Alt-Right Media Needs to STOP Pushing Lab Leak FEAR | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The David Knight Show discusses skepticism towards the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting it was used to instill fear and manipulate people. The author criticizes the promotion of the ‘gain of function’ theory and the push for vaccines, arguing that these were tactics to scare people into compliance. The author also questions the role of key figures like Dr. Fauci and President Trump in the pandemic response, suggesting they may have had ulterior motives. The text concludes by urging readers to be cautious and critical of the information they receive.

➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories related to COVID-19, hospital protocols, and vaccines. It suggests that hospitals were intentionally harming patients and that the pandemic was a political agenda to bypass constitutional rights. The text also disputes the idea that the virus was man-made and criticizes the spread of fear and misinformation. It ends by urging people to trust science and not spread unverified information.


Trump says he didn’t rely on Fauci. He says, I didn’t trust him. Oh, really? He didn’t trust him at all? That’s funny. Seems like he did. Seems like he gave him everything that he wanted. So, in this, in the questions here, he says, COVID came from the Wuhan lab. He said the bat story is false. It should be called the Shina virus. You understand what he’s doing here, right? It’s what all these guys are doing. We don’t have to take responsibility for it. You know, first, they didn’t want to talk about there being a lab thing.

But the people in the alternative conservative media were saying, oh, oh, this is gain of function and it’s going to kill us all. Well, that was something to consider in December 2019. But by the beginning of January, we were seeing healthy young people doing fake falls. You know, we know what that looks like, you know, and putting it out on social media to scare everybody. We saw the Chinese locking people in their houses like, OK, OK, I’ve seen this movie before. It’s dark winter and, you know, practice in 2001. But these people who started saying, well, you know, it’s designed and it’s going to kill everybody.

They had no basis to say that. They still have no basis to say that there was no pandemic. You know it. I know it. We didn’t see people dropping dead in the streets and passing out like they were trying to pass us off on us from China. The the what China did was lay the psychological foundation to scare people. Right. China did not create a massive bioweapon. No matter what Fauci did, no matter how much money he spent and no matter how much, you know, Peter Daszak and all these other people spent to do this stuff, they got nothing.

They wound up shooting blanks if they even tried to do anything with that. There was no pandemic. I’m going to stress that because now we got a lot of same people and alternative media who said that some of them were purged for saying that that could be a possibility. And and I was opposing it because I knew that it was being used to scare people, conservatives, scaring them into getting the vaccine and scaring them into buying storeable food and masks and all the other stuff that these people were selling. But now they’re doing it again. And you got a lot of conservatives who are doing it again.

And there’s no excuse for this. Look, we need to get rid of gain of function. It’s an incredible waste of money. It’s a dangerous thing that can have problems. And I’ve been saying this for over a decade. Get rid of gain of function. However, to bring it up at this point in time, in my opinion, is to take us back to where we were in the first couple of months, the first quarter of 2020. Scaring people to death and preparing for them to get locked down, planting that seed of fear and doubt in people’s minds. That’s what this is about.

And I’m not going to support this from anybody. You know, I post it at info wars, but you got people like Peter McCullough and others who are pushing this kind of fear here. People like Zero Hedge, people like Breitbart. They’re pushing this bird flu pandemic stuff. And you got Redfield. And I talked about, you know, there’s an excellent article on vaccine impact,, talking about Redfield’s connections with the company that’s doing the testing equipment and the rest of this stuff. This is all about money, folks. So Trump says, did Fauci lie? Should he be prosecuted? He was asked rather.

And Trump says, well, Fauci was more involved with Biden. I didn’t rely on him because I didn’t trust him. I’ve played for you over and over again. The people begging him to fire Fauci. Well, we’ll see before the election. We’ll see. Vote for me. We’ll see what happens. He didn’t fire him. He gave him a medal. He likes what he did just like they like what Dan Andrews did. The people in power, the people in power like Fauci. Trump likes to talk about how he locked down the border to keep people from China from coming in as if China was the only threat.

No, it was the whole thing was a red herring and they’re still trying to redirect you to China and still redirect you to gain a function. Debbie Lerman at Brownstone says Jim Jordan should ask Fauci some of these questions. Who was responsible for the US government’s covid response policy, including censorship of dissenting views? Well, that would be a good question if you wanted to have congressional hearings, don’t you think? Why were the covid meetings classified? Why were they top secret? Was this something that’s being run by the military? Well, yes, of course it is.

Who was in charge of government communications about covid and so forth? Well, you know, while they’re doing this. Those are some questions. She’s right. The Jim Jordan should ask. I think those of us who are reporting on this should ask Jim Jordan. Why? Who paid for all this? Who paid for all this, Jim? And why aren’t you stopping the money from going to these programs anyway? You’re scaring everybody about gain a function. So put your money where your fear is. Stop funding it. This is funded by Congress. This is funded by the president who gave them the money over an executive emergency order.

So stop all of that. No, they’re not going to stop that at all. And like I said, then you got this is sent to me by a listener, Matthew. So this he said, hey, David, I’m beginning to think McCullough was a Trojan horse to get us to trust and to follow him during the pandemic. So we blindly follow his lead in the upcoming next pandemic. What do you think? Well, I appreciate the fact that he stood up and I think he paid a price for it. But I also think that he is selling something and I think he’s got a vested interest in selling that stuff now.

I’m not saying that he’s a grifter, but he is mistakenly, I think, pushing the lab leak. He’s pushing the bird flu indirectly. This is the article that he sent me. Chinese single immunization with the H5N1 virus like particle vaccine protects chickens against it, but enables more viral shedding. Dr. McCullough, there is no pandemic of bird flu. There was no pandemic of covid. And again, I have my differences with him because, you know, he’s talking about a covid pandemic. No, the pandemic was the vaccine and he’s done some good work on that. He even had a study that they published about how they might be able to stop the continual replication.

So he’s told the truth about the continual replication about some of these other things. But folks, be very cautious of these people. Don’t let them prod you into fear about a gain of function thing. As I said before, no matter how much money they spent, no matter how hard they tried, they did not have a gain of function pandemic. They had a bioweapon injection and they used the fear of a gain of function pandemic to create doubt in the minds of a lot of people who would normally said, I’m not taking some kind of experimental vaccine that’s never been tested.

We’ve never done anything like mRNA before. Those people were so afraid of the gain of function that they took it. And so it’s good that he’s done some of this stuff, but let’s understand that there is no bird flu pandemic that we need to be concerned about. The weapons that we need to be concerned about are the injections. Jason Barker, the media and the vaccine was the pandemic. That’s right. It was all psychological. It was all psychological until the shot. The shot was the weapon. Handy. Good to see you, Handy. I worked for the COVID hotbed of Georgia.

The pandemic was so severe, I was sent home many shifts in 2020 because the call volume was so low. That’s right. And, you know, I was saying this all the way through and I didn’t realize how many people at the beginning, I didn’t realize just how ridiculous the ventilator thing was. And I didn’t realize how many people were dying or put on it. I knew that remdesivir was bad. I covered that from the beginning. I knew that they tried to introduce it for AIDS and then for Ebola. And every time they said it doesn’t do anything, but it kills people.

And so I warned everybody about the remdesivir. When I looked at the pandemic, I knew there was no pandemic. And we saw Franklin Graham take his, you know, his tent up and go home without treating anybody. We saw the 2500 in New York City. We saw the 2500 Bed Army Hospital removed without treating anybody. We saw the hospital ship in New York and another one in L.A. removed. Nobody treated. There was no pandemic, folks. The pandemic was a bunch of grifting lies from the media, from the government. And what I saw as I focused on the PCR, so they’re using this PCR to say that anybody who dies from anything died from COVID.

But I think they were actually killing people with a hospital protocol. We’ve now seen that evidence. We’ve seen the do not resuscitate orders. We’ve seen all the different games that they were playing, even incentivizing with cash, giving money for burial to the families of people that they had kidnapped and killed. And so it is the hospital protocols that also kill people. It’s not just the injection, but it’s also the hospital protocol. That’s 100 percent Trump, 100 percent Trump, the lockdowns, hospital protocol, all of that stuff. So I mean, as Jason Barker has pointed out many times, Trump had that order to do it to the military.

They’re just waiting for the FDA to rubber stamp it. Jason Barker, excess deaths were trending downward during the entirety of the pandemic, then rose sharply after the vaccine. That’s right. Then they stopped reporting numbers to hide it. And they stopped talking about herd immunity, too, didn’t they? After they got a lot of people shot. Do not obey says the pandemic never had anything to do with the virus. From the get go, it was global political agenda using emergency powers to circumvent legislative protocols and our constitutional rights. Prince’s wrong thing. The lockdowns are necessary for the massive transfer of wealth and for a financial reset.

Paladin Pulture says my local news was saying the hospital was overflowing. Then I had to go to the hospital for a chronic condition I’ve always had. I discovered it was completely empty. And we’ve had a lot of independent journalists going around New York City, other places like that, showing it was empty, getting attacked by the hospital administrator. Get out of here. You know, I’m going to arrest you and all the rest of the stuff. I showed the videos of the nurses in Brazil. They all were masked up and all this kind of stuff. They walk around and, you know, the dance kind of dance around and open one by one.

The curtains that were pulled around a bed to show you that there’s nobody in the beds, nobody anywhere in the intensive care unit. Jason Barker long covet is likely just people getting sick that now have a compromised immune system from the backs and the boosters. I agree. Chevkin 321 packed hospitals and mass graves in Central Park. Yeah, didn’t happen. Remember that they put all this stuff out there. Oh, yeah, there’s there’s they’re burying people in Central Park. And then what they did was they did a retraction several days later and the retraction was buried. That is something that fixed itself in a lot of people’s minds.

Well, again, as we look at what is happening here with the bird flu, Dr. David Martin, I think he’s done a lot of good research as well, just like McCullough. But be careful, folks. Nobody’s right 100 percent of the time. And I really disagree with him on this. He says since 2002, coronavirus has been a manmade pathogen. It’s been engineered. Ralph Barak University, North Carolina, Chapel Hill and so forth and so on. Look, I had this quasi debate when I was in Infowars because Alex wanted to, you know, put me on to either contradict me or to say, well, you know, I always told everybody that it wasn’t a pandemic type of thing.

And he had been with Francis Boyle, Francis Boyle, who has fought against gain of function. And I told him, I said, I absolutely agree with you. We got to end gain of function. There’s absolutely no no good that can come of it. And so we need to end that. But I was absolutely adamant. And it’s I’ve been shown to be right with all due respect. That’s what he would come. Every now I would say something. Francis Boyle would come back and say, well, with all due respect, which is basically like bless your heart or the fact that I don’t have any respect for what you have to say.

So with all due respect, Dr. Boyle, you are wrong about the pandemic, grossly wrong to push the panic button. And all of you who did that have been shown to be wrong. It was and is the vaccine. It was and is the misinformation. And the bird flu stuff is out there right now. So to push all of this stuff and to say they’ve been engineering this for 20 years, what they engineered was how they were going to lie to us, how they were going to lock us down, how they were going to get an experimental vaccine.

Talk about that aspect of it. But to push the fact that this is a manmade pathogen, that we need to be concerned about this, that is absolutely, categorically not true. There is no evidence of that. I don’t care about your documents that you found. They may very well have thought that they may have wanted to do that. They may have thought they were going to do that. They may have tried to do that. That’s what your documents show. But the reality is that they failed if that’s what they wanted to do. So stop pushing the fear.

I’m not going to put up with this stuff. I don’t care who puts this out there. We got to stop these people from doing this again. Handy, there’s already fear pushers making videos on the bird flu pandemic on YouTube. Please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread farther. People have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask. Take your vaccine. Don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds. It’s The David Knight Show. [tr:trw].

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constitutional rights and COVID-19 COVID-19 conspiracy theories COVID-19 pandemic skepticism COVID-19 vaccine scare tactics criticism of gain of function theory fear manipulation through pandemic hospital protocols during COVID-19 man-made virus theory pandemic as political agenda President Trump's pandemic response questioning pandemic information role of Dr. Fauci in pandemic

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