Are You Ready For This (Impending Doom)

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja



➡ This article talks about the rising fear of job loss, especially in the tech industry, due to economic instability. The author believes that the government is not accurately reporting unemployment numbers and that many people are underemployed. He warns that we may be heading towards a big recession or even a mini depression. He also suggests that companies are quietly encouraging employees to quit to avoid paying severance packages.
➡ This text talks about how big companies often lay off employees without much warning, and how this can be emotionally tough for the people who lose their jobs. It also discusses how these companies use psychology to predict and manipulate employees’ reactions. The text suggests that this system is unfair and might fail in the future, and encourages people to be ready to start their own businesses when that happens. It also criticizes companies for hiring illegal immigrants after laying off American workers.
➡ The speaker is warning about potential future issues in the U.S., including the government stopping unemployment checks and other benefits, leading to nationwide riots. They suggest people prepare by stocking up on essentials and protecting their homes. They also mention their channels where they discuss financial information and real estate, and a newsletter they’ve started. They express gratitude for the support they’ve received.


You impending doom. That is a phrase that is. There are two words that are in today’s news story out of CNBC. It’s a very interesting choice of words because as a firefighter for the last 26 years, and I’m sure law enforcement and military personnel know, have been trained to understand this fact as well, is that when someone is feeling or sensing a sense of impending doom, that is not a laughing matter.

It’s not a joke. As a matter of fact, that means that they are close to leaving this earth. It is a mechanism inside of our bodies and our spirits, our souls. A fear factor, a triggering event, a device that triggers fight or flight. It is to show us how serious these times are. And it’s interesting to me that CNBC used these words, and this is the title of today’s video, or sorry, the story laid off techies face sense of impending doom with job cuts at the highest rate since.

com crash. Now, I don’t want to overdramatize it, turn this into something it’s not, but this is, I believe, very serious. And I’ll give you an example, a real world example. My businesses, I am constantly, because I have always, throughout any of my side hustles or businesses, I have been the one directly dealing with sales. So on a minute to minute basis, I can tell you how good or how bad my business is doing, because I see the increase, or lack thereof, regarding sales.

I would have conversations with my bookkeeper and, hey, things aren’t looking good. We need to step things up. And my bookkeeper would say, what are you talking about? We’re crushing it. And they’re referring to the month prior or the quarter before that. Because they always see back into the past, because they are keeping the records and they get the sales data 30 days late, later than I get it, day by day.

And by the time news hits the media, the mainstream media, it’s too late. It’s already happened. It’s old news. Especially when we’re talking about finance, financial news, okay? Because the news on CNBC is based off of a quarterly report or an annual report that happened in the past. The government is straightforward lying to you. In regards to the unemployment numbers, the one way that I can prove that is through revisions, where the government comes out with their statistics, their numbers, on whatever it is, company earnings, on the health of the economy, all these forecasts.

And then that day that they come out and the market cheers because they’re doing the cheerleader route. They’re going that route. They revise the numbers from the past. And the revisions are never, ever better. They’re worse. But it doesn’t matter because everyone’s looking at today because of the internal optimism trigger inside of our bodies. Now, I for one, we already know that the government says employment is coming up.

It’s rising, it’s getting higher. Okay, it’s not that bad yet. I will tell you that it is bad. People are underemployed. The government is miscalculating on purpose the numbers for jobs. They’re counting a part time job as a full time job. So as one job. So if someone has two part time jobs, they count it as two jobs, and people will find out way too late that everything has collapsed.

Let’s read a little bit of this story, and then I’m going to dive into the facts behind the story and why you should be getting prepared for this and not a hiding your head in the sand. It’s an opportunity to not only level up, to go skyrocket past even some of your greatest dreams and aspirations for yourself, because we’re looking down the barrel of a massive recession, if not a mini depression.

It says here, with tech layoffs at their highest since 2000, highest since the 2001 dot crash, the job hunt is getting harder. And many in the industry are being forced to settle for pay cuts if they could find a new gig at all. Now, a lot of people do not understand how this works because they’re saying ninja. Nasdaq is at, like, all time highs. It’s crushing it. Not all time highs, but you don’t get my point.

We’re crushing it. Nasdaq is absolutely crushing it. The reason why it’s crushing it is for a couple different reasons. Investors, and I will tell you this, mostly speculators, because the real investors are leaving the stock market, like Warren Buffett, Jamie Dimon, Jeff Bezos, all these guys, they are leaving. They are net sellers. They are leaving. The speculators are running in like the roaring 20s right before the great crash of 29.

And they’re speculating because earnings are getting better. Why? Or they’re at least beating consensus or analyst estimates because layoffs are happening. Okay? And on top of the layoffs, their balance sheet’s looking more improving, and AI is completely doing game changer things for them. They’re speeding up automation, all of that kind of stuff. But you have to look at their sales. If sales aren’t coming in the door, it means nothing.

These are mostly zombie companies that continually need to go and borrow money to make ends meet. It says since the start of the year, more than 50,000 positions have been slashed at over 200 tech companies, according to tracking websites. Layoff, FYI. CNBC spoke to a dozen recently laid off employees about their experiences navigating the job market. We have been speaking about quiet firing, where companies are looking to get people to convince them to quit their job because they’re so frustrated or so stressed out or they’re not paid enough so that the company does not have to pay the severance package.

See, during Lehman Brothers, when Lehman brothers crashed type two. If everyone remembers the B roll footage of a line of people walking out the door of Lehman Brothers at the same time with these boxes, with all their stuff from their offices, please let me know if you remember that. There was a series on CNBC and other news networks. It was all over and it was people lined up in single file line walking out the door with these boxes, with all of their items.

All right. Now, there are people that remember this. I want to tell you something, and I know this may blow your mind, but you please understand how serious this is. That was done on purpose. What is happening? There are people in the markets that make a crap ton of money by shorting the markets, and they want the hardest, biggest impact. And what they do is they put together footage.

I know it’s going to sound crazy. They do it on purpose. It’s almost like a perp walk. They line everybody up and say, make it look bad. Look sad. You’re walking out with your stuff. We want to punch a hole in the Americans chest, hit them where the gut and say it’s it. Everything’s crashing and it just makes the stock market downturn as people race their computers. Sell, sell, sell.

It’s really happening. Oh, my gosh. The crash back then happened a lot earlier than that. Just like this one started in 2019, September of 2019, to be exact. That’s when it hit its peak momentum and the banks were crashing and the Fed wanted to pump this one up. Identical to what happened of the depression of 1920. And before anyone comments and goes, ninja, you’ve got your dates wrong.

Go back and Google it. There was a depression in 1920 that goes very unreported or taught because they don’t want you to know about it because it is identical to what happened to our sliver of a recession spike drop in 2020. Isn’t that weird? It happened exactly 100 years prior because of a flu that they blamed on the Spanish. Please understand that this cycle is very real and it is happening right now.

However, this time, because of advancements in technology and we’re talking about layoffs in the Nasdaq, right? So let’s talk about technology. Because of advancements in technology, bubbles can expand and contract or pop faster because technology has made it so. So if you think for a second, okay, this maybe starts the depression of 1920, that means roaring 20s. We’ve got like nine years, eight years. No, this bubble expanded so fast to the point that I want you to understand this.

Please understand this and type four if you do. The reason why everything looks still okay ish is because $1 trillion was printed in the last hundred days. And before that, there was another trillion. And before that, another trillion. And all you need to understand is this. There’s a massive land grab going on right now, and we’re talking on all kinds of fronts on assets, all kinds of stuff.

Please understand this. All they have to do and they want to do is something small to pull the rug guy right out from under all of us. And you will see lines of people walking out of doors. But right now, the scary thing is it’s really happening on the news. Last two januaries ago is when the tech layoff started. We’re talking tens of thousands of jobs from each companies.

Boom. Gone. You’re gone. You’re gone. Those people right now are on government assistance, and a lot of them will not tell you, even if you’re their close friends. Yeah, I’m laid off. I don’t have a job because of their emotions. There are psychologists that work in fields for companies that specialize in telling these corporate bigwigs how you’re going to act when they lay you off. They consult with them.

And most people have no concept of how this works, and they want to use your emotions. I teach this in my courses on real estate and in the side hustle course, how to use human emotions for your benefit, to get the best price on whatever you want in life and to sell it for the highest price. That’s marketing and sales. And the big CEOs of the massive companies, they’re all buddies, and they’re in a group that you don’t want to be in.

Straight up evil and wrong. And they work together. They have become conglomerates too big to fails. And I’m telling you, I’m going on record, this whole system is failing because God’s going to take it down. And if you’re not ready to start a business when this happens, you’re going to miss out on the greatest opportunity of your life. There are two battles going on right now, one on earth and one in the heavens.

And for four years I’ve done my best and I’m going to continue to crush it. And I’m not being cocky. It’s because, and I hope you understand this and type five, if you agree with this, our lives are up to us. And if you think for a second that the government’s here to help and you’re here, and the government’s going to be there to take care of you, you are sadly mistaken.

And so when I say I’m going to go crush it, it’s because I ain’t giving up. Says here that Alphabet, Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft have all taken part in the downsizing this year, along with eBay, Unity Software, SAP, Cisco. Wall street has largely cheered on the cost cutting, sending many tech stocks to record highs. Just like I talked about earlier on optimism that spending discipline coupled with efficiency gains from artificial intelligence will lead to rising profits, PayPal announced in January that it was estimating, or, sorry, eliminating 9% of its workforce, or about 25% of jobs, 2500 jobs.

Just understand, please, that PayPal wants to keep it under 10%. The second companies announce double digit layoffs, that’s a whole different realm. See, what they’re doing right now is they’re actually doing the work. They’re actually laying people off. What you’re going to see during this crash, and it will happen in the next year, you will see perp walks of people. More than likely they will be actors, and they will be lined up thinking that they’re in a movie and they signed a nondisclosure.

Hey, this really crap really happens. And they’re going to come out looking sad or crying, slowly walking out of big buildings. And the day that the stock market is falling like it did in September of 2008, when Lehman Brothers closed and the stock market fell 777 points, which equated to 7% loss on the stock market exactly seven years before or after. Sorry, 911, you can’t make this crap up.

They’re going to be telling the american people, you better go to your console and sell your stock and cause a selling frenzy so that our short positions skyrocket and you lose money. You know, I woke up this morning, wanted to be sarcastic and punchy and just make fun of all this. Like how most people have no concept because their heads are up their butts, and I’m saying most people because they’re so ingrained in their lives.

Most humans don’t have a large peripheral, they don’t have a good view of life. They’ve got their blinders on peripheral and I looked at the headlines and I saw the impending doom title, and I thought about how many calls I’ve been on as a firefighter when someone on scene is crying, please don’t let me die. I’m going to die. And I watched them die. I remember the first time it happened.

I immediately went back into my training as a young firefighter in fire academy, in EMS Academy, and listening to the instructors saying, if anyone ever has this incense of impending doom, it’s not a joke. Take it serious. And they talked about the triggering events inside of our body and the fight or flight response. And so I woke up this morning, wanted to be all funny and joking around, and I saw that, and it says here, laid off techies face sense of impending doom, with job cuts at the highest since.

com crash. There are companies that are laying people off right now, and they’re saying, hey, we’re going to cut because we’re right before earnings. So we don’t want you to sell off our stock. This is no joke. A real conversation that C suite execs have before they go to press with their information. We’re going to lay off, like, eight or 9% of our company. Think about Citigroup, right? One of the biggest banks in the country.

But we’re not going to tell anyone yet. So we’ll make final decisions, like, a couple of months from now, because they’re trying to save the selling off of their stock because their bank sucks. And then you’ve got everybody in the bank going, oh, my gosh, is it me? Is it me? Can you imagine the stress in the workplace? I had a supervisor once. It was the dumbest thing I ever heard in my freaking life.

And I say, he’s a supervisor. A boss, because he’s not a leader. Stood up one day, and he’d worked with us for about five or six years before, and he stood up in front of a group of us and he says, there’s a new job for a supervisor position, a captain’s position coming up, or a lieutenant’s position, whatever it was. And he says, want you to understand, and the job is going to be flown in a couple of months.

Your interview starts today. Now, in this simple mind of this gentleman, he was trying to get you to work harder, snitch on people, whatever. And I said, you’ve been working with us for five years. The job interview is already over. Be a man. And just, you already know, I’d rather a supervisor walk up. My type of supervising style is I walk up to someone and I say, I like the way you work.

I like this and this and this. I would like you to apply for being a supervisor. But you can’t do that in this world. Everyone’s scared of their own freaking shadow, and they’re going, you can’t do that. That’s self selection. Yeah, exactly. The guy’s a hard working guy. He gets along with his crew. I want to promote him. That’s my job as a supervisor. I’m to bring people up, men and women.

You work hard, you work hard. You guys are awesome. Everyone else, you’re sniveling, you’re crying. Oh, you don’t like that? I said that. Line up, get better. Don’t be dirt bags. But see, middle management in this country don’t have cajones. They got nothing. Again, like I said, that impending doom, the feeling that people are like, something’s wrong, something’s wrong, but they don’t know how to put it together.

They don’t understand what’s happening. They don’t know how to formulate that feeling or turn that feeling into decision making, a decision making process. And that’s why ever since I started this channel, there’s a lot of versions of me. There’s the lighthearted. There’s a dramatic side. There’s a pissed off side, like what happened yesterday on that video in that Costco parking lot. I got pissed. You got companies laying people off, and they’re saying, we’re closing down this plant.

And with zero, and I’m telling you, zero remorse, we are the largest employer in this town. We’re laying everybody off. We’re closing the door. We’re going to open up a plant somewhere else. We’re going to hire illegal immigrants. How’s that for a kick in the nuts to the american public? But it’s not just Tyson foods. And I’m going to be boycotting Tyson foods, and I’m going to be doing videos on every company Tyson owns that everybody knows because we all have to stand our ground.

Companies. See, right now, with all these people being laid off and type ten, if you agree and if this pisses you off, type eleven. We are in a time where american citizens that have been paying taxes their whole lives, or let’s just say the year prior, are being laid off. They’re going and getting money from the government. The government’s printing money to hand to them, to help them, right? They’re not telling everyone, and the government’s not reporting on their situation.

And then these companies are going and hiring migrant workers, illegals. That are forcing their way in illegally. Okay? You’re not entering legally. If I got to freaking get on a plane and I got to show a stupid ID, a real ID to go from state to state now, not even out of the country, but these people can come right in, get free healthcare, get a job, and they’re put on a freaking plane.

There are lines in TSA right now in Arizona. See, now I’m getting pissed. Lines in TSA in Arizona right now that it says, do you have a passport or real ID? You go here and you get body scan and all this crap. If you don’t, you just go over here and you’re going to get right on that plane and we’re going to put you somewhere else because we got to get you all throughout the country.

So you’re infiltrated all throughout the country. Now, I want you to understand this, and this is a prophecy that I heard a long time ago from someone called John Paul Jackson. And the website was called the perfect storm and it was a section on that called prophetic headlines. If you go read those headlines, your mouth will drop because about 65, 70% of them have already come to pass.

And one of them is the government is going to stop paying its. I’m blanking on the word, but the government stimulus, the unemployment checks and things like that, it’s just going to stop entitlements. The government’s going to stop paying the entitlements because of a crash. Something’s going to happen. And I’m telling you, that’s not by a mistake, that’s actually a plan. They’re getting everybody on the government dole.

They’re going to pull back and watch the snapback. There will be riots all throughout the country. These are the times to be getting ready for those times. And how do you get ready? Just think of the nation’s on fire, cities all around. There’s rioting in the big cities. You know what? I’m just not going to leave my house. I’m going to sit back. I’m going to have enough food for a few weeks at most because this will mean calm down.

After that, I’m going to have some water, water filter. I’m going to be locked and loaded and I’m going to protect my property. If a majority of Americans had that attitude and they just said pull back, family members, come on back. We’re sitting here. We’re sitting tight. I’m going to protect our families. There wouldn’t be a problem. It would be short lived. But like everything else, when there’s something commotion over there.

Everybody flocks to it, and then it gets worse and then good people get sucked in. Almost like what happened at the Capitol, right? Thank you so much, Frank, for the super chat. So I want to sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank every single one of you for supporting this channel. I’m going to move over and do a live stream, and we’re going to get some serious sarcasm going because I’m pissed and I want to change my attitude.

Over on the real estate ninja channel, if you guys don’t mind flying over there real quick, maybe hitting the subscribe button. And my other channel, it’s edited. We’re going low level at first, financial information to high level. We’re going to change the way people think about money as this crash happens. And that’s called this will make you rich, if you don’t mind checking that out. And also, I’m going to put a link below.

I started a newsletter and it’s bringing all of my videos to you and summaries. And then when I see an article that I cannot share on here because the algo will not want to share it out because it does not like that kind of stuff, I will put that in the newsletter. So if you want to sign up, it’s free. Thank you so much. The economic ninja is out.


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avoiding severance packages companies encouraging employees to quit criticism of hiring illegal immigrants economic instability and unemployment emotional impact of job loss manipulation of employees' reactions mini depression fears potential for big recession rising fear of job loss in tech industry starting own businesses after layoffs underreported unemployment numbers unexpected layoffs in big companies unfair employment systems warning of

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