BARELY ALIVE: Nurse Erin gives Update on Vax-Injured Woman in Critical Condition

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ Alexis Lorenzo, a 23-year-old woman, was forced to take three vaccines as a condition for receiving treatment for a blood condition at UC Irvine Hospital. After the vaccines, her health deteriorated rapidly, and she has been fighting for her life in the hospital. The hospital has been accused of covering up her condition and preventing her from communicating with the outside world. This case has raised concerns about the healthcare system’s focus on profit and control, rather than patient care.
➡ This text discusses various products and services, including a potential tax trap by Joseph Biden that could affect retirement funds and increase costs, a service by Goldco to protect against hyperinflation and taxation, a supplement called Cardio Miracle that promotes heart health and mood regulation, and Kids Z-spike Gummies from Zaleco Labs designed to boost children’s immune systems and protect against health threats.


So, if you haven’t been following the story of Alexis Lorenzo, then you should be, because this is giving the entire country, the entire world, a front row ticket to see just exactly how corrupt and murderous and criminal this enterprise is running this country’s health care system, which works to protect itself and its profit margins while killing American citizens after torturing them with poisonous jabs. And it’s also showing just how untouchable these people have become. I mean, we can all stand by and watch someone be medically tortured in real time while our government and local law enforcement, while other doctors or nurses or security guards working in that very hospital where this is going on, do absolutely nothing to stop it.

Because they’re all in on it. They’re all in on this genocidal medical system that has become as powerful as a branch of government. Alexis Lorenzi, an unvaccinated 23-year-old, went to the UC Irvine Hospital in Irving, California a few weeks ago to undergo treatment for a blood condition that she was recently diagnosed with. It was then that she was forced to take three vaccines that had been known to cause serious and at times deadly reactions, the tetanus shot, along with jabs for meningitis and pneumonia. They wouldn’t treat her if she didn’t get the shots.

She says that she took two shots in her left arm, one in her right arm, within 10 minutes she wasn’t able to move them. And then she basically started dying. She’s been in the hospital ever since in extremely serious condition, fighting for her life and saying that she feels like she could be on the verge of death at any moment. And because she was injured by vaccines, the hospital, of course, is working against her. They’ve gone into cover-up mode. And they’ve gone into war mode against Alexis and anyone else who tries to help her.

They tried to stop her from having visitors, tried to stop her from having a patient advocate. They tried to stop her parents from entering the facility. They’ve tried to ban her phone from the hospital room so she can’t send out updates and let the world know exactly what it is that’s happening to her and how she’s being murdered. She’s basically been taken prisoner by this hospital to cover up the fact that she’s being destroyed by forced vaccinations. Take a look at this video. This is a compilation of several updates posted by Alexis over the past couple of weeks.

And you can see just how badly she’s been hurt. Hello America. This is Alexis. Say hi Alexis. I had a blast just from moving one inch. Her body has been, I feel better this morning than I did yesterday, but my body has been convulsing all morning and last night and I was laying down and there’s some, I’m missing chunks of hair. The hospital is finally trying to do what they can, which I appreciate, but it’s the same thing to them. It’s going to have to take, it took three days for them to realize and for me to get my father and a little bit more powerful people in here for them to realize that I need proper treatment.

They just thought I was some girl with her, a little sister or something that was ready to go. But other than that, my head hurting and leaking blood and fluid all the time. Things are okay. I love you. I love you too. I love everybody who’s been showing me support. I’m very thankful. Like I said a few times before, I did not. I didn’t think I was going to get past day three. Is this the Z worst thing? I’ve told my headaches, the whole reason why I came here is because I had a lot of bad times where someone came to the hospital in general.

I mean, she looks like she got run over by a truck. And just the other day, we got another video update on Alexis’s condition. It’s hard to watch to say the least. Everything has gotten worse. Her hair is falling out. Her entire head, much of her face are red and black and purple. She’s incredibly swollen. I mean, this is a 23 year old girl. She’s had so much fluid leaking from her head that she has to wear a towel over it. And she’s having convulsions. She’s in really, really bad shape because she was forced to take death jab vaccines just to receive medical care.

Again, that’s a 23 year old girl, a 23 year old girl who went into the hospital with minor symptoms and has now been left fighting for her life because she was forcibly injected as a condition of receiving care. She was blackmailed and coerced by a bunch of sick and disgusting medical criminals who should be facing tribunals for what they’ve done to her and to God knows how many others throughout their entire careers, especially when we consider how many people they had shot up with the bioweapon clot shot COVID jab or pumped full of REM death is near with a breathing tube shoved down their throat so they could get a nice kickback from the insurance company.

We don’t have a health care system in this country. We have a system built around control and human experimentation and maximum profits for maximum criminals. Our friend Nurse Erin has been following Alexis’s situation closely. She joins us now with an update. We got a couple of minutes here before we got to go to break, about four for our Direct TV Edition Network audience. Can you give us an update on her parents, her current condition, what’s happening and why this is all happening? You know, I think that the most recent that I’ve seen is they reached out and always said is like their family has to reach out and ask for help when the hospital isn’t facilitating any of it, but they had recently reached out to the burn doctor in order just to take care of her skin.

And it seems that they’re going to be able to do that. But to do that, they’re going to have to shave her head and, you know, tend to tend to the wounds that are seeping out of her, her scalp and her ears. And I don’t they don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t know the treatment. And the doctor that ordered the vaccines for her is nowhere to be found. Becky just disappeared? Yeah, like there is talk that so she was leading a study with the the P and H disorder that she has and to do that they needed to have her vaccinated.

And I believe that she’s part of an experiment. That’s that’s it sounds about right. That’s what they were doing in New York as well. At the very height of that pandemic when I was in New York, there were nurse practitioners in black scrubs giving my patients some sort of IV medication. And later on, I became to know that it was the remdesivir. So that hadn’t existed at that point yet. But now it all kind of makes sense. So this isn’t unheard of to experiment on patients in hospitals. There’s a lot of money, you know, in their pockets when they do this.

A couple of minutes left. Three. Is there any justification, any medical common sense to making her take these shots as a condition of treatment for what she was admitted for? No. And honestly, I mean, I think I’m for vaccines not even being existent. But especially when someone is immunocompromised, that’s contraindicated to give somebody that’s already not in a good state more toxic substances on top of it. So that doctor should have known better. But I don’t think that they actually care about patients. I think they care about their pocketbooks. Have you spoken to her family directly? I’ve spoken through her nurse advocate and then we messaged shortly briefly with her father.

If you could be talking to her father right now, what advice would you give to him? I would say to forego whatever the hospital is telling them and start the treatments that a lot of people have offered. They’re not alternative treatments. These are actual treatments that work. And I know that they’re worried about, they want to get her out of the hospital in order to start a lot of this, but there’s no time to wait. That would be my biggest message. And they don’t know what they’re doing in the hospital. And if they don’t know, every patient has a right to try.

So they have a right to try what they need and to really, really push for it. At large here, what information or advice would you give to our audience if one of their loved ones ends up in the hospital, emergencies happen? You know, don’t back down, right? Like they’re going to bully you. They’re going to tell you that this is the only protocol. That’s never the only protocol. So you’ve got to get a good advocate that’s a bulldog that’s willing to fight for you and don’t take no for an answer. At the end of the day, like you’re your own person and you have a right to choose.

And if they don’t agree with it, then that’s going to be on them. But in Alexis’s case, she’s there right now because she has to be. They don’t know what’s going on. And they need the intensive treatment or at least, you know, something on standby where if something does happen to her, but nobody knows what’s going on right now. Nurse Erin, sorry to cut you short. I got to get to break for Direct TV and Dish Network. Please keep us updated if you would. These people are absolutely killing us in the American medical industrial complex.

This is not medicine. This is murder for money. This is killing for cash. More next. Oh, You thought he was gone. Joseph Biden, the corrupt poopy pants himself. He might have dropped out of the race, but he’s not done just yet. Another question is will he jam through this hidden tax trap at the last second right before he goes where he could raid your retirement funds, supercharge your income taxes, increase your utility and gas prices. Of course, inflating costs on everything that you need to live. Some or all of this could affect you or your family in one way or another.

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Alexis Lorenzo forced vaccination Cardio Miracle heart health supplement children's health protection. Goldco hyperinflation protection healthcare system profit focus Joseph Biden tax trap Kids Z-spike Gummies mood regulation supplements patient care neglect retirement funds threat UC Irvine Hospital controversy Zaleco Labs immune boost

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