Alexa? Am I Getting Fired?

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots

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➡ Dan informs that Amazon is laying off hundreds of employees from the Alexa division and cutting back on warehouse operations due to financial difficulties. Simultaneously, a cyber attack on Mr. Cooper, a mortgage company, prompts the filing of four class-action lawsuits. Troubling claim of bedbug infestation and chemical usage at Elon Musk’s Buffalo Gigafactory is also highlighted.
➡ The text discusses various topics including the failure of WeWork, its potential impact on commercial real estate, the Car of the Year being Toyota Prius, along with mentions of Elon Musk and Alexa. It also touches on lab-grown meat being banned in Italy, worries regarding the end of COVID mortgage forbearance potentially leading to a surge of homes going back to banks, the growing problem of debt, and Ford’s CEO stepping down.
➡ A man created a small fire using chips in a store due to dissatisfaction with service; chips serve as useful kindling in survival situations. Moreover, Brad Kirsner from Altimeter Finance warns about a potential tech revolution powered by AI that could leave 50% of the workforce unemployed. Thank you for viewing and be sure to like, subscribe and email for more content.


Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. You’re watching. I allegedly, and I’ve got a good one for you today because I want to know, Alexa, am I getting fired? Am I going to lose my job? Please take a second. Please hit the like button. Please subscribe to the channel. And today we have a sponsor, Patriot Gold, and I will talk about them a little later. But let’s get right into it.

First of all, first things first, Alexa. They are firing hundreds of people in the Alexa division for Amazon. And this is a big deal, guys, because, again, they’re not making the money that they made before. They’re closing warehouses, they’re cutting employee perks, they are changing everything with the way that they run their company. And what they’re doing is getting rid of Alexa. So this internal memo, how would you like to work there and find out that there’s an internal memo that gets circulated that, hey, we’re cutting all these people back, and here’s what we can do.

Let’s talk about severance. Let’s talk about who’s going pass. Okay? Again, nothing is worse in management than things like this. Nothing is worse than deception. When you work for somebody or you hire a company or anything, it’s horrible. Absolutely horrible. So first things first, guys. Alexa, this was going to revolutionize everything. And Amazon’s spinning it right now, and they’re saying, listen, with our new AI program, we want to work smarter and we want to work differently, as we know.

You guys shouldn’t look at it as a cutback of just employees. It’s what we’re doing to benefit the company in the future. Yeah, that’s what you say when you get caught. That’s what you say. But the fact that you’re innovating and being better is insane, okay? It’s absolutely ridiculous. So please, okay, don’t believe this stuff. All the internal memos, all the inside stories that are sent to me, the Amazon meetings, the people that sat in on Amazon meetings, and we’re talking about how, hey, we’re losing money.

We need to cut back. Do your part. Who can you get rid of? It’s the holidayS, guys. Things are supposed to be as busy as possible right now. People should be buying things. It’s funny, I’m a last minute guy. I love to shop on Christmas Eve. I’m that guy. Okay? I absolutely dig doing it. It’s one thing I always do and have always done since I was a kid.

There are people on the other end of the spectrum. When my mother was alive in May. Hey, guess what? I got you something for. Thanks, Mom. Okay. Okay. And I’m not kidding, there are people that shop really early. That’s not happening this year because they don’t have any money. Now, Amazon sees that. Amazon sees trends. Trends in markets are something you cannot ignore. You just can’t. You can sit there and say, it’s just in Canada that Amazon’s down.

No, it’s around the world. I’m at the sanctuary for the animals at the Flamingo right now. It’s nice. It’s just a fun place to see the birds and hang out. It’s really cool. So you have to look at this. There’s going to be more layoffs, but to have layoffs now for anybody that sells anything on a retail level or shopping is crazy. Okay, now think about this. Remember we talked about Mr.

Cooper, the mortgage company that got hit with a cyber attack? Oh, yeah, Dan, I remember that. Well, think about this. There are already four class action lawsuits about this. And if you are a Mr. Cooper customer, you need to get on board with this. You need to make sure, because what’s going to happen, what these lawyers are going to do now, will you get tens of thousands of dollars or whatever? Probably not.

But what you’re going to get is you’re going to find out exactly. If your data got compromised, then you have a claim. Now, you’ve got to talk to the lawyers to see if you give up your claim and give up your rights. But you can talk to these lawyers and it will be free for you unless they get a settlement. But this is ridiculous. The way that they handled this, and they got caught red handed.

Think about this. 4. 3 billion customers. The 4. 3 billion loan, okay, $937,000,000,000. Okay, hello. 4. 3 million. 937,000,000,000. Okay, pardon me if I misspoke right there. The point is, Alexa, how much money is that? $217,000 in loans. Guys, $217,906 is the average loan with Mr. Cooper. Some are clearly bigger, some are smaller. But the point is that, guys, this is an absolute disaster. This is something that they just.

Hey, on Halloween, yeah, we got hit with this cyberattack and we’re trying to control it. No, they had to, because it was so big and they got. Everything was taken. And if you think about this, your data, what do they have of yours? Do they have loan applications? Seriously, they have everything on you. If they have that, they’ve got your income, they’ve got your social, they’ve got everything about you okay? You know how valuable that would be to the bad guys? It’d be huge.

Okay. So good old Mr. Cooper. Alexis. Mr. Cooper, a good guy. I don’t know who Mr. Cooper is. Anyway, okay. I am out here for the Formula One race with my daughter. Last night was the practice round, which was insane. Ten minutes into the practice round, a Ferrari car went over a drain cover. It did so much damage to the car, sparks are flying. And it did what they think is about $2 million of damage to the car.

Now, here’s the crazy thing. Ferrari said this is unsafe. We’re going to have nothing to do with this. Ferrari got penalized then for this. Not only did your car have to get literally picked up by a crane and put on a truck, but you’re going to get penalized for that happening. The governing body of all F one, which I am new to. I don’t understand any of this stuff, said that the entire venue is unsafe.

How cool is that? No. Las Vegas Racing, LLC, Formula One, whatever it’s called, said. It’s just that one manhole cover, the one drain cover. So we sealed it down. It’s all good. Now, here’s what’s crazy, guys, I’m going to show you. We’ll do some insert myself inside this stuff. But you guys, we had the practice round ended. Ten minutes into it. They rescheduled it for 02:00 a. m.

, now, I don’t care where you were on the strip, okay? These cars are going 200 miles an hour. No one was sleeping. It was absolutely amazing. So I’m going to cut to the insert and you’re going to see where we were at in the tractor. Just a few minutes of that, but that lasted ten minutes. And then it switched over to the live practice. Round number two started at 02:00 a.

m. So anybody that was here on the strip was not sleeping. But check this out. Let’s talk about our sponsor, Patriot Gold Group. When people think about buying gold, they think about how difficult it is and, oh, my gosh, how do you do it? Well, the best thing that you can do is call Patriot Gold Group today. 88833 00:14 31 get yourself a free investor guide. It’s absolutely no obligation.

But think about everything that we are witnessing in this world. No matter what happens, the economy is in real trouble right now. You’re going to see governments that will basically go out of business over the course of the next year or two. And you know what they’re going to do? They’re going to print money hand over fists, and they’re going to make it completely worthless. You need a hedge against that.

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Our deficit is out of control. This country is out of control. Call them today and protect your future and protect your retirement. And let them know that Dan from I allegedly sent you, ladies and gentlemen, with the Formula One Heineken Silver 2023. Are you ready to see your heroes? Does. Hey, Alexa, does Elon Musk have bedbugs? Well, at his Buffalo plant in New York, the gigafactory, he’s got bugs.

Guys. The workers there are freaking out because they’ve been victimized by this. And they’ve treated thEm. They’ve sprayed the facility. They said it’s left a film on it, and there’s a toxic chemical. They’re saying that’s made them sick. Now, this is also Tesla Solar, Tesla Autopilot, but man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man. This is something that there’s certain people that can’t handle chemicals, okay? My late girlfriend was one of those people that was very susceptible to smells.

And anything that was sprayed like that, it would make her so ill. And these people are just feeling the wrath of this right now. But think about this. Bedbugs. Bedbugs in an office building. By the way, the office building is 1. 2 million sqft. How big of a warehouse is that? That’s a city, guys. But Elon’s got bedbugs. Don’t forget that. And Alexa can do nothing about it.

So there’s that great article about WeWork, and originally I was going to title this video, WeWork isn’t working. No, it’s not. Adam Newman. Wow, what a salesman this guy was. He went out and took office space and then sublet it and tried to turn it into a cozy experience for everybody. And you know what it was? It was a joke, guys. It was an absolute joke because they raised billions of dollars, okay? This place was worth over $60 billion at one point, and now it’s facing bankruptcy.

And all the investors, SoftBank, all these other Japanese banks, they’re all sitting there saying, whoa, wait a second. What did we put our money into. How about asking a question or two up front? This pot smoking guy with his private jet was flying around, fleecing investors, convincing them that he was going to change the world. How? You know what’s funny is when you look back at certain things and you go, who put money into that? This is one of those things.

The guy rented office buildings, bought some office buildings. On your money and on the investors money and on shareholders money. Remember, this thing was going to go public and completely fell flat because the jig was up. People realized that this thing was an absolute scam and there was nothing there. So now, because of the amount of office spaces they control around the United States, you’re going to see massive, massive problems with commercial real estate completely collapsing around us.

Now, the next thing. Car of the Year, 2024. Okay, what is it? What’s it going to be? The Tesla. Maybe it’s a lucid that it costs $227,000 more than you purchase the car for. Maybe it’s one of those. No, it’s the good old Toyota Prius, guys. One. And again. And again. It’s an electric car. No, it’S a hybrid car. There’s a big difference, guys. The hybrid cars are great.

I’ve had a few priuses in my life, and they get amazing gas mileage. They’re reliable, and theY’re Toyotas. They go forever. But again, CAr of the Year, a Toyota. So does that shock anybody? It didn’t shock me. When I saw the picture, I thought, oh, my God, is that a Lucid car? And I must have lost my mind. But then I said, alexa, what’s the car of the year? And she told me.

So I hope you guys are enjoying the Formula One in the background. It’s wild to see this, to hear this was just an Amazing experience, guys. It was unbelievable how loud this was. I couldn’t believe it. And the fact that they practice at 02:00 a. m. 02:00 a. m. I’m not making that up. Local time was just an experience in itself. So share your thoughts on this stuff.

There’s a lot more to cover. I love it when you guys send me stuff. First thing. Monty was on fire today because he sent me two amazing stories that I didn’t know about until he sent them to me first. One, lab, grown meat in Italy. No, they said, pass. It’s illegal. They made it so that it cannot be Distributed to people. They want to support the culinary arts of Italy, is what they said.

And also, they don’t want to eat something some spongy thing grown in a lab. Okay, what’s in my pasta? Just think about that. What is that on my pizza, Mommy? Okay. Yeah, it’s something grown in a lab. No. You want some meat? You want some sausage? You want some chunk? You want some pork? You want some chicken? You want all that stuff? Okay. The second thing, which is Amazing, was he sent me the story about forbearance.

Mortgage forbearance because of COVID ends November 30. For people that have taken advantage of this, it ends November 30. So you better come up with a plan, because if you haven’t paid your mortgage in almost three years, three plus years, you got a problem, to say the least. Okay? And mortgage forbearance. Here’s the thing. The articles below, we suggest that you contact your lender now instead of waiting.

It’s only two weeks until the end of the month and the end of this period. And people now are going to get around to this. You’re going to see so many houses. Go back to the bank. Now, think about this. The low number is 236,000 homes. 236,000 homes. The high number is 2 million. Okay? I don’t have faith in either one of those numbers. I think they’re both wrong.

But where is it at? Somewhere in between 500,000, 300,000. A million people got these mortgage forbearance, God only knows. Okay? But what you’re going to see is you’re going to see a slew, an absolute slew of homes. Go back to the bank. That’s why the banks are getting ready for REO divisions, which is real estate owned by the bank. They’re getting ready for that. And it’s unlike anything that we’ve seen ever.

Ray Dalio, who was former CEO of Bridgewater, the largest hedge fund in the world, stepped forward and said, listen, our debt is such a huge problem in this country, personally and through institutions and through businesses, that it’s going to explode and come to a head. And this is going to be something that people won’t know how to deal with during this time. So you’re going to see some real problems with debt.

And because of the way that things are collapsing in the holiday season right now, you’re going to see this as a real problem with everything. So share your thoughts on this stuff, guys, because this is only getting worse right now. I love it when you guys send me stuff. First thing, Monty was on fire today because he sent me two amazing stories that I didn’t know about until he Sent them to me first.

One lab grown meat in Italy. No, they said, pass. It’s illegal. They made it so that it cannot be distributed to people. They want to support the culinary arts of Italy, is what they said. And also, they don’t want to eat something. Some spongy thing grown in a lab. Okay, what’s in my pasta? Just think about that. What is that on my pizza, Mommy. Okay. Yeah, it’s something grown in a lab.

No. You want some meat? You want some sausage? You want some chunk? You want some pork? You want some chicken? You want all that stuff? Okay. The second thing, which is amazing, was he sent me the story about forbearance. Mortgage forbearance because of COVID ends November 30. For people that have taken advantage of this, it ends November 30. So you better come up with a plan, because if you haven’t paid your mortgage in almost three years, three plus years, you got a problem, to say the least.

Okay. And mortgage forbearance. Here’s the thing. The articles below, we suggest that you contact your lender now instead of waiting. It’s only two weeks until the end of the month and the end of this period. And people now are going to get around to this. You’re going to see so many houses. Go back to the bank. Now think about this. The low number is 236,000 homes. 236,000 homes.

The high number is 2 million. Okay. I don’t have faith in either one of those numbers. I think they’re both wrong. But where is it at? Somewhere in between 500,000, 300,000. A million people got these mortgage forbearance? God only knows. Okay? But what you’re going to see is you’re going to see a slew, an absolute slew of homes. Go back to the bank. That’s why the banks are getting ready for REO divisions, which is real estate owned by the bank.

They’re getting ready for that. And it’s unlike anything that we’ve seen ever. Ray Dalio, who was former CEO of Bridgewater, the largest hedge fund in the world, stepped forward and said, listen, our debt is such a huge problem in this country, personally and through institutions and through busInesses, that it’s going to explode and come to a head. And this is going to be something that people won’t know how to deal with during this time.

So you’re going to see some real problems with debt. And because of the way that things are collapsing in the holiday season right now, you’re going to see this as a real problem with everything. So share your thoughts on this stuff guys, because this is only getting worse right now. I’m going to end this video with these last few stories and we will get back to our regular schedule tomorrow, guys.

And this has just been very cool to be part of this Formula One experience, but the hours are just all over the map. It’s unbelievable. Dr. Marvin, who always contributes the coolest thing, sent me a few stories, but one of them was about hatchet man in New York that decided that he just wanted to go rob and steal with a hatchet and did damage to a store and did damage know merchandise and everything.

But that’s the sign of the times. Somebody else also sent me a TikTok where a man asked nicely where certain chips were in the store and they were like over there. And the guy didn’t like the response. So with that, he set the chips on fire. And one thing that you guys can have in a survival situation is if you need to start a fire quickly, you can go get potato chips and they burn like kindling.

Doritos lays all that stuff. It’s just they light fantastic. Okay, final story is Brad Kirsner of Altimeter Finance. He runs an investment fund that is AI and tech driven. He said, I want people to understand that what we’re going through right now is going to be a revolution in the tech space. And you’re going to see, think about this. If AI increases productivity 50%, you’re going to see a minimum of 20% of the people lose their job.

Most likely half the people lose their job. That is crazy, guys. Absolutely crazy. So please don’t forget to hit the like button. Please subscribe to the channel. If you want to email me, it’s hello@iallegedly. com. I’m in the wedding chapel area now for the hotel, so isn’t this great? Maybe I’ll get married in the next five minutes. Okay, share your thoughts, guys. Thank you for being here. Like subscribe, do the dance.

I’ll see you guys later. Okay. We’ll be back in our regular schedule tomorrow. .


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Amazon Alexa division layoffs bedbug infestation at Buffalo Gigafactory chemical usage at Elon Musk's factory class-action lawsuits against Mr. Cooper cyber attack on Mr. Cooper end of COVID mortgage forbearance financial difficulties at Amazon lab-grown meat ban in Italy Toyota Prius Car of the Year WeWork failure impact on commercial estate

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