Biden Bumbles Built To Rent Caitlin Clark Sandy Rook 2024 Plague Vaxx Stats Whats Her Face

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ In episode 86 of Gary King’s Inconvenient truths, Gary and his guest discuss various topics, including their views on mask mandates, the Covid-19 vaccine, and political issues. They also talk about a contest involving a guitar and share clips from other sources. The episode ends with a discussion about new UK government regulations requiring all poultry keepers to register their birds, which they believe is a way to control food sources.
➡ The text discusses a conspiracy theory suggesting a small group with vast resources is attempting to control the world and cause harm to the majority of the population. It also mentions a medical professional’s concern about increased rates of stillbirths and fetal complications, which he attributes to a vaccine causing inflammation. The text further delves into a claim about families related to the Sandy Hook incident receiving free houses. Lastly, it mentions an investigation into a case of the plague in southern Colorado.
➡ The text discusses a series of property transactions involving the families of Sandy Hook victims. It suggests that these families received houses for free and then sold them for profit. The text also includes allegations of a larger conspiracy involving the Sandy Hook incident, with claims that it was a scam to promote gun control. The author believes that this is part of a money laundering operation and is attempting to expose it.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including a FEMA exercise, Alex Jones’ mishandling of a situation, concerns about Vice President Harris’ ability to beat Donald Trump, racial issues in the WNBA, and the rise of corporate landlords building homes for rent. The author criticizes Jones and expresses doubts about Harris’ qualifications. They also highlight racial discrimination in the WNBA and express concern about the impact of corporate landlords on homeownership and tenant well-being.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the practicality of homeownership, political views on former and current presidents, issues with illegal immigration, and concerns about cultural preservation. The speaker expresses dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, particularly regarding immigration policies and perceived threats to cultural identity.
➡ See you next week.


Welcome to episode 86 of Gary King’s Inconvenient truths, where Gary presents videos, stories, clips I don’t know are coming for my spontaneous and unrehearsed response. It’s been very popular. I enjoy it, too. Gary, what do you got for me today? People really do leave in the comments that they can’t wait to watch the show each week. So we try to be entertaining. We know we have some, you know, odd clips now and then, but we’ve got the professor here giving you his take on it. So what else can you ask for? I would like to say that I appreciate one five three because we get quite a few clips from them.

And yes, coffee does taste better in a one five three nice cop. Yeah. All right, a little bit more unfinished business. Okay. Last week I said if you can name the guitar, the brand and the model, you can have it. Okay, well, I’m sorry to say, even though we have some very, very astute guitar nerds in the audience that really know their stuff, no one was able to actually get the brand or the model. And so I’m going to go ahead and show it to you. The brand is and Indiana. And if you look closer, I see Indiana and your hometown, isn’t it Madison or.

Yeah, Madison. Yeah, that’s, that’s the model. Yep. It’s an Indiana brand. Mo and a Madison model. So there you go. Might have to send it to you. Well, I’m near Madison, Wisconsin, and graduate from Indiana with my PhDs. Oh, there are ties there and lots of family in Bloomington. Even to this day? Yeah, a little bit. All right. So you know what you do? You could saw it in half and put it as some sort of wall hang or something like that. But we’ll figure it out altogether. Okay. We’re going to go ahead and start the show and we’re going to share and start off with, you guessed, our favorite of all, Lauderdale.

Oh, my apologies. Mandates are about to be reinstated. So I was wearing my mask to get ahead of the curve. I love my mask, especially in an election year, because this is simply an effective way to display my allegiance to the regime. Am I concerned that an analysis of top scientific studies was conducted this year and concluded that mask mandates did nothing to stop the of Covid-19 nope. Am I concerned that mandatory masks once led to mandatory vaccines, which led to an epidemic of heart conditions in the otherwise young and healthy? No. Am I concerned that Covid stimulus checks and manufactured supply shortages have created a steep loss in purchasing power, making it next to impossible to afford basic necessities.

Not even a little bit. Am I concerned that this state of hyperinflation will eventually lead to the perceived need for a government backed universal basic income that will enslave us to the state in inconceivable ways? Not until it affects me directly. And why? Why am I not concerned, you ask? I’m not concerned because I decided a long time ago that sticking to a bad course of action is much easier than admitting I was wrong. Because in order to admit I was wrong, I have to admit the right was right. And I don’t like losing face to or for anything unless it’s my mask.

I’ve decided it’s much easier to pretend my mask protects me from a viral illness when deep down I know it only protects me from one. Personal accountability. I prefer to flip float through life blaming all of the world’s woes on fascism, racism or white supremacy so that I never have to face the true enemy. Wanna talk about who it is? Comment below with your opinion. Don’t forget to include a source. I prefer to denounce the bad guys from our history books while simultaneously condemning the guys who wrote our history books. I prefer to call anyone who speaks up, fights back or stands their ground a denialist or a sympathizer so that I don’t feel obligated to do the deeper research real research takes away from.

And lastly, I prefer to put on my mask. And one day when my children ask, I’ll tell them I washed my hands clean. Not of Covid-19 but of any and all culpability for handing the world over to commies. Oh God. She’s wonderful. I love her. She’s good. I could marry that woman. I think she’s fabulous. This satire is perfect. Just actually lampooning. And yeah, I think they’re going to try and do it all over again with a bird flu. It’s all bullshit. None of it has any scientific or medical foundation. But they were so happy with the results of the COVID where even though nobody died, there was no increase in any death group, any age group from the COVID There were tons of millions.

I think it’ll wind up over a billion deaths from the Jabdeen. And even though it was never even tested to inhibit transmissibility, we were all told that the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by giving them the protection that didn’t protect the unprotected in the first place. It’s just absurd. And Gary, to exemplify the adage attributed to Voltaire that those who can induce us to believe absurdities can also commit us to perform atrocities. That’s where we’re at. And look at. Look what’s going on in Gaza, look what’s going on in Ukraine, look what may happen in Taiwan.

I mean, we’re right here in the USA with a million of migrants pouring in. And now the Democrats are being very open about wanting them to vote. So here you have representatives of the american government declaring they want people who are not even american citizens to vote so they can remain in the government. Gary, it’s enough to make you vomit. You brought up three different subjects. I’ve got three clips on each and every one, so give me a second here. We’ll get to it, I promise. And there was three clips that I could play right behind that.

So here’s one of them that kind of goes along. Welcome to english country life. My name is Fiona and this is a short announcement video. Now, don’t shoot the messenger. This is going to be a very contentious subject and we know there’s going to be some very strong feelings in the comments down below. But we are simply the messenger, because on the 19 March 2024, the UK government announced that all poultry keepers in Scotland England, the 1 September, that’s the date which is going to apply to anyone living in Scotland. And the 1 October applies to anyone living in England and Wales.

And when I say flocks, that could mean one pet chicken, one pet duck. You will need to register just like anyone who’s got hundreds of birds. Now, at this current moment in time, the recurrent requirement is that only people who have more than 50 birds have to register their flocks. But that, again is going to change because one of the new requirements is to do an annual renewal and that isn’t required. Right now. The only renewal that’s required is if the numbers of birds you expect to keep changes from your current registration. So we don’t actually know the mechanism which is coming into place.

There’s only at this stage a news bulletin issued by the government and a link to that is down below so you can see what has been announced. As soon as we know anything of the exact mechanism which is coming into play, we will do another announcement video. So subscribe to the channel, hit the bell icon and you will get to know as soon as any of those announcements are available and we will pass those on to you. Now, there’s a couple of things to be aware of. There’s been no announcement. What’s happening with Northern Ireland at this stage.

So if you live in Northern Ireland, probably the best thing to do is subscribe to the news briefing from the Northern Ireland government, and you’ll get to know if anything is announced for your area. And the other thing is, it’s likely, but not certain because it hasn’t been announced. It’s likely there will be penalties associated with non confederate compliance. Now, there are penalties at the moment associated with non compliance. If you don’t register and you have more than 50 birds, and they are actually quite steep. Now, they could be the same level. There could be less.

There could be more. We don’t know, but it’s a reasonable assumption to say that there will be some penalties associated with non compliance. But as soon as we know anything, we will pass it on to you. Wow. Well, you know, it’s probably a better agenda to kill them in. The elite minority are resorting out of starvation because the vax hasn’t killed enough fast enough, then it is to have all the rest of us die for their sake. I think, Gary, we gotta contemplate doing something about this before it’s too late, because this has become far beyond the point of absurdity.

The very idea of having to count and register your birds, that’s so they know where they can come to exterminate sources of food. They’re dealing with a water supply in Idaho to try to cut off the potato crop, because potatoes turn out to be a food that can sustain a population for a long period, even in difficult times. So we got to get a handle on this. There’s a tiny group at the top who have vast resources, who want to control the entire world and kill most of us. And until enough of us realize that something has to be done, they’re going to be successful.

They’re going to try to extend their. Their grasp, their control, and their devious, sadistic plot. So I think, Gary, we’re reaching the point where something has to be done. Okay, this is a clip in your first response. We could have. It doesn’t want to full screen for me. Some. For some reason. Okay, I’ll just go ahead and play it. I don’t know why it won’t let me full screen. I’ve been doing high risk obstetrics for 43 years. I see a vast number of patients a year. I don’t know of any other maternal fetal medicine physician in this country that sees as many patients as I do by ultrasound.

At one point in time this year, I was on track. 9000 high risk Ob ultrasounds. So I know what’s going on and I’ve seen death and destruction like I’ve never seen before. The stillbirth rate is measured in terms of live births per thousand. And really it’s come down in my career from about ten to about almost 5.8 or six. Now let’s go to 2021 and look at the stillbirth rate from Michelle’s. This is horrifying. But if you take this death figure and you look at that rate at 29.3 that sigma that you’re looking at is 40 plus sigma standard deviation.

Let that sink in. This is from Waterloo, Canada, 83 stillbirths, about 4000 deliveries. Is that exact same thing you saw with Michelle’s? Look at this. I couldn’t even put it. There were 13 dead fetuses in 124 hours period. 124 hours period, 1200 fold increases in menstrual abnormalities. And then when we get into pregnancy, we’re looking at a substantial increase in miscarriages, in birth defects, a substantial risk of fetal cardiac arrhythmia, fetal cardiac malformations, significant fetal growth slowing, significant reduction in amniotic fluid, fetal cardiac arrest. Are you saying babies are having heart attacks in the womb? Yes.

The vaccine causes a significant inflammatory effect. Three different safety monitoring systems. Again, they found no significant safety signals for or for the fetus. Because we have to remember in obstetrics we’re dealing with two patients, so no increased risks to be vaccinated while pregnant. Anything that causes inflammation in my business, in my area of expertise, causes damage, injury, death and destruction in pregnancy. We’ve known that for half a century. What’s so stunning is that the paid liars who appear on television act totally independent of the facts of the truth. What he’s presenting here is absolutely devastating. And we said that zero chance, that means happening naturally as an occurrence of ordinary events.

Obviously, when you introduce an outside variable like the vax, the probability goes up astronomically. So once you got the vax, the probability goes from zero by chance to virtually 100% because of the cause that’s been introduced. So this guy is a serious guy. He’s reporting on very, very important matters that have to do with the future of the species. From an evolutionary point of view, with the vax is not only calculated to be about massive death, but to change your DNA. And it turns out, because of an incredibly bad decision by the Supreme Court, natural processes cannot be patented, but variations on natural processes can.

So essentially, when they’re altering your DNA, that means potentially in principle, you may be changes in you. They created you as a new organism as a new form of life. It’s that bad, it’s that serious. Gary, we have to get a grip on this. We have to understand the future of the species is hanging in the balance. Okay? I have to admit my own show depresses me sometimes. And to make matters worse, we’ve got the plague on the way. Welcome back. Public health officials in southern Colorado are investigating a human case of the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment says their findings are based on preliminary test results only.

Health officials say the plague can be transmitted by fleas or wild rodents. It can affect people as well as their pets. They have not specified which specific form of the plague this case involves, but as soon as more information comes in, we’ll let you know. Listen, listen, listen. When you have rich profit forces who are eager to harm the humans, we see to harm it rather than benefit and protect it. We’re vulnerable in innumerable different ways. Plague, pestilent, famine, droughts, weather, warfare, hurricanes, tornadoes. They can do it all. And they are. They are. So we have to understand we’re in a dire because the richest and most powerful among us, who are very few in number, are out to slaughter.

Bring about the death of the vast majority, and we can accept our fate and die, or we can actually do something about it. Gary, I’m increasingly concerned. We have to do something about it. All right. Okay. Now this next clip, our professor is nine minutes long. So it’s about, it’s about Sandy Hook. So I want you to tell me when you, you know, you’re ready to respond, because we don’t want to take up, you know, a big portion of the show. So just tell me, you know, after maybe four minutes or so, five, you think? Tell me when to stop.

Today we’re going to take a look at various different family members and show you that, in fact, that they got free houses. We’re going to look at each family individually, and I’ll show you the ones that I have found and can show you conclusive, clear evidence right here that they got free houses. You’re looking at Brian and Shannon Engel, parents of Olivia Engel. Let’s take a look at the tax records and see if they got a house for free. Here is 84 Berkshire Road. Brian, Shannon Engel, the residents of Brian and Shannon Engel. Let’s take a look and see if they got a house for free.

If you come down, you will notice here that on twelve. Well, let’s see here. Let’s go with 625 2004. They purchased that home for $272,000 and then on Christmas Day, 1225, 2009, that house was retransferred and paid off. Let’s take a look at where they live at here is the location of Olivia Ingall Brian and Shannon Engels home in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Sandy Hook school sits right over here. Okay, so they’re just down the road just a little ways. And let’s take a little closer look. So here you have where they live, their location of their home.

Got a little pond back over here, which doesn’t belong to them. And the stream actually runs down through here. And it sits on 1.33 acres. Brian and Shannon Engle free house. Next criminal family, enter stage left, please. This is Michelle Hartman and Robert, along with Josephine Gay that was supposedly killed in the Sandy Hook, Mass. School shooting. Here we are on the assessors online database for Newton, Connecticut. And they live at ten Nighthawk Lane. And you see a little photo there of their home. We’ll take a closer look here in a moment. Let’s look at the transaction history of this.

Looks like it was transferred to them on three seven 2006 for a purchase price of $933,000. And then on Christmas day, when all things are closed, related to these kinds of transactions of 2009, it was retransferred, conveyed again for $0. Understanding that, I spent ten years in real estate business, and I can tell you that it doesn’t happen like that. Okay, it looks like they were sitting on two acres. And let’s take a look at this location. So here is where Josephine Gay’s house is located at right here. Over here, of course, is the area of the Sandy Hook school shooting massacre movie drill that took place.

Okay, here’s a close of the nearly million dollar home and a couple acres that it sits on. Pretty nice spread to get for free. Next, criminal psychopaths, please enter stage left. Meet Nicole and Ayon Hockley and Dylan Hockley. They live at 39 Yoganda street. Okay, on the tax records showing us appraised value of a half a million, meaning market value somewhere upward of there of 100 grand or so. And yes, of course, another free house. Let’s take a closer look. Here’s where it’s located in reference to the Sandy Hook school area. Right here. Let’s take a real close look.

And here they are sitting on their 2.31 acres off of Yoganda street. Very nice little spread. Got their own pond. Main dollar house paid off. Next to explain how they got a free house on 1220 2009, along with all the other actors in Sandy Hook is Donna Arnold and John Hu, father of Madeline, who. And maybe mother. So we’re at 30 again. Set something like that trail. Okay. You can see the picture of the house there. Appraised value of about a half a million dollars. And if we come on down here, we can take a look and see the history of the strange history of this one.

Going backwards and forth in between a few different names and being given for free. And then being maybe refinanced. They pulled the cash out. $455,000. If I were y’all guys. The country with that. 455. And here is the location right here. And the school, of course, is right over in this area. Okay, let’s take a closer look. Got their own little private drive, several acres. Big, nice house. Woods all around. Very nice. Very nice free house. Let’s see who the next criminals are. And now the case of Matthew and Jennifer Hubbard, parents of Caroline Hubbard, which you see here.

Now, they. They took the money and run. Let me show you what I mean. Here’s the tax records. They live at Ten Walker Hill Road in Sandy Hook. About a $300,000 assessed value home. Looks like they purchased it on 81205 for 435,000. And then on 1225 2009, free house. And then they sold it on twelve or, excuse me, 724 2012. They sold it to these people. Or is that their new legal name? Who knows, right? But in fact, it’s been transferred and they took 365 cash and stuck it in their pocket. Well, here. Well, actually looks like they just moved across town, you might say upgraded a little bit.

You know, a few hundred thousand dollar more expensive house because they hit the big time, right? Three owl Ridge lane. Okay. Jennifer and Matthew Hubbard. Their new residence, says value on this 1474. Like they purchased it on 725 2012. Even before the Sandy Hook incident happened, they were already upgraded into their next new house. And they purchased it for $450,000. This is the location of their new home. And you can see it here. Of course, school was located right in this area. Let’s take a little closer look. So here’s their new new hideout, their new spot where they count all the money that’s coming in from all the different donation sites out there.

Pretty nice place. Some of you will get this. Highlight the name of the street that they now live on. They moved on Owl Ridge Lane. And the next psychopath actors in line are Stephen and Rebecca Kowalski and their son, Chase. And here’s where this criminal household lives. Six Bennett’s Ridge Road. Stephen Kowalski is the owner. Says value of about 400,000 whoops. Got that one for free too. What does all this mean? What does all this mean? Hmm. And here’s where these guys live. Let’s zoom in here. Take a little closer look at their digs. Right? See what they got for free for fooling the entire country.

Fooling the entire world. Well, attempting anyways. Because anyone with a brain that has access to the Internet or a good friend that has access to the Internet was not fooled. And this is their digs. Check it out a little bit. Let’s spin it around here. Looks like they got a nice little size acreage going on here. I like it. Wish I had me one like that. Oh, wait. I’m not willing to sell my freaking soul. Next criminal. Please lean into the microphone. State your name clearly. My name is Scarlett Lewis. I am the mother of Jesse Lewis who was killed.

Really? Miss Lewis, can you please explain to the court and to the people of the world why you got a friggin free house? Can you explain this, Miss Lewis? Can you explain also why everybody else, 90% of the people in the city got a free house? Okay. Doctor Fetzer. Gary. I’m not an expert on these issues. The guys are actually in real estate. I think what he’s saying is more authoritative than I can confirm or deny. These families who might have spent minimal time. I mean, I focused on others where I can prove, for example, that Noah Posner, who was supposed to be the youngest member of the first great class, was in a fiction made up of photographs of his older half brother, Michael Vabner, when he was a child.

I can show you that Emily Parker, who is a blonde hair, blue eyed girl whose sister is supposed to have sat on the lap of Barack Obama, was in fact cast there by her mother. She’s alive and well. I’ve had interaction with her real name, Margaret Ellis Cottle. I can tell you that Victoria Soto, a teacher who’s supposed to have, in a valiant effort to save her kids and after whom they have a race that run every year, is alive and well. Real name is Victoria Realio. She’s a daughter of the town clerk. I can tell you the whole thing was a scam.

I can tell you that the proposal originated in 2006 when Eric Holder came to Newtown and offered the community 114 that was intended to illustrate for the american people what could happen if we don’t take guns from the american people. In fact, it’s based on a false premise. Because the more guns, the lower the homicide rate. It’s in the Democrat cities where they take guns away from law abiding citizens, that everything runs rampant. There’s ample proof of this, and it’s a phenomenon that applies worldwide. For example, in Brazil, they recently had an anti gun present replaced by a pro gun.

Weakened the laws prohibiting carrying weapons by law abiding citizens. And the crime rate, the murder rate dropped dramatically. He got the boot, a broadband, an anti gun guy, and the murder rate went back up. So it’s all based on an false proposition being promoted by Eric Holder and Barack Obama. Members of the community who didn’t want to participate moved out. They created synthetic families, many of whom they’re not married to one another. Their kids are artificial. For example, with regard to Emily Parker, we had Robbie come out of a building the day after, and he’s all joking and, you know, cavalier in his attitude.

And then he sees a solemn voice about the loss of his daughter Emily, having the presence of mind to talk about her donation website. Well, he’s not even her father. He’s actually her uncle. The girls, the little girls are supposed to be your sisters are actually your cousins. The whole thing was a gigantic scam. One of the contributors to my book, and let me just say, I’ve now released a redacted version. Everyone can download the book again for free. Go to my website, comma. I’ve just published a third in a series of issues about my efforts to get my case thrown out of court overturned, where I seem to have rattled the judge by proposing a motion to open judgment based upon extrinsic fraud, meaning an event outside the courtroom that was fabricated, to wit, the Sandy hook event and fraud on the court, which occurs when officers, the court, bring an extrinsic fraud into the court and pretend it’s real.

I appear to have rattled him such that he violated basic procedures. When he got the motion, he had to send it out to, since I initiated it to the plaintiff, then come back to me for my response. Before he could issue a decision in order, he just jumped, leapfrogged over those two steps. When I submitted an additional request for relief, protesting that he violated the Wisconsin rules for civil procedure, he did it again. And indeed, he’s even done it a third time with a motion to seal my motion for open judgment, which is just massive and detailed.

There are 26 exhibits, 548 pages of supporting documents, photographs, records. He immediately accepted a motion from a Posner attorney opposing me to seal it so it couldn’t be accessible to the public. But that was a third time. He violated the Wisconsin rules for civil procedure. Which has led me to now submit because a pattern of bias against me and in favor of the plaintiff assembly overwhelming. If you go now to my blog,, comma, you can see the latest my motion to recuse and you can download the book nobody died at Sandy Hook redacted and a Sandy Hook truth memorandum where I collaborate with Robert David Steele in putting it together for then President Donald Trump.

You can download that for free too. So take advantage of these opportunities. Sandy, total sham. The realtor understands that these families making lots of money, millions is still coming in. I would estimate the San Diego Ben is still generating a million dollars in donations every single month. This is a massive scam, money laundering operation. I’m telling you, it’s absolutely horrific. And again, I reiterate, I can’t. I’m very interested in the real estate aspect. The guy giving the presentation is more authoritative than I. Something is funny there. I have no doubt about it. Whether he’s got the details right or wrong.

I can guarantee you one thing, it was a humongous scam, and I’m doing my very best to bring it down. I completely agree. And looks like Alex Jones is. I don’t know. What do you have to say about that right now, where he’s saying he’s going to lose his entire operation? Well, the families. I mean, it’s so fraudulent. I offered to support Alex Jones to bring in proof that nobody had died at Sandy because it was a FEMA exercise, for which I even had the FEMA manual. Now I have much more evidence, including where the drill exercise, L 366, was actually on the Connecticut FEMA schedule.

That’s all in my evidence, along with a massive other. Alex Jones mishandle his situation completely. He was on both sides of it. He. He has denigrated me and James Tracy and Wolfgang hell, by claiming we misled and they are contributors to my book. But he’s also claimed he never read the book. Well, if he never read the book well, you’d find the information from published by me and James Tracy looking how big? How can we have misled him? Alex had done a lot of good work. Basically. I like the guy back in 2006 when he had his American Scholars conference on 911 for me, who had founded scholars for 911 tooth to present the keynote address.

But when, with regard to Sandy Hook, in my opinion, he’s botched at every which way, I reached out to his attorney. Normative offer to testify. One of my contributors, by the way, himself, Paul Preston, by name himself as a school administrator, supervised active shooter drills. And he was very troubled by what he saw broadcast from Newtown that day. So he reached out to his contacts in the Obama Department of Education, all of whom confirmed to him it had been a drill, no children had been harmed, and it was done to promote gun control. So there you got it right from the Obama Department of Education.

That’s in the book, too. So you can now download the book for yourself. You can find it on my blog, this ain’t going away. Yeah. Very few shows cover Sandy Hook like we do. I don’t care who you are. All right, here we go. You know, we had to talk about this one. My question for you is, how are you incorporating these developments into your decision? Separately, what concerns do you have about Vice President Harris ability to beat Donald Trump if she were at the top of the ticket? Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, but I think she was not qualified to be president.

So let’s start there. Number one, the fact is that the consideration is that I think I’m a, the most qualified person to run for president. I beat him once and I will beat him again. It’s a joke. He’s making these kinds of blunders all the time. At the NATO summit, he introduced the president of Ukraine as President Putin. I mean, he’s just doing this stupid stuff. He’s completely incompetent. He’s lost. Even CNN has been moved to explain that the whole Biden administration was a scam, a scripted event where everything was done, where they pre designated the reporters questions.

Even during the debate with Trump, he had the questions in advance. It’s an indication of how utterly incompetent the man is at this stage, that even having the questions in advance. And the Democrats are scrambling to try to figure out what they can do about it. All right, so we’re done. Okay, here we go. All right. I’m not sure what to make of this clip here. It’s Serena Williams, the tennis player, making a comment that I don’t know exactly what to think about it. Caitlin Clark had an amazing year and is nominated for three awards. Caitlin, you are the Larry Bird in that.

You are an amazing player. You have ties to Indiana, and white people are really crazy about you. And why would they have to bring up race in something like that? Well, she’s been abused by black players in the WNBA. They even voted against her going to the Olympics when she is by far the most outstanding women basketball player in history. She had the potential to elevate the WNBA as much as Tiger Wood did. When Tiger is out there with a, you know, playing, it doubled and tripled the audience, and that led to bigger prizes and the whole bit that was elevating for golf.

She can do the same thing for the WNBA, but these black women players are playing reverse racism. They’re discriminating against Caitlin Clark, and I think that she was, Vanessa Williams was basically acknowledging that there’s a racial dimension to this controversy. They ought to go with a flow. They’re going to get these huge audiences. They’re going to make more money. They’re going to get more recognition. So this is a case of the black players cutting off their noses to spite their face. It’s disgusting and it’s wrong, but I think that’s what the comment was all about. Gary.

Okay, on to the next thing. All right, how about a brand new to rent? Hey, Internet friends. Homeownership has always been the cornerstone of the american dream and the foundation of wealth building. Most of us dream of having our own home, someplace we can call our own, where we can raise our families. No one really dreams of living in a stranger’s house for their whole life and paying top dollar to do so. So imagine my surprise when my husband and I were out driving around the other day looking for yard sales and we passed this on the sign.

It said new homes for rent. As in built to rent. New homes built to rent a whole neighborhood of them. In fact, I’d heard rumors of entire neighborhoods being built and managed by corporate landlords popping up across the United States, but I never imagined it in my neck of the woods here in metro Atlanta. Have you seen them being built where you are? How much do you think they cost per month to rent? Please pause this video and leave your guess in the comments below. I decided to do a little digging into the company that is building these homes right around the corner from me.

And yes, I did reach out to them for comment, but I received none. Well, I received a response from the marketing department, which was this. So this company is called Resi Cap, or the Resi conglomerate, which is made up of a little Frankenstein amalgamation of an investment sector called Resi Cap. Rezi built the building sector and Resi home, the sales front and property management arm, Resi Realty. It goes on and on. Anyway, they began in 2010 in Georgia and have since spread all over the southeast like a venereal disease. Since its inception, under the leadership of Andy Capps, the CEO, the business has built more than 2200 homes and bought more than 5000 properties across six states.

And listen, I’m not directing any hate to Andy over here because he’s not the only ball game in town with these built to rent companies that are emerging in real estate market. I really couldn’t find a lot about him personally. You know, I didn’t see any pictures of him with Oprah or Bill Gates or doing the devil horns or shaking hands with Klaus Schwab. Nor do I know the names of the corporate investors who are pouring money into his you’ll own nothing and be happy product that the World Economic Forum would probably sell right next to the snack packet of barbecue crickets.

I can only imagine who it is though. How many guesses do we need really, the investors? I imagine it’s some front companies that a company that sounds a lot like Smack Rock and Fangard is putting up alongside their blockbusting endeavors. Okay, so did y’all submit your guesses on how much these puppies cost? If you’re interested in how much a resi home will cost you right now it’s between 2000 $803,200 a month before hoa fees. If you want to put your name on the list to get one of these things, it $500 right off the rip. The little sad calculator in my brain is going crazy when I see these numbers.

Like how are people affording this? The average salary in metro Atlanta is $60,000 a year before taxes, which leaves you about $3,000 a month after taxes, but before retirement and insurance gets taken out. So let’s say your wife works too. I guess I’ll be generous and say that together you have about $6,000 a month and half of it is going to rent. How much are you left with to save towards buying a home after inflated prices at the grocery store, a car payment or two? And if you have young children, I mean, you’re both working so there’s going to be daycare costs.

And the reviews on these companies, these companies that are building these build to rent homes, well, they’re not good. They’re not good at all. These reviews state that any meaning your brand new build today is tomorrow’s ghetto because it looks like corporate landlords are prioritizing profits over tenant well being. Okay. All right. Okay, we’re recording again. You might be on mute. I. Our mortgage is about a grand a month, so we’re talking about more. On the other hand, there’s a lot that goes along with it. I wonder if these rental homes have maintenance. Does that mean that the company maintains.

No, they don’t. No, they don’t. Well, I don’t know what to say. I mean, in a capitalist society, I’m sure that it’s very profitable to the company to rent all these houses, but I don’t see, in principle, any reason to be opposed to it. It’s all a question of practicality. How much income you have, how much is disposable, how much you could allocate for your home. I find it interesting this is happening, Gary. I don’t see a reason why. In principle, it’s a. Yeah, I necessarily a bad thing. And I do believe that their, you know, homeownership in terms of mortgages and all that can be overrated.

I just say I trust each individual family, you know, to make these decisions for themselves. So I’m glad you included the clip. I’m not. I’m not persuaded that it represents a problem, a solution. I gotcha. Okay. Now, I wondered if I should play this clip you might not, like. Think I should have put it in, but we’ll check it out anyway. They’ve seen President Biden. They’ve lived through his presidency. They’ve also seen former President Trump, they’ve lived through his presidency. They’ve heard these arguments about democracy, about the fate of the election, and yet Trump is not only winning, but winning increasingly by a larger margin.

So what is the plan among Democrats to change that trajectory? It sounds like you’re talking about saying and doing all the same things, but do you believe that something needs to change? I think we need to keep working. All right, so I called this clip wigging out because she couldn’t quit playing demanded. I mean, she’s warped. She’s a huge racist. She’s, uh, undemocratic. She’s un american. She’s a whole lot of very bad things in my book. Now, if you’re a fan of Maxine, okay, I respect your right to hold an alternative opinion, but it wasn’t weird interview because she was more preoccupied with adjusting her hair than she was with dealing with equestrian.

So, yeah, that’s just a curiosity, Gary. Maxine, in my opinion, is very vain. She’s very self centered. She’s very selfish. She scams her constituent. She’s out to benefit herself. I hold her in very, very low esteem. Yeah, I can spot a wig from a mile. No doubt about that. All right, Greg Reese. Over the past few years, illegal immigrants have been given us bank debit cards from the United nations, reportedly $1.6 billion. Does that go into your bank account. Oh, let me see. I’m standing outside the United nations office in Tapachula, Mexico. One of the things that is happening here and all along the migrant trail is that the United nations is handing out cash and debit cards and rental assistance and movement assistance to immigrants to help sustain them on their road to El Norte.

Catholic charities have been managing the illegal invasion at the southern border, spending millions while profiting billions. And the local police admit that they are under their direction. The officers. Well, we’re all here with the. Under the direction of catholic charities. Richard Poiso of Chicago reported that these illegals are getting Social Security cards within four months of crossing the southern border. So yesterday I ran into somebody that I haven’t seen in a while. He’s been here for about five months in the United States, six months, something like that. And he says, uh, hey, I’m looking for work.

And I said, well, I can’t hire you, man. I’m not. I got to hire, like, legitimate people or whatever. And he was like, no, no, no, I’m legitimate now. And he’s broken english kind of bits and pieces together. And he pulls his id and stuff out of his pocket. He says, I’ve got Social Security card now, and I got workers id and permit for working everything, all legit stamp, city stamping, specialized Social Security envelope. This dude got on the buses from Texas to Chicago, got process here in Chicago. Found an apartment building. Within the first week, an efficiency apartment.

Moved into the apartment building, and then it’s been working cash jobs under the table for the last four months, until recently. Got his workers permit, and now he’s working for a roofing company. But they’re laid off right now. They’re. They’re laid off right now, and he’s looking for work. We had people literally trying to do everything that had been waiting to for years that still don’t have what this guy has in four months. That’s how fucked up our government is. That’s how much they care about the illegal migrants more than they care about their own people.

The problem is that was it on that one. Well, it’s good. I mean, he’s speaking the truth. They’re giving the red carpet rate to all these illegals and arguing they should be able to vote in federal elections. They got so wiped by Trump in 2020, by my estimate, 100 million votes. Biden got about 37. Biden claiming he beat him before. He didn’t beat him. They stole the election for him. The guy’s in common. And nobody liked Joe Biden. The day before the election in 2020, actually 2019. Biden and Harris were in Phoenix having a joint press, apparent, very rare.

Nobody came out. Nobody. A few reporters recorded it. Nobody gave an shit about Joe or Kamala. This is just outrageous. So Democrats are turning the country inside out, wasting all of our precious resources, not on the american people, but on illegals in order to keep them in control. Gary is discussing. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. The fact they’re giving Social Security cards at all, we had to earn that. They’re being given out like it’s candy. To hell with these Democrats. To hell with Joe Biden. Hell with mayorgans. To hell with everyone involved in this.

They got to be indicted, prosecuted, and punished for this. And in my opinion, they’re committing treasonous, the penalty for which is death. They deserve it, in my judgment, due process and according with the constitution and apply the maximum penalty that fits. That’s what they deserve, right? I’m really not sure what to make of this next clip. Honestly. I’m glad you’re the guy in the response chair. No, Joe, I’m with the CIA. We’re not saying you’re with the CIA. And I wasn’t with the CIA 25 years ago when I started out. I was with good elements of the CIA when Donald Trump got elected.

Try to take the country back from the globalist because we’re under globalist control. Okay, there’s no. That. That was pretty much it. Look, look, I had a friend out, Alex, call me and say, now Alex is saying I’m CIA. James Tracy wilking hell because we misled him. Something’s going on there. It’s pretty whacked out. So I don’t know what to say. I mean, I, as I’ve said before, I like a lot of what Alex does, but who knows what this all means? I think it’s a very baffling clip, Gary. I. And I really don’t know how to make heads or tails of it.

Yeah, it could have been, you know, edited to say something that is really not. All right, last clip and we’ll be out. Everywhere where my people were previously the dominant culture, the dominant people where we ruled our own countries and we maintained our traditions and our way of life. Every single place where that is occurring in the entire world is being systematically attacked. It would be one thing if it was just happening in Australia. And I went back to England, and in England, everyone was english, and there was a way to perpetuate the culture of my ancestors there, but the exact same thing, maybe even worse, is happening there.

I have nowhere to go, so I have nowhere to run. I am forced to fight. If they didn’t want me to become so aggressive and hateful, they shouldn’t have taken away everywhere that I could run to. But that’s what they have done. And so they’re forcing me to fight. I’ve got nowhere to go. People are not willing to just throw away hard fought self determination. They establish their country, their way of life. Their people are in charge of a particular territory that has been hard won, always in some kind of war or battle. And then their ancestors have invested blood, sweat and tears for hundreds and thousands of years, in some cases in that particular place, to make it theirs.

And they’re not going to go down without a fight when that happens, when someone else wants to barge in and take over that space. Okay, Doctor Betzer, let’s close it out. He’s got it right. We’re being boxed in. We’re all being boxed in. Everywhere. There’s been a white culture being boxed in, and we have to do something about it. I think he’s right. We have no alternative. We have to fight. Frankly, I’d rather die on my feet than become a surface slave or allow myself to be extinguished. We as Americans have to adjoin others to stand up for ourselves.

It’s coming right down to it. Look at all the clips we’ve been addressing here today. Cumulatively, the effect is an attempt to decimate the world’s population, but especially to extinguish the white race. It’s. It’s. It’s not just obnoxious. It’s not just absurd. It’s murderous. It’s genocidal. And it’s directed at you and me. Get the message? Lock and load. All right, Dr. Fester, appreciate you being on the show. Once again, this has been inconvenient truths, and we’ll see you next week.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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