for many other countries. The stuff that we have out there right now implicates, you know, the way people pick their fearless leaders in 71 countries as having not gotten the will of the people done. And so we’re not just dealing with it here in America, which I’m not in America right now, but it’s going to affect the whole world. And that’s why I say even with these events, you know, there’s events happening in, you know, the matrix that are going to rock the pond and, you know, you have an earthquake and you see the pool sloshing the water over the sides, things like that.

We talked about that over on what we wanted to talk about earlier. And your guys said we couldn’t publish. Um, but people just need to be, you know, aware it’s all coming. And then, by the way, if you can’t talk Nino in these social media areas without the most coded of conversation, you know, Chevrolet has a, an suv called the Colorado. And so maybe we got to call this next one the Colorado because that’s where it’s happening. Or maybe we got to call it because of course that .0 now for what they’re, you know, monitoring as though a big breakouts going to come here in the country.

You know, what are we going to, what are we going to call it, this stuff? We can’t have an honest conversation and all the entities. Yeah, but I do. I’m doing a pretty damn well good job. I mean, with what I’ve still there, you get it with other stuff. So you don’t want to drop this. I mean, I don’t want to see it get it knocked down. We can talk about fun, fluffy stuff. Go over to the Jennifer and, and advertise where we’re going and how we feel to the people around you. You know, get a book and throw it on the coffee table.

Get a jacket and, you know, by the way, a lot of people are buying jackets to go to the rallies this summer and. No, you got some really cool stuff on there. Did we sent you, I think we sent you the punisher one, didn’t we the black one? No. Or do you only have. Okay, you’ve got the mayor. I’ll ask Jen to send you. Say you and somebody got a lot of your gear when he do. I’m a fan. All right, well, it is fun, but you use it for a conversation piece. Yeah. You make a statement.

So if they won’t let us say it in places they control, we say it in places they don’t control, you know, where we show up. Well, let me just, let me just run some headlines by you because I know we talked about a lot of stuff. Obviously, the Joe Biden stuff about using deadly force are in. The RNC headquarters in DC is on lockdown. Hazmat team is on the scene. Have you heard this, Juanito? Well, remember, you know, the very last act that Mister T did in the hours before he left DC, that last 120 or so hours was signed a the process, the procedures that were to be followed if governance could not continue for any reason because of, say, something being released there in DC or some form of contamination or something.

So somewhere in here, I believe that that actually is exactly what happens. And the, and the plan was always to have the bug out location for Washington DC being Colorado up there at the airport, which is, wow, Denver, Colorado airport. That’s a very sinister place, I feel. I don’t like it. I don’t like, I don’t like the energy there. Look where the orientation is for the monitoring for the firebird car problem. Oh, really? They’re doing it there in Colorado? That’s where, that’s where they’re. 70 people be monitored. Yeah. Right, right. So that’s pretty bizarre. And you know, there’s other things going on.

You know, we had, head of the World Economic Forum is stepping down. His family, you know, they’re saying that he’s not gonna be completely out of the picture. Right. No, he’ll, he’ll still be around. So it’s not like he, you know. Yeah. You know, but you do have to be aware of the fact that there’s a reshuffling there that happens all the time where, you know, new players brought into various places and old players move on. Speaking, speaking of new players, have you seen this or have you heard of this? Three of speaker House Mike Johnson.

Stop. Top staffers have just resigned abruptly. Well, I will tell you this fact. I, I wanted to take a nap earlier, but I’ve been on the phone all afternoon, evening on several stuff. Not the big one that most people would be excited about, but there’s the number of arrests that happen in an oddball location, and the investigation is really widening out. And so I was reviewing some of that with people, and it’s on subject matter that everybody in this audience would just get lit up instantly about. Look at what’s happening in Hollywood and the revelations coming out of there.

Just stunning. Well, similar stuff involving younger ages. There’s overtones there. And in this other situation that I’ve been on the horn about and from a place that has more of a music history than a movie history. Okay. And that’s, that’s. That’s gonna really. That’s gonna get a lot of people’s attention as it builds out the rest of the way. That’s not. But it’s. But it’s not out yet. I barely talk about it on tv. I think at some point here shortly, probably a couple weeks out. I don’t want to get ahead of is it. But it’s going on.

You’re saying it’s big. I think based on, you know, the conversation I’ve had, you know, this afternoon, even, it’s way bigger than anybody has really dialed in. And one of the people that came bigger than diddy. Oh, whoa. Yeah, yeah. You know, a couple thousand times, I will say this. There’s a person that is right there from your state that I have a lot of respect for. She’s out. She was in the Reagan administration, but she went up and spent about a week reviewing the materials, and she chided the people involved that they’re just not thinking big enough.

This is all stuff that this person uncovered, tentacles of it years ago, but she didn’t have some of the connections that we have now. And then she was. She was reviewing auditing, really, where they’re at, and just said, oh, you got it. You have absolutely got it. This is. This is so big. And so I personally felt very comfortable that we had other pretty cool people with a well known history within this community that concurred on what was being discussed and found and like that. So, you know, and, of course, the stuff on other subjects that we covered in the stuff that’s behind the scenes on your back channel.

Well, I gotta go. Nation state level stuff. So it’s. It’s. It’s coming, man. We’re there, you know, joy. Enjoy the respite of the weekend. Well, hold on, Juan. There’s a couple more things I want to read here. China or Iran may be planning to contaminate us drinking water during an outbreak of war. So now they’re saying that our treatment facilities across the country. So EPA is inspecting water treatment facilities across the country to address vulnerable. To address vulnerabilities to cyber attacks that could recalibrate chemical quantities to lethal levels in our water. But they’re going to blame you know who.

But, I mean, that’s exactly who they’re going to blame. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And. All right, so. So this is all I’ve already heard. Detroit right now has, like, the worst water in the country, and it does. That’s been an ongoing problem for quite a while. Yeah. I will tell you, you know, El Paso has bad water, too. Well, no, I’ll tell you, everybody here needs to kind of think about this. I had a situation, somebody pretty close to me about 20 years ago, and the neighbor ended up having a problem, had to have their gallbladder out.

Then a person down the street, same kind of problem, had to have the gallbladder out. And then this person had a son, and they get him in there. Yeah, gotta take the gallbladder out. And I was hearing that, I was like, didn’t you say the neighbor was in six months ago and then the other one is in last year? Yeah, now that you mentioned that, I forgot about that. I don’t really know him that well. They start comparing notices. Better get your water checked. They check the water, and there’s some type of a fluke parasite that’s in their water supply.

They had a small water district, and they were neighbors on one of my properties, you know, half a mile away. And so I never, just because it’s my practice, used the water at that location. I had my own water supply let me cut. I knew there was a problem. I just sensed it. And sure enough, the water. You started looking, and everybody on that whole water line, which was like four or 5 miles, had problems. They shut it down, they told everybody, got a boil, and blah, blah, blah. People need to be aware of just how serious that can be.

And let me cover a break real quick. When I do, I got to read this mid roll. Okay. 1 second. Okay. All right. All right. And you need this one either, by the way. I think you. You should. You should try this. If you suffer from daily pain, I need you to listen to this message very carefully. What we know about pain relief is changing forever, folks. As we age, aches and pains are normal, and we are all searching for effective ways to relieve the pain. And safety is more important than ever. Let’s be frank. We have all seen the.

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And I take it, I love this stuff. Uh, Clint explains how canolidine is the only compound on earth that optimizes your body’s natural painkillers, called endorphins. At any age, the way it does this scientifically is pretty outstanding. It’s pretty amazing. And let me tell you, I was skeptical, but it works. I have tried virtually everything and I have not felt this great in years. It was like all my daily aches and pains just went away. My back, my neck, my joints, my neck and my back all feel great and renewed. Best of all, canola nine does not make you feel the least bit groggy.

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A dollar a day. Hit the link below, folks. Get started on this canola dyne. It’s where you want to. I use it. I have a lot of stuff I’m using. So Juan, Russia’s saying, hold on a second, Nino. Here’s what we should do. We should go ahead and take out the quad and go jump some dunes and the whole smear. I know we’re all. I wanted to take you out. I wanted to get to doom buggy. With age comes the cage. Juanito, I don’t drive. Then we could go ahead and we can take the stuff and we can test it and see how it is, because I know what my limits are, right? I haven’t gone out surfing in a while.

I gotta take my. I got to take my buggy to get worked on. I’m gonna do that probably. You know what? I might take it today. That reminds me, I have to take it. So it’s just a pain in the ass to put it on the trailer. Look up the trailer. It takes a whole chunk of your day out. But anyway, Juanita, let’s talk about Russia. All right. Tactical nukes, Ukraine. Well, they’re acting. There’s going to start a tactical nuclear weapon drill near Ukraine, just as you’ve said. Well, it’s already happening. It’s not going to happen.

They’re coordinating with Belarus, who they gave nukes to back at the beginning of this whole thing. Russia is making it very clear that if NATO is going to come in and join in in Ukraine to back up, you know, the ukrainian forces, then they’re not just going to take it on the nose forever. They will if they’re in danger of actually losing ground or, you know, they’ve. Look, Russia’s got 100,000 plus seriously injured by their own accounts. Others say it’s closer to quarter million and dead, depending on which sources you’re talking to, because they don’t put it out on the low side.

45,000 and maybe 100,000 dead. They can’t take that forever. The russian people are actually livid, a lot of them, that Putin hasn’t just turned Kiev and other places to glass as opposed to sacrificing their youngsters in this stupid war. So. And Putin doesn’t feel that he had any right, any ability not to do this because of the. These guys. Okay. Tell him to take it out. All right. It’s all right. I want to end this with one fun question. Okay. There’s a guy up in. I don’t know if he’s in Tennessee or where he is. Bob Joyce, have you heard of this preacher? Of course.

Is that Elvis? No. Okay. No. And I actually had really? Well, I believe he’s Elvis. I wanted to go and, like, go see for myself. I was willing to make the trip, so I don’t need to make the trip. Mm hmm. No, I don’t. But I don’t believe he’s Elvis. I’m on, you know, but a lot of people do, man. A lot of my friends and people that I find very credible think that he is. And I think he looks. This guy looks like he’s in a. He looks very young. I think Elvis would be 90 now if he was alive.

Right. So I will tell you that he does a beautiful job, and a very enjoyable personality and a lot of fun. So, you know, but we have enough real stuff here that we’re in the thick of that. I think we keep our focus. You know, the one thing I will say, nino, is that we’re switching out of some of the things that were more fun and games. I mean, you know, popcorn required for what’s going on and going to go on here shortly. But within the zone, things are, you’ve got a nice holiday weekend coming up.

Enjoy it. But the, you know, the sloshing in the tub is going to get, you know, more and more radical all summer long. And there’s a lot of serious fronts that people, we have kind of a mash humor in the, in the mash tv show. Guys that actually were in that war know that it was very trying, very gripping. I mean, I had a friend that lost a couple of fingers due to frostbite in that conflict, and he didn’t have any patience for the show. He understood it, but it was serious business to him. And we had other shows, you know, Hogan’s heroes and things like that, McHale’s navy and, and guys need a chance to laugh at some of the stuff that happens, but it’s a little bit fresh right now.

We’re about to go into very serious, compelling stuff, as I’ve said, a near death experience for the country. I’m in a bit more of a measured, somber moment here. So you’re saying this is the pause before we’re entering, the pause before we’re in a storm at some level, but at the end of the day, nothing like what’s about to happen. We’re on the verge of a constitutional crisis of unimaginable proportion. Stuff that we’ve talked about. Let’s go to tv, talk about it there. One, let’s end it here. Well, and all I want to say, all I want to say, Nino, is that it’s, that’s why, that’s why it’s painful to me that we have to do that because I know some people are stretched.

You do a tremendous service doing what you’re doing. You work hard at it. You earn your keep. Those that can, that, you know, give you a little support. It’s a beautiful things, you know, so I, but, you know, I think prayer required. It’s a little more somber for me because I’m seeing stuff at a different level and I’m, I’m out at, you know, interesting places and I try to pace myself, but behind the scenes, the things that are happening, the conversations that I’m in daily. I’ve got a very hectic schedule, literally for the next two plus months.

And we’re trying to count hours between different things. Can we get another hour here? Get another hour there? And I got other people that are in the same boat and they’re having to trim stuff. It’s a very serious moment. Have some fun. Enjoy the weekend, enjoy the people around you, but be sensitive also that for a lot of the people, it’s not fun and games. We got the situation I mentioned to you before that we’ve mentioned on the back channel, and it’s not public. I’m not even to tell you precisely, even there in the back channel, but you know that it couldn’t be more gripping.

And so it’s not all fun and games. We’re in a serious moment, prayer required, and, you know, go get some stuff. You can hang out. Thank you. All right, folks, go to the jennifer support Juanito there and. All right, Juan, I’ll see you in the back. Yeah, and I, by the way, I don’t support. I just, we have that for people to enjoy. Make sure they get the stuff they need to get by what’s coming, if they got a little extra and they want to do some trolling or whatever. Also, folks, get your patriot supply down below, too.

There’s buckets of food. Yeah. All right, Juanito, thank you. All right, bro, talk soon.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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Biden and Mr. T controversy Canolidine natural pain reliever effectiveness coded language for sensitive topics Denver Colorado airport discomfort global crisis affecting multiple countries House Speaker Mike Johnson office resignation Juanito and Nino controversial event discussion music industry big revelation Russia military actions near social media censorship discussion US drinking water threats water quality concerns in various locations

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