America Needs This Book!

Posted in: Judicial Watch, News, Patriots



➡ The author is promoting their fourth book, “Rights and Freedoms in Peril,” which investigates the perceived threats to American values and institutions. The book covers various topics such as the border crisis, election integrity, and the COVID cover-up. The author encourages readers to purchase the book online to support their work and educate themselves about the current political climate. The book is available for pre-order and will be officially released on October 15th.


This is our fourth book, and we want it to be a best-seller again. And the way to make it a best-seller is for you to go online right now and purchase it. Another way to support our work is to buy our new book. My new book, Rights and Freedoms in Peril. Here it is. Got a copy. It’s out. Let me put it out here. It’s not really out. It comes out on October 15th, but you can purchase it now. Scan the QR code, go to Judicial Watchbook, go to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, et cetera, wherever you purchase your favorite books.

Rights and Freedoms in Peril, Investigative Report on the Left’s Attack on America. And I’ll read you a little part from the introduction. It’s on the back of the book. My colleagues at Judicial Watch made it our life’s work to figure out where the secrets are, and to painstakingly ferret them out with requests for information, and lawsuits were necessary. We seek to expose lies to sunlight and to disinfect the innards of a system under stress from the rising extremists who seek to end the American way. The last four years of rule by the Biden administration, which some think of as the third Obama administration, have been the most corrupt in modern memory.

Though I often sarcastically remark that Joe Biden is the most corrupt president since he was vice president. The challenge to our Republicans from Biden and other left partisans who have embraced a totalitarian communist approach to political battles, destroy and undermine constitutional institutions, censor and jail your political enemies, and exercise power and ignore law in a way that is unmoored from any constitutional or legal constraint. So we get to the heart of it in this book. As I noted on social media earlier this week, America needs this book. I mean, it covers pretty much everything that you’re worried about.

It was written before Biden was removed from the campaign by a coup, but it’s relevant in terms of the crisis facing America, which hasn’t changed despite the change at the head of the Democratic Party ticket. We talk about the planned chaos at the border. Obviously, the law fair targeting President Trump. The diversity scams, the crazed attack on the rule of law in support of woke racialism, critical race theory, DEI in the military, the COVID cover-up. It’s the most important book you’ll read on the COVID cover-up. Election integrity. The left won’t want you to read this book about election integrity, that’s for sure.

The Big Lie about January 6th and Ashley Babbitt, which we’ve already gone through in this report. There’s more. Politicized indictments, ruined elections, invasions and compromised politicians have placed our Republican government at risk. And I don’t mean Republican in the big R, I mean Republican in the small R, the republic at risk. So I encourage you to get the book. It’s published by Threshold Additions, which is an imprint dedicated to publishing works that impact the great political policy and philosophical debates of our time. And Threshold is an imprint of Simon and Schuster. We’ve been partnering with Threshold and Simon and Schuster.

This is our fourth book. And we want it to be a bestseller again. And the way to make it a bestseller is for you to go online right now and purchase it. Set it and forget it. Make the purchase, support judicial watch and educate yourself. And I tell you, once you get one, you’re going to get more than one for your friends and family, your children and grandchildren to educate them. It’s a great read and it’s your guidebook to the current crisis, really, the current crisis. Thanks for watching. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and like our video down below.


See more of Judicial Watch on their Public Channel and the MPN Judicial Watch channel.


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book release October 15th border crisis discussion COVID cover-up investigation educate about political climate election integrity issues pre-order new political book promoting fourth book online Rights and Freedoms in Peril support author's work threats to American values

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