Americas Communist Color Revolution: NGOs Build Educational Technocratic Database

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The American public is becoming increasingly aware of concerns that the education system is being used to influence children’s beliefs and behaviors, with some suggesting it leans towards communism. Critics argue that this is a long-standing issue, with historical examples such as the Rockefeller family allegedly using their influence to shape the content of 20th-century textbooks. There are also concerns about the use of data collection and social credit systems in schools, which some fear could lead to surveillance and manipulation. These issues are sparking a pushback from those who believe the education system should not be used for political or ideological indoctrination.
➡ The article discusses the concept of social emotional learning in schools, which is supposed to promote better mental health and empathy among students. However, the author argues that this program is being used to indoctrinate students with leftist ideologies and a collectivist worldview, undermining individualism and freedom. The author also criticizes the redistribution of resources based on intersectional identity and suggests that states should reject federal funding to avoid implementing this agenda. The article ends with the author’s decision to protect his money with gold and silver due to the unstable economy.
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And welcome back to The Stu Peter Show. I’m Paul Harrell filling in for Stu. So over the past several years the American public has become very aware of the fact that our children are being groomed and brainwashed and guided toward the degenerate depraved lifestyle of communism and perversion every single day when they walk through the doors of their public school building. The Department of Education and its tentacles throughout academia and the teachers unions apparently all the way down to the school board want nothing less than to seize total control of the minds of our children and turn them into good little cogs in the globalist machine.

When totalitarian take control of any society it’s important to understand when Marxist take control of any culture the first people they go after are the kids, the children because they’re the ones they read into the new programs first because they’re the most easily influenced and they’re the most likely to follow instructions. In communist China for example mobs of children were turned against their parents and their village elders if they were suspected of disobeying communist commands. Dozens of kids would drag these people sometimes their own parents out of their homes and torture them sometimes they’d even beat them to death because that’s what their handlers in the communist party run schools told them to do.

So when you take one look at the state of this country today and you accept the fact that we are in the middle of a long drawn out communist color revolution it’s pretty easy to see that our schools are ground zero for this subversion. And while this issue has recently generated a lot of interest and people have finally started to push back against the commandeering and brainwashing and abuse of our kids this has been going on for a very long time. In fact on the Stu Peters networks newest movie Old World Order it actually reveals how the Rockefeller family used their influence and their money to plant self-serving versions of science and history in America’s 20th century textbooks a version of history and a version of science that advance their own interests and the interests of their business partners and governments and banks and corporations all over the world.

And this is still going on today if anything they’ve gotten even more advanced and their tactics have become even more subversive and right now there’s a vast network of nonprofits and NGOs including those operated by the Rockefellers and they’re subverting our nation’s education system to build a system of social credit and a technocratic database that will follow our kids around for the rest of their lives and impact their educational career and their job career. And just about everything else about them Lisa Logan has been doing a ton of research on this and recently she posted a video about how the federal government is going to turn freedom loving Americans into residents of a surveillance state using Chinese Communist Party manipulation tactics that among other places are being rolled out in schools for use against our kids watch.

The federal plan for equitable long-term recovery and resilience also called ELTRR or the federal plan is supposedly infusing federal funding into communities hit hard by the pandemic to make them more resilient against future disasters. Under this pretext radical policy changes will be expected in these local economies to foster what they call resilience changes not just in health but in education housing employment transportation food water justice climate etc. The recommendations instituted through the federal plan will affect what children will be taught in school because it’ll teach them to think like a communist how communities are planned and budgeted giving preferential treatment based on skin color how much water can be used and what kind of food can be purchased decided by equity and sustainability and more.

Measuring resilience will require collecting invasive amounts of data on children adults businesses and other entities which will be gathered and evaluated tracked through indices like these and then scored and judged based upon whether or not their behavior is contributing to the resilience or health of their communities. Social credit system ahoy essentially the federal plan and its vital conditions framework are being used as a backdoor way of implementing the totalitarian targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. It will transform America’s capitalist economy to its deceptively termed a well-being economy where growth isn’t measured anymore by gross domestic product or GDP by very subjective indicators of well-being and health that will need government intervention and constant monitoring to ensure everyone has equal outcomes and resilience.

This is communism folks and this is where you come in please retreat this tweet thread tag your representatives in Congress that you can find at this link as well as the judiciary committees and call on them to do a full investigation into the federal plan the interagency work group behind it and their partners in the private sector read this tweet thread and watch the YouTube video I made on it link below for the full story. So that video is just a small sampling of what Lisa has discovered in her research she’s also working on exposing the social emotional learning scam I don’t know if you’ve heard about that one and you can check out all of her work over on her ex page at I am Lisa Logan and for more Lisa Logan joins us now Lisa welcome to the Stu Peter show thanks so much for coming on.

Thanks so much for having me. So I mean is this really communism is that what we’re seeing I’ve been saying it for a long time globally you know who are the godless communists now and it seems like it’s the West what what say you. Well this is exactly what’s happening they are implementing communist policies and disguising it’s the manipulative language as something completely different like resilience. Resilience yeah it sounds it sounds very much you know it sounds great right who doesn’t want to be resilient but as I mentioned in the monologue you know in communist China the it was the students that were writing their own parents out and I think we’re already seeing that you know we have a lot of these blue states where they’re becoming these trans sanctuary states you know places where they want to mutilate the genitals of children.

We have in the court system if a couple gets a divorce the judge says hey you know you better use the child’s pronouns and so if they buy into the scam so we’re already seeing that if parents don’t go along with whatever the current societal narrative is whatever the newest you know the newest dogma the newest doctrine of this woke sex religion is that you’ll be discriminated against so do you see this coming to America. I mean do you see that this is fundamentally an attack on parental rights. Oh definitely and that’s the thing they always disguise you know what they’re doing in flowery language and then especially now you know we’re talking about the federal plan and what’s happening and how it’s going to bring all these policies in through education and transportation and housing and all these other different sectors is really.

They’re just saying that what the conditions required to experience resilience health flourishing thriving they use all these beautiful words but that but the conditions required to do so require specific changes like you’re saying parents using their children’s preferred pronouns or at school and having to include and accept and believe that children can change their actual sex when that’s a physical you know it’s it’s an impossibility. And this is how they do it with the strings that’s attached to the money and so with this federal plan wants to do is you know have America recover from the pandemic and experience what they call these things resilience but then what they’re doing is being able to because now health and resilience is going to be in all policies.

They’ll use that as a lever to for instance make 15 minute cities or demand that kids have to learn culturally responsive pedagogy which is just another nice word for critical race theory at schools or demand that we have environmental policy. That moves us away from being an economy that uses carbon and and you know fossil fuels to what they call regenerative regenerative energy sources. So this is just another ploy to bring in the United Nations sustainable development goals and really it’s tyranny against our country. And there’s no doubt about it. I mean that’s exactly what this what this is we are we’re watching you know we’re not it’s really it’s going in a kind of hand in glove we’re watching the paganization of the West on a spiritual level and communism is is working right along with that and I don’t I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

You know at all whatsoever they they want to convert our children specifically with these communistic you know look their ideology is just simply not going to last unless they get new converts. I mean statistics show that leftists are having less children so they really depend on I’ve talked about this before with the LGBT. I mean that they have a demographic problem right but they depend on getting new converts right don’t say I mean that’s why they go after the schools and that’s why really honestly all of my research started with social emotional learning. I went to a school board meeting and tell us what that is what is social emotional learning is that like gentle parenting but in the school system.

Not kind of not really really it’s it’s a program that’s been in schools under the guise of you know promoting better mental health for our children you know which everyone would agree we would want that’s kind of what communist do right. They marry the truth to a lie. But the way that they say they teach students to you know kind of improve their sense of identity and also learn how to build healthy relationships and relate to others in a positive way. What they really have done is weapon weaponized empathy. And so I recognize you know because I actually belong to a cult for six years of my life from about the time I was 16 to 23 and when I started looking into these programs and the way that they were doing these circle times where kids are being really vulnerable with each other about things that were going on in their lives and building the sense of belonging and community almost to rival that of their families and their family values.

And then kind of putting them into a state where they could then indoctrinate them with all of these leftist ideologies and really what the largest if I was to sum up what they’re doing through social emotional learning is they’re trying to have kids develop a collectivist worldview to believe that they’re global citizens right like the United Nations wants us to believe but there is no global citizen. We are national citizens and we have a national sovereign not a global sovereign but they want them to believe that in order to be empathetic that you have to do something for the collective and that really goes against the things that we’re trying to when America was founded on right individualism and freedom and rights but they have to believe that those freedoms rights are usurped by their responsibility to the collective good.

That’s incredible. I want to kind of ask you expand on weaponizing empathy. I mean that’s really it sounds like very much what’s prevalent our society I credit it to the rise of feminism and really we’ve got a lot of people that are more susceptible to arguments that you know elicit emotional responses which again I guess it would be the emotional learning aspect of this the weaponizing empathy then we do you know critical thinking logic and that sort of thing can you expand on that a little bit weaponizing empathy that’s incredible to me. Right and and they do this kind of an in a sort of like steps direction right so so at the UN actually put out a paper called the you know sustainable development and STGs and SCL for STGs basically and they had this creepy equation that was kind of based on Einstein’s equal to MC squared and really what it was is E stands for empathy equals M mindfulness mindfulness and then the C squared was critical compassion.

Sorry critical inquiry and compassion and so really what they’re trying to do is have a create the critical consciousness in the children to believe that America has been set up to oppress particular groups of people to really feel bad about that and you know because we all have a sense of empathy we all have like an inbred sense of empathy and especially children right there. They’re the types of individuals who rescue lost puppies and like you’re bringing them home and and what they do is they say if you’re not being inclusive right if you’re not using someone’s pronouns you’re not empathetic you’re not compassionate you’re not showing that person dignity and respect when that might go against their their religious beliefs right that there are only two sexes.

You’re not empathetic if you don’t fight for the causes of BLM and Black Lives Matter if you don’t march in the streets you’re not compassionate and so they have to let them believe that America has been set up and it as a terrible system and it must be torn down they hate capitalism they hate Christianity they hate our Constitution and that they need to become weapons or agents of change to tear that system down and build one that’s more equitable. Now they really want equality of outcome but I mean we all know that if they were ever achieved that equality of outcome it would be the baseline would be miserable and it would be poverty poverty.

I mean we it would not be prosperity we’ve talked about before I think it’s the world economic forum you know they they want us to own nothing and be happy right and they also have these plans that they want us to eat bugs and less meat right. So their their pursuit of this equality of outcome is really they’re fighting against God’s created order they’re fighting against human nature and they really I mean this is really all about slavery this is really all about reinstituting slavery crushing and crushing the individual isn’t it. Oh yes and and a redistribution of wealth and resources based upon one’s intersectional identity and so when I say intersection a lot of people are like what’s intersectional.

It’s the level of oppression you’re at based upon if you’re white or if you’re male or if you’re LGBTQ or if you I mean where you live and really what they can say is any of these social determinants of health. And require you to have more resources and that’s actually happening to the federal plan is actually a title six civil rights act of violation because they’re distributing federal resources to implement their you know communist agenda and but by saying that you deserve more based upon this intersectional identity last question do you think the states and I don’t know what every state ratio is when it come but I mean I at least I’m told and I know my home say this is true that the vast majority.

Of the state’s education funnier of the education funding is actually born by the state it’s the state that collects the most tax revenue from their own populace to pay for education. And the federal match or the federal the federal part of that is actually smaller a lot smaller than people think I think it’s small enough that a lot of states could just reject it and say we’re not going to take it I know it would hurt I mean I know 10% would be a huge you know huge cut back but do you have any confidence that.

Red states are going to start doing that if they’re going to especially with you look at the title nine provisions you know locker room the locker room stuff making our daughters potentially the next transgender rape statistic. What what do you think do you think that states need to just reject the federal money again assuming that we can’t get any actual representation representation in Washington DC on these issues. I believe so you know when you look at a lot of these states are taking maybe seven to nine percent of federal funding that could easily be moved around.

I think that you know Kobe obviously has gotten people really dependent on federal money we got huge omnibus bills and this is actually where a lot of this this agenda from the federal plan is coming along as well as through the grants the grants that our states apply for. And through federal programs like the economic development administration so I think that there’s a multiple pronged approach that we need to take in order to really get off this federal funding and have more state sovereignty and say no federal government we are not going to kowtow to your agenda.

I completely agree Lisa Logan at I am Lisa Logan on X check it out you’ve got some great stuff really appreciate it thanks so much for being with us. Thank you so much for having me. Yes ma’am folks this is the Stu Peter show my name is Paul Harrell. Thank you. I’ve said it before countless times and I’ll say it again the world is becoming more and more unstable by the day first a war on our children now a war on our money when will it end. The government’s corruption is even more prevalent today causing the state of our spiraling economy to be normalized.

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collectivist worldview in schools communism influence in education data collection in schools education system influencing children's beliefs leftist ideologies in education mental health promotion in schools political indoctrination in education protecting wealth with rejecting federal funding in education resource redistribution based on intersectional identity Rockefeller family education influence social credit systems in schools social emotional learning criticism

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