ATTENTION: AOC Introduces Articles Of Impeachment Against Justices Clarence Thomas Samuel Alito | Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

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➡ Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News talks about how Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has proposed impeachment for Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, who are known for their conservative views. This move is seen as an attempt by the left to reshape the Supreme Court. The article also discusses the value of investing in silver, highlighting its increasing demand in various industries. Lastly, it criticizes Ocasio-Cortez’s personal financial growth since her election to Congress.


Hey, everybody. Pay attention because Ocasio-Cortez, the biggest clown in Congress, has just submitted—uh, I think it’s a joke—but she has submitted articles of impeachment for Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, who you both—who you should know both are Supreme Court justices and some of the most conservative ones, especially when it comes to the Second Amendment. These two guys have been great in standing for the second when the cases get before them. And some of the things she says—well, everything she says is laughable, but I think we need to understand what she’s trying to do. Because, you know, now that Biden has had a mental breakdown before the entire world, the ultra-left, the ultra-communist left, they’re trying to dismantle the Supreme Court.

So that if a Republican victory is secured in November, then most of their BS that they’ve been passing won’t get wiped from the map. It’s—this is interesting, but this is serious. Before I jump into it and show you exactly what she said and show you these articles of impeachment, I want to thank Lear Capital for sponsoring the video. We talk a lot about gold on this show, but silver is fantastic as well, and experts believe it’s the best-kept secret in investing. Why? Because it’s an industrial metal, and it’s using everything from cell phones, batteries, electronics, solar, electronic cars, and the list goes on and on.

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When she was elected a couple of years ago, she was so broke she couldn’t afford an apartment in D.C. Remember? That was, she made a big stink about that. Now she’s a multi-millionaire on a salary of $174,000. You tell me how you could do that, because I would love to do that as well. We know how, we know, right? Well, the pot is calling the kettle black. Check it out. Yesterday, AOC introduced articles of impeachment against Justice Thomas and Justice Alito. This is what she said. This constitutes a grave threat to American rule of law, the integrity of our democracy, and one of the clearest cases for which the tool of impeachment was designed.

Remember, this little lady was broke and now she’s a multi-millionaire because she’s crooked. And she’s calling out these two gentlemen because they have friends with money, or they have sold property, or they have even used their First Amendment. She continued. She continued. And she doesn’t report it. AOC is a fool, right? She’s pissed off because these two guys are, you can count on them to side with conservatism. To side with the Constitution. And she is a communist. Remember the new Green Deal and cow farts? This woman is the ultimate left of the left. She makes the squad, her group of radicals, she makes them look conservative.

She’s bad. Horrible. And again, I’ll say that a bartender is now a multi-millionaire just because she was placed in a position in Congress. There were only a couple thousand people who voted and she was lucky. Old Sandy, before she became elected, she was Sandra Cortez. Here’s some more information from Old Sandy. The first impeachment resolution includes the following impeachment articles against Justice Thomas. One, failure to disclose financial income, gifts and reimbursements, property interests, liabilities and transactions, among other information. Two, refusal to recuse for matters concerning his spouse’s legal interest in cases before the court. Three, refusal to recuse for matters involving his spouse’s financial interest in cases before the court.

I’m not going to read you the whole articles of impeachment because I think Thomas’ is 16 pages, his legal is 10 pages. But in Thomas’ she goes over everything that we’ve already seen all the leftists try to grab onto. You know, he has a rich friend and look, friends help friends out a lot, right? And she thinks because they’re a justice that they can’t have friends and do the same thing that she does. You know, she also goes after Thomas because he owned a vacant plot of land with two other family members and they sold it.

And she was upset about that because his initial report said this is what his stake was, like it was 15 grand. And then ultimately the plot of land sold for a higher amount. And then he went back and changed the reporting, but she didn’t like how he changed it. She would just rather he didn’t, then she could go after him that way. It’s horrible. It’s a joke. But, you know, we’ll continue. Here’s what she wrote about Justice Alito in her articles of impeachment. One, refusal to recuse from cases in which he had personal bias or prejudice concerning a party in cases before the court.

Two, failure to disclose financial income, gifts and reimbursements, property interests, liabilities and transactions, among other information. Now, I did read Alito’s as well. And the shocking part of Alito’s is that she’s pissed off that he exercised his First Amendment. I’ll give you two examples. She is trying to have him impeached because he flew a flag of the United States flag upside down, which is an expression. It’s covered, but she would love it when her friends, her click, her voting base, you know, the BLMs and the Antifa is in them. She loves it when they burn the American flag.

But when Justice Alito on his property had the flag upside down a couple of days after J6, we must impeach him for having his own First Amendment expression, right? The second one you saw in the news, what, two, maybe three months ago when they were trying to jam him up because he flew the Appeal to Heaven flag. And she says that that flag is associated with criminal activity. Honey, that’s how this country started. We’re kind of close to that again. If you read the Declaration of Independence, like, we’re really close to that right now. And the flag he flew is American history.

It’s not a criminal flag. She’s just a freaking idiot. The last part here. The bartender maintains that such conduct while under the judicial oath to faithfully and impartially discharge and perform duties and a constitutional oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, warrants impeachment, trial, removal from office and disqualification from holding future office in the United States of America. On June 11th of 24, the bartender and the guy in Congress who wants to look like he’s part of the E Street Band hosted an overnight roundtable with expert panelists and legislators, including Senator Whitehouse entitled High Court Low Standards and Dark Money flagging a Supreme Court ethics crisis in America to examine corruption in the court.

Then on June 20th, they wrote a letter to the Chief Justice Roberts to learn what immediate action he would take to restore public trust in the court amidst severe ethical conflicts. And then on June 25th, the ass clowns introduced the High Court Gift Ban Act to prohibit Supreme Court justices from receiving gifts valued at more than $50, bringing them in line with members of Congress and other federal officials. So what she’s saying right there is that the justices were doing what they were allowed to do under the structure of the court. But now we’re going to change that because we didn’t like that.

And we’re going to try to impeach them for doing what they were okay to do. Makes total sense if you’re a left leaning communist piece of trash. But there you go. Now who’s co-sponsoring this? This will give you a hint of the future of these articles of impeachment. Representatives Barbara Lee, Rashida Tlaib, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Delia Ramirez, Maxwell Frost, Ilhan Omar, Jamal Brown, and Jasmine Crockett. And then these groups endorsed it as well. Court accountability, free speech for people, get free, move on, next gen America, our revolution. Yeah, try it. People’s party project, ultra violet, women’s march, take back the court.

So there you go. One other thing I wanted to add about the articles of impeachment against Justice Thomas was she got a whole bunch, like most of the stuff she has in there is related to Justice Thomas’s wife who has her own law practice, does her own thing. They, it’s been, I mean, they’ve gone after this for decades. You know, Justice Thomas and his wife, there is a sharp delineation in what he does and what she does and they do not cross pollinate. Well, she had some texts back and forth with Donald Trump, you know, after the election results where, you know, most people think there was some shadiness.

And she’s trying to hold that against Clarence Thomas in her words, even if she didn’t tell him that was going on. So his wife is doing, you know, things that she wants to do in her own practice and talking to people and running events and doing her own thing. And he’s supposed to pay for that. It’s off, AOC. If anybody should be impeached, it’s you. Guys and gals, let me know what you think down below. And I’ll see you on the next one. Subscribe to the channel. If you want to know more about the Second Amendment and I’ll tell you if and when anything happens with these articles of impeachment.

I see them going nowhere, but we need to get rid of AOC and her crew of communists who have infiltrated Congress. [tr:trw].

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criticism of Ocasio-Cortez's financial growth financial growth since election to Congress increasing demand for silver in industries Ocasio-Cortez impeachment proposal reshaping the Supreme Court Samuel Alito conservative views Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas value of investing in silver

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