Bats Pangolins and Now Bearded Dragons: CDC Says Disease is Everywhere! | The David Knight Show

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➡ The David Knight Show talks about how The CDC has traced a new Salmonella outbreak to bearded dragons, leading to concerns and discussions about how to handle the situation. The article suggests that the response to such outbreaks is often extreme, such as killing all the animals involved. It also criticizes the media and certain organizations for spreading fear about diseases, and questions the accuracy of predictions about future pandemics. The author argues that hygiene, such as hand washing, is a key factor in preventing disease spread.


We have maybe a new danger that is going to be pushed out to us. CDC says new Salmonella outbreak has been traced to bearded dragons. Well, we should kill them all, I think. Isn’t that the approach that they take with all this stuff? You got Salmonella? We’ve traced it to bearded dragons? Kill them all! And what did they use? Did they use some PCR tests? Is that what they used? No, we’re going to do the PCR tests now of cows and of beef and of dairy to see if they can find Salmonella and that because they found it in bearded dragons, of course.

This is the kind of logic that we get from the CDC. And the bearded dragons, I mean, they even sound evil, you know, just kill them all. No, they’re going to come after the cows for the Salmonella. And when you look at it, four people have been hospitalized with Salmonella from these bearded dragons. Now, that’s worse, far worse, than bird flu. You know, we got some people who got pink eye. They didn’t have flu. They didn’t have a fever. They didn’t have respiratory issues. They didn’t go to the hospital. But hey, we got nothing but constant hammering and propaganda from the mainstream media and even from people like Breitbart and Epic Times and other people like that, constantly talking about bird flu and how bird flu is all over, not the birds this year, right? This year, it’s all the cows.

Why? Well, because C40, the Bloomberg, Sadiq Khan scam, where they said, we want to make sure that nobody has meat or dairy. We don’t want you to have more than three items of clothing that you can buy a year. You’ll have one flight of 900 miles or less every three years. Those people, those people are using this bird flu excuse. Come on. Salmonella and bearded dragons makes more sense than any of this stuff. My son says, first the bats, now the bearded dragons. Evil critters are rising up. That’s definitely the end of the world right here.

I mean, we’re under attack from bats and bearded dragons and everything else. Eye of Newt, that’ll be the next thing. What are they going to find? They only find conjunctivitis in eye of Newt, I guess. These are pharmacia, the sorcerers out there. Yeah, it’s not bird flu, it’s not flu. It was pink eye. It was pink eye. It’s just a little bit of hygiene that these people were working on the farm and didn’t exercise proper hygiene. One of the key things in medical science, most important discovery is to wash your hands and that would stop the conjunctivitis that they are calling bird flu and the dairy farmers.

The true number of sick people in an outbreak is likely much higher than the number reported and the outbreak may not be limited to the states with known salmonella according to the CDC. Well, there you go. CDC says diseases everywhere, be afraid, be very afraid. Especially those bearded dragons. Former CDC director Redfield who ran this scam under Trump. He’s something of a bearded dragon himself actually, bearded and evil. He says it’s just a matter of time until we have a bird flu pandemic, you know, because it’s just a matter of time. They’re going through this incrementally.

As Fauci said, you do it with disruption, you do it from the inside and you do it iteratively. And so yeah, it’s just a matter of how long it’s going to take them to incrementally ramp this thing up. Uh, and at one point they’re going to go full eyes and full lock down just like they did before going to go from bat soup to, uh, to this. He says it’s not a question of if it’s more of a question of when, when will they lock us up like they did before? Will we lock or lock us down? I should say we should be locking them up before they lock us down, but we don’t care about that.

Do we? No, no, no. We don’t care at all what Trump did to us in 2020, but these people are trying to lock him up. Well, Trump locked us down. He did that to the best of his ability. He paid people, unbelievable sums of money, trillions of dollars. He sent the government into debt and of course they’ve been spending money at that pace ever since, but he ramped it up. Yeah. Trillions of dollars to do his lockdown in 2020. And so Redfield, his CDC guy says, um, uh, oh, it’s just when bird flu enters humans, it’s going to have significant mortality.

He says probably somewhere between 25 to 50% mortality. This guy is a big conspiracy theorist. Where did he get this stuff? He’s just making it up. These are made up numbers. He has absolutely no idea. Oh, bird flu. Bird flu has been around for a very long time, you know, just like coronavirus was. Oh, but now this is going to be novel. This is going to be a novel bird flu. And when it comes around 20 to 50% mortality rate, what was the mortality rate for coronavirus? Well, coronavirus, the mortality rate was really what they were doing to people in the hospitals.

Uh, it had the same mortality rate as the flu, like 0.1% case mortality rate. They were telling everybody it’s going to be 3% area. Now he’s out there saying bird flu is going to be 25 to 50%. This guy is shameless. Trump’s CDC director is absolutely shameless. And you notice that he’s going, Oh, Chris Cuomo, who lied to you throughout all this stuff. He lied about how he didn’t tell anybody he was treating himself with ivermectin. At the same time, he was mocking anybody else who would use ivermectin. He was using it himself.

Chris Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, Redfield, a whole lot of them. It doesn’t matter whether they call themselves D or ours, just lying criminals. Don’t listen to any of these people. How many times? I mean, you know, to talk to their conservatives, you know, would they listen to Michael Cohen? Anymore. I mean, everybody was talking about Michael Cohen. He was a convicted liar. He was their chief witness in this case in New York. And then they put him on and then the lawyer, lawyer, um, nails him down, catches him and lies, gets Cohen to admit that he lied about all this stuff while he’s on the stand.

And then admitted that he stole money as well. And he still follow these people. Yeah. People still following Chris Cuomo and, uh, Tucker Carlson and Robert Redfield and all these people, Alex Jones, still following all these people. Never learn anything from it. So yeah, probably somewhere between 25 and 50%. Where did he get this? Did he ask chat GPT or something? I mean, this sounds like the kind of hallucinations that you get out of AI or maybe the kind of lies that you get out of big pharma. The largest American producer of fresh eggs, Cal main foods had to temporarily halt production of its Texas plant after detecting bird flu and chickens in April.

And this is Breitbart pushing the fear, by the way. Oh, look Robert Redfield, and we can trust him because you know, he worked for Trump. Yeah. Right. An estimated 1.6 million laying hens and 337,000 poets at the Palmer County facility were destroyed after being infected. The company said in a statement, uh, they weren’t infected. You had a couple of chickens that blew a PCR procedure and they just killed them all. Uh, again, the reasonable thing would be to quarantine and watch them, but they’re not going to do the reasonable thing because what they’re trying to do is to create a panic dimmock again.

If you quarantined them and watched them, you know what you’d find that the PCR test is baloney pure Bolshevik. And so, um, that would be kind of the equivalent of what we were saying. If you quarantine and watch the chickens with a bird flu stuff, that would be kind of like what we said about the lockdown in 2020. Okay. So you got, uh, people can’t meet together. They got to wear the little face rag, but you don’t really even define what a mask is. It could be anything, anything. Uh, well, what if we let, uh, an elderly demographic, you know, like church churches, they have very elderly demographic.

Let’s let them all meet together once a week in close, you know, contact with each other and sing and do stuff like that. And then let’s watch them and see what happens. And of course that did happen in some places and nobody died. Nobody died there. And, uh, we would see the same thing. If we quarantined, these chickens were one of them had blown a PCR test positive where they magnify this more even than the PCR tests of four years ago, they’ve now got a digital process and it’s far more inaccurate because it is far more magnified.

And so, um, it goes on to say once the, um, uh, once the virus gains the ability to attach to the human receptor, and then goes human to human, that’s when you’re going to have the panic demic pandemic. And as I said, I think it’s just a matter of time. Well, what we’re really talking about here, not the virus, but once the propaganda gets the ability to be received by humans. And once it starts being past human to human on social media with a bunch of bots out there lying to you and the mainstream media lying human to human, that’s when you’re going to have the panic demic that he’s talking about.

And of course, you know, media, both mainstream media and alt media, like Breitbart, that’s pushing this stuff. They are the vectors for spreading the panic demic. They are the vectors that spread fear. Former CDC director admits the truth. This is from Brownstone talking about Robert Redfield. He admits a little bit of the truth, but he keeps lying about some other things as well. As Ian Miller said, unproven policies without any supporting evidence, even as Dr. Anthony Fauci now admits, were suddenly immutable truths that could not be questioned. Those who did raise legitimate questions about the efficacy of such policies were labeled grandma killers or anti-science freedom DUMB lovers.

I’ll never forget Scott Adams. I said, um, two weeks into it, uh, you know, they told us two weeks to flatten the curve. Well, okay. Let my people go. Oh, no, no, no. And then Scott Adams, Dilbert guy, uh, said it’s getting harder and harder to distinguish the freedom lovers from the sociopaths. And I replied to him, I said, it’s harder and harder to tell the, uh, pragmatists from the totalitarian. I should have just gone. I know he saw himself as a pragmatist, but I would have been more accurate to say it’s harder to tell government sick offense, like Scott Adams from totalitarian.

Dr. Robert Redfield discussed our pandemic response in a recent interview with Chris Cuomo, uh, when the blind lead the blind or when the liars lie to the liars, uh, is what the interview was about. He made some stunning admissions about how our COVID policies and mandates developed and were justified. In other words, he just made them up just like he just made up this figure about 25 to 50%. Nobody calls him on that. Breitbart doesn’t question that either. Do they? Breitbart doesn’t question that. He says, yeah, when it spreads to humans, you’ll have 25 to 50% case, uh, mortality.

How in the world could he possibly know that? Uh, because that virus doesn’t exist. Oh, wait a minute. Did coronavirus really exist either? Did COVID 1984, did that really exist? Or was that a figment of their imagination? Was everything that we’re told about it just made up, just made it up like the six foot rule, just made it up like the cloth masks. Don’t wear a mask, wear a mask, wear two masks, wear three masks. Simon says vouchy says, well, don’t expect any apologies anytime soon says Ian Miller. And he’s right.

They’re not going to apologize for this stuff. Let me tell you the day, the night show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes. In fact, if you can hear me, that means you’re listening to the David night show right now. Yeah. Good job. And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the show at the David night That’s a website. [tr:trw].

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CDC's response to Salmonella outbreak criticism of disease fearmongering extreme responses to animal disease outbreaks future pandemic predictions accuracy. hand washing to prevent disease spread handling Salmonella outbreak in bearded dragons importance of hygiene in disease prevention media's role in spreading disease fear questioning accuracy of pandemic predictions Salmonella outbreak traced to bearded dragons

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