ANOTHER SCAMDEMIC? COUNT ON IT! We Are Being SET UP. Important Updates | Gregory Mannarino

Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots



➡ Gregory Mannarino is upset about the pharmaceutical company Moderna, which is worth over $45 billion and has $8.5 billion in cash, receiving a $176 million grant from the government to develop a bird flu vaccine. He believes this is a scam and fears another pandemic is being planned to allow central banks to inflate the economy. He also criticizes the state of the US economy, the rising inflation, and the manipulation of the stock market. He encourages people to buy the market dips and invest wisely to protect themselves.
➡ The author discusses the rising price of crude oil and other commodities, while stocks are slightly down. They express gratitude for the support they receive for their work, asking for a small donation. The author also questions why the American people are giving $176 million to a large company with billions in cash, creating more debt. They plan to discuss this further in a live stream later in the day.


Okay, everybody. Here we go. It’s me, Gregory Mannarino, Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, pre-market report, and I’m kind of put off right now a little bit, and you should be too. Why? What am I talking about? People, we’re about to be scammed. We’re getting scammed on an epic scale, but it’s getting a lot worse here. Let me…let’s try…someone out here, okay? Try to explain to me… Why what just happened is just all well and good. Okay, what am I talking about specifically? Moderna. The mega-freakin’ pharmaceutical corporation that’s been raping. And I mean this to the highest order.

Not just the people of the United States, but the people of the world. For quite a long time now. This company, Moderna, is worth over 45 billion dollars. With cash on hand. With cash on hand. Over 8.5 billion. Meanwhile, this company, Moderna, just got an award, a gift from the government, or should I say, the courtesy of the American people, of 176 million dollars to develop a new vaccine for bird flu. How does that work? How does? How is this even possible? Well, of course, when you have this corporate state like we have now, well, of course you would expect to see something like this here.

You can’t make it up if you try to, and I’ll tell you something. I believe, and I want to hear from you as well, do you think they’re done with scammedemics? I don’t think so at all. I believe it’s just a matter of time before they fling something like that on us again. Shut down the economy. Allow, in this case, the Federal Reserve to hyper balloon the debt more so than we have now. Look, you know the mechanism here. It’s very simple to understand. Every possible way that they could come up with to pull more cash into the now.

Like, for example, a hundred, here, let me get this name right. The number right. 176 million dollars here. Just granted to Moderna, again, a company worth over 45 billion with eight and a half billion dollars of cash in hand. They don’t need the cash. And they’re laughing. They’re laughing at you and me. You know who’s really laughing? The CEOs, the big wigs up there in this corporation. They’re going to get big, fat, beautiful year end bonuses. And they’re laughing at all of us here, people. But again, I think the setup is pretty clear here. They’re laying the groundwork for yet another scam.

And the way the state creates a pandemic, which will allow the central banks, in this case the fed to inflate on a massive scale. Like they did during the last scam.Mdemic here, um, 3.6, 3.6 trillion dollars the fed was able to create out of it. And nothing as they shut down the economy in the market when higher. You remember? You remember Greg. Manager, you’re telling everyone to get long, convied. Covid. I got laughed at and, of course, ridiculed. Oh, Greg, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The market’s going to crash. No way. Okay? The Fed propped it all up.

They bought it all just like they’re doing now. And this just makes me sick. It makes me sick to my stomach. It makes me just get, you know, completely out of control. And I’m trying to stay calm right now. But again, please, someone here that is smarter than Greg Manarino, and I’m sure that’s every single one of you, explain to me as if I were a small child or a golden retriever. How is it even possible that a company that’s worth over $45 billion with cash on hand of over $8.5 billion can just get a grant, an award, a gift from the American people for what was this number again? $176 million to make a bird flu vaccine.

They’re going to scam us all. This is a scam, too. It’s part of the mechanism here, and you all understand that. Now, understand, where does this cash come from? Where does this cash come from? We don’t have it. Okay? We are broke. The United States, the most, the laughing stock of the world with regard to its debt. Okay? We have more debt than every other nation on this earth. We have no cash. We’re absolutely destitute. So the cash has to be created out of nothing, courtesy of the Federal Reserve, who’s going to send it right over to Moderna here so they can rape us even more.

So that’s the story. I believe we’re being set up on multiple levels. I sincerely believe, and again, I want to hear from you on this. Are we going to face another scam-demic probably relatively soon to allow central banks to inflate even more? Of course. So they can develop new cutting-edge medications that are just designed to kill us. I mean, obviously. And anyway, that’s kind of where we stand with regard to that. Now, let’s talk about my European friends. And this is, again, a phenomenon here in the United States. The lie, the distraction, the deception. Inflation is down in Europe.

This is a lie. Inflation continues to rise. But they’re using the mainstream media to brainwash you. It’s all a sigh out, people. Global inflation has got nowhere to go but much higher from here, much higher from here. As we’ve already spoken about a gazillion times, currency devaluation, suppress rates. Let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about a big piece of propaganda from Barron’s this morning. Why a potential Trump victory is spooking the bond market. This is a joke, okay? Trump has already said what he wants to do. That is weaken the currency. That is, have the Fed suppress rates more.

There’s no spooking here. This is a joke, alright? We know where it’s going to go. No matter what freak they put behind the words of the desk, excuse me, I’m not supposed to say that anymore. I’m trying to turn over a new leaf here and be kind of a nicer guy. But we’re being destroyed. I know I was going to tell you about how this is about to take place here, but I think we got this done. This is yesterday. This is where we’re going here. I mean, this is from yesterday. Higher stock market, economy and freefall, moving towards another scam.

Let’s talk about this debt market real quick. Again, this is a joke. This is a joke. So, MMRI, I want you to pay attention again to where I circled. I believe we’re going to bounce off and go lower here. I really, really do because this trend, in fact, I know it’s going to be maintained to push more cash into the stock market. No doubt about it. The illusion of the market, very, very powerful thing. You all know that. And it’s more destruction. Again, sure, the one in two percenters, they’re laughing too. They’re making more cash than you could possibly imagine here, while the people can’t even get by with two incomes now.

People are getting destroyed. They’re getting wiped out as we move closer and deeper into this neo-feudal system of control. And that’s what this is all about, people. This is just so upsetting to me. I’m sorry I keep going back to that, but it makes me want to puke and I’m not lying. Anyway, going back to this market this morning, stock futures don’t do a little pressure here, and that’s because of the rising 10-year yield. That’s because we’re bumping up right over there, right up against that upper trend line. I think it’s coming down. With regard to this market, I’m going to tell you again.

I’m going to tell you again what you already know you should know here. Every dip that comes along, you need to buy the market. With regard to gold, silver, commodities across the board, and cryptocurrencies by the dips that come along because they’re playing us all. They are playing us like a grand piano, and this guy in no way is going to let you lose. This is no way. If you’ve been with me for any length of time, you have ripped the face off of this market and everything connected to it because you’re getting yourself in the right spot here.

You see, when we hear about a mega cap company, I’m talking about Moderna, a $45 billion plus company with $8.5 billion cash on hand getting an award from the American people for $176 million. That makes me so angry. It makes me want to double my effort so we can win. You understand? We are being wiped out. We are being destroyed. It’s deliberate. You all know that. Does that make you angry? It should make you angry because it makes my blood boil. And people, what are they doing? Do you see any people in the streets? Do you see anybody taking up arms anywhere? No, of course not.

They’re worried about the Biden-Trump thing. Who’s going to win? No one’s going to win. It’s a selection. They got people so screwed up. They don’t know which way is up anymore. Again, like I told you, in this nation here, people don’t even know you can’t define a man or a woman anymore. Oh, you can’t just do that. Oh, and we don’t even know what bathrooms to use and we’re supposed to govern ourselves. This is how they can get away with stuff like this. It’s just absurd on an epic scale. Anyway, crude oil continues to march higher about $85 a barrel going much higher.

Commodities across the board. You know that this morning, gold and silver relatively flat. Bitcoin cryptos relatively flat. Stock futures down a little bit. That’s the story, people. I mean, look, I always tell you, we can’t be beaten because we got each other. And I want to thank all of you who do support my work on the first of every month. Really, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You know how this works on the first of every month. They ask for your support. And some of you, it’s just a fraction of you, but I appreciate all of you anyway.

If you feel like supporting my work, there are links in the description of this video. You can do that. And all I ask for is $5. You know that. All right, look, this guy loves you a lot from the heart. I will see all of you later. 4 or 5 PM. Tell me what you think. Do you think it is right that we, the American people, are now gifting $176 million that has to be created out of nothing because we don’t have it. By the Fed, more debt on your back, okay, to a mega cap company with over $8.5 billion of cash on hand.

How does that work? Again, explain this to me as if I were a young child or a golden retriever because I’m not that smart. All right, love you all. I’ll see you later. As I said, 4 or 5 PM Eastern for the live stream. All right, take it easy. [tr:trw].

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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blog post donation request buying market dips strategy central bank economy inflation commodity price increase Gregory Manomino Moderna criticism Moderna bird flu vaccine grant pharmaceutical company scams planned pandemic fears questioning American debt creation rising crude oil prices rising inflation concerns stock market manipulation stock market slight decline US economy state critique wise investment protection

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