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➡ President Joe Biden has signed a new policy to expand the US nuclear arsenal. This happened around the same time as a simulated nuclear strike by a US Air Force B-52N on the Kaliningrad region. Meanwhile, Russia is planning military exercises in Cuba and considering arming nations that are US adversaries with advanced Russian weaponry. These actions, along with other global military and political activities, suggest increasing tensions and potential conflict between the US, Russia, and their respective allies.


Joe Biden has signed a new guidance on nuclear weapons. The US is now officially going to be expanding its nuclear arsenal. This just the day before today when a US Air Force B-52N did a simulated nuclear strike on the Kaliningrad region. On June 8th this morning the Intercontinental Strategic Bomber B-52N of the US Air Force, capable of carrying nuclear weapons, approached the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and reached a missile launch position. Experts regard the flight of a single aircraft as practicing a simulated nuclear strike on the semi-Russian exclave.

Now yesterday of course the Russians announced that they were going to be parking for warships as well as a nuclear-powered emphasis on power not nuclear-armed submarine in the region of Cuba where they’re going to be doing exercises. Just the day before that, Vladimir Putin said that he is going to be looking at potentially arming nations with advanced Russian weaponry who are adversaries of the United States. Now I want to give you guys some perspective on what has happened in the last 60 days to put this all in perspective and maybe it might explain why I’m getting very close to being completely off-grid out here.

Now Biden has increased the nuclear arsenal or plans to. All NATO countries permit Ukraine to strike Russian territory with their weapons and they’re going to keep expanding and pushing back the goalposts further. Nuclear submarine moved to Cuba. Nuclear powered not nuclear armed but it’s a step in that direction. Russia of course to arm adversarial nations. The election will make no difference according to Vladimir Putin. Poland applies for nuclear weapons. The Baltics start digging trenches along the border with Russia. Ukraine is mining its own border on the NATO side to keep people in to keep people from escaping.

Not even dual citizens are allowed to escape anymore. NATO has a plan now to deploy 300,000 American troops in a Schengen style throughout Europe if and when they go to war with Russia or in my personal hypothetical view it’s likely because they want to be able to have a force that can go in there after the nuclear bombs drop. Frequent cyber attacks in telecom outages in the last 60 days on many countries around the world. We have attacks on weapons manufacturing facilities inside Europe and America. We also have Polish border rapid militarization currently underway.

We have the US equipping Ukraine with the equipment to endure nuclear emergencies. We have a combined total in the last 60 days of around a hundred billion dollars more than that likely pledged to Ukraine over the next couple years. Mike Johnson completely flip-flopped on Russia calling for strikes deep into Russian territory. Zelensky was put on a wanted list by the Russians. The Russians and Belarusians are doing tactical nuclear drills on the border. The tactical nukes are armed and ready. The UK initiated a new public awareness campaign advising their populations to prepare for shtf as did Latvia and recently Germany as I broke down in a recent video.

Los Angeles did a nuclear wargaming exercise which simulated how different government bodies would coordinate if there was a nuclear strike on LA largely missed by everybody except people who watch this panel of course. The US is committed to building a new doomsday plane. Poland is offering emergency training emergency military training to all civilians to warm people up to the prospect of potential conscription which is on the horizon. The US is authorizing Ukraine to attack Crimea with long-range weapons. Recall that happened just a couple weeks before they had secretly deployed the attack of missiles there and then gave them the green light to actually attack Russia proper.

Germany had plans leaked that stated their intention to destroy the Crimean bridge or help out the Ukrainians in that capacity. We had numerous diplomats and ambassadors expelled from many countries in both Russia and in Europe. Of course we talked about the Latvia 100 page document on how to prepare for World War 3 which is incredibly in-depth. We have very dire and perilous warnings from Alexander Vusik and Orban from Hungary who’s saying that NATO is planning on going to war with Russia and there’s not much time left. Ukrainian draconian mobilization continues in full swing.

Of course we had the Crocus terror attacks. We had the French instructors enter into Ukraine and now there’s going to be a coalition of instructors. That’s what Macron’s next goal is, is to have a coalition of instructors. Instructors enter into Ukraine. These are going to be more so intelligence gathers and of course they don’t want to bring Ukrainians into other countries to train them because they’re going AWOL. That’s my hypothesis on that. France has done its own nuclear test in the past couple months, not a actual live nuclear detonation but certainly flexing its nuclear deployment systems.

We had another attempted invasion into Russia from Belgorod. The Ukrainian power grid has essentially been completely destroyed. Vladimir Putin called the US the enemy for the first time. We have unprecedented back-to-back Minuteman missile test. Typically there is but one every couple quarters, every half a year. Now they’re about to do their third test in within the span of a couple weeks. A third Minuteman nuclear missile test, not armed with nuclear missiles but this is very rare and it’s a sign that things are definitely heating up. Belarus has suspended the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.

Of course we had that incident where we had the Russian noticed airmen off the California coast. The US banned Russian uranium. Russia loaded new Beluga nuclear launch submarine missiles into service. Recently EU and NATO leaders are all calling on their populations to prepare for war. Countries are now mulling and openly talking about bringing back conscription. Of course we had the assassination attempt of Robert Fico. We had the US voting against draft resolution for space disarmament. Claims that Russia has already launched a space weapon. You remember all that space rhetoric? Yes, that is still a thing.

Poland is building is spending billions of dollars on border defense, bunkers, trenches and hedgehogs and camera systems, security, the whole nine yards and now one of their soldiers has been killed by one of the immigrants on that border. Attacks on the Kharkov region and evacuations began about a month and a half ago or so. Russia is moving the border in the Baltic Sea. They just arbitrarily one day decided that we’re going to be moving this border in the sea because I guess something likely provoked by what NATO is doing right now with all their exercises out there.

Ukraine drones knock out 14% of Russians refining oil refining capacity and that continues to this day. In fact I’m guessing that within the last 48 hours there was another major one. I can’t remember where it was but it’s still ongoing. The US did a subcritical nuclear test in Nevada. The US deployed four B-52 nuclear bombers to the UK. Poland blamed Russia for the massive fire at their shopping mall. Just another case of what some might call a terroristic activity or asymmetrical warfare. Russia considers, gives serious consideration I should say to doing a demonstrative nuclear strike.

Putin mobilized the government at various government departments for war economy. Further consolidating power. He had that meeting where he essentially said that everybody has to act as though they’re on the front lines. Recall that Ukraine just got a ASC 890 recon aircraft from Sweden. We have accusations of space-based nuclear weapons. Russians nuclear radars destroyed a green light to shoot down Russian warplanes with the US weapons using Patriot missile systems. We have Russia’s loss of AWACS planes. We have talks of no-fly zones. Talks of troops entering Ukraine. Ukraine sent more attack and Patriot systems.

Under the radar of course we have the very likely transfer of F-16s already underway. We have the attacks on Russian oil refineries that I already stated. Militarization of every European country which are outfitting their civil infrastructure. Preparing hospitals for mass casualties. Centralized power structures. Suspended elections in Ukraine of course and massive stockpiling starting to take place especially in Germany by the German attack down on alternative media in various countries including and not limited to what happened to Alex Jones recently and there was something that happened to another big name.

Who was it again? I can’t quite remember but it was some big name. I mean pretty much anybody who is espousing libertarian views at this point in time is getting the book they’re throwing at them and NATO continues their training to land fighter jets on highways preparing for nuclear war. Now that was just scratching the surface. There was also the price of gold that spiked. There was bird flu deaths. Very unexplained bird flu deaths. One a child who apparently came back from India and had no contact with chicken and the same thing happened also in Mexico.

No contact. That means there are people out there spreading. Whatever it is they’re getting ready to drop on us. We had the very anomalous Berkshire Hathaway crash glitch where one of the most expensive ETFs in the world crashed like 99% for a brief period of time. We had a chat GPT-4 unveiling Sora and 4-0 which are very advanced artificial intelligence systems that many people think passed the recurring test meaning that we’re already approaching very quickly artificial general intelligence. We have GameStop 2.0 currently underway. We have the US banking system increasing their debt load by 517 billion.

That’s just the US banking system. Okay we have each record shattered around the world particularly in India where the temperatures reached 53 degrees Celsius. Ocean temps continue to shatter records for several consecutive years in a row. We had the solar flare scare that everybody’s already forgot about. We have record high credit card delinquencies. TikTok was banned in numerous countries signaling the initiation of a multi-polar world and that of course front ran the trade war that is currently underway with China. We have the interest on the debt that is accumulating to completely unmanageable levels.

The world set a new record for military spending at 2.4 trillion. Bird flu was found in milk and cows for the first time ever and now it is essentially prevalent in those populations it seems. Of course in the Middle East Iranian president died. Most people forgot about all that already. Iran pledged full support for Hezbollah yesterday. The Iranian nuclear deal has essentially collapsed. Israel is stockpiling bunkers on the northern front in anticipation of a war with Lebanon. They have also mobilized 50,000 troops. Lebanon or Hezbollah I should say more specifically was accused of lighting the fires in the northern part of Israel.

Iran of course conducted the largest ever surface-to-surface attack in history against Israel. We have a shoot down of approximately five US drones by the Houthis and various factions of the IRGC throughout the Iraq. We have of course the Rafa invasion that began today. They’re storming the White House in protest. We have Egyptian clashes with Israeli forces. We had the ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu. We have Iran getting their first deliveries of Russian fighter jets in China. Of course remember China was simulating that massive invasion training or what was it I guess blockade training was called joint sword.

The largest ever training that they’ve ever did like that. We have shipping rates for containers doubling. We have the Nvidia bubble still underway from Captain Taiwan. Remember where all the Nvidia chips are made? That’s in Taiwan. That’s why it’s so important. That’s why it’s propping up the US economy right now. Chinese general says that the United States is the biggest contributor of global chaos. China continues to stockpile core commodities oil grain precious metals copper and rare earths although they allegedly have taken a break from their gold purchases in the past month.

Not really sure what the reason for that is. The US is starting a trade war with China increasing tariffs on green tech. Of course we did have the TikTok ban. The Chinese and the Russians are locking in a very strong and extensive strategic partnership when we still continue to have the Chinese selling record amounts of US treasuries. On the North Korean front we had balloon wars balloons full of fishees flown over into South Korea. We have the reinstatement of the demilitarized zone artillery drills on behalf of the South Koreans.

We had numerous salvo launches displays of forces just on both sides of the fence. We have the US and South Korea training to conduct nuclear strikes against South Korea. We of course have the North Koreans sending openly now sending copious amounts of artillery shells and weapon systems into Russia and all of these countries be they North Korea, China, Russia and Iran are all starting to exercise a higher degree of interoperability with one another and you had the suspension of the Korean Tension Reduction Act. Is that all that happened in the past two months? There’s claims that Iran has already had nuclear weapons.

North Korean Iran demonstrate MLRS and rocket systems disguised as shipping containers and civilian vehicles and again all of these countries are starting to become more interoperable with one another and here we are Vladimir Putin yesterday probably for the fourth day in a row mentioned nuclear weapons but this time he was at the Saint Petersburg conference so he had to alleviate some fears that nuclear Armageddon was nigh because of course if people know that nuclear Armageddon is nigh they’re not going to invest as much right but that wasn’t his tune all week and you can bet that he’s giving these mixed messages because he’s giving messages to the West and messages to the East that’s what’s going on today folks I gotta go cut down some trees get some firewood and fire off the shotgun a little bit you know this is a Beretta 1301 tactical everybody was talking about how great these things are I don’t know I mean the stock just feels a little too plasticky for me you know you get out here into the country and you want like an old-school steel gun you know something that really absorbs that recoil but we’ll give it a shot apparently it’s got some really good reviews semi-auto shotgun so we’re gonna go and you know put a few downrange shoot some maybe shoot some play targets or something like that but time is of the essence my friends and stay tuned because we have a very special guest tomorrow who’s going to talk all about how to get your ass off-grid while the getting is still good and doing it in a way which is not going to break the bank which is the most important thing talk to you guys on the flip side

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Advanced Russian weaponry in global politics Arming US adversaries with Russian weaponry Global military tensions increase Kaliningrad region nuclear simulation Potential conflict between US and Russia President Joe Biden new nuclear policy Russia military exercises in Cuba Simulated nuclear strike US Air Force B-52N US allies in potential conflict US nuclear arsenal expansion US Russia political activities

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