Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots



➡ Gregory Mannarino talks about how the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation is still rising, but less than expected, which the market is responding positively to. However, the economy is struggling, with people finding it hard to get by and mortgage demand dropping. The Federal Reserve is buying a lot of debt, which is causing the dollar to drop. Despite this, the stock market is being propped up, with the expectation that this will continue until the next presidential election.
➡ The speaker is discussing the importance of the debt market, specifically the 10-year yields and the dollar, in assessing financial risk. They express concern about the economy and urge caution, particularly for homebuyers keeping mortgages. The speaker also invites listeners to join a live stream later in the day and emphasizes the importance of self-care and looking out for one another.


Okay, everybody. Here we go. It’s me, Gregory Mannarino, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, pre-market report. Let’s talk about this CPI number that just came in, the Consumer Price Index. As you and I expected, I mean, we called this out before it happened, as usual. We got a Goldilocks number, and the market is loving this. The 10-year yield is cratering, the dollar is dropping, stock futures are higher pretty much across the board. So here we go. This is the headline here. So April CPI inflation still rising. Inflation is still rising, but less than forecast.

The number was 0.4. Well, it came in slightly lower. So this is, as we expected, that was the number we used right here. Goldilocks. Of course, this is fake. We all know this is fake. Inflation continues to outpace everything else. Food inflation more than anything right now. People can’t get by. People are struggling. Economy is cratering. As a matter of fact, on the economic front, here’s some economic news from today. Mortgage demand for homeowners drops. You know, look, people can’t get by anymore. It’s become a slave nation. People can’t buy homes. A lot of you out here, follow my friend Chuck Barone.

Go ask Chuck. He’ll tell you about this whole situation. He’s a mortgage broker. He’ll tell you the situation. It is absolutely dire. So anyway, look, does this surprise you? I don’t think so, because here again, a clear example of you and I calling out what would happen before it does, because it’s fake. We know what they’re gonna do. They’re gonna fake the numbers. They’re gonna fist feed us garbage nonsense and dog experiment, but this is the Goldilocks space and the markets loving it. Who’s buying all the debt? Let’s see, on the back of all this, remember just like two days ago, you and I were on sub mmri 290 watch? Look where we are this morning on the back of this.

Do you know what it take to push this number down? Massive, epic, freaking astronomical amounts of debt buying. Who’s buying all the debt? Who’s buying all the debt, people? I’m gonna give you one guess. It’s the Fed. They’re buying all the debt here and of course this is currency negative. You see the dollar dropping here on a relative stream basis. Look at the Dixie. It’s an incredible situation here, but as we expected, bam, there you go as well. Now, it’s not just, you got, not only do we have stock futures higher across the board, tenure, you’re dropping like a rock, dollar falling off of a cliff.

You got gold and silver catching a nice bid this morning. You got crypto currencies catching a nice bid this morning. Crude oil is flat right now, not doing too much, but that’s definitely gonna change energy prices. Look, everything that is priced in dollars here, again, dollar devaluation, currency devaluation, purchasing power, losses, this is only going to accelerate moving forward no matter who they put. They choose to put behind the Resolute Desk. So you can imagine where this is all gonna go moving forward. Do you, keep in mind as well, what we spoke about just yesterday and I showed you a chart.

The Federal Reserve, just since February 26th of this year, all right, May 15th, has inflated the money supply at least, because that was lagging, 418 billion, almost half a trillion dollars, and they’re not done inflating here. It’s an insane situation here, but what else would you expect? Now, we got a lovely, a lovely warning from our friend, Jamie Diamond. He’s urging the United States to deal with its deficit sooner. Look, it’s not gonna stop, and Jamie Diamond knows it’s not gonna stop. Deaths and deficits continue to balloon out of control as this situation becomes more and more dire here.

So that’s what’s going on today. Imagine my shock, imagine your shock. Inflation continues to rise. Oh no. Oh, but it’s slightly less than forecast. Now, remember these forecasts. These forecasts, it’s laughable, are by so-called economists who are polled. They’ve been wrong, even obviously with this one, 100% of the time. Meanwhile, you and I, how is it, do you believe? Okay, look, I’d like to think that we’re smarter than most people, and maybe that’s true, maybe it’s not true, I don’t know, but Federal Reserve has been wrong 100% of the time. They haven’t been right once with regard to their projections, with regard to inflation, and what did Powell tell us? He has no confidence, no confidence in the Fed’s projections.

This is what he said, came right out of his mouth with regard to inflation. Oh, although we’re supposed to believe that according to the Fed’s newest projection, prices are gonna come down in 2025. No, no, no, no. Through the end of this year and into 2025, do you believe that’s true? Meanwhile, the Fed’s inflating on an epic scale, debts and deficits, hyper ballooning, $418 billion added to the money supply since February 26. Make it up. Make any of this stuff up. Can’t do it. It’s impossible to do. But our economy is strong, and you can tell because mortgage demand continues to fall.

Oh yeah, absolutely. And major corporations, they continue to lay people off by the tens of thousands. That’s how strong our economy is. Keep in mind, and look this up for yourselves. Right up until the last days of World War II, the German people believed they were winning the war. They believed they were winning because that was the propaganda being fistfed to the people, well, by their so-called loving, caring leaders like we have here. Our loving, caring leaders couldn’t give a damn about you or me. Do you understand? All they’re concerned about is making sure that they and their families are okay.

They understand what’s happening here. The economy in freefall around the world, central banks fulfilling their endgame. They’re working together right now to destroy the economy, to bring us to our knees, to issue a new system. You all know that. We know what the system is. Fully tokenized. We’ve discussed it. I’ve written papers about this. You know where we’re going. Everybody knows where we’re going, at least that follows this blog. And if you’re new here, let’s get you up to speed. Start watching some of my older videos. You and me, they can’t beat us people because they told you.

We know who our enemy is. We know what they want from us. Understanding this gives us an insurmountable edge. If we realize that the Fed put is here, the Fed is buying the debt. The Fed is going to ensure that the market stays propped up right up to the presidential selection. That’s what I’ve been telling you since I don’t know how freaking long and it looks like it’s happening. Who’s buying all the debt right now? Who’s buying all the debt, right? Freaking now as we’re speaking and to have enough firepower to push the MMR right here.

I mean, I didn’t expect this. I’m not going to lie to you. Greg Monorino himself did not expect to see the MMR drop like a rock as it is right now. Maybe 287 or so, but this is absolutely incredible. People, I’m urging you to follow this. It’s free. I made it free for all of you. I couldn’t charge for this because this is an amazing tool to use. If you actually made the Manarino Market Risk Indicator, but I chose not to do that. I want you to have this information for free. Link in the description of this video.

And if you haven’t yet, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter. I put all kinds of stuff out there for you for free as well. It’s not for me. It’s for you. I am trying my hardest to keep all of you ahead of the curve again. Also, link in the description of this video. So what do you guys and girls think about this Goldilocks CPI? We called it. Before it happened, here it is. It’s Goldilocks. The market’s getting off on this right now. It’s a beautiful thing. The Fed putters in place. They’re going to prop up the market.

That means cash is going to come out of places where it should be going into. And obviously, going into the stock market here. Further exacerbating the underlying issue. This is a hyper bubble of hyper bubbles that you can’t even believe. And it’s being engineered as well. What do we know about the Federal Reserve? They’re a serial bubble blower. They blow these bubbles and they allow them to burst. A clear example, the Greenspan put before it was called the Fed put. How he inflated the dot-com bubble and then pricked that bubble too when he started raising rates.

You understand? All this stuff that we talk about is so simple. It is so easy. It comes down to cause and effect. Cause and effect. But what does that do for you and me? We’re not going to change. We have been on the right path with regard to this whole thing. If I don’t know how freaking long, people. The market’s going to stay propped up until it doesn’t. And we have the ultimate tool to tell when that bubble is going to burst. And that is this, okay? The crash, as you all know, is not going to begin nor end in the stock market.

It’s going to begin and end in the debt market, which is the driver. So if you and I are watching the MMRI, which uses the debt market, the 10-year yields more specifically, and the dollar or unit of debt, to gauge where risk is. I mean, it’s just a no-freaking-brainer. I love it. All right, people, I think we’re going to call it here. I hope you got something out of this. I want to hear from you on all this. What about Jamie? Oh, he’s urging. Be careful. Be careful. We got a problem. Homebuyers keep mortgages because our economy is so strong.

And of course, we have the Goldilocks number. Imagine my shock. This guy here loves you a lot. This is a coping mechanism. If I don’t do this, I’m going to end up in a freaking rubber room. We’re in a freaking straight jacket. All right. Love you, laughing-the-heart people. I mean that. I will see you all later. 4.05 p.m. Eastern for the live stream. Please join me there to help keep me sane, or I really am going to lose it here. Until we see each other again, take care of each other, and take care of yourself, too.


See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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10-year yields assessment Consumer Price Index inflation trends dollar role in financial risk dollar value drop economic caution advice Federal Reserve debt buying homebuyers mortgage caution importance of debt market importance of self-care in live stream financial discussion market response to CPI inflation mortgage demand drop presidential election economic impact stock market support struggling economy impact

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