Another County SECEDES as Patriots RISE UP To Take Their Nation BACK!!! | Dr. Steve Turley

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➡ Dr. Steve Turley talks about how People in rural America, particularly in Oregon, are voting to leave their states and join others, like Idaho, due to dissatisfaction with current political leadership. This trend, known as “scaled secession” or “de-annexation”, is seen as a way to escape from what they perceive as failing, Democrat-led cities. The Greater Idaho Movement, where counties in eastern Oregon are voting to join Idaho, is a prime example of this trend. This movement reflects a growing sense of political disenfranchisement among these communities.


It’s happening, gang. Patriots in rural America are rising up and taking their nation back one county at a time. We’re gonna see the latest county to take matters in their own hands and how it’s all part of an even wider trend of patriots rising up against failed, imploding, Democrat cities and restoring the nation that we all love. Hey gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve. You’re a Patriot professor here to help you stay sane in these insane times. And so make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button. Also, you all know that with the current climate of the media industry, navigating to see a bias and misinformation, well, frankly, it’s exhausting.

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Many of you may be familiar with what’s known as the Greater Idaho Movement. It involves a number of counties in eastern Oregon who are openly rebelling against the insane liberal lawlessness of their woke cities like Portland. So these counties are holding a number of referendums that if they were implemented, these counties would then secede from Oregon and join up with their neighboring deep red state, Idaho. So that’s why it’s being dubbed the Greater Idaho Movement. As of yesterday, 53% of Crook County residents voted to leave Oregon and join up with Idaho, making Crook County the 13th county in Oregon to vote to leave 13 and counting.

Several more counties are scheduled to hold similar votes in the near future, which means that all told, we may be seeing upwards of half of Oregon’s counties getting half voting to secede from their state and join up with deep red Idaho. Commentators have noted that if this session were actually implemented, it would mean that three quarters of the landmass of the state of Oregon would be emancipated from the imploding cities of Portland and Salem, which in turn would make Idaho the third largest state in the entire union in terms of landmass. Now, we’ve talked about this before, but the logic that’s animating these secessionist sentiments is actually it’s very simple.

Get rid of Portland and the whole of Oregon would be voting in Republican governors and presidents by a double digit margin. Okay, that’s not an exaggeration. Take a look at this map. This is from the last gubernatorial election in 2022. Take a look at it. Now, if I were to ask you, who do you think won this election, the red team or the blue team, right? I mean, it seems rather obvious, right? The map is virtually all red, but it doesn’t matter. The Democrat, the blue team, won that election by nearly four points. The Democrat won despite having lost 29 of Oregon’s 36 counties.

The Republican candidate won 80% of Oregon’s counties, 8 in 10, and she’s still lost. And just to put an exclamation marker on that, if you remove just one of those blue counties, Multnomah County, where Portland is, if you were to exclude that single county, the Republican would have won the governorship by over 10 points. So what all of this means is that over 80% of the regions in Oregon are experiencing intense political disenfranchisement, as they’re being ruled by politicians and policies that they want nothing to do with. And so they’re pushing back. And of course, they’re hardly alone.

In the ultra blue state of Illinois, 27 counties have already passed process session as referendums. Some state lawmakers have even proposed bills to separate Chicago and its surrounding Cook County from the rest of the state. And we could go on and on. There are Maryland counties that want to join up with deep red West Virginians seceded from Baltimore. In California, San Bernardino counties recently voted to study the process and prospects involved in seceding from their increasingly failed state. So what’s going on here? Well, scholars are calling this phenomenon scaled secession. How’s that for a term? Scaled secession.

It’s also known as de-annexation. And it’s a term that’s being used specifically to describe the latest trend among city districts across the country that are actively trying to secede from their city hall and form their own legally recognized cities. We did a video on this a couple of months back. But what you’re looking at here is St. George, Louisiana. St. George is officially the newest city in the United States who was formed by nearly 100,000 residents living on the southern side of Baton Rouge who grew sick and tired of the dying, decaying rot of a Democrat run city.

And so they decided to take matters in their own hands back in October 2019, 54% of voters in the district or parish, as they call it in Louisiana, voted in favor of seceding from the city of Baton Rouge. Now, of course, Baton Rouge officials took them to court. But just a few weeks back, the Louisiana Supreme Court and the three to four decision officially ruled in favor of the referendum. So now St. George is official. They are successfully seceded from Baton Rouge and they are now the fifth largest city in Louisiana boasting a population, as I said, of nearly 100,000.

This is what’s known as scaled secession. And it’s happening all over the place. A lot of people don’t know this, but like in Tennessee, the city of Memphis has actually shrunk over the last few years precisely through this process of scaled secession or de-annexation. So districts such as South Cordova and South Wind and Rocky Point, they’re no longer part of Memphis. And that’s precisely how we have to understand, I think, what’s happening here with the greater Idaho movement and in Illinois and California and elsewhere. More and more populations are done. They are just they are simply done with the rotting, dying, decaying, deep blue societies are connected to, whether it’s Portland or Memphis or Baton Rouge or Chicago or L.A.

or Sacramento. They don’t care. They have no interest whatsoever in going down into civilizational ruin along with these deep blue social disorders. And they’re taking matters into their own hands. Now, as far as how successful the greater Idaho movement will be, obviously, we’re going to have to see on that one. The Idaho legislature just voted in favor of a bill that would indeed move the Oregon and Idaho border westward to create a greater Idaho. And there’s even a bill that was just introduced in the Oregon Senate that would indeed begin talks with the Idaho legislature on adjusting the border, recognizing that the differences between urban and the eastern exurban or Oregonians is simply irreconcilable.

Obviously, we’ll be keeping a very close eye on how things develop there. But with the latest referendum passing, one thing is absolutely clear. The greater Idaho movement is indeed getting even greater. Here’s your opportunity to tell big tech tyrants where they can stick it. Click on that link below and download our brand new cancel proof Turley Talks app and you can sign our special declaration of restoration. That’s our petition to big tech that declares a new day is dawn. They are no longer in control and we are taking our nation back. We’ve already got over a thousand signatures of courageous patriots and yours is next.

Click on that link below or go to fight dot Turley talks dot com right now. Thank you. [tr:trw].

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De-Annexation Trend in Oregon Eastern Oregon's Idaho Aspiration Escaping Democrat-led Cities Greater Idaho Movement Joining Idaho from Oregon Political Disenfranchisement in Eastern Oregon Political Leadership Dissatisfaction in Oregon Rural America Voting Trends Rural America's Political Shift Scaled Secession in Rural America

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