Are We In The Storm? Check Out These Interesting Comms From Trump & Putin

Posted in: Patriots


On September 5, 2022…

Russian President Putin Talks About A Falcon Named “Storm” And Their Military Operation



Then in the last couple days, Putin has made several statements indicating he’s advancing and mobilizing more Russian soldiers.


Here’s a couple posts from the ASB Military News Telegram channel with lots more info from the Russia/Ukraine situation.




On September 12, 2022, President Trump ReTruths this picture…



And today, he ReTruthed this interesting video…



Whatever is happening, things are definitely picking up momentum! 


At this point, if you’ve done your own research, you are likely in either one of two spots. 


  1. President Trump is deep state and this is all a show to distract people and we’re going to end up in a one world government.




  1. President Trump is a real Patriot and has been working with the military to help clean up what’s been happening in this country and around the world the last few years and is still in the process of doing that now. 


I’ll let you do your own research and come to your own conclusions.


But no matter what the REAL TRUTH is, don’t rely on anyone else to make YOUR life better!


YOU have the power to create and live your best life, no matter what is going on “in the world”. 


So hopefully you are doing that! 


I have a feeling these next couple months are going to be quite interesting! 


Prepare yourself for whatever the October “surprise” might be! 


And remember, everything is available to you. 


The question is, what are you choosing to do with your time, your attention and your life?? 



P.S. If we are in the storm, REAL Patriots have the Lt. Dan attitude! 😂



YouTube player


Btw, I’m aware Tom Hanks isn’t a good person, so you don’t need to comment about it. 


I shared that video to highlight the attitude of a WINNER when they are in a fight/storm. (And also, God works through storms)


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is the storm upon us putin storm falcon Trump putin storm trump storm is upon us what is the storm
  • Dans theology was dodgey ,really didn’t have a leg to stand on there , but never say die . As q has said how do you wake people up ?,reality of evil ,and back pocket . School mums have had enough ,taking back the education system from mr Rockerfellers wet dream of total indoctrination . Not so many guys just watch and talking about sports on TV , the real ‘opiate of the people ‘, men are connecting ,discussing how have we got so corrupted . The byedung ‘show’ is really helping to shock people awake ,a senile, evil . Under the Hillderbeasties 8 year rule ,the witches would most likely have got the guns ,game over, for the whole world really . If trump was good cop bad cop he sure has wrecked that plan . Still loving that Putin shakes ‘the storm’ holders hand , no sniffing there . and ps , way to many military intellegence ,and supernatural clues ,ie 8th september liberty bell + Elizabeths announced departure , a watch at 4′ 49″ from 4 years out , 1776 days from 1st post ,durham ,last post , 1st durham trial blood moon ,in scales of justice !!??, I mean come on ..and come back Lord .

  • People are hurting very bad, their pay check’s do not cover their bill’s, we need President Trump back. Crime, the Border, drug’s, US is out of control
    and it better stop soon or too many people will be killed. When a person is killed for winning an election and a teen age boy express is belief in
    Republican Party and gets ran over for it and dies in North Dakota, I pray someone well put a stop to it.

    Sincerely God bless America

  • The Second amendment is the safety net of American patriots. Pray for peace but prepare for war. When all else fails, the hill to die on is that of the Second Amendment. #1 ‘may’ be down, #2 will only be down when they pry it from my cold dead hands. Like I said, Pray for peace and the defeat of the plans of evil men where ever and who ever they may be. Give me liberty or give me death. No point in regrouping to fight another time. No better time than the present, to end the human suffering and evil, under tyranny.

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