Americas Important The World is Downwind from USA



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➡ The speaker discusses his change in views over the years, from being pro-Israel and conservative to questioning partisan politics. He shared his experiences interacting with George Galloway and praised David Knight’s commentaries. The discussion then shifted towards his concerns about the possibility of a world war and civil unrest in America. He expressed skepticism towards Trump, questioning if he was always a New York Democrat. The speaker speculated about links between Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, and intelligence agencies like the CIA and Mossad. He concluded by saying that all political affiliations globally seem to march in lockstep to the demands of the UN, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization.
➡ The speaker discusses the scenario leading up to the COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine rollouts, suggesting they were preplanned. He touches upon the seeming preparation of these events for years, highlighting incidents such as the swine flu outbreak. He also remarks upon the changes in information control since the swine flu, with dominant narratives enforced through large scale censorship in social media. The solution proposed to fight against this is for people to be more vigilant, focusing increasingly on local elections and community-based actions acknowledging the fear that war might be used as a distraction.
➡ The speaker expresses a deep concern over the political climate surrounding Donald Trump, asserting that if he wins a second term, he may drift towards a stronger authoritarian left position. He believes Trump’s continuous quest for approval from left-wing mainstream media and flips on policies such as gun control hint at this. Furthermore, he notes how several conservative figures switched to pro-Trump stances for popularity. The speaker remains critical of Trump and insists on not supporting something he believes is wrong despite potential consequences. He also comments on the need for individuals in America to step away from solely relying on the government for solutions and return to community and personal responsibility for the country’s restoration.
➡ The discourse revolves around the perceived decline of the US government and Hollywood’s influence, the consequences of unchecked immigration, and the potential solutions from a more locally governed approach. Furthermore, it mentions the host’s, David Knight, endeavors to encourage critical thinking and free speech through his show, underscoring the importance of questioning conventional narratives.


Delighted to be live with the, I would say indefatigable David Knight. Can you remember, do you remember who used that word, David? A british politician. He used it to describe Saddam Hussein. Was that Tony Blair? It was George Galloway. Do you know George Galloway? Okay, good. Yeah, I know George. Yeah, I’ve done a few shows with George and I was joking about with him because he was over speaking.

He said, sir, I praise your courage, your strength and above all, your indefatigability. And you can see the interpreters just a bit like, okay, it’s funny because I’ve never met George Galloway. I’ve done a few shows with him and I said to him, I said, george, see, growing up, I absolutely hated, like, I used to hate George Galloway with an absolute passion because I was just like a mainstream conservative.

I was quite pro Israel. I was all these things. So to me, Galloway was the enemy, whereas now everything’s turned on a dime. It’s against war, I think. So that’s a key thing. And there are certain things that transcend partisanship now. I think we need to all understand that that’s a real blinder to be so partisan on so many things. I’ve been there myself as well in the think it’s, we’ve been doing unn now for six years and as I say, we’ve been on a journey and many of us have been on a journey, and I know you certainly have, David, and can honestly just say what a pleasure it is.

I’ve watched your shows for years and when I used to look at Infowars, you are always the voice of sanity and reason, I think it’s fair to say. Well, thank you. I think somebody said we’re the ying and the yang. Alex and I were. I’m not sure which is which, because I don’t. But yeah, and we really went our separate ways in 2020, for sure, that was it.

Yeah. I wouldn’t want to focus too much on that because in many ways it’s very theatrical with the way Jones is. But he does represent that vast swathe of commentators out there who I think are now engaged in deliberate misdirection. They are pushing people a certain way. And as we were just talking about there at the start, my big concern, David, is I think they want a world war.

Obviously. You’ve had Ukraine, you’ve got what’s going on in Gaza, and I think they want a civil war in America as well. And I think it’s going to be over Trump. They’re building this up on both sides so regardless of who wins, there’s going to be a large number of people on both sides who are going to say the election was stolen. And so I think that is also in the works.

I’ve said it many times, we’re at a fourth turning about every 80 years. Strauss and Howe, the guys who coined the term millennial and started talking about cycles of generations, about every four generations, you have a major restructure of institutions. It’s always accompanied by economic unrest and usually by, you know, the american revolution was one fourthurning for America. Another one was the civil war was the next one.

And then we had the Great Depression, World War II. I said for a long time, I think this fourth turning, which is going to be global, everybody is synced up now globally. And so I think it is going to be a combination of all three of those. A world war, civil war, revolutionary war. I think it will be. Will the good guys win? Who knows? They don’t always win.

That’s the problem. It’s a coin toss, isn’t it? So what’s your take then on Trump? Because I know obviously you’ve been speaking, I wouldn’t say against Trump, but you’ve certainly been warning people because there is a MAGA cult out there. And again, back in 2015, I loved Donald Trump. I thought it was just such a breath of fresh air when he stood up at those debates and he was saying, jeb, that’s all your special interests in the front.

He was talking about withdrawing from NATO. He was talking about no more foreign aid. He was going to end the mean. He came on the scene and it was just, wow things, didn’t he? Yeah. And he said everything. He identified the problems correctly. And as you know, we got somebody who’s a candidate. All you can do is say, have they identified the problems correctly? If so, maybe give them a chance after they have done it.

Then you look at their record and it’s a completely different thing. I remember before the election, Julian Assange said, well, we know that Hillary Clinton is a criminal and a warmonger. We don’t know what Trump is. We’ll see. And we found out what he was. And even before 2020, I had big issues with Trump. And again, compared to Hillary Clinton, I felt the same way as Julian Assange.

Well, let’s give him a chance. He had no record. He had never held political office. So he could say anything he wanted and take any position that he wanted, but then know he’s going to lock up Hillary Clinton immediately after the election. It’s like, well, I don’t want to do like. And then he puts in his cabinet, he’s got Goldman Sachs bankers, he’s got the military industrial complex, general after general.

And so it’s like, this is looking really bad. And then by the time you got to 2019, I remember May of 2019, I played the clip frequently on the show where he says, well, in terms of the measles, vaccine mandates, excluding any religious or medical exemptions, he said, hey, it’s really going around. They got to get the shot. They got to get the shot. No exemptions. Right. Here was another thing back.

He was warning about vaccines. He was talking about, and he was talking about all these. Remember, there’s that clip of him, kids used to get x amount of shots. And then that. Do you think, David, he was lying when he campaigned or do you think he was got at? Quite frankly, I think he’s always been a New York Democrat. There’s always that if you go back and when you look at all the stuff that’s coming out, as everybody’s taking another look at what was going on with Jeffrey Epstein and so forth, everybody likes to talk on the Trump camp.

They all talk about Bill Clinton. Look at how many times he was on the logs and all the rest of this stuff. Oh, and Trump is exonerated, they say. Well, not exactly. He wasn’t involved in those particular two cases. However, many people have identified him as Whitney Webb, who did an excellent series on Jeffrey Epstein. And what was happening with all that said, there were three billionaires who made him.

One of them was Les Wexner, the guy who did Victoria’s Secret and gave him the building and all the rest of the stuff, Bill Gates and Donald Trump, because they were very close in the formative period of time where he was there. And of course, it was a honey trap. It was an intelligence gathering trap, just like Robert Maxwell in the UK. I had worked with Masad and with the UK intelligence.

I believe that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were working with the CIA and Masad. And so you look at all of that stuff and you look at the close parting relationships that they had and how he was giving money to Hillary and what the people don’t want to talk about, very few people have reported this is the fact that Jeffrey Epstein’s brother Mark said, if the people knew what I know about Hillary and about the Clintons and the Trumps, they would cancel the 2016 election.

Now, nobody’s talking about that. Tucker will get Mark on, Mark Epstein on and talk about his brother’s murder or whatever, but I don’t believe he committed suicide. I don’t know if he was murdered or if that was somebody else. But nevertheless, he wants to talk about that. But he doesn’t want to talk about what Mark said his brother told him about Clinton and about Trump. So I think he’s always been a part of that group.

And I’m very suspicious. From the very beginning, I had a lot of misgivings about him. But again, if the choices are between him and Hillary Clinton and then on the libertarian side or third party side, there really wasn’t anybody that I could even board. And a lot of times I would do that even though they didn’t have a chance of winning. I would just support them because they didn’t win in principle to vote for somebody else.

But we all look at what is happening in the Oval Office and at the presidency, because that is an avatar for where this is going. But we all understand that in 2020, everyone, regardless of what they said their political affiliation was or regardless of the country, they were all marching in lockstep to what the UN and the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization all demanded and what Bill Gates demanded, they all did the same thing.

And they’re pretty much exactly aligned, not only in what they prescribed or proscribed, but also in the timing in which they rolled it out. And Trump was a part of that. Yeah, he was. And so there’s no denying it. And it drives me nuts to see people denying it. That was the problem that I had in 2020. It’s like, what are you talking about? I knew what that game was because dark winter was two months before 911, and they have rehearsed that all the way up to in the fall of 2019.

They even used the same disease. But it was always every year, their germ games. They would say, well, we got some new. It’s either a naturally occurring thing or it’s a bioweapon. And we got to lock everybody down until we develop a vaccine and we force it on everybody. And they started that back in 2001, and then George W. Bush put in the prep act in 2005 to give the immunity to the vaccine company.

So they’ve been preparing for this for decades. And so I knew what it was from the very beginning. Did you have the swine flu supposed outbreak that in 2009? Yeah, that’s when I think they tried at first, because that did go quite big. And I remember the vaccine, and they brought it, but then that all collapsed when the vaccine started injuring. I mean, I think the vaccine injured, like, a handful of people, and they pulled it with, with COVID which, again, I just think it was a complete scam.

Why do you think they got that one over the line? Because was it just. They just overwhelmed people. Like, they showed the imagery, the fake imagery from Wuhan, and they just bombarded people. Do you think they just decided, this is our chance, let’s do it. Yeah. In late December, I thought, well, maybe there’s something to this, because going back 2014, Allison Young, working for USA Today, did an excellent series talking about accidents at these various labs, biosafety level three and four labs all across the country.

There’s more than 200 of them at the time, and that was a decade ago, more than 200 of them at the time. And they were always having accidents. They would infect animals with disease, and they would escape the lab or they would have faulty equipment, and people who were working there were getting infected. And so she did a series, and they had Congress come in and say, stop it.

But Fauci and Francis Collins, who’s the head of FDA, decided they would continue it anyway at the University of North Carolina. And then they also did the foreign thing in Wuhan. And so when this all started and it was all at Wuhan, you had this funny story about a bat soup and all this other kind of stuff. And I saw the only biosafety level for the highest level they have in China was in Wuhan.

I thought, oh, this might be something. But then at the beginning of, beginning of January, when they started the lockdown stuff, we have to lock everybody down till we get a vaccine. It’s like, well, I know what this is. As a matter of fact, I’d had somebody who works in cybersecurity contacted me many times in the past and told me about a year and a half before he said, there’s a lot of buzz about dark winter two.

It’s like, oh, no, are they really going to do this for real this time? But when they started doing that and they had the fake people falling down the streets, and even with their numbers, they didn’t have an epidemic, let alone a global pandemic, it was pretty clear it was political and not anything that was real. Well, I used to go to a lot of rallies and speak at a lot of events, and I used to say, even if you believe what they are telling you, that there’s still no reason for any of this.

That’s right. And that was really the biggest con of all, that they were telling you, there’s nothing to worry about. They were telling you that the death rates are negligible versus reality. The excess deaths are nothing, yet people still went along with. But do you not think, though, David, that was. I think they’ve changed a lot of stuff since swine flu. They instituted the censorship regime, canceling people on social media.

I got canceled in 2018. And so being able to have that narrative, they got back to something that was even more powerful than what they had. When you had a very narrow, you had the BBC in the UK, and then we had like three stations, three networks here in the US, and they pretty much had a monopoly on information. They could tell anybody anything that they wanted to, and they were all saying the same thing, so it must be true.

Right. Well, when you got actual free press again through the Internet, they had to get control of that. And once they got control of it, it’s far more powerful than anything they’ve ever had before. If you look at the history of propaganda, they could do things with the newspaper. And then the 20th century, they added radio that was much more powerful than television. You had audio and video to manipulate people, but they still couldn’t close a loop on feedback.

And when they got social media, and I think they created social media, the intelligence agencies did, because with that, they can close a loop and they can monitor themselves precisely what public opinion is and how people are responding to their narrative and adjust it in real time. Yeah, 100%. I remember back in March, I thought we should be worried. I personally was just opposed to lockdowns because I argued at the time, look, the government should never have the power to do this.

That was my argument was even if there is a virus out there and it is killing people, if you give the government that power, they will use that against you. And even if you voiced the softest of criticism, people would go ballistic at you. We got lambasted. I’m sure you did as well. It was a real eye opener. And as you say, the intelligence agencies have algorithms, data programs, they monitor this.

They can see it. But do you not think, though, in some ways, David, it is quite good because it’s kind of turned so far on its head now that a pandemic wouldn’t work now as a scam. People see through that. People have already pulled just this last week, and I covered it today in St. Louis, Missouri. You had the city council there saying, well, we’re going to put mask on all the city employees again.

Within 24 hours, you had two different health aid, two hospitals push back and said, this is nothing unusual. And they pulled it back. People are fed up with this right now and they understand. And I was just talking to Catherine Austin Fitz on Friday’s show. She said when they went back and looked at 2023, the thing that stood out to them that said this is the year of pushback, people are pushing back.

People are suing that it got wrongfully fired. People are suing that got injured. A lot of things are happening. But here’s the thing. I think we need to push back much faster because as we’re waking up and starting to do this stuff, it is slowly waking up. If we don’t do it quickly, I think what’s going to happen is they’re going to take us to war to make this all go away.

When all else fails, that’s the way they cover it up. And so I think we’re going to have to do this very quickly and there’s going to have to be some changes. And that’s the thing that concerns me when I look at the american election at the top again, the presidential races, everything, what everybody is focused on, it’s the one thing I keep telling everybody, the one place we have the least amount of influence to gain.

And as we saw the lockdowns and other things like that, it made a lot more difference at the local city level, the local city elections and the county sheriff and other things. They could make it better or they could make it much worse. And so I’ve told people, you really need to focus on that. I can’t help you with it because there’s too many of them. I can talk about what is, because of the national focus.

We can talk about where Trump is and where these other candidates are and Biden and the threats that they pose that are unique. But you can’t really control that. Like you can. You don’t have as much input as you do at the local level, but we have to do things, especially this next year. People really need to focus on the local level. We need to try to step this up, because if people don’t wake up quickly enough, they’re going to just wipe the board off with a war.

I think, David, I have an opinion. I don’t know what you think. I reckon Trump will do a deal with the zionist power brokers in Washington and the military industrial complex and he’ll agree to a war with Iran. He’ll be allowed to win the election. Yeah, I think if he wins the election, this next time is going to be really bad because we’re just talking about how he flipped on vaccines.

He also flipped on guns because I never really thought that he was much of a gun supporter, being a New York liberal, but he flipped on that. He did gun control by executive order, which has never been done before. But immediately was, I call Kamala Harris, Lala Harris, because she’s kind of spacey, but she immediately came out, said, if you like me president because she was running at the time, you like me president, within 100 days, I’m going to tell them what I want to do on gun control.

If they don’t do it, I’ll do it by executive order. And so set a lot of precedents like that. And here’s the thing, David, that bothers me about him since before the election, and that is that he desperately wants to impress the mainstream left wing media over and over again. He’s gone to the New York Times, the Washington Post, and he has given them exclusive interviews and let them write books about him.

And they trash him. They keep trashing him and he keeps coming back because he is so desperate for their approval. Right. And you would think after this happens once or twice he had learned, but he wants their approval so desperately that I think if he gets in a second time, watch out, because he’s going to go hard. Authoritarian left, worse than in 2020, I think. And again, this is the sort of bind we find ourselves in.

I’m sure you as well, the vast majority of people out there consider Trump to be the antithesis of the system. Yes. They think that he is fighting the deep state. And we’re trying to point out that, look, that’s not actually what is going on. Look at what he does. Again, though, David, and I’m sure you know this, there is no money in pushing that. There is money in pandering to the MAGA cult.

Yes. And that’s why it is snowballing like it is. I know from personal experience, I have people that have been supporters of the program for a long it, that’s it. You’re too critical of Trump. You got to get over Trump and all the rest of this stuff, or you’re too critical of Israel or this or that. And quite frankly, I haven’t picked a side in that. I’ve said I don’t want the US involved in that.

We don’t want to be in these entangling alliances, epochs on both of them. I’m not taking sides in that. And then they get upset with me about that. Everybody wants you to take a side, but they also want to be on the Trump bandwagon. And everybody is doing that because there’s a built in audience. And I think it was Glenn Greenwald who said that what journalism has become is people going out and looking at a demographic and then saying, that’s a huge demographic out there, and there is a huge Trump demographic.

What do I need to do to get that audience? Well, I need to suck up to Trump. And it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And it’s this snowball that is pulling everybody into it. I refuse to do that. When I was at Infowars just before the election in 2016, Alex and I were alone, and he says, so what? What are you going to do if Trump went, what are we going to do? He said, if Trump wins, meaning, what am I going to do? I said, well, we support him when he does the right thing.

We oppose him when he does the wrong thing. He just looked at me and, and he walked out and it’s like, okay, it’s going to be a long four years. It wasn’t quite four years, but that’s where everybody know we got to support Trump because that’s where the money is. That’s where you get the fame, the following and the fortune if you support Trump. Yeah, it’s funny. As I said, I don’t want to talk too much about Alex Jones, but we play the clips of him talking about, like, netted, yahoo at 911.

We watched his documentary on Waco as well. He was a guy that he pioneered this. He really pioneered alternative media. 2025 years ago, he was at the top, in my opinion of his game. And I was there when he changed. And it was all about Trump. He realized, that’s the other thing about Alex. Prior to Trump, he had never endorsed politicians. Right? He was always back from it.

They’re all bad guys, right? But with Trump, he got fully on board and would tell everybody that it was 4d chess. As a matter of fact, I had somebody send me a clip that pulled out. His name is Pierce, and he’s with, I can’t remember. But anyway, he sent me a clip and it was Alex doing what I told people. And they said, oh, he never said that.

And Alex was telling people that the bad vaccine was from Gates and that Trump was giving everybody the good vaccine. He said, this is an attenuated vaccine or a dead vaccine. And he said he’s going to cut down on the adjuvants in there, the things that irritate you. And he says, it’s basically sugar water. You can take sugar, know, it’s no problem. Trump’s got this covered and I know that he was doing I.

So he’s got, in that thing. He’s got two clips of him. He even created a commercial about that. And so that’s how bad it’s gotten in terms of people making excuses for Trump. And when Trump ran, you had a lot of people who were on the conservative side, like people like Glenn Beck, people like Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin. They adamantly opposed Trump after he got president. They saw the big audiences and everything.

They became, they fell in line and became big cheerleaders. We now see what is happening with his big lead in the polls. You got politicians that he has opposed, politicians that he has harmed, are now jumping on board and endorsing him because they know that it is suicide to oppose him. Frankly, I just don’t care at this point. I’m not going to support what I know is wrong and let the consequences be what they may.

I can’t do that. Yeah. And I am 100% on the same good for you train as you here, David. And again, I just didn’t wake up one day and decide I didn’t like this guy. It has been a long. And one of the big ones know the release of Jonathan Pollard, the israeli spy which was a traitor to America, the assassination of General Soleimani, which was, again, totally illegal.

They basically murdered Soleimani. All these different things. What are we doing? You see stuff. It’s like american troops have been attacked in Syria. It’s like, well, why are we there? He said, well, we’re going to go there and take the oil. People like Alan Dershevitz, John Bolton, Nikki Haley. Now I call her Nuki Haley because she wants a nuclear war. I mean, she’s absolutely insane. Lindsey Graham and people like Nuki Haley.

And that’s why you got the big banks, big military industrial complex, money behind Nuki Haley, because she wants to know your name if you’re on the Internet, too, by the. But again, though, this is the thing. She is utterly, utterly a vile individual. And again, for him and the republic not to call these people out, David, because the reason America is so important and american politics is so important is everything here is downwind of.

Yes, culture and politics, doesn’t it? It does. Being downwind of an open sewer, isn’t it, culturally, politically. How do we get to a position where you have genuine America first patriots, genuine people who aren’t bought and paid for in the halls of power. Is it possible? I don’t know how they get into power. I think that if we get back to what made America, great. It was individuals who took the responsibility for themselves, individuals who didn’t look to government to do.

As a matter of know, Alexis de Tocqueville, when he came to America, he was coming from socialist France, and he would look at it and he’d say, you know, whenever they’ve got a problem, they come together voluntarily to fix it. In a community, if they need a hospital, they do that. If they need a school, they come together to do that. Or a library, they come together to do it.

He said, we’re used to in France, we just say, well, the government needs to do it. That mindset has been adopted by Americans both left and right. And that’s why they’re looking for a solution, why they’re looking for a savior in the Oval Office, in the presidency. And unless we get away from that, unless we get back to connecting with our families and with individuals in our community and connecting with God, unless we do that, it’s not going to be the America that was great.

It’s going to be something else, and it’s going to be something that is going to be very dangerous. It’s going to be a global empire, an empire that is arrayed against its own people and arrayed against the rest of the world. We have, in my entire life, for the most part, the US has been fomenting war and unrest, chaos and coups everywhere. And I don’t think that’s going to change.

And a large part of the moral decay within America as well as globally, you can trace that to Hollywood. Now, the good news is that in this last year, as I talked about today, for example, it’s just a cultural touchstone. But the fact is that Hollywood is dying. They’re producing blatant, stupid propaganda. It’s not even subtle propaganda, and people see through it. And so the top box office this last year was sound of freedom, which is about child trafficking.

A movie that even though they paid $10 million to get the thing finished, it was sitting on the shelf of a company that was acquired by Walt Disney. They refused to distribute it. It was a fight to buy that away from them and to get that even to be shown. They didn’t want that scene. They’re very political. But that was a top box office thing. So they are completely out of touch with what people want to see.

And so that was a top box office thing. And then some concert films like Taylor Swift was a top box office. But they don’t have the ability anymore in Hollywood. They’re too far out of touch to really manipulate us. And I think that’s a very good thing. You look at the Golden Globes and the amount of money that they’re handing out, one of these just to attend, they would give you something that’s worth like 60, $70,000 a bag.

And then if you win, you get a half a million dollar bag. And that’s more than most people here make in ten years. Completely out of touch. Some of the sort of non more libertarian arguments is that people will say that, look, it is what it is. You have the big state now in America. You need to control government. If you didn’t have a state that was powerful, you wouldn’t be able to control the southern border.

How would you respond to that from a more libertarian perspective? If you didn’t have a state that was powerful, you wouldn’t be able to control the border. I think that powerful state doesn’t want the border controlled. I think the powerful state wants divide and conquer chaos in this country. And I think that’s true of both sides. I think when you look at that was another big issue that Trump took a powder on, was the border didn’t do anything.

Nothing. He built maybe about 40 miles of a border that is 2000 miles long. He repaired some walls, but he didn’t build anything. And so when you look at that, they really don’t want that. As a matter of fact, what the Republicans are doing is they’re looking at this and saying, well, you got these people coming across the border and they’re going to steal your job. So what you need is an id evarify to prove that you’re an american, that you can have a job.

So they’re going to use that as a crisis and then their own solution. And guess what? Solutions are typically going to be digital id and something to that effect. But I think that certainly you could control the border. The big problem that we’ve got on the border, for example, look at what’s happening in Texas. The governor’s finally come around to try to do some things. Maybe he’s politically posturing.

I don’t know. He’s done a lot of political posturing on the border before. But when they put razor wire down on the border to try to have a blockade there, you’ve got the federal government going in and cutting it. And so now they’ve taken that to court as to whether or not they can do that. They’ve gone to court as to whether or not Texas can arrest people who come into the country illegally.

So the big federal government that is working on a global agenda to erase western civilization, to divide and conquer western civilization. The barbarians are already in the gate, and they’re bringing more and more barbarians all the time, and that’s why they’re doing it. And so that is already well underway, and it could be handled at the local level. The federal government is one of the big obstacles to that.

And so I think the federal government is not. So with locally organized militias, would they be able to patrol the border? Was that what would have happened before? I think so. I think so. I think they would. I think you would have sheriffs who would do that type of thing. I think you would have some governors who would do that type of thing. You’re much more likely to be able to get local law enforcement or the governor to do something about it than to get somebody in Washington to do about it.

It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s a better possibility. I think so many people, again, forget about what really United States of America was, which was a tiny government. I mean, it was, it was tiny. Nobody would know who was in the government. Nobody would know who the chairman of the Federal reserve was. It was built on hard work until 100 years ago. Yeah. As you say, individual freedom.

It’s changed beyond recognition and even the last 20 years, and it’s been done by design. David, listen, absolutely outstanding stuff. Where’s the best place for people to follow your work? I’ve been putting in your twitter link. I think everything’s on there. Well, thank you, David. Yeah, I’m on twitter@libertarian. com. That’s a little bit hard to remember. The best place to remember is to go to thedavidnightshow. com. Thedavidnightshow.

com. There’s links to everything there. And so we do a three hour show Monday through Friday. We cut pieces out of it. We put it up on video platforms. I’ve been banned from YouTube, of course, but I’m on Rumble. I’m on bitchute. I’m on odyssey. And then we also have a podcast. That podcast goes out everywhere except for Spotify. They’ve banned me as well. But you can find the direct links to those podcasts in case you have a hard time with the search engine.

But, yeah, we’ve got an audio show that a lot of people listen. I think most people listen to the podcast, but you can also get the videos as well as the clips, and you can find links to all that@thedavidnightshow. com. Brilliant. I’ve been putting the link in and as I say to people, look, after what happened with COVID after what happened with Ukraine war, after what happened on October the 7th, if we weren’t talking about the issues around Trump, if we weren’t talking about the deeper things, we would be nakedly lying to our audience.

And that is the point I’m trying to get across, is that it was interesting because on October the 7th, of course, we don’t want to go into that, but there’s a bigger picture at play. Whereas a lot of right wing commentators in Britain just immediately said, oh, my goodness, these are terrorists. Israel are the good guys, no questions asked. Whereas we’re like, look, you always have to ask questions, and if somebody is telling you this is the black and this is the white, then they’re hiding something from you.

Yeah. They said from the very beginning, kept saying, this is like pearl harbor. This is like pearl harbor. And I thought, well, maybe it is like the real Pearl harbor. He’s got more similarities. And you let it. Yeah. David, listen, absolutely outstanding stuff. It has been an absolute pleasure and I thank you so much for giving up your time and hopefully we’ll maybe get you on slightly nearer to the time to the elections and we could maybe do that in the summer.

Sure, that’d be great. Thank you. Brilliant. Thanks so much, David. Good night. Well, good afternoon. Where you are. The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread favour. People have to trust me.

I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine, don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds. It’s the David Knight show. .



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